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5019872 No.5019872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if you're a writer, what do you think you have to offer to the literary world?

me? i'm trying to elongate the monomyth to create a new spin on a proven method.

what do you think you can bring to the table?

>> No.5019879

Amusing discord.

>> No.5019885

Insight into what growing up with the internet does to one's view of reality.

>> No.5019911

Cheap shots at 2D characters as a means of feeling better about yourself and happy for the three to four hours it takes to read my work

>> No.5019918

how are you elongating the monomyth

there's 17 fucking parts already, I don't think it needs any more

>> No.5019929

mediocre poop jokes

>> No.5019949
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i'm trying to make it multi generational. what if (using harry potter terms for reference) voldemort couldn't be defeated in one life and harry's kids had to finish the job?

>> No.5019964

wow that's a very good idea (beeing a harry potter fan i want more). but then the quality will drop because nothing ever beats the original. gl anyway

>> No.5020009

Rehashing tired jokes from 90s sitcoms

And monkey tennis

>> No.5020018
File: 2.14 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not harry potter.
book 1 introduces the main character as a teenager. book's 2,3,&4 skips ahead 15 years to when he's a man and a war hero and fighting a new evil in an intergalactic war, book 5 shifts to his love interest as she fights a losing battle on her own home world, books, 6,7 and 8 bring the hero back to finish the fight. however, the dormant evil that started in book 1 is now moving to the forefront 25 years later, and in books 9,10, and 1,1 the main characters 3 children have to fight not only each other but the dormant evil as well to bring peace once and for all.

>> No.5020035

Damn reactionaries. Where is the true creativity and sincerity of thine art? Your musings are whorings oh you... new lost generation.

>> No.5020036

holy shit
how long have you been working on it

>> No.5020044

so halo, right?

>> No.5020068
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sept 12 2004 to august 19th 2013 just short of 9 years. plus, theres another stand alone that's not part of the series. its called THE CITY and its a sci fi cautionary tale about an innocent kid that gets tarpped in a megaopolis with crazy people, techno zombies, pedophiles, and a digital goddess. pic related. concept cover art

>> No.5020081

There's two things I try to do with my writing:

1) "Anybody who writes knows you don’t simply write what you believe. You write to find out what you believe, or what you can afford to believe." - Adam Phillips

In nonfiction, it's obvious. In fiction, I write and create worlds alike to this one to find out what this one really seems like to me. For others, I hope my vision can help illuminate theirs the way others' vision of the world helps illuminate mine.

2) And besides clarity, I aim at a kind of reconciliation. There is so much cultural shit driving us away from the world, from life, from other people, from other good usually-capitalized abstracts that aren't really abstract at all. I want to write stories where the resolution brings people back closer to those things in their actual life - reconciliation, reunion, recognition.

>> No.5020084
File: 1.14 MB, 2507x3541, WARSAINT (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some more concept art. this is for book 5 of the epic if you look at the pic of the stack above, you can see part of this picture peeking out in the middle

>> No.5020087

HEY i remember you!

When will this be published

>> No.5020104

Hi Andy.

>> No.5020109
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Image33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm at a standstill. i need funds to get a proper editor so the first book can make a good impression.

>> No.5020110
File: 32 KB, 444x346, andy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who dis?

>> No.5020118

A new whipping boy

>> No.5020135
File: 105 KB, 478x640, securedownload (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay on it dude. create something. i'm in a few writers groups and i hear all kinds of people talking about what they PLAN on doing but they never get around to doing the work. they want the praise, accolades, and all the shit that comes from accomplishing something but they dont want to put the time in. if you don't take time to write, how can you ever have time to write? im taking abreak from scifi to do a religious novella pic related. my own concept art. BTW its supposed to be 4 snakes in the form of "6's" not a swastika

>> No.5020144
File: 3 KB, 300x57, foughtmoicult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks; it helps.

What's the idea behind the novella?

Also, vaguely related captcha.

