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/lit/ - Literature

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5143929 No.5143929 [Reply] [Original]

>half a heartbeat
>words are wind
>half a hundred
>it was all he/she could do

>> No.5143931

>look at me, everyone. I'm picking on a pop schlock writer!

>> No.5143946

>look at me, everyone. I'm picking on someone picking on a pop schlock writer!

>> No.5143961

>look at me, everyone. I'm picking on someone picking on someone picking on a pop schlock writer!

>> No.5143962

>I'm mister Meeseeks, look at me!

>> No.5143964

God I can't wait for him to finish the fucking series so everyone will shut the fuck up about it already.

>> No.5143970

>I'm mister Meeseeks, look at me!

>> No.5143977

>Look at me! I'm mister Meeseeks!

>> No.5143986

Considering his fanbase, it'll probably be a few years before they all get around to reading all of it.

>> No.5143994


>Oooooh, me too! I's mister Meeseeks, look at me!

>> No.5143997

Stirner is dead more than 150 years and /lit/ won't shut the fuck up about it already, don't get your hopes up.

>> No.5144009

Eager to finish the book, they'll rush through it at 30wpm, periodically stopping to text their friends about the stuff that's happening, of course. They'll probably do it while watching TV, or whatever neurotypical plebs do to constantly stimulate all of their senses in order to avoid even the simple thoughts they'd be able to constitute.

>> No.5144016


everybody works together to kill the white walkers

dany becomes the queen south of the wall (fire)
stannis becomes the king north the wall (ice)

probably some, if not all the Starks die

>> No.5144034

So his books are shit but the HBO series is good?

>> No.5144062

Fuck off.

Jon will marry Val, take over the wildlings, then Stannis's army will join him and Bran will help against the Others with some gay magic shit. Other the other side based Maergery loses against Dany's dragons and then ...

book 8, yo

Since /lit/ loves AOIAF so much, discuss why the show excluded Val. Seems like a great opportunity to present tits and drag the story at least.

>> No.5144075

>start the first book
>40 pages in some 13 y/o is getting fingered

So Martin is a pedophile, right?

>> No.5144077

all old fat people are pedophiles

>> No.5144099


cliche bullshit

>> No.5144134

>sunset found her squatting in the grass

>> No.5144142

Both retards.

Bran is going to become the greatest knight in the land using Hodor's body, then after the devastation wreaked across the land by the Others, Hodor will somehow end up sitting atop the Iron Throne come spring.

>> No.5144147

Is it just me, or does the way he describes people pissing and shitting, or maybe the fact that he does it at all, seem childish?

>> No.5144150

Seems not that bad. The throne was either occupied by children or retards, a retard controlled by a child is almost a step forward.

>> No.5144151

But he did it like 1-2 times, it adds to the dirty feel of the world.

>> No.5144155

Don't forget about the onomatopoeia.


>> No.5144164
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"Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night."

>> No.5144170

That shit really needs to be addressed. While talking about pissing and shitting is totally alright, writing something like "Woooooooooo WOOooooooooooo" is just fucking wrong.

>> No.5144173

Nothing wrong with onomatopoeias, especially in fantasy. As long as they aren't gratuitous they can be useful.

>> No.5144174

Except in this case it's ridiculous.

There is absolutely no reason to mimic the sound of a horn in a book.

>> No.5144179
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I agree.

>> No.5144185
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>> No.5144189
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>> No.5144193
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>> No.5144199

No, the other way around.
Actually, the books are shit and the show is shittier.

>> No.5144202

I'm fucking laughing post more.

>> No.5144214

Or the sound of a fucking horse. I think I physically cringed when I read that.

>> No.5144222

Fucking pussy Flashbird sending a robot to do his fighting.

>> No.5144224


There are a bunch of those stories in this thread from last week.

Guy said he had 50 pages already and was going to finish a book and try to get an agent.

>> No.5144284

>finish the fucking series
Protip: the 'series' is a machine for milking money out of stupid people. It's never going to be finished. They'll only stop publishing installments once it stops turning a profit.

>> No.5144377

I've seen like three Umberto Eco threads die young in the past week, but just posting this mutant's pus-inflated head guarantees at least 40 replies.

Just admit that you love him, /lit/. Everyone can see it.

>> No.5144419

If any of you had the slightest bit of self respect you would stop posting now and let op and his thread die.

>> No.5144422

>her cunt became the world

>> No.5144428

Because watching a tv show is easy as fuck.

>> No.5144472

Wait, who is Sunset?

>> No.5144513

Val did show up, though I don't think she was mentioned by name this season. They'll bring her back up for Stannis to offer her, but IIRC her character doesn't have anything going on that justifies making her a big part of the series.

>> No.5144583

She was? Maybe at the very first meeting but she wasn't there when Stannis attacked, though sure she might come in later.

Given how Stannis tries to hook up people with her to gain trust from the wildlings she seems somehow important, then Jon sends her out to get Tormud ... who is a prisoner in the series. Meh, I am usually the last person to complain that stuff is "not according to the book", Ros was pretty cool but removing/barely showing Val seems lame and given how they will run out of material soon, it seems counter productive too, unlike the stupid fight between Hound and Brienne, that didn't add much to the story but is perfectly reasonable for the show.

