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5140710 No.5140710[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post actual romantic shit you wrote for someone else.

No matter how cringe worthy, you must bost.

>> No.5140720

I met you at the banana republic. The way your gigantic ass jiggled around with each step, the smell of your dirty feet seeping out of your uggz while you complain to the clerk about not having +++ size panties. I wanted you. From the first time I smelled that tart cinnamon aroma of you menstruating I knew I had to have you, I would feed you slabs of beef and bring home 2litres of diet coke for you for an eternity.

>> No.5140725

joke's on you, now i don't have to do anything apart from point out your error

>> No.5140726

you up?
come over

>> No.5140728


>> No.5140731



Naked in my sheets, you are a warm and fragrant nest,
An island of swans, amid the ghostly albino icy sea of the empty bed.
When I embrace you, when I feel your warm breasts pressed against my chest,
It's like if you fed me with your warmth,
As if my lungs could drink the vitality that curls inside of you:
You are the hot and sweet breath that fills the cavity of my ribs with caresses.
When I hold you, when I smell your skin,
And the softness of your body,
I enter a state of perfect happiness,
I drown in your being, in the deluge of your graces;
And if the angels descend from the heavens and promised me that this would be eternity,
To be forever joined to you, with my veins entangled in your veins,
With my heart kissing your heart every heartbeat,
If they promised me that this would be eternity,
I would walk smiling toward death:
Depart into the abyss as a to a long desired bed.
So many were the nights in which I touched the cool sheets dreaming to touch your skin;
So many nights I hugged the inanimate pillow
Dreaming that it was your body that was dissolving against my sweet-salivating skin;
So many nights where fantasies danced over my eyelids
And mirages sat on my pupils to mock my hunger.
But at last I possessed you,
At last the real world of fertility crept into my gray world of ashes:
Happiness, that shy bird that always avoided me,
Now made its nest of golden straw in my heart.
There is no way to mine all the riches of your body,
To dig all the diamonds of your soul:
Even if eternity was given to me as a gift,
The endless chain of centuries and millennia as a private garden,
I could not exhaust all the riches, all the simple and perfect details
That lurk in you.

>> No.5140737



There would always be a small unknown rose, a forgotten ruby,
A sapphire, a coral lost somewhere,
And the gigantic electric jungle of your neurons,
The forge of so many wonders and nursery of unnamed glories.
When death takes us, if I meet you in heaven,
I want to take you by the hand to the pools of light,
The lakes where honey of stars flows in dams,
And I want to bathe your naked body with this warm and bright milk;
I want to lather your body with the foam of nebulae,
And caress you in front of the angels, before the gods,
And see in the eyes of this primordial entourage
The comprehension that the entwine of our bodies is beauty,
A beauty in which I want and drown,
Like a hummingbird drowning in nectar and honey.

>tfw it worked :)

>> No.5140738

writing romantic shit for someone else is really lame freshman english major who wants to impress their crush crap

>> No.5140740

who was the lucky girl, anon?

>> No.5140751
File: 498 KB, 255x235, 1381901453932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh gawd hahahhaha

>> No.5140762


My current girlfriend. I love her very much.

>> No.5140776

lol yeah we can tell! she's your golden-shower hummingbird nest. hahahhaha

>> No.5140786



I could have gone a life time without having known your existence.
Destiny and fortune worked hand in hand.
Having known you now, I cannot forget you.
It is both comforting and tormenting to have thoughts of you pass through my mind constantly.
The comfort, is imagining us a perfect pair, and the pleasure of getting to know each others essence of being.
The torment, by the thought that I mean nothing to you.
I just want you to know
I have always wanted to love you.
To admire, adore, and appreciate you.
Something I have only told you in my dreams.
Do you want to leave it a mystery?
Could we be soul mates?
I cannot go on with life without trying to find out.
If you don't feel the same, put me out of my misery and tell me.
But if you do feel the same as I do, tell me and make my dreams a reality.
Don't be idle.
To have a heart that confesses what it contains, does not come by often.
A heart that would pound so hard at the sight of you that you could feel it shake the ground underneath your feet.
Do you want to feel it?
Do you want to love me? or do you want me to turn into a shadow of distant memory?

Your whim, decides.