>> No.5020150

The Ghost of Christmas Simultaneous.
Here's a tip for you: Don't waste time on your cover art, concept or otherwise. For two reasons. Firstly, if you're going to a real publisher, they'll help you with that when it's time to, you'll have very little input and they certainly won't use anything like those, because of the second reason, which is having manga, particularly manga faces on a cover is a terrible idea. How many books (not manga) do you know where there's a clear image of a specific character's face on the cover? It prevents the reader from creating their own ideas of how the characters look, which will make them not want to read it. Plus, when it's a manga face, that sets the tone for the whole series to be manga in their mind, which is not something anyone except people who read manga will be interested in, and how many of them read novels? Those covers will alienate the majority of your potential readership.

>> No.5020151

Emotion and narcissism.

>> No.5020158

I'll just ask this here, been sorta wondering for a long time...what do you guys use to write and how do you use it? Any special programs or rules? Formatting wise.

I've been using microsoft word but I just want to get sure that if I ever intend to publish my work(what wont happen anyway) that I don't fuck up by using the wrong format or smth like that. Or maybe using another fomrat could improve my workflow

>> No.5020168
File: 629 KB, 2576x1932, 100_4189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i appreciate the advice, but i already knew that. i have no doubts about how a comittee of people i 've never met will decide whats on the outside. and yeah putting manga-esque drawings wouldnt be the best idea. they're mostly for me to keep me motivated. i'd want the cover art to be uniform as they tend to be as opposed to a series of pictures that may or may not go togtehr. and i agree, never put the characters faces in there, let the reader decide. pic related.... old pic from like a few years ago

>> No.5020175

Word and .doc files are the publishing world standard, although a lot of magazines seem to moving to Google Docs.

I write in pretty much everything, just depending on what feels most conducive to wording out what I feel then. Gedit or Notepad, Libre Office, Google Drive, Scrivener, notes app or iA Writer on my iPhone, a Moleskine, bare computer paper.

I have no real organized workflow unless I'm writing for something with one, which is bad.

>> No.5020182
File: 97 KB, 640x478, photo 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been using WORD the whole time. you can do fancy formatting and shit later on. its been my experience that too many people go out an ddrop $1200 on a brand new MAC because they want to be a "legit writer" whatever the fuck that is and then don't do the work anyway. if what you have is WORD, just use that. pick a direction and GO. dont wait aroumd, dont ask what other people think, just GO. its all yours and it belongs to you and no one else. i stuck to my guns and i've got a 4300 page epic all to myself (hopefully it sells, please god let it sell) its all going to be bad when you start but you'll get better if you stay with it.
and now that the training wheels are off i'm ready to tackle some Wheel of Time sized shit. i'm so fucking ready. but first, gotta sell the first book. GO. the books will get renamed and the coveers will be out of my hands, but the story is mine. GOGOGOGO

>> No.5020203
File: 27 KB, 400x292, 1335494453529 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gotta bail and go apply for frickin day job. WANTING to be a writer doesn't put food on the table. back in like two hours. what do YOU want to bring to the literary world?

>> No.5020212

Sending you positive energy man. Keep writing. When I was struggling with finding the path on which I will walk this life(still am), a teacher once told me "No matter the depth or breed of a wish, it can be achieved with intention and action."
it seems to me that you have the intention to do this. Now just take the action and write.
Hopefully someday our paths will cross and we can share what we have written.

>> No.5020242

>elongate the monomyth

Please stop.

>> No.5020283

Have you ever made money off of your writing?

>> No.5020343
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I don't want to push my work to market until it's as polished as I can manage.

>> No.5020362


post some samples

>> No.5020365
File: 175 KB, 720x405, vlcsnap-2014-04-11-14h32m28s189 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I want to bring is an end to postmodern impotence through an earned hero who is life-affirming.

>> No.5020378

Mind posting a chapter or two?

>> No.5020384

>bring to the table
do not use this turn of phrase, please.

>> No.5020419

I have a promise to offer them.

No gimmicks.
No formula.
No cookie cutter good-story-by-technicality tactics.

