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/lit/ - Literature

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5205422 No.5205422 [Reply] [Original]

« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ », known to some as Butterfly, was getting old. She was past thirty now and wondered where her life was heading. ">tfw no gf," she thought to herself, as her fingers unconsciously typed "4chan.org/lit" into the address bar with a well-practiced ease. It wasn't just the lack of a qt Laurie Penny gf, though. She wanted more. She knew her fertile period was beginning to wane and she had started craving a child. On /lit/, she opened every thread she could and commented in all of them, with surprisingly apt pictures attached, and flirted with desperate men who thought they had a chance with a 5/10 lesbian.

Then she saw it. A Sunhawk thread. She was so lonely, and had desired Sunhawk's attentions for almost ten years now. There was no one left for her after Feminister died, gangraped by a bunch of MRA activists when her boyfriend had lifted up her shirt and exposed her bare breasts to them. Sunhawk never responded, but every time Butterfly commented in one of his threads she allowed herself a tiny bit of hope. He was the only familiar face among the anonymous horde. She knew that he, too, was alone: he still posted threads about attractive girls that he couldn't summon the courage to talk to.

This time he answered. She couldn't believe it. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she replied and had a surprisingly only half-fumbling conversation with him, and most of her spaghetti reserves had remained securely in her pockets. She left her email for him on a post, unwilling to let this feeling of elation go. Of course, the drones of /lit/ conspired to flood her inbox with filth pretending to be him, but she could tell which one was him. The total un-self-awareness of his own vapidity, the way he could supposedly read so many books and still be a utter pleb, revealed the real Sunhawk to her.

She got off the internet and started masturbating instead. She imagined Sunhawk as a cute, shy girl who she was initiating into the beauties of sapphic love. Her pace quickened, her fingers plunging into her cunt in the same pattern they had typed on the keyboard, as if to say "HA HA, TIME FOR 4CHAN!", and she came hard.

In the few moments of clarified thinking after her orgasm, she realized what she had to do. Over the next few days she exchanged emails with Sunhawk, trying to slowly bring the conversation around to the possibility of a meeting. He was recalcitrant, but she eventually brought him around. He was, after all, just as old and tired as she, as lonely and longing, as desirous of some iota of human contact that wasn't perfused with anxiety and awkwardness and judgement.

>> No.5205429


When it was all settled, she took the car/bus/train/plane/hovercraft from wherever the fuck she lived to wherever the fuck he lived, somewhere in London or something (he hadn't agreed to meet at her place, or even halfway in between-he could be quite selfish sometimes, she thought, but she couldn't stay mad at him), and met him at his favorite Waterstones. She picked out the man with the fedora, their previously agreed-upon sign, and came up to him, hesitating.


"Yes," he said, and left it at that.

Despite that autismal introduction, he soon warmed up and started expostulating, like his normal superficial, pseudo-intellectual /lit/ self, about shit he clearly had no insight into. She was getting quite annoyed with how much he talked about the cashiers (notably less pretty and sluttier than the cashiers from days gone by, according to him) instead of discussing whatever Roman shit she was reading at the moment with her, but as they were leaving she decided to stick close and subtly play his girlfriend while he paid for his books. The girl did give him an appraising glance, she thought, and she was happy for him. Could this be the rumored friendship unknown to NEETs?

She followed him to his flat and sat inside. He offered her some tea, which she gladly accepted. They made brief, stilted attempts at conversation but mostly sat in silence drinking their tea. All the while her mind was racing. She had to do it soon. It was now or never. Quickly, she kissed him.

"But... but I thought you were a lesbian," he said when their lips parted.

She mumbled some bullshit about fluid sexuality and kept kissing him, her image of a female Sunhawk firm in her mind. They moved to his bed and undressed. Slowly, cautiously, he touched her. She helped him along, but the foreplay was still shit. Finally she bade him enter her pussy. He lasted nearly an hour, as he was only used to the wizard death grip he had been using on his dick to masturbate. Butterfly was exhausted, her vagina was chafing, but unexpectedly she started to enjoy it. She must have grown to love him, she postulated in between thrusts, in all those long hours posting in his threads, yearning for his attention, for a decade. And he was kind of effeminate... maybe she could convince him to trap for her? Whatever the reason, her cunt redoubled its lubrication and they finished in an explosion, their sweat-soaked bodies pressed against each other.