>> No.5144599

Can someone properly explain why Martin is considered a shit writer around these parts?

inb4 the more she shat pasta

>> No.5144601


Shit like people raving about onomatopoeia is how I know most of /lit/ isn't even baseline fantasy-literate, they haven't even read Tolkien. DOOM BOOM NIGGAS

>> No.5144610


I'm pretty sure the show is going to disintegrate from a dramatic point over the next couple seasons, I can think of plenty of good moments that the show writers have originated but not many good scenes. I don't think they have any idea how they are going to pull it off. Their fanbase won't notice anyway though.

>> No.5144616

Not enough adjectives. Seriously the major complaint is that its too easy to read.

>> No.5144878

Her cunt became the world.

>> No.5144893

>Stirner is a pop shlock writer

>> No.5145045

Nah, he's not entertaining enough to be one.

>> No.5145351

ever read the magic of recluce? onomatopoeia everywhere. it's awful.

>> No.5145375

>GoT fans
>Reading the books
Good joke.

>> No.5145454

All his entire prose is amateur as fuck.
It reminds me of fanfiction prose.

>> No.5145463

There are only 2 possible endings to this series.

All the dragons die in the war among kings (and Daenerys) in Westeros, the Others annihilate everything as the dragons were the only feasible weapons against them.

The majority of Westerosis die in the war against the Others. Dany/Victarion/whoever has a dragon sweeps in and saves the day in the end... the story ends ambiguously as someone receives word that the entirety of Essos has been destroyed by a new army of Others that came marching through Sothoryos from the GoT equivalent of the south pole. Can Westeros resist this new threat!?!?

>> No.5145492

>Rhyce did not slow down and deflected the incoming cartridges with his katana,
I can't breath.

>> No.5145501

>look at me, everyone. I'm so meta even this acronym!

>> No.5145538

> People actually think he's going to finish it


>> No.5145695

I read the first 3 during my dorky teenage years so I have to commit to them until the end. I read the last two after the show came out and I found myself much less interested.

>> No.5145727

I swear to Christ if Danerys fucking dies before she gets to Westeros I'll burn all my books. And I HATE Dany. But if he kills her off and turns her entire set of boring misadventures I had to slog through into a fucking shaggy dog story, that will be the final straw. I might just have to hunt him down and kill him.

>> No.5145737

Dany's plot is the biggest red herring ever.

Another 'Targaryen' took a few chapter to accomplish what she has been working towards for 5 books.

>> No.5145738

Why does everyone hate Dany?

>> No.5148166
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>> No.5148191

The more she drank, the more she shat,Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew andEvery stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat,Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew and The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

By the time the moon came up she was making brown GoT threads on /lit/.

Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler.

>> No.5148208

>Why does everyone hate Dany?
Honestly? Because she has a vagina, and privileged little white boys despise the thought of someone with a vagina being head of state in Westeros. Dany is a female with power, and said privileged little boys see this as an attack on their masculinity. They'll mask this under 'oh, she's boring', 'oh, she's a stupid leader', 'oh, so and so would have done x better', but the bottom line is always the phallus.

>> No.5148242

I hate her because she's weak. Martin tries to develop her as a powerful woman, but then her turns around and she'll have a "tee hee I'm just a girl" moment.

Aside from that, her story isn't nearly as compelling as some of the other characters', once you get below the surface. I just don't give a fuck about Dany and her dragons. I didn't give a fuck about her brother either, or Khal Drogo or Jorah, or any of the other people she surrounds herself with.

Arya way more of a strong, powerful woman. Her story is way better too.

>> No.5148256

How is she even powerful outside of being a ruler? The only decent thing she did was fucking over the slavemasters over Unsullied, which was still aided by her having dragons, like everything she ever accomplishes is either related to her dragons or unsullied/Daario/her advicers, which is almost Cersei level of fail, while Tywin or Tyrion are truly clever and resourceful leaders.

>I didn't give a fuck about her brother either, or Khal Drogo or Jorah
This pretty much. Sure she is not Bran level of boring but not really appealing in any way either.

>> No.5148265

The plot pacing is the worst thing about him.

>> No.5148275


See this >>5148242 , but In addition

Fucking Cersei becomes more interesting than her by the third book. Cersei, the character who you are built up to hate. Dany gets power, uses a little bit, and then spends practically entire books acting out little teenage mini-dramas, when she could be conquering shit. Cersei is a better ruler than joffrey, isnt afraid of ruthlessly crushing any opposition to her rule, and still finds time to try and pursue her love interests, without losing any badass points or losing her cool. The main characters that people like at this point have a modicum of maturity about them, e.g. Jon Snow, Arya, The Onion knight, Jamie.

>> No.5148278


forgot Tyrion

>> No.5148294

While Dany is too inactive, Cersei is just paranoid to stupid levels and pretty much sealed her own downfall while she could just be cool with Maergery and rule Westeros much longer.

>> No.5148698

Honestly, the first three books are decent. Worth a read before fans of the genre.

The problem is once you're into the series you want to know what happens, and the 4th and 5th books are fucking atrocious. His style gets WORSE (which really defies logic), and he focuses too much on characters and places nobody gives a fuck about.

>> No.5148938

>little white boys
/lit/, everybody.

>> No.5148956

I like these in audiobooks. To hear an old and suave voice suddenly shout "HAROOOOOOOOO, HAROOOOOOOOOOO" makes me giggle like a little girl.

It's awful in the books though

>> No.5148972

>many and more

>> No.5149083

Give me lots of details about what happned in that scene. It sounds unbelievably hot and I don't believe he wrote that.

>> No.5149091
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I've been contemplating reading the books for the hell of it but your post convinced me not to. Thank you anon!