I don't need the admiration of people who think I'm smart because I've read about a pattern and followed it. I want the fear and awe of those who have seen the unchained voice of eros, the sort of kindred spirits who find it engrossing.

None of that whole rising action/climax/denoument bullshit. There is no reason my writing should serve you. I am miracle whip and I will not turn it down. Every word should be a scathing indictment and exalting panegyric to the world.

>> No.5020422

I am bringing back Christian values.
No more of this degeneracy.
I will single handily destroy any book that is not about the Lord Jesus Christ.
No other book is needed except for the Bible and stories about reading the Bible and loving the Bible and Loving God and Jesus Christ.

>> No.5020458

I write about the bankrupt nature of the modern left through contrasting it with its tragic and misguided but at least meaningful counterpart in Soviet socialism and its derivatives.

>> No.5020460

This is one thing that always bothers the shit out of me with publishers is how they like to make cover art fucking atrocious because "It's what sells".

I mean I wouldn't complain, getting published is fucking hard but, it'd probably irk the shit out of me for my first bit. Specially when books get movies and they put movie posters as the cover to market it. Just looks bad.

>> No.5020467

my monomyth elongated reading this thread

>> No.5020890

Also word of advice, I've heard that, if you've never been published, it is an awful lot harder to sell something that fucking gigantic.

You might need to start off with something smaller, a lot of publishers might not touch that just yet. Doesn't sound like that would be too difficult since that manuscript is probably the biggest fucking thing I've ever seen but still.

>> No.5021288


I want to save racism.

>> No.5021333

Mind giving us a sample? Please? This sounds fucking amazing.

What'll it be titled?

>> No.5021933

The first book is Fusion Heart and while the body of the series is an epic space fantasy spanning numerous planets with enough jet packs, laser guns, aliens, mechs, and airships to choke George Lucas, the first book is about a teenager in Oklahoma who wants to race the 21st century equivenant of formula 1 hovercraft racing around the globe, he's caught eye of a female Japanese, sentient A.I. Who's struggling with the rigors of crossing over into the real world after being born as a hologram. It sounds less epic when you're boiling it down to a paragraph but I've put blood sweat and tears into making its story tht stands out. Don't like the sound of it? Not your bag? THEN DONT FUCKING READ IT.

>> No.5021948

You should put that on the back of the book.

>> No.5021955

That's dust cover material. I'll make a note of it. I'll have to add something else like, go cry on your vampire novels, geek

>> No.5021965

hey, how much money do you need? i have $12,000 but i am a neet who doesn't use it, can i invest in you or something?

>> No.5021978

Need like $2000. I've got Michael Knost (bram stoker award winner) ready to critique and edit

>> No.5021982

Personally, I've always handwritten my first drafts. I don't particularly recommend it. It is just my preference.

>> No.5021983

wow, you're really going to invest your money in some loser who's not even published yet based off some ideas he has for an 11 book series? you do realize that even if the first book is good then chances are he's just going to pull a grrm and give up halfway (or worse yet, pull a stephen king and ruin the end of the series with retarded self-insert bullshit)

>> No.5021985

I hope you are real so I can watch this story on the evening news.

>> No.5021993

Read the whole convo, buttnut. It's all written

>> No.5021998

There's a pic of all 4350 pages of the first draft up towards the top next to my 5 gallon change jug

>> No.5022004

What the hell? You only need $2000? You could make that much money waiting tables for a few months. Stop being a lazy faggot.
I did read the whole conversation. And nowhere is it mentioned that the entire series is written. Just the first book. Which may be of quite questionable quality given the description and the unwillingness of the author to post an excerpt instead of marketing blurbs.
So the entire series is written out in its entirety? Damn. Well, perhaps I've underestimated you. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of those 4000 pages found their way to the chopping block.

>> No.5022019

why do you care? is your life not enough to concern yourself with?

got a temporary email?

>> No.5022033

If I had $12000 dollars in the bank I would spend it more constructively is all I'm saying. At least I'd need more convincing to part with my money then the evidence offered in this thread. Re-inventing the monomyth? Good luck. Shit, why doesn't this guy just make a kickstarter if he needs crowdfunding and he's already got his project nearly completed? But I guess if you're a NEET then it's hardly out of character for you to be making poor life choices.

