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/lit/ - Literature

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544932 No.544932 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, here's the deal.

My girlfriend absolutely hates reading. However, we've made a deal which involves her reading a book of my choice.
What book should I choose to make her actually enjoy reading?

>> No.544935

Moby Dick!

>> No.544936
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>> No.544942

If on a winter's night a traveler...

>> No.544945


>> No.544949

finnegans wake

or absalom absalom

>> No.544951


I doubt she would want to read a 1000+ page novel.

>> No.544953

trolling aside, you'd need to give us more information if you want non-troll recommendations...

>> No.544958

Just pick a favorite of yours, or an old favorite. Nothing too difficult (as in, none of the things everyone else are posting).

>> No.544959

Do yo just want...popular fiction that's readable but still somewhat respectable? How about Snow Falling on Cedars? I hear gurls like that book durf hurf.

>> No.544960

...I mean you. First sentence wasn't supposed to be derpy, last one was :<

>> No.544982


I just need something she can really like.
And it can't be too lengthy or too difficult, either.

>> No.544986

maggie cassidy

>> No.544989

Harry Potter.

It brought many kids into reading.

>> No.545000

Maybe Catch-22? It's a bit hit-or-miss, but I've known people who don't usually like reading to like it, and people who like it usually really like it.

>> No.545006

I agree with this. Everyone loves the fucking books.

>> No.545005

why does she hate reading? did it traumatize her as a child?

>> No.545011

For all the hate it gets on this board, Harry Potter is a pretty good idea.

>> No.545029

this, but the actual book


short, sweet.

inb4 childrens lit hurr hurr :(

>> No.545034
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>> No.545044

Get her one or more of the Gor series, by John Norman. ;)

>> No.545052

Twilight. Not trolling, it's the same thing as us reading Harry Potter. It's not bad. It's like giving a supersoaker to your kid because you hope he'll be in the military someday. You don't give him a real gun; you make him enjoy himself in the right direction. Likewise, most girls like twilight. Statistics say it's a safe way to interest her in reading.

>> No.545063


If you still want to love your girlfriend when it's over, give her Harry Potter, not Twilight.

>> No.545072

This. Also, nostalgia. brb re-reading

>> No.545073

A Suitable Boy

>> No.545145

Get her some short stories. Maybe Hemingway, something like that.

>> No.545154

Read to her. Chicks dig that shit and you get to pick the book.

>> No.545173

I think most girls would enjoy "The Average American Male" by Chad Kultgen

>> No.545190

120 Days of Sodom.

>> No.545254

You're with the wrong girl.

>> No.546486


I lol'd. Know any good annotated versions of Finne?

>> No.546489

>right direction
>abusive relationships, twisted symbology, women are worthless unless you count their bodies
fuck no.

>> No.546495

Get her Twilight and watch how your plan backfires!

>> No.546499

Even if there are genepool rejects who enjoy those there are several females who hated it.
They don't feel the need to shout about it over the rooftoops however.

>> No.546500
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Make her question your sexuality.

>> No.546503

You went back to page nine for this?

>> No.546625

Heart of Darkness. It's a short book and shouldn't take her very long to get through.

>> No.546651

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

No, really.

>> No.546656
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>> No.546660
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I highly recommend Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber.' Chicks love that shit.

>> No.546667
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It's short, easy to read and bitches seem to love Terry Pratchett.

>> No.546673

hitch hikers guide.

>> No.546677

Harry Potter

>> No.546680

>reading a book of my choice
>What book

>> No.546687

Not bad. I'd also reccomed the large illustrated edition of Stardust.
+10 internets to you sir

>> No.546689

shadow of the wind by zafon. all the girls like it. its not deep but it has a lot of style and is hard to put down. one-hundred years of solitude seem to be another that's popular with the ladies. great book.

>> No.546688

I recommended my gf The Unbearable Lightness of Being and she enjoyed it and kinda got into reading books... as long as they're under 400 pages

>> No.546706

Hatchet by Gary Paulson

Worked for every girl in my 5th grade class. Plus it's pretty awesome.

>> No.546712
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Just tell her to come on /lit/ and ask herself.

>> No.547836

indeed Gaiman is terrific writer. American Gods and Anansi Boys are solid choices too. so effortlessly written. like reading silk

>> No.547840

Give her graphic novels. Some of our imaginations have been ruined by TV.

>> No.547866
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if she's weeboo she'd probably like across the nightingale floor or one of the sequels. not exactly great but adequate

>> No.547920

Get her some uh fucking uh Dracula, written by the inimitable fucking damn Stoker. It has, like, romance and shit so the girls will like it for the porn value, but it doesn't insult your intelligence neither. So she would like that.

Anyway and also it has some fucking German at one point, and from my experience girls are crazy about German.

>> No.547923
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>> No.547947

Sedaris, tbqfh.

Women love that shit. Hell, I love it too, but women REALLY love it.

When You Are Engulfed in Flames gets my vote.

>> No.547970

The Great Gatsby maybe, or something short of that nature. Maybe something by Hemingway. If she doesn't mind, possibly something like Great Expectations or Huckleberry Finn.

>> No.547983

>Implying that reading a book about a older man in love with a young child with cause her to question whether her boyfriend is gay, straight, or bi (i.e. sexuality).

>> No.548092

indeed if he really wanted to have his sexuality examined he give her The Hours by Michael Cunningham