As Sunhawk went to the bathroom to piss, Butterfly had an epiphany. She realized that, far from being a lesbian, she was actually a trip-sexual, hopelessly attracted to all tripfags. It all made sense; how she used to touch herself to D&E's, REI's, satan's, and all the others' posts; the erotic flush of blood she felt everytime she witnessed some of their narcissistic faggotry; how she felt compelled to defend all tripfags constantly. She had to tell Sunhawk, now that she knew, now that she loved him.

>> No.5205434
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fuck I hate typing captchas while drunk

>> No.5205435


"I have a confession," she said as he walked back into the bedroom. "I had intercourse with you... solely for the purpose of procreation. I just- I just wanted a baby. But as we were doing it, I realized that I love you."

"What? Oh God, oh God," Sunhawk said, shaking his head in disbelief. He felt like a man tied to the tracks as Butterfly manned the rail switch sending a trolley barreling toward him.

"You know I don't believe in God," she snapped at him, but then softened. "Sorry. I'm just so ashamed of how I used you. I'd understand if you hated me, but w-will you stay? We can raise it together, be a proper family, free of our horrid pasts, free of /lit/."

Sunhawk, regaining his composure, sat on the edge of the bed and thought it over. He wasn't attracted to trips like she was, but he did admire her baiting ways, and this was an opportunity. He didn't have anything else, and the cashiers he used to pine after were long gone. "Yes," he said, "yes I will Yes."

And so it was that Butterfly and Sunhawk settled into a life of coupled NEEThood. They managed to quit /lit/ for a whole month before returning. Their child, a daughter named "The Greeks," grew to be a homely young woman, and they taught her well to shitpost all the livelong day.

Trieste-Zürich-Paris, 2014-202X
p.s. close the borders (of samefag)

>> No.5205450

Well, at least fan fiction is following the usual "only written about pathetic shits by pathetic shits."

>> No.5205526

>and had desired Sunhawk's attentions for almost ten years now
It's only been six years since we first saw her. Yes Her.

This is silly. I don't know if I can go on.

>> No.5205555

The sex part is pretty solid imho.
Some others places needs more descriptions all that "she" need to be replaced maybe with endearments.

>> No.5205563

why are all tripfags women? do they just like to attention whore more?

>> No.5205568


>> No.5205575

I'd listen to fisternister and butterface for an eternity before I would you pal.

>> No.5205578

>It's only been six years since we first saw her. Yes Her.
The story's set in the future, flutterby.

>> No.5205579

Post your tits then. I'm sure they are floopy.

>> No.5205580

>Trying too hard

>> No.5205587
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HOLY FUCKING SHIT my lungs ghahahahahahaha

>> No.5205593

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ », known to some as Butterfly, was getting old

Awful start, what are you, thirteen? What's the rush? You could start off with a paragraph of physical description, then move on to "She called herself « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »".

>> No.5205596
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here lies the answer

>> No.5205659


>> No.5205751

Sorry, but that padded (out of size) bra was so sad that I couldn't stand even 1 minute.

Who is she and why have you linked the video?

>> No.5205753
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Im gonna be that guy

>> No.5205771

4 years here and that is my first quad

>> No.5205779

Congrats man

>> No.5205801
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>He felt like a man tied to the tracks as Butterfly manned the rail switch sending a trolley barreling toward him.

>> No.5205805

Too bad (for you) that this board doesnt appreciate dubs. Atleast i do (im>>5205753)

She autistic?

>> No.5205817 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 1406599739922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the lines "But... but I thought you were a lesbian," etc., in her voice, of course.

>> No.5205831

I don't think so. She's bipolar, and in a reading kid books kind of mode.