>> No.5022049

I will, in a single novel, permanently settle the problem of sincerity in the post-metamodern world.

>> No.5022050

Lazy? I live in Lexington, ky and have a bachelors in business admin. the city and it's surrounding cities have a 40% saturation rate for college degrees so I'm having a hot of trouble landing anything other than entry level shit. Nobody gives a shit that I'm an army veteran. I'm working for freakin temp services but it's hard to pay the bills AND college loan repayments and still come up with "spare" cash to fund my passion

>> No.5022069

i have 0 debt, 0 credit, 0 obligations, 0 responsibilities, i can afford to live this way and i am truly happy.

i've made great life choices, the way i'm living is exactly what i've wanted.

can you say the same for yourself?

hey, can you get a 10-minute email or something and paste it here?

>> No.5022078

I want to pose playful allegories that do not judge or carry a specific agenda or message but rather act as simple what ifs with no angle misrepresented.

>> No.5022102

i have in fact. i spent the years after my enlistment following leisurely pursuits like doing art shows (go to deviantart and type in dasproteus you'll see a pic on one piece i did and a coffin' table i built. since 2004 all ive wanted to do is become a writer and create stories that are either entertaining or have a worthwhile message. Fusion Heart made quarterfinals in the amazon.com breakthrough novel award contest and thats before i did another overhaul to give the story more punch. not everyone likes sci fi/ sci fantasy. thats cool. if nitzche is your bag or Moby Dick is your fave, go for it.

>> No.5022106

I knew this was that podracing guy the moment I read "monomyth".

>> No.5022110

its closer to nascar if you're splitting hairs (OP)

>> No.5022131
File: 137 KB, 640x478, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of my notes for the "Wheel of Time" sized project.

>> No.5022139

you are mistaking me, i'm the neet/veteran who asked how much money you needed to submit to an editor - >>5022069 wasn't directed to you, it was the guy critizing me for considering investing into your story

how can i keep in touch with you?

even if you aren't interested in help, i'd still like to know when your shit is unveiled finally out of curiousity.

>> No.5022153

Have you considered submitting the first book to Writers of the Future? I've heard winners/runner-ups of that are often approached by agents wanting to represent them.

>> No.5022182

a friend told me about Online Writing Workshops for Scifi Fantasy and Horror. maybe ill give them a shot while i get my shit together

>> No.5022195
File: 96 KB, 478x640, photo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been keeping a scrapbook/visual compendium of all the characters from the books. heres three of the pics

>> No.5022201
File: 94 KB, 640x478, photo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, no editor/publisher would want this stuff unless it becomes a graphic novel or movie (please fucking lord ) its just for me because i love the characters

>> No.5022205
File: 109 KB, 640x478, photo 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and one last one. please note the belt fed pistols.

>> No.5022219

as for contact info, i'm not sure what to give you. i'll check back here in the morning 9ish here in lexington, ky. talk to you then. i have to put myself to bed so i can get up and keep looking for a job that can pay me a living wage. talk to you guys then. all hail moot.

>> No.5022227

nice, i find myself doing that also, really motivates and lets me get a grip on certain aspects of designing/building the world

>> No.5022243

My dream is to be the greatest writer of this age. From a 'craft of writing' perspective, I want to marry great style with great characters and great plot. That sounds like the obvious thing to do, but I've found that too much of modern literature is based on style over plot, and 'popular' literature has a decent amount of plot, but bad style and mediocre characters.

I want to work my way up to excelling in all three. And, someday, I want to write something that will be read hundreds of years from now. I want to contribute to the Western Canon.

>> No.5022261

>belt fed pistols.
no 3 point landing?

>> No.5022293

the internet taught me that if I want to feel smart, I should join in discussions on reddit where we can all have opinions about fields of study that we know nothing about and feel as though that having others respond gives them validity.

