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/lit/ - Literature

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5865800 No.5865800 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw laughing out loud at a book so hard you have to put it down for a second

>> No.5865810

>First part of Metamorphosis - Kafka

>> No.5865812

like what

>> No.5865823
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Idk but I find this book hilarious when I'm drunk or high

>> No.5865824

Malone Dies
i was in disbelief

>> No.5865858



>> No.5865861
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>mfw reading The Double by Dosty

Had a few good giggles to that one.

>> No.5865876

Dosto's idiot, when there's the hubbub about Nastasya, Rogozhin (sp?), Ganya, and the envelope full of money, and Myshkin proclaims his love for her as well

and then Lebedev starts screaming about his adopted children and crawls into the fireplace - "order me into the fireplace nastasya filippovna!"

no shit funniest thing i have ever read in a book ever ever

but it was also sad because i wanted someone to laugh with and no one was there

>> No.5865883
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>but it was also sad because i wanted someone to laugh with and no one was there

/lit/ all know that feel

>> No.5865899
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he looks like wojak in this picture

>> No.5865905

Stereotypical answer, but A Confederacy of Dunces. The ride just never ends. It's so painfully awkward I am having trouble finishing it.

>> No.5865923

dubs confirm

>> No.5865932

The Nose by Gogol is the funniest short story I've ever read. Comedy fucking gold all the way through.

>> No.5865952

The things of city and state have no power over us. It
doesn’t matter that the ministers and their courtiers
shamelessly mishandle the nation’s affairs. All of this
occurs outside, like mud on a rainy day. We have
nothing to do with it, however much it may have to do
with us.
We are likewise indifferent to great convulsions such as
war and crises around the world. As long as they don’t
come to our house, we don’t care on whose door they
knock. This attitude would appear to be founded on a
profound contempt for others, but its real basis is merely
a sceptical view of ourselves.
We’re not kind or charitable. Not because we’re the
opposite, but because we’re neither one way nor the
other. Kindness is the form of delicacy that belongs to
crude souls. It interests us as a phenomenon that takes
place in other people, who have other ways of thinking.
We observe without approving or disapproving. Our
vocation is to be nothing.
We would be anarchists if we had been born in the
classes which call themselves underprivileged, or in any
of the others from which one can move up or down. But
we are for the most part individuals born in the cracks
between classes and social divisions – nearly always in
that decadent space between the aristocracy and the
upper-middle class, the social niche of geniuses and
lunatics with whom it’s possible to get along.
Action disconcerts us, partly because of our physical
incompetence, but mainly because it offends our moral
sensibility. We consider it immoral to act. It seems to us
that every thought is debased when expressed in words,
which transform the thought into the property of others,
making it understandable to anyone who can understand

>> No.5865962

We’re sympathetic towards the occult and the secret arts.
We are not occultists, however. We weren’t born with
the kind of will it takes, let alone the patience to educate
and develop such a will into the perfect instrument of a
wizard or hypnotist. But we sympathize with occultism,
especially since it tends to express itself in ways that
many who read and even think they understand it don’t
understand a thing. Its arcane attitude is arrogantly
superior. It is, in addition, a rich source of mysterious
and terrifying sensations: astral larvae, the strange beings
with strange bodies evoked in its temples by ritual
magic, and the immaterial presences that hover all
around our unperceiving senses, in the physical silence
of inner sound – all of this comforts us in darkness and
distress with the caress of its sticky, horrid hand.
ut we don’t sympathize with occultists when they act
as apostles and champions of humanity; this strips them
of their mystery. The only valid reason for an occultist to
operate in the astral realm is for the sake of a higher
aesthetic, not for the insidious purpose of doing good to
Almost unawares we harbour an ancestral sympathy
for black magic, for the forbidden forms of
transcendental science, and for the Lords of Power who
sold themselves to Condemnation and a degenerate
Reincarnation. The eyes of our weak, vacillating souls
lose themselves – like a bitch in heat – in the theory of
inverse degrees, in corrupted rites, and in the sinister
curve of the descendent, infernal hierarchy.
Like it or not, Satan exerts an attraction on us like a
male on a female. The serpent of Material Intelligence
has wound around our heart, as around the symbolic
caduceus of the God who communicates: Mercury, lord
of Understanding.
Those of us who aren’t homosexuals wish we had the
courage to be. Our distaste for action can’t help but
feminize us. We missed our true calling as housewives
and idle chatelaines because of a sexual mix-up in our
current incarnation. Although we don’t believe this one
bit, to act as though we do smacks of irony’s very blood.

>> No.5866034

>Due to the pain in my leg, I had completely forgotten about the state of my right cheek.
>Because of this, when I had been looking for a cup and the shop assistant asked me “What happened to your face?”, I answered with “Am I really that ugly?”
Am I unrefined for laughing at such things?

>> No.5867226

When Stubb makes that poor nigger give a sermon to the sharks in Moby Dick. By God, I laughed until it hurt.

>> No.5867234

Meditations. I stopped after a couple of pages.

>> No.5867235

Pynchon's party scene with the tank bursting through the wall is objectively the most hilariously written scene in literary history.

>> No.5867243

After 560 pages or so of Ulysses style Ulysses, Ithaca was fucking hilarious.

>> No.5867267

This was me when I read Atlas shrugged. I didn't realise it was not satire until well after I was done.

>> No.5867271

>reading Inherent Vice
>realize Latina character's dialogue (speaking in English) is punctuated with upside down exclamation points and question marks like in Spanish
>everyone else's dialogue is punctuated like normal English
hehhehehehehe I am giggling to myself even as I write this

>> No.5867289
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>Partially an English major
>constantly making my roommates crack up with the gay shit in David Copperfield
>Constantly reading gay shit to each other, even from textbooks
>Stretching sentences to make them sound gayer
>Quantifying gay, starting to use gay shit in essays
>Title of final essay is "Gay Shit in David Copperfield"
>Creative writing project entitled "Gay"
>Get buttfucked by men
>We're all gay now
>even the girls

>> No.5867310

>David Cock
>Charles Dick
He did it on purpose.

>> No.5867319
File: 46 KB, 350x578, illus01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Young Viseiters or Mr.Salteena's Plan by Daisy Ashford, a book written in 1890 by a 9 year old. It is short, entirely unintentional satire on late Victorian English culture and is full of terrible misspellings, horrible run-on sentences, and weird 9-year-old phraseology. It's amazing

>> No.5867329

I would like to congratulate you on finally being initiated into Patrician-hood