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4902305 No.4902305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I cried at the end of reading Les Miserables, when I was 14.

>> No.4902323

Of mice and menenenenenenen.

>> No.4902327

Does crying from laughter count?

>> No.4902331

All the fucking time. Last one was reading transcripts of the My Lai massacre inquiry.

>> No.4902457

Cried finishing Imajica by Clive Barker for the second time. It's so goddamn beautiful *sobs*

>> No.4902511

The Happy Prince by Wilde.

>> No.4902530

Once and Future King ending

>> No.4902558

I felt like I was suffocating when I read the HP Lovecraft story of switched bodies.

>> No.4902577

incarnations of burned children made me tearfully sad on a couple levels

>> No.4902589

If you don't cry after reading the Old Man and the Sea, you aren't human.

>> No.4902674

the part in Blood Meridian with the old hunter where he wonders if there are other worlds really hit me hard for some reason.

>> No.4902681

What did you find so tragic about the ending?

It was somewhat sad I suppose

>> No.4902683

Terrible book, terrible.

>> No.4902715
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At Brothers Karamazov, when Dosto writes that he has intention of writing more about the relationship between Ivan and Katerina But Ivan has gone mad and you know, that's the last book Fyodor wrote

>> No.4902727

I cried at the end of brothers K. Hurrah for Karamazov!

>> No.4903968

I cried at the end of a book when I was 13-14. It wasn't even a sad moment; there was a character death at the end of the same book and I didn't cry about that. It was a particularly beautiful and unexpected description of a starry sky.
I also cried while reading a poem once, for a similar reason. Tears of awe, I suppose.

>> No.4903994

>"This is a rebellion" "No it's just politely returning the ticket"
>All those feels

>> No.4904001

I almost cried when reading Crime and Punishment, how fucking uplifting the ending was after all that heavy psycho shit.

>> No.4904044

>tfw no qt Christ figure gf to hold hands with

>> No.4904074

Don't Go Quietly Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas. That shit gets me every time.

>> No.4904078

When my aunt died of cancer, it didn't really hit me since I was in a different country and couldn't come to her funeral - it didn't seem real and I wasn't really sad.

I was reading a rather shitty book at the time (A is for Anything from Damon Knight), and for some reason, a character was shot in the book. That's when my aunt's death fully hit me, and I cried. We were close and she didn't deserve to die like that. She had bought a new car but couldn't drive it since the chemo made her throw up; her goal was to survive the cancer and drive the car. She never got to drive it.
Haven't picked up the book since and I'll never finish it.

>> No.4904184

i like laughter from crying

>> No.4904206
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A Korean novel called "Please Look After Mom" made me cry like a bitch. In public.

>> No.4904226

"Tell me about them rabbits, George."
"You'll hear about them rabbits," cocks pistol. "In HELL!" unloads barrel into Lenny's dome.