>> No.5022342

I use Word. I would write them out by hand, but some of my stories require the reader to manipulate elements which are manipulable in Word, but not necessarily in real life.

>> No.5022462

To do what all great art does, reaffirm life, inspire, embolden, and persuade people to action.

It should be something that both amuses and makes one laugh, as well as consider things in new ways they had never done before.

All with a style completely unique, I'm influenced by many writers so my style is diverse. I am somewhat interested in going beyond the usual narrative where it can go from first person back to third, giving readers various perceptions of events.

In the end, it must make life easier for the reader, or not, each reader is unique.

>> No.5022464

>someday, I want to write something that will be read hundreds of years from now. I want to contribute to the Western Canon.
That's incredibly ambitious. I wouldn't suggest approaching your writing with this kind of mentality, as you'll only set yourself up for failure by placing this unwarranted importance on your work. Pardon me if this comes off as cliche advice, but in order to improve as a writer you have to make mistakes and arrive at your own style through differing forms of over-compensation and re-evaluation. The key to writing development is humility and a certain degree of self-awareness, and when you write couched under this mentality that, "Oh I'm going to be the greatest writer of the modern era, this is a masterpiece!" you are effectively sweeping both of these elements under the rug and inhibiting progress (think rose tinted glasses).

Besides that, you need to understand that ultimately it's up to the Western World whether or not your blood and sweat will be well received. You'd be surprised how many people have a good tale to tell and can tell that tale well, but never distinguish themselves as noteworthy authors because their work lacks the necessary political themes or messages to have any lasting impact. Furthering this idea, you'd need some kind of political theme that is timeless and characteristic of the most basic of human conditions in order to be meaningful "hundreds of years from now".
The issue here is that you don't develop timeless themes through practice, but instead through earnest and keen observation that only a select few seem to have a talent for.

I'm not saying not to have this ambition, it's incredibly inspiring that people want to write something other than YA tripe, but you shouldn't let that be the guide to your writing. Develop your own style and messages unperverted by any sort of overlying ambition or bias, and let the honest conviction of your work be what separates it from the rest (from there it's in the hands of time to decide whether or not there's any merit to your work).

>> No.5022610

Thank you. Hopefully they will.

>> No.5022691

>That star
Are you by any chance a JoJo fan?

>> No.5022693

>"Oh I'm going to be the greatest writer of the modern era, this is a masterpiece!"
that's not at all what he's doing. he is striving to create something great, not saying that what he writes will necessarily be incredible

and no, you do not have to create something timeless to have longevity. to achieve that Anon's goal you need to create something that encapsulates a certain period - this period, for that guy, whatever that may mean - in a way that can give insights that history cannot.

>> No.5022694

There is three goals I want to achieve in ascending difficulty.

I want to show the world the inner workings of my mind.

I want to pass the baton on. I have seen some great works of art an always attempted to emulate it and hope that I can become good enough that in future people will want to emulate me.

Ultimately, I want create a cultural icon for my country/region. Like what Goethe's Faust did to Germany, or the Shakespeare plays did to the anglosphere, I want to do the same. My country is very young but extremely developed, yet does not have its own unique culture. We are a patchwork of western and eastern cultures. I hope my works can be a milestone or a cornerstone in creating our own culture

>> No.5022932

Scrivener my man. Use it once, never go back.

>> No.5023681
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(op) ok i'm awake.

>> No.5023687
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theres a chick in one of my groups that uses scrivener. she swears by it but i'm used to word so i stick with it. if scrivner works for you and it keeps you producing work then dont change a thing.

>> No.5023707

I want to create a version of the modern world where some very mild conspiracy theories are true and write some novels about the characters in it in the style of Walter Scott's historical novels. The stories will be centered around manipulation and people using their expertise.

The hardest part is the plot and the twists. The second hardest part is avoiding Mary Sues.

Tell me how retarded that sounds?

>> No.5023720
File: 1.53 MB, 2560x1440, 1400361726075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for it. we've already got sparkling vampires, couldn't get any more retarded than that

>> No.5023741

A twist of the Ubermensch idea. So kind of anti-nihilistic "just because nothing matters, doesn't mean we should act like dicks"

>> No.5023921

Lol Corporate America

>> No.5023948

I just want people to enjoy my stuff.