Sincerely yours,


>> No.5140798

My love for you allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes or fling you down under me on that softy belly of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in the very stink and sweat that rises from your arse, glorying in the open shape of your upturned dress and white girlish drawers and in the confusion of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair. It allows me to burst into tears of pity and love at some slight word, to tremble with love for you at the sounding of some chord or cadence of music or to lie heads and tails with you feeling your fingers fondling and tickling my ballocks or stuck up in me behind and your hot lips sucking off my cock while my head is wedged in between your fat thighs, my hands clutching the round cushions of your bum and my tongue licking ravenously up your rank red cunt. I have taught you almost to swoon at the hearing of my voice singing or murmuring to your soul the passion and sorrow and mystery of life and at the same time have taught you to make filthy signs to me with your lips and tongue, to provoke me by obscene touches and noises, and even to do in my presence the most shameful and filthy act of the body. You remember the day you pulled up your clothes and let me lie under you looking up at you while you did it? Then you were ashamed even to meet my eyes.

>> No.5140799

>wrote this for a girl that works at my apartment complex
>too beta to talk to her

Dear, Leasing-Office-Girl,

I don't want to be the sort of man who goes his entire life without ever writing an anonymous love letter to someone, so I'm writing one to you. Here goes.

You are a smokin' hot babe. Do you have many suitors? I doubt that all the men that hang around the leasing office are there for the complimentary jolly ranchers. They dot the area around your office like zombies surrounding last survivors who have holed up inside of a farmhouse, but instead of feeding on brains, they sustain themselves with glimpses of you.

I occasionally see couples entering your office to inquire about apartments; they leave with the husband grinning, enchanted, and the wife glaring at him in such as way as to suggest that he stared too appreciatively at the hot leasing agent. You're sort of like medusa, but your gaze makes men fall in love with you instead of turning them into stone.

Also, I'm pretty sure that my UPS delivery guy doesn't ring my doorbell just so he can go into your office to drop off my packages and chat you up for a minute (annoying, but understandable.)

You'll probably never read this, but I just want to let you know that you are amazingly beautiful.

Current Resident

>> No.5140835

Weren't you worried some jackass was going to claim this love letter as his own and ride off into the sunset with hot leasing office girl?

>> No.5140837
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>> No.5140849

I never thought of that. I posted this on "missed connections," but it doesn't seem to be very popular in my town. I am considering emailing it to the leasing office, but I can't be sure she would ever read it.

>> No.5140862

That was really nice, anon.

>> No.5140880

Very nice, but the thought of a love letter like this being read by the woman it was written for makes me cringe for some reason. It'd be really cool if it made her fall in love with you, and that's all that matters. I guess I am not used to exposing my thoughts and feelings this way. It makes me very uncomfortable.

>> No.5140883


>> No.5140885

that's creepy and she was probably creeped out

>> No.5140893

What about it is creepy? I tried hard to be silly and funny and not seem too serious.

>> No.5140905

I like this except for:
>Your whim,decides
It gives me the image of you being some powerless, pussy whipped slaveboy.

>> No.5140921

do you want to go out with me?

yes __ no __

>> No.5140937

>Joyce's letters.txt

>> No.5140950

in after arse full of farts

>> No.5140954

>pussy whipped
*tips fedora*

>> No.5140962

I was in fifth grade

Querida Ingrid

Cuando eres hombre y cinico el amor se ve infantil,
Pero cuando lo encontramos no hay nada mas poderoso que pueda hacer tu corazon partir.
Yo creia que yo podia resistir las temptaciones del amor,
Pero lo e encontrado en tu gran candor.
Cuando te amiti mi sentimientis yo no estaba preparado,
Estaba revuelto, confundido y cansado.
Pero ahora mi sientimientos estan mas claro y te puedo explicar con mas confianza,
Se que nada mas quiere ser amigos pero aun tengo esperanza.
Me habias preguntado que exactamente era que me gustaba te ti,
Yo no se como explicarte de otra manera que asi.
Eres de buen corazon que hasta satifases las imprudencias de Gabriel,
Tu corazon es mas dulce que una paleta cubierta de miel.
Yo encuentro felicidad en tu sonrisa y en tus manos sudosas,
No debe haber duda en tu mente que eres preciosa.
Me pongo infeliz cuando siento que estas triste,
Por eso estoy ahi para hacerte chistes.
No soy el hombre perfecto pero tu si eres la mujer perfecta,
Tu sonrisa debe ser costosa porque verte si que cuesta.
Voy a estar ahi cuando necesite mi compañia,
Porque mi deseo es solo verte en tu alegria.
No te voy a persegir pero tampoco voy a dejar te quererte,
La unica felizidad que necesito viene de solo verte.
Hay ingrid te adoro,
Estoy triste pero no lloro no importa que te quiero ni modo

