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/lit/ - Literature

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5440028 No.5440028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literary Confession Thread:

>> No.5440031

i buy worn second-hand copies of books so it looks like i've read them, even though i probably never will.

>> No.5440033

I don't read books I read Wikipedia intros

>> No.5440058

I can't get past the YA barrier, if I pick up a certified classic i invariably drop it a few pages in.

>> No.5440062

I've done nothing but read Infinite Jest over and over again for the past 5 years.

>> No.5440065

I used Ulysses to get me laid

>> No.5440072
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Sorry for shitposting, everyone. I'll stop.

Also, I think I'm in love with butterfly.

Read a different book, goddamn.

>> No.5440075

I read high-brow patriciancore in public hoping to attract a qt3.14 intelligent gf

hasn't worked yet ;_;

>> No.5440083

In high school I would take books out of unattended backpacks and write in them and highlight irrelevant passages before returning them to the bag.

>> No.5440093

Not quite how it worked anon sorry

>Hey anon that's a big book, what is it?
>Ulysses by Joyce
>Oh I've heard of him, he's supposed to be really good right? Maybe you can come over and read it to me sometime
>yeah sure okay
>have sex and never mention a book again


>> No.5440099

It took me a year to finish blood meridian

>> No.5440103
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You belong in the 10th circle of hell.

>> No.5440126

>tfw you forget everything that happens in a book a week later

>> No.5440127

i exclusively read fiction because history is boring and irrelevant

>> No.5440137

I can't talk about books irl beyond 'i thought this was well-written' and 'this is a good book'

>> No.5440146

I detest poetry. It is so unbelievably to inferior to prose.

>> No.5440149


>> No.5440151

I hate George Orwell and 1984 was utter shit

>> No.5440152

Nothing to do with lit but, I just jacked off to a fantasy that involved a girl I almost had a serious relationship with and I felt bad immediately as I came.

I've never quite had that experience before.

>> No.5440153


>> No.5440162

I hate poetry that doesn't rhyme or isn't funny

>> No.5440164
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>> No.5440176

It's true.

>> No.5440178
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>> No.5440190

If it's actually patrician then any girl who recognizes the book will also see right through you

>> No.5440193

high school reading requirementfag pls go

>> No.5440199
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elaborate, anon

pic related

>> No.5440205

tried reading IJ 3 times now, only gotten to page 270. i just cant be bothered

>> No.5440211

shittiest, most boring painful to read dystopia ever

>> No.5440218
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>we both got dubs

Boring? Okay. But painful to read?

>> No.5440219

>painful to read

it's plebtier m8

>> No.5440237

If something is boring and has nothing of value, it is certainly painful to read
You couldn't be more right

>> No.5440238

i haven't read a book since high school i just come here from /b/ to shitpost

>> No.5440247
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>my teacher tried to get me to read but FUCK HIM
>I'm dumb

>> No.5440256

>I have terrible taste

>> No.5440258

hows high school going

>> No.5440274
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>tfw you will never have an intellectual gf to share your thoughts with
>tfw she will never listen to you talk with attentive eyes because what you're saying is interesting and she cares about you
>tfw you will never read books together on a quiet peaceful hill on a sunny day and enjoy each others company

Fucking capitalistic menial America. Why do I live in this spiritless boring world?

>> No.5440275

Sucks, don't it?

>> No.5440277

Whenever I read a book, I imagine people I know as the characters. Sometimes I forget what happened in the book and rl, so I would make an off comment about anon trying to complete his Golden Path.

>> No.5440284

Isaac Asimov is boring and preachy.

>> No.5440285

i don't have any friends and i form emotional attachments to the characters in a book and get really sad when the story ends

>> No.5440303

I don't read as often as I'd like to and I often forget 90% of a book a week after putting it down.

And Haruki Murakami's early short stories are better than any of his later novels.

>> No.5440344

Animal Farm is worse

>> No.5440358

Do you ever have to go back over a page because you read it in passing and didnt absorb any of the information?

Then go over it again and again because it keeps happening?

>> No.5440390

Yeah, especially since I'm in graduate school. I try to plan my readings out so that I can have enough time to unpack what is being said. So far, so good. I guess diet and stuff play a role in it too.

As for reading fiction, I've been trying to read for sentence structure lately. But I forget them the moment I begin my own writings.

>> No.5440406

I have a distaste for most fiction because most of the time I feel it consists of a cookie cutter plot with typical honors language notes high school tier conflicts, predictable plots and shallow or surreal fantasy characters.

I'd much rather prefer non fiction, or as close to it as possible, as I can have a sense of reality in it because it details actual events and people rather than some made up bullshit that has no other meaning behind its creation other than that some fag thought it would be neat for "x and y to happen to z." Thats all that fiction is, somebody elses stupid imaginative drivel. Its like fan fiction, but for reality.

>> No.5440419

I feel the same way. When I'm reading I'm absorbing some great ideas, but the moment I start putting pen to paper, I lose it all. Maybe it's just the way I perceive it and in reality it's actually helping.

>> No.5440445

As juvenile as it sounds, I find making a very loose outline goes a long way. But different types of writing call for different modes of planning. For fiction, I don't plan at all. Whatever happens, happens. The revising process is like getting a blowjob while high. But I'm going on a tangent.

How are you reading, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.5440445,1 [INTERNAL] 

my used copy of ulysses is falling apart and has mould on it, ive never read it

>> No.5440496

I read closely and occasionally jot down thoughts that come into my head, but not much beyond that; I tend to dislike a lot of outside influence in my reading, I'd rather read and form my own ideas. I can recognize different styles and all, but I never really scrutinize that sort of thing, the writing itself that is.

>> No.5440521

I didn't start with the greeks.

>> No.5440579

Maybe you could get away with it if it's some obscure gem. But if you're reading crime and punishment, any girl that recognizes the D will either think "what a plen, he hasn't even read crime and punishment," or "look at this bitch trying to look smart in public."
Or maybe you will one day get a "dove-ski!? I heard my super smart friend say something about him once, this guy deserves my anus in his face."
But probably not.

>> No.5440866

> irrelevant

Not unless you want to repeat the mistakes of others.

>> No.5440872

The greatest tragedy of all.

>> No.5440891

I never read Hegel and I shit talk him relentlessly to other people that have clearly never read Hegel

>> No.5440959

isnt that like the premise of this whole board?

>> No.5441160

I write softcore smut and really want to put it in one of my books instead of posting the tidbits I can't put in on literotica.

>> No.5441182

My primary writing influence is a meme.

I sometimes read in Starbucks, despite disliking their products, with a vague belief not that anyone would recognize anything I read, but that I might see others read decent shit. I have not been successful thus far.

>> No.5441189

I am majoring in English, and taking literature classes, but I dislike analyzing literature. In fact, I think the act is utterly fucking stupid, and I hate anyone who tries to turn a 3-page fucking short story into a goddam dissertation. Unfortunately, the only things I enjoy are drugs and reading, so I can't major in anything else, and I have to go to college because this is America and I am white.

>> No.5441237



>> No.5441245

That's some dark shit

>> No.5441270

Will Self: >>>>>/bed/

>> No.5441275

I'm gay

>> No.5441322

Based god, is that you?

>> No.5441331

That's nothing, I found my copy of Ulysses in a puddle behind a bin. Looks like its been through a war, I just tell the chicks I studied it that hard.

>> No.5441400

>implying I dont take my girlfriend out to the park almost every other weekend to picnic and read books and poetry together
>implying she doesnt listen attentively and care about what thoughts I have to offer
>implying intellectual girls arent out there