>> No.5023961

Fucking pleb.

>> No.5023986
File: 17 KB, 320x240, reddit_img_4426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a ridiculous person with ridiculous goals given my level of talent, but I do have a few goals for my writing that I hold to pretty seriously:

- I think I can explode the false dichotomy between comedy and tragedy. I want to show how comedy IS tragedy, and tragedy is comedy. I want to write a book that leaves people laughing at their own sadness, and weeping at their mirth.

- I want Science Fiction to engage with religion and culture more effectively while still remaining "Hard." This one is actually pretty easy for me to do, but I'm not sure the audience is there for it.

- I want to add a genre to Fantasy in which magic IS a science, by which I mean it has its own logic and causality that is completely discoverable, and which basically turns Fantasy into a Science Fiction except with different universal laws and physics. Additionally, I want this magic to be fundamentally connected with narrative and language, because in my mind this is an allegory for the origins of mysticism that allows us to connect with the universe in a non-scientific way that is nonetheless valid. I think I know how I would write this, and I've done a lot of the worldbuilding already, but I'm still waiting for a good plot to come to mind. I wrote a short story of it once years ago, but it was bad.

- I want to show the world that Science Fiction is the genre that shows the way forward from Postmodernism. This kind of ties in with my other goals; I want to use SF tropes and an improved link between culture and SF to write a story that annihilates Postmodernism and replaces it with a scientific epistemology that encompasses religion, culture, conscious perception, and the random universe we understand ourselves to live in. I keep taking oblique stabs at this one in all my work, but it seems to monumental and too difficult for audiences to accept for me to try to tackle it head-on.

>tfw the things that matter to you are just not interesting to other people, lol

Not to be a dick, but didn't the Dune series kind of do exactly what you're trying to do?

>> No.5024021


>> No.5024038

looked at the image first and thought "why is this swastika here"

then read your post

:/ i think it needs to be less swastika-y. good luck on your thing though

>> No.5024042

ive got zero to offer but tricks and smokescreens. something that if you discover will make you go "oh cool, now what's for dinner?".

>> No.5024054

>non-scientific way that is nonetheless valid


Hello, CUNT.

>> No.5024059

> single handily

>> No.5024078


did you know that it's neurologically demonstrable that humans relate to the world and themselves in terms of a self-constructed narrative framework?


narrative is inherently unscientific, but it is truly the way humans construct their understanding. Insofar as it is a valid representation of how we create meaning, it is a valid, unscientific means of understanding our existence. That does not mean it is an accurate understanding of the universe, but rather that it really is how we understand the universe (whether we are right or wrong).

>> No.5024119

I use notepad, and then format with LaTeX.

>> No.5024127

and here's another, complete source:


>> No.5025415


I'm writing a story called "Jesus Saw It Coming", and it's about the life of a modern man who climbs the staircase of a high-rise tenement, crucifies himself on the rooftop, and jumps off to land in a garbage can for the world to see. It doesn't end there, of course, since he had faith in a God who would recognize him.

Would you like to read what I have so far?

>> No.5026750

Insanity and nonsense as a relief from human condition suffering,

>> No.5026771
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Everything I write I inevitably delete. I once had 50 pages and just trashed it. It sucked monumentally, but still.

>> No.5026773

john green pls go

>> No.5026793
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I want to blend the cynicism of reality with the dreaminess of youth's imaginary to create a truly earnest narrative of my own.

>> No.5027833
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>> No.5027838

A bleak, uncompromising realist novel about a middle-aged man who squandered his youthful talents by wasting all his time on the Internet

>> No.5028104

A different perspective, maybe. If I do well, maybe help show our generation has merit.

>> No.5028109

To present myself.

>> No.5028114


>> No.5028125
File: 61 KB, 1000x393, 1400239358859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saria will never be your gf
>You will never cuddle with Saria

>> No.5028133
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I want to put feels into words.

