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561416 No.561416 [Reply] [Original]

Smoking makes you a better writer.

Try it.

>> No.561422

"I have two rules. One is, never trust a man who smokes a pipe." - Bukowski

>> No.561430
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"I like Cigarettes; I like to think of fire held in a man’s hand. Fire, a dangerous force, tamed at his finger tips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come out from such hours. When a man thinks there is a spot of fire alive in his mind – and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression."

>> No.561445


He's dead. He can't write or smoke.

>> No.561449

>implying fire is a force

>> No.561450

Wind, water, earth, and FIRE. Are you stupid or something?

>> No.561459
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>> No.561461

sure is 400 BC in here

>> No.561464

Sure is She Who Must Not Be Named is a huge fan of Aristotle in here.

>> No.561490

AR was a juggalo.

>> No.561538


You forgot Heart.

>> No.561540

Are what we thought elements were before modern science, what's your point?

>> No.561543

>Smoking makes you smell like shit.

>Try it.
FTFY, chief.

>> No.561547

Being on 4chan makes you smell like shit. Deal with it.

>> No.561558

Fire is rapid oxidation and not an element. :|

>> No.561563

Smoking makes me a trend-following mindless retard.

>> No.561564

Writing makes you a better writer.

Smoking gives you lung cancer.

>> No.561588

Smokers are vermin

>> No.561591
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Sure is ethical egoism in here...

>> No.562721

What's the second?

>> No.562724

2. Write shitty poetry to get booze money

>> No.562726

nice samefagging and bumping from page 10

>> No.562804

what is love?

>> No.563472
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>> No.564654

Holy shit, are those real?

>> No.564658

Use ctrl+f to find the bit about the cigs

>> No.564664

Only in the sixties.

Now not smoking makes you a trend following mindless retard.

Don't you know? Anti-smoking is the newest thing.

>> No.564702

It was the same thing in the sixties, smoking was considered rebellious, daring and grown-up, and still is seen as such.

Sneaky fellows, them tobacconists.

>> No.564706

I find smoking to be a way to meet new people, either by giving someone a light or asking for one, or bumming a cig, etc. Of course, it also comes with the health detriments and the annoyance of having strangers feeling entitled to lecture you out of nowhere even if you're not smoking.

And personally it hardly affects my writing. Unless we're talking about smoking pot, in which case it makes my writing a lot worse because I can't concentrate enough to get any done.

>> No.564727

They can be bought here.

>> No.564732

pot makes things worse for me as well but smoking got me laid at the last concert i went to by meeting a girl just like me except more fucked up and was single for that short bit of time (she lived 3 hours from me so the relationship didn't last but a few months)

>> No.564772

I guess you've never heard of straight edge.

>> No.564775


straight edge is just a way for losers to glorify their loserdom.