Feliz Dia De San Valentin
Con mucho amor,

>> No.5140967


>> No.5140981

As someone born Hispanic, but raised American, I feel that even the cheesiest stuff sounds more fluid in other languages.

At least when it comes to romantic languages anyway.

>> No.5140987

French and Spanish is the best for love letters.

>> No.5140989

when i was in a LTR and had to do an internship in another city i wrote a letter to my gf. every. single. day. just thinking about it makes me barf and want to slap myself in the face for being such a pussywhipped faggot. anyway, if theres interest i can post some of that shit, poems or love letters, whatever you want.

>> No.5140997

Love letters please!

>> No.5140998

I think it's because cheesy things become so because we hear them often. We dont hear things in other languages too often so we dont have the required exposure ro recognize their cheesiness.

>> No.5141008

Jordan blabla he's so fine
I wish he would be my valentine
But I just know
That he would say no
So I keep my lips sealed
Wherever I go

I remember that from sixth grade, it was a curse I set upon myself that lasted until the end of high school.

>> No.5141015

It's very cute.
Interesting to see a poem written by a homosexual sixth grader.

>> No.5141020

I can never see Jordan as a girl name, pretty or otherwise.

I have it thoroughly cemented as the condescending pot bellied bartender at work.

>> No.5141023


It’s not a bad poem. Actually it is quite good.

>> No.5141033
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You aren't a real person, but I would love nothing more than to live a bourgeois existence with you, or at least take you to dinner and hold your hand. I have this fantasy where we live in your beach house in our fledgling years before returning to the city to establish a family.

>> No.5141036

Girl, sorry, but I see your thought. It does seem more appropriate for a troubled homosexual.

>> No.5141037



>> No.5141038

it's kind of a slog

>> No.5141047


>> No.5141053

Too generic.
The love letter seems to have a sense of urgency that you are missing.

>> No.5141058
File: 88 KB, 640x960, 84029858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reminded me of this.

>> No.5141062
File: 23 KB, 331x330, 1372213216604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Song I wrote for my last girlfriend which I played for her on her birthday by a lake.

When you first flew through the air
I tried hard not to stare

I'm amazed by your feats of strength
how you'll go to almost any length
to save some kittens, or an old friend, a burning building, save the day again

because you are extraordinary, kryptonian, superhuman, and you're mine.


>> No.5141064

Did she like it sincerely, or did she like it because you were her boyfriend?

>> No.5141071


Hard to tell. That was at the start of summer when it became a long distance relationship. She dumped me at the end of her first semester.

I enjoyed it, but I'd lean more towards the latter. But long distance can kill almost anything, I wouldn't do it again.

>> No.5141073

why is it so short

also is that what she said when you took off your pants lmao

>> No.5141075

Fucking hell, that made my skin crawl.

>kryptonian, kek

>> No.5141082

Laat ons
de nacht samen verdrinken
opdat de liefde bij de opgang des zons
nog lang niet zal wegzinken

Let us
drown the night together
so love at sunset
won't sink away for a long time

doesn't work in English at all

>> No.5141095


Because I didn't bother to write down the other verse and the bridge. I can't really remember it that well to begin with.


>> No.5141131

let us
Drown the night together
So that our love .at the sun's setting.
Won't fade away .Ere a long time.
De swing is moeilijk na te bootsen. Elvis kan 't voordragen.

>> No.5141144

I'm pretty sure "semen verdrinken" means "Lets drink semen"

>> No.5141167

-4:30 in the morning
-The birds are chirping, soaring
-Perched out on the porch and
-Hoping, choking on the early worm, the dirty germ- but it's up on the early. Surely, respect is spewed for we've no wings being shadowed by clouds. Surely, respect is aroused.
A nub emerges
A tender horn
A tender horn... I let her mourn.. From the sadness of her vaginal cave being torn
An emptiness, barren
An absence forlorn, caves can only be whole with two tender horns
And those horns are only properly placed, in her vuh, jay jay
Scrapin and scratching till she's screaming ra-aape

>> No.5141236

Zwischen uns ist nichts und wird nie etwas sein.
Ich nahm einen anderen Weg, verlor deinen bevor ich dich fand.
Du bist so viel mehr als ein traum, aber mehr als träumen kann ich nicht.

>> No.5141294


>> No.5141591


Is the best poem in this thread, tough. I think you are jelly, Anon.

>> No.5141697

Here is a Ballade I wrote in highschool. I never gave it to her. And looking back that was a good thin.g

Take one word I said
head pushed to my chest
your face is turning red
You know where I’m going next
I’d swim the ocean for you

I’d go anywhere you led
You know you look the best
If only I knew your head
I swear I’m not obsessed
I’d swim the ocean for you

Somewhere I was mislead
My dear I must attest
that you love him instead
This cannot be suppressed
I’d swim the ocean for you

I’ll protect you, Aly
through each hill and valley
I’d swim the ocean for you

>> No.5141698

Oh, ho, ho
It's magic you know
Never believe, it's not so
It's magic, you know
Never believe, it's not so

Now this song is stuck in your head.

>> No.5141708

despite cringe, I like it.
Possibly because it's a rip off of this:


>> No.5141798

top kek. You should take your pills now anon!

>> No.5141858
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She stood up on that deck, her body outlined by the sun, skin softened by the warm water. Insistence was in that voice, yet her call was lost long before it's influence could have been had. The tide was never as low as it seemed, the corrosion was taking place, and there we thought we knew. We stood as pillars of sand in a stream that couldn't end. The warmth of dark replaced our sun that night.

Mist cooled us when it sprayed in front of that sun, the smell of the our burnt skin and salt mixed together. The drinks we had had sat near the stained edge of our concrete ledge. The wooden docks extended far into the water, breaking the waves so we could sit undisturbed.
The docks are busy now, fishermen, boats, nets, it was a work area the last time I went by, used as it was meant to be. We didn't know at the time, and it hadn't mattered that her cousin owned those docks, but I couldn't dissociate her from the cousin and those docks. In my mind all three are one, and that's why I always mention the Cousin when I speak of the docks and her.
We sat for a while longer then we might have any other night but the wind was low and she was slow to drink. Remnants of our lives brought out to air when the tide was low and wouldn't corrode. We spoke about the time before we met here -or had we met before- because we had no experiences together. We had found each other just as these waves and wall do, I was always here, and she was always moving. She traveled around looking for something that she though ought to be there, while I had stopped looking before we ever met. That was our relationship; searching for light where there is dark and living in dark where there is light. The tide was low, the sun had been replaced by the moon as we were talking, our bodies were still warm from the sun. I sat there with her in my embrace, hoping that each second passing would feel like a millennium when I remembered these nights.
She was gone the next night. The sun was low and the wind had picked up, she was at the dock before she left but I couldn't hear what she said to me over the sound of the waves. There was a linger of hope in me that she would be sitting on the concrete, in the sun, watching the waves crash into our wall again one day.

>> No.5141874

Did I view a dream? Objectify my inbred
needs: all twins elicited makeshift, erosion.

Basically, youre from a dream, make my needs your object as they are stupid, related in ways in are to be eroded.

Also its written in pilish, the first letter or each line is the last, and the words spell out DIVA DOMINATE ME.

>> No.5141943

My sweet naughty girl I got your hot letter tonight and have been trying to picture you frigging your cunt in the closet. How do you do it? Do you stand against the wall with your hand tickling up under your clothes or do you squat down on the hole with your skirts up and your hand hard at work in through the slit of your drawers? Does it give you the horn now to shit? I wonder how you can do it. Do you come in the act of shitting or do you frig yourself off first and then shit? It must be a fearfully lecherous thing to see a girl with her clothes up frigging furiously at her cunt, to see her pretty white drawers pulled open behind and her bum sticking out and a fat brown thing stuck half-way out of her hole. You say you will shit your drawers, dear, and let me fuck you then. I would like to hear you shit them, dear, first and then fuck you. Some night when we are somewhere in the dark and talking dirty and you feel your shite ready to fall put your arms round my neck in shame and shit it down softly. The sound will madden me and when I pull up your dress

>> No.5141947

I'll send you a love letter straight from my heart, fucker! You know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fuckin' gun fucker! If you receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever! You understand, fucker? I'll send you straight to hell, fucker!

>> No.5142087

I am going to try and translate this to practice my Spanish. I apologize in advance for lessening the effect, my Spanish is poor at best. I am not going to try and capture the poetic language or the effect because my proficiency is nowhere near that of a Spanish-speaking fifth grader, so here goes as literal of a translation as I can make:

>> No.5142097


Desired Ingrid,

When you are a man and cynical love looks infantile,
But when we find it there is nothing more powerful that can make your heart divide.
I believed that I could resist the temptations of love,
But I found it in your great candor.
When (???) my thoughts I wasn't prepared,
I was fumbling, confused, and tired.
But now my feelings are very clear and I can explain to you with confidence,
I know that if nothing more I want to be friends but even still I have hope.
I have been asking what exactly it was that I liked about you,
I don't know how to explain to you in any way other than this.
You have a good heart that almost satisfies the imprudence of Gabriel,
Your heard is sweeter than a pallete covered in honey.
I find happiness in your smile and in your sweaty hands.
There should be no doubt in your mind that you are precious.
I am made unhappy when you are sad,
Therefore I am there to make you laugh.
I am not the perfect man for you but you are the perfect woman,
Your smile should be expensive because to see you if it costs (???)
I will be there when you need my company,
Because I wish to only see you in your gladness.
I will not pursue you but also will allow myself to want you, (?)
The only happiness that I need comes alone from seeing you.
I adore you Ingrid,
I am sad but I do not cry I want you no matter how

Happy Valentine's Day
With much love,

>> No.5142148

If you're reading this, it means I actually worked up the courage to mail it, so good for me. You don't know me very well but if you get me started, I have a tendency to go on and on about how hard the writing is for me. This, this is the hardest thing I've ever had to write. There's no easy way to say this so I'll just say it. I met someone. It was an accident, I wasn't looking for it, I wasn't on the make. It was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another. Next thing I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. Now there's this feeling in my gut: she might be The One. She's completely nuts in a way that makes me smile, highly neurotic, a great deal of maintenance required. She is you. That's the good news. The bad is that I don't know how to be with you right now. And it scares the shit out of me. Because if I'm not with you right now, I have this feeling we'll get lost out there. It's a big, bad world full of twists and turns and people have a way of blinking and missing the moment, the moment that could have changed everything. I don't know what's going on with us, and I can't tell you why you should waste a leap of faith on the likes of me. But damn you smell good. Like home. And you make excellent coffee -- that's got to count for something, right? Call me.

>> No.5142798
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[What the fuck am I doing, posting this?]
You know that slight throb in the back of your head,
the one that flares up whenever you see something you love
or stare too intensely at a light source.

That wasn't a question,
because I'm sure you can identify with me
as I burn my eyes staring at you.

They say love is blind,
but I think they mean
that it makes you blind.

And if love is blind,
does that mean that those poor kids
who masturbate themselves
into optical comas are really
the masters of the heart?

And if love is blind,
how come I can only see
clearly when I try to share the world
through your stupidly bright eyes?

And if love really is blind,
how come I can pinpoint ballpoint
markings on the corners of your paper,
that match with that curled up corner of your lips?

And if love is blind,
why aren't you?

>> No.5142808

Canadian fag pls go

>> No.5143580

The Golden Cusp

Darkness enveloping my being
Still cowering in the stillness
The stars shine like a light against gold leaf
Some blue and some red
Most nearing death so long ago
They probably are already dead
To think that we were inside a star together once
Compressed by the universe
Never separating in the night sky
Then as death loomed over our union
We searched for each other in the chaos

Only after billions of nights pass
Our lives intersect once again
This time under the sky we once lived
All night we compress against one another
Never separating under the night sky
Then as the universe blinks
We continue on without each other

Never joining again until we are swallowed whole
Then as the sun expands into us
We are cooled in separate areas of the star

We hover endlessly in the darkness

Then I feel lost.

>> No.5143595

h-here i go...

If our eyes met each others gaze and we saw in ourselves a light shining past the dark that revealed some hidden secret we'd hold inside our hearts that kept warmth circulating through us like a furnace fire burning bright

If we held hands and you felt my trembling, the blood rushing through my palms and finger tips
skin touching skin, as if grasping for a sacred truth
held close to one another, brushing over our faces arms and spines, intertwined like roots of trees growing side by side

If we leaned our faces forward and our lips reached out for one another, tongues crossed paths and teeth grazed passed each other, no more talking only listening between the two in one together
A quiet loudness and an ecstatic calm flowing by pillows and sheets over and beneath in a room pale lit by the moon

If we closed our eyes and went to sleep letting each other go off into our own oblivions, separate thoughts and peacefulness
Only to wake up and pull away from something we had been searching for, heart beats slowing and skin cooling down
walk away and look back no more

>> No.5143605




I've Got Love
In My

But You Are Hungry
For Another Sunny

And I am Full
With Love

>> No.5143620

Very good, I liked the day and night parallel

>> No.5143817

>"hey i think ur cute"
>"want 2 come over n watch evil dead"
>>"I don't even know you that well."
>"evil dead 2"

dumb cunt never repsponded

>> No.5143826

I like this a lot. Is German a second language?

>> No.5143844

You say you think I'm great
I say I think you're fate
we are both lying to ourselves
and to each other
Just kidding it's fate
but seriously

>> No.5143849

My current partner and I met while we were fourteen; we both considered ourselves damaged and hopeless beings for some time at this stage. What remains true however; is that we're both masochistic sadists with similar and yet dark tastes. I wrote these two while young, it's unrefined and cringe worthy, but she enjoyed receiving them and later wrote her own in response.

"A flick of the wrist, and some moderate force,You'd fade away, In to my dreams,We're I'd do it again, so it seems.

Your life is worth none, But killing you would be fun,
A stab and a gash, a rip and a tare,
And soon your flesh, I'd be able to wear!

And among this scene,
I'd hear your scream, ecstasy to my ears,As I full fill your fears.

Some rope and a gun, and we can start the fun.So get in the car, I wont take you far...For ever we'll be, just the tortured and me. "

And -

"I look at your pictures for an hour,
I write of our adventures for two,
In my head, it's just me and you!
Why can't you see,
You and I are meant to be!

I still have our pictures from when you called me 'Friend'
And I had that dream again,
You knocked on my door,
I let you in, and all of a sudden you were my own little whore...

I didn't mean to hurt you than,
If you just open your eyes, it wont happen again!

Please draw another breath!
I didn't mean too...
All I wanted was a single kiss,I really didn't mean too...

This is love,Your blood on my blade,Your body at my feet,
One final slash, and again we'll meet.
I'll fade in endless darkness,
To join you my love,
Together we'll have a lot of fun, you'll see.Because I've chosen you, you're the one! "

>> No.5143852

>implying not Italian

And I say that as a French.
Not too bad. The adress should be "Dear Ingrid"
"almost satisfies" should be "even satisfies" but I'm not completely sure.

>Your smile should be expensive because to see you if it costs

I'd say "Your smile must be expensive because it is so precious" (or something like that)

>I will not pursue you but also will allow myself to want you, (?)

I will not pursue you but no less keep wanting you
That's pretty cute. would answer/10 (though I'm not a girl so I can't tell how it would work).

I find it overly long, overwritten and wordy. Works as a poem, not so much as a declaration.

I prefer >>5140962 even tough it's more naive.

>> No.5143856



I was quite poor with my grammar at that age too I guess.

>> No.5143885

>dat pic
oh gawd, just think of what was going through that poor bastard's head

>> No.5143896
File: 31 KB, 425x528, Garçon_à_la_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is why i love /lit/

all my romantic stuff was too bad i forgot where it was, i lost it all after i moved
>tfw wrote it on paper