>> No.5028322

I like exploring the limits of the human mind, and how much damage a sick mind can cause.

I'm a gamedev tho

>> No.5028331

Captcha: rvivaa scholars

>> No.5028368
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>> No.5028375

Fuck off Žižek.

>> No.5029062

This is damn awesome.

>> No.5029762

I don't know if I have anything to offer, but I write because I have to. I am compelled to. I cannot not write.

I will say this, I was greatly inspired by these words from Faulkner's Nobel Prize acceptance speech:

"Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat."

>> No.5029771

Nothing and that's the point.

>> No.5029775

a mirror of myself written in prose

>> No.5029796


I want to expound upon my life experience, but I spend most of my time masturbating. I estimate that I molest myself at least 18-25 times per week. It's so bad that I think it's beginning to harm my eyes.

I'm currently writing a really long novel about a day in the life of a man in Dublin.

>> No.5029802

I will settle the irony/sincerity issue that has preoccupied literature since the dawn of postmodernism.

>> No.5029803


Do you like to think about your girlfriend farting?

>> No.5029817

Op- Thanks for making sound like a chronic maturbator, assface. Dublin or GTFO

>> No.5029819

>Literature creates culture
Son, you've got a lot to learn.

>> No.5029836

I don't know yet.

>> No.5029858

Is there an actual reason for this, or is this more /lit/ sperging?

>> No.5029862

Muh dik.

>> No.5030360

Hey, man, I live in Versailles

>> No.5031408

what up dude? grew up in versailles!

>> No.5031417

Reevaluating things that once had value, and failing at doing so. Fighting the postmodern, and losing the fight.

>> No.5032113

give me an example (op)

>> No.5032145

First things first:

How good is your german? Do you enjoy poetry?

In general I try to weave different mythological/historical figures into each other, and then put some kind of twist on them that is tearing them down again.

>> No.5032191

Bitte posten, es hat hier viele Deutschleser.
Please post, there are a lot of German speakers here.

>> No.5032221

Well, you shouldn't use google translator though.
Alright, have this. Think I already posted it here once, but what ever.

Will post a translation in a bit.

>> No.5032270


Who is like god? He floats there behind moons
in deep astronaut nights. Cold.
The Gagarins, who sat enthroned in heaven /in the sky
are tired eternal(ly) lonely, they are old.

The sky hasn't been cheerful in a long time. (or: there hasn't been anything surprising in a long time)
Just on Earth the climate warms mildly.
But star drivers constantly strive further
- not red like Betelgeuse - Rigel-blue.

Who is like god? Did he throw down Apophis?
The sun ship stands small in the void/emptiness.
And soon the great Python will crawl again.
Who is like god? Who is not? So allone.

The dragon

In strong fist he plays the crooked fiddle.
He invites mad jokes for the dance.
The bright light of order runs out.
The snake playfully bites its own tail.

Apollon's bright arrows always hit.
"You devil! Die under this might!"
But creeping out of red fatherblood's shimmer
is Dionysos, who laughs two-born.

Want an explanation for any of this?

>> No.5032280

I am going to shit on hedonism and escapism as much as I can

>> No.5032293

By doing what?

>> No.5032306

I'm trying to bring an internal complexity and diversity of thought to the fantasy genre that I think it lacks.
In essence, to write a story that is only recognizable as fantasy when viewed as a whole. Individual scenes, themes, subplots/plot points, and characters are mostly atypical of the genre, taking cues from a number of non-fantasy sources.

>> No.5032548

what are your sources?

>> No.5032597

Anything I run across that I find interesting or useful. A lot of it is terribly pleb and I’d rather not embarrass myself here.
One less awful example is that I am using relationships and interactions between gods and mortals to show how Christian doctrine (especially the doctrine popular nowadays) fails to accommodate for the super-human incomprehensibility resultant of divinity. I'm using themes from cosmic horror to critique the idea of having a "personal relationship" with a deity.

>> No.5032601

I'm helping to reinforce the status-quot with my mediocre genre fiction