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File: 82 KB, 600x369, Strand-Bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5951548 No.5951548 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Bookstores that we like.

>The Strand, NYC.

>> No.5951551

is that in london?

>> No.5951563

New York City.

>> No.5951582
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The Last Bookstore, L.A.

>> No.5951679

Right across from a cafe I go to pretty often too that has wicked good and cheap drip coffee.

Any fellow Bay Area anons know of any other good used book stores (preferably in the east bay and that isn't half-price or pegasus)?

>> No.5951684

the one and only Harper's, Tel Aviv

>> No.5951690
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forgot pic

>> No.5951696


Moe's Books in Berkeley. I like it because they have a very solid selection of French, Greek, and Latin books, and a decent philosophy section. Also the Berkeley Shakespeare and Co. is quite nearby, so you can visit both in one trip.

>> No.5951697

why are there almost no books in this bookstore? if i was looking for a book, i don't think i'd go there

>> No.5951703

I only really know in the city and really I mostly just go to Green Apple which is pretty obvious. It feels like there used to be a ton more bookstores than there are now unfortunately

But if you're into sf&f go to Borderlands

>> No.5951709


I might go check this out this week. How is parking?

>> No.5951712


Oh, I see you already know Moe's Books.

Well, if you're willing to venture into San Francisco you should try City Lights and Dog-Eared Books. Unfortunately they're not close to each other.

>> No.5951719

I usually stop by City Lights in San Francisco if I get the chance

>> No.5951721

Hah. Actually was talking about Moe's. I'm not a big fan of Shakepeare and Co.. I always feel like I'm gonna get a lung infection in there from the smell and their poetry and philosophy sections are pretty lacking (which is all I buy physical copies of aside from the occasional history book).

>> No.5951722

Shakespeare & Co. Paris is a favorite, then Faulkner House in New Orleans is pretty neