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4913147 No.4913147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a morally questionable story about a relationship with a minor girl. I'm putting my feelings here.
Am I committing social suicide?

>> No.4913149

Rather suicide of creativity.

>> No.4913152

Why would you think social suicide? We both know you don't have any friends.

>> No.4913154

I love you, guys. This is why I keep browsing 4chan.

>> No.4913166

No; pedophilia is perfectly fine in most cases. Fuck society.

>> No.4913180

so you're writing lolita?

>> No.4913185

Straight man finds small child he finds attractive.
He eventually confronts the child and starts to grope.
He reaches down the child's pants and feels a bulge

>> No.4913191

Not if you're French

>> No.4913207

Have you ever been in a relationship with a small child?

I'm only 22 and I recently hooked up with an 18 year old and found her too vapid to pursue a serious relationship with.

Not only is there a generational gap of knowledge and references but she's going to be solely interested in high school bullshit and have no clue about living on her own and so on.

I assume you have some sort of sexual hang-up from your youth? Trying to have a relationship with a minor girl now that you're an adult because all the minor girls hated you when you were the same age?

Sad stuff, bro.

>> No.4913209


>Am I committing social suicide?

Unless you're one of the greatest prose stylists of your generation you will indeed be most fucked.

>> No.4913215

I'm sure that the producer of Notes on a Scandal wasn't stoned to death.

>> No.4913216


>hooked up with an 18 year old and found her too vapid to pursue a serious relationship with

big fucking shock there m8.

>> No.4913218

I know an 18 year old who exclusively hooks up with men aged 25-36ish.
dad left her mum, what a surprise

>> No.4913225

I really don't want to believe that /lit/'s denizens are mostly high schoolers, but the evidence just keeps turning up.

>> No.4913235

>I'm only 22 and I recently hooked up with an 18 year old
That's pretty normal, bro. I met a girl who when she was 15 went out with a 35yo guy.

>Not only is there a generational gap of knowledge and references but she's going to be solely interested in high school bullshit and have no clue about living on her own and so on.
You should try to find more mature girls. Age does not mean anything. What matters is the experiences she has lived.

>I assume you have some sort of sexual hang-up from your youth?
No one hated me, but you're not wrong at all.

Then, I should keep practicing.

>> No.4913239

I'm 23, I can't know younger people?

>> No.4913243

I've lost a lot of friends because I'm a bastard for stealing/flirting with other dudes' girlfriends, but nobody has ever said a word to me over all the underage girls I've been with, lol. It's basically a rite of passage where I'm from.

(Except one time this girl was playing hard to get, so I went with her underage cousin instead. They look like exactly the same. She got mad, lol.)

>> No.4913253

Dat tanktop
>It makes me feel

Yeah well, me too

>> No.4913257

It was just a Lolita-esque kiss, probably the sexiest kiss I ever got in my life ... and now that girl isn't as pretty anymore and it was just that kiss and it haunts me, lol.

>> No.4913260

>implying you're not a delusional virgin
Enjoy your hand faggot

>> No.4913263

I don't think anyone cares about your stories, lol.

>> No.4913264

I care.

Keep going, please.

>> No.4913265

Sounds like you are, mate.
Nah, I doubt it. Expression, though.

>> No.4913270

Nothing more to it, dude, sorry. Actually it was such a Loita-esque kiss, too, because that other girl was nearly my first kiss ever, only I turned her down because her breath stank like fuck (I was kid ... chick is a fucking supermodel), loooooool.

>> No.4913275

Wow, that's actually hilarious, I never copped that before.

>> No.4913278

I know you are but what am I, lol.
A "Lolita-esque kiss"? What the fuck does that mean other than in that she was underage as you had previously established? You're just throwing together words that sound vaguely appropriate to the context.

>> No.4913279

I can smell the virginity

>> No.4913283

Actually there is more to it, it was at that first chick's like 21st birthday party (I was 21, too) and her cousin was like 15, and I was on drugs, pure drowsy and drunk, just looking at her with like this half smile (I imagine I was pretty sexy; I am sexy in that cheeky way) and she was like "What?" and was like "Can I have a kiss?" and it was the hottest fucking thing ever, looooool. LOL. Man, that was one of my best moments, thinking about it.

>> No.4913285

Age doesn't meany everything. It's just a number. But it still means something.

Usually when older guys go out with younger girls, it implies that the older guy is immature -- not that the girl is mature.

>> No.4913289

Oh, she was kinda like a chav girl, cheeky too, only she didn't look it, and she was wearing this little pink top with only stings over her shoulders and tiny little tits, damn. And that smile and that kiss. Bitches, I'm a fucking pimp, be mad.

>> No.4913290

Anon itd pretty normal. Young women are dumb. I knew many girls in high school who dated married men and yes you read that correctly.

Freshman dating seniors and now in college most of the women date older guys with real jobs. Women are competted for by the "un washed masses" but they usually choose "mature" men.

Mature is synonymous with wealthy.

Dated a girl when I was 17, she was 16. She left me for a twenty two year old grown man. I told her it was a bad idea, that it would eventually become boring. I was righy and years later she camr crawling back and admitted that my foresight was right. She was pretty upset because she wasted like 4 years with him, cheated on him all the time etc.

Men and women op, we have different interests and at certain ages like teens, 20 seems appealing because of money and when you are in your twenties dating a gigh school senior it appeals because she has all day to nail your brains out.

Few relationships like the have any real meaning other than sex. Its rare to have more than sex in high school, even yourcearly twenties these days

>> No.4913299

>I'm a girl btw

>> No.4913300

how is that morally questionable?

>> No.4913304

And she was like a year older than my youngest brother, lol, and he was all like "You're sick" and I was like "You're a faggot" and I won the argument. He loves hearing stories about me breaking the law generally, just I guess I was moving in on his turf, lol.

>> No.4913306
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>I've lost a lot of friends because I'm a bastard for stealing/flirting with other dudes' girlfriends

you're a worm cunt. betraying friends just to take a quick desperate chance to get your dick wet. shit is sad, bro. you're worth nothing.

>> No.4913323

I don't give two fucks, dude. Why should I? It's not like girls are property, they can make their own decisions.

(Also, my best friend has been gay for me since way back, lol. It's cool though, he's still a tough guy womanizer, just grew up without a father and really appreciates my alpha)

>> No.4913329

I guess there's definitely some spitefulness in that though, thinking about it. I was all down for true love one time too, but that died. Nice bit of introspection you dudes just provided, cheers.

>> No.4913334

Lol. Agreed with the women are not property part. I remember fucking my friend's girlfriend once and using that same excuse.

Although, you still seem like a wanker (no offense, it's just cause you call girls chavs)

>> No.4913335

Man, I am a fucked up dude, lol.

>> No.4913339

I didn't mean offense by that. That's just the sort of person she was. Cheeky little rebellious teen.

>> No.4913341

Quality thread.

>> No.4913343

Hey, I was the same.

>> No.4913344

You probably cant pull a Nabokov

Use an alias or the answer is yes.

>> No.4913346

The amount of "lol" in this thread is really indicative of the maturity level of these boys seeking relationships with young girls.

>> No.4913354

I'm mature. I've been cold turkey off the drugs for nearly a year now. Also my life is fucking hilarious.

>> No.4913357


>I don't give two fucks, dude.

lol yeah you do. you habitually fuck over your friends and you bring it up like it's a point of pride.

you try to sound game as fuck but it'll probably be a long ass time before you come to terms with just how insecure you are.

your behavior is just another beta way of lacking all self-respect and honor by putting the pussy on a pedestal and you don't even see it. you're a worm and you will never have the respect of the men around you if you keep doing this desperate loser shit.

>> No.4913370
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>Everyone still has to pretend they are not sexually attracted to young girls in 2014 even in fiction.

>> No.4913372

I actually reconciled what I've been doing with a sort of anger there, dickhead. And I don't have a whole lot of respect for hardly any dude I meet, so what? It's always the same whiny, selfish bullshit. But I have some respect.
Sure bro

>> No.4913378

You do realise you sound like a slut-shamer, right? That is, you're fucking pathetic. Admit it. You hate sluts.

>> No.4913380

And I don't even put pussy on a pedestal, it's all as empty as everything else.

>> No.4913385

Shit, I just realised I'm an utter fucking hypocrite. Now what?

>> No.4913388

sure is bizarro-world SJW in here

>> No.4913392


Being attracted to females who still look like children is most definitely not the norm. If you are then you are a sick person. There is nothing biologically justifiable in your attraction, it is a perversion.

>> No.4913393

You are, though. No way you'd have got so emotional otherwise. You're the insecure faggot projecting onto me.

>> No.4913396

And it couldn't be more obvious.

>> No.4913400

Holy shit though I'm such a hypocrite, lol.

>> No.4913406

You're disgusting.

>> No.4913408

Why the fuck isn't mod/janitor removing this garbarge of a thread.


>> No.4913411

You're a child.

>> No.4913412


he habitually betrays his friends and then brags about it on 4chan like it's a point of pride

that says more about him than any other post ever could

>> No.4913414

Mate, you're an insecure faggot. Dodged the question about slut-shaming hard, too. I don't care what your bitchass thinks, to be quite honest. How does it feel being a faggot, though?

>> No.4913418

>hurr I'm talking to the other guys on an anonymous board

>> No.4913424


>> No.4913429


i never dodged the question about slut shaming. sluts gonna slut, but to go around bragging about the ruin you leave in your wake is different.

that's what you did. you brag about the people you've fucked over out of some fucked up need for validation.

you're always going to be this kind of worm cunt i bet. aren't you m80.

>> No.4913437

>Then, I should keep practicing.
hate to break it to you but you'll never make it

>> No.4913453

You did dodge it and thusly confirmed what I was saying was correct. Protip: People will take every bit of power over other people that they can take, and denial of what's wrong is an extremely basic power over people. What did you do instead? Ad hom'd against the rightness of my claim, lmfao. Pathetically categorized me for an argumentum ad populum. Then talked to your anonymous buddies instead of me as follow up of that retardation, lol.
>worm cunt
Pathetic, insecure little bitch. Mate, I have two qualifications at the age of 23, and the most lucrative of qualifications too. What are you? A faggot. Go cry on your boyfriend's shoulder.

>> No.4913457


>friendship means nothing to me if i can get my dick wet
>please validate me and think i'm cool

>> No.4913460

>is most definitely not the norm.

I think its more common than most people want to admit and is very natural.

>> No.4913462


>> No.4913466

Oh god this thread sucks so much make it stop

>> No.4913473

Gotta do that SJW thing, lol. Lightning outside, this shit is the rapture, I'm going down strong

>> No.4913482

Forgive me my sins, Lord, lol. Think he takes prayers on here?

>> No.4913493


>I have two qualifications at the age of 23, and the most lucrative of qualifications too.

lol look at yourself. you've been on such a little quest for validation since your first post. embarrassing.

>> No.4913496

Attraction to girls of 11-12 is common enough, with make-up and shit girls look more mature every generation. But everyone pretends they don't find them attractive because then others must pretend to be disgusted by it. It's a pretty interesting case of social acting, I think.

>> No.4913497

OP here. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.4913505

Validation by anons? And in telling them I steal dudes' girlfriends all the time? I'm just stamping on your retarded little head actually mate. You keep crying though.
Projection, dude. Keep it up, though.

>> No.4913509

I mean you called me beta because I steal other dudes' girlfriends, lol.

>> No.4913515

>sluts gonna slut
>haters gonna hate
LMAO. Lies based on the truth. More hilariously common psychology. You hate sluts, you insecure faggot. Damn, man. You're killing me.

>> No.4913522

Awh, seems that's a thing, that sucks. Still, an offshoot from "hate", "haters gonna hate", a concession, it flowed, it's obvious.

>> No.4913528


i mention a need for validation to you and you actually say "and the most lucrative of qualifications too" in the next post without irony. do you not even see how desperate you've been in this whole thread? it's sad son.

but save face all you want your sadness will 404 soon enough

>> No.4913532

Dude, I got money. You got slut-hating and insecurity. What are you even talking about validation for? lol. How could I possibly be looking for validation?

>> No.4913536

You're making absolute no sense whatsoever dude. And you know I'm right. How does it feel? Oh, maybe your anonymous friends will think you're a cool guy, you're right.

>> No.4913542

Pedo please go

>> No.4913544


you care so much for validation you actually mentioned your future job prospects apropos of nothing

you're one big cry for help son

>> No.4913549

No, I was just laughing at you. Anyway, enjoy being pathetic. I'll leave you to your thoughts.

>> No.4913550


>> No.4913551

Just shut up. Both of you. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4913552


>> No.4913560

Yeah, that doesn't make sense. You're just trying to match me in calling you out on your earlier posts, lol. Hey, wanna spoon or something, mate?

>> No.4913567

Kisses :*****

>> No.4913572


>Yeah, that doesn't make sense.

insecurity like that never does.


>> No.4913575

He's right, I'd be embarrassed if I were you

>> No.4913582

Yeah, sure sucks to be rolling in all this pussy and cash and swashbuckling experience. What is it Charlie Sheen says? #WINNING

>> No.4913590


>riled into ruining his super nonchalant goodbye

you've failed this whole thread.
just go already.

>> No.4913593

You realise I sniped that post hard with this one, btw, right?>>4913304
My younger brother was kinda fat and insecure at the time, lol.

>> No.4913594

Riled, my ass. Why leave what's enjoyable? I'm gonna go watch House shortly though, don't worry

>> No.4913599

And this post then got sniped, too, lmfao
Damn, I'm a player

>> No.4913601


>you care so much for validation you actually mentioned your future job prospects apropos of nothing

you've failed more than once itt

it's seriously time to go

and don't try to make a little "bye" post you'll just sperg out and fuck it up again

>> No.4913604

How did I fail, anon?

>> No.4913606

Oh, the stupid jobs thing again. That was in laughing at you crying about how dudes wouldn't respect me, you stupid little bitch

>> No.4913610

>I'm failing
Anon is hounding me about how I wouldn't make a good gay lover because I'd steal my boyfriend's girlfriends
>oh shit he's looking for validation, lol

>> No.4913614

All right, I'll go, lol

>> No.4913618

Oh em gee. This thread. Oh. Em. Ge.

>> No.4913627


>dudes wouldn't respect me

and you've been desperate to impress this entire thread, lol

>> No.4913631

What is the problem with French and pedophilia ?

>> No.4913632


>oh shit he's looking for validation, lol

l-l-ucrative q-qualifications please r-r-respect m-me

ur a basic cunt breh

>> No.4913636

I'm actually laughing so hard at this thread. Hope you guys are feeling good too (I'm not really, I'm loving how much of a pain I am)

>> No.4913644

>honor between bros
>shames girls for having sex
Legit. Feel good.

>> No.4913650

the problem is that there is no problem. French parents are more than happy to let people molest their children if it might get them more baguettes, cheese and garlic.

>> No.4913660

Can anyone be bothered to check if any of the posts on either one side of this argument were made within less than thirty seconds of each other? Especially when made sequentially, say, three posts in a row. If there are none in a "debate" this long it's a great indication of samefagging.

>> No.4913663

It's the basis of their entire economy.

>> No.4913666

Proofs? You've given me an idea.

>> No.4913669

Nah it's legit. See my Fredian slip here btw:>>4913636
>I'm not really, I'm loving how much of a pain I am
Subconsciously pwned that faggot above me who stole my "lol". Damn, I'm good

>> No.4913678

Why are you telling me how bad you "pwned" him? Are you worried I won't notice? Why do you think you might feel that way?

>> No.4913682

Everyone is mad.

>> No.4913686

Dude, do you really think I give a fuck what you think? Seriously. You got the reply because I make a whole load of posts in a row. Nice jumping on the bitches bandwagon though, lol.

>> No.4913688

I'm English. Every true Englishman knows in his heart of hearts that the French are a bunch of bloody degenerates.

>> No.4913689

Not me.

>> No.4913693

If you don't give a fuck what I think, why are you asking me if I think you give a fuck what I think? Serious question.

>> No.4913695

Because I'm an antagonistic cunt, obviously. Are you retarded?

>> No.4913698

Still laughing my ass off btw. It's like a load of dudes are trying to initiate me into a homosexual ring

>> No.4913704

I see. I'm sorry to hear about your deep-seated anger issues. I hope you manage to find a more positive coping mechanism some day.

>> No.4913709

guys please stop arguing its making you both look like fucking autists, and now you're making me look like a fucking autist for replying to you fucking autists. It's a vicious fucking circle of autism and it's dragging us all in. end it now before more people are hurt.

>> No.4913710

Only the most oxygen deprived sjw would use 'slut-shaming' as a defence for cheating

>> No.4913712

I'm getting over them. Hey, being angry can give you a whole lot of enjoyment in beating down what you're angry at. I am wondering what's next, though.

>> No.4913716

I wasn't applying it to cheating, dude. Nice try, though.

>> No.4913717

Thanks for your mock concern btw, lol

>> No.4913719

You might find it helpful to see a counsellor if you can. It might seem like an easy way out but it's better than constantly raging.

>> No.4913721

Who's raging, though? I just provoked the ragers. Keep trying, lol. Oh, and I clearly had a breakthrough on my own in this thread.

>> No.4913724

It's hilarious how hard I'm sniping, too, lol

>> No.4913761

Your responses are disproportionate which is which I referred to it as raging. You can disagree if you like. It's not mock.

>> No.4913769

That's how I always post. How can you think I'm raging when I've spent the whole thread laughing? You're dumb, that's how. Keep trying, though. You are a jackass looking to spite me and you know it. Heck, that's how this conversation between us started.

>> No.4913775

>which is
>which I referred to
I lol'd at the stumble bro. Doubts, damn :(

>> No.4913780

Oh, and the multi-posting is in denial of convention which also makes people so mad, lol.

>> No.4913808

Why not just use a pseudonym until it becomes so popular that people view it (almost) purely as art, à la Lolita?

>> No.4913813

That sounds awfully paranoid. Not everyone is your enemy you know. Not even on here.

>> No.4913814

If it's all you ever write, you're fucked. If you have an incredible body of literature behind you, like Nabokov.... Wait, who am I kidding? You're a pedo, so fuck off.

>> No.4913822

You're pathetic. Keep laying on the diagnoses like I do, mate. You might hit on something near-correct eventually.
I mean, are you for real? Exactly in line with every other insecure bitch in this thread.

>> No.4913830

Good idea.

Well, I want to write more things. I have some different projects in mind... Sci-Fi, Medieval, Drama... Even a pirate story.
I write what I feel.

>> No.4913835

Well, you wont, but you can try.

>> No.4913836

But I saw that girl waiting at the bus stop, and the inspiration came to me.

>> No.4913845

God, you sound so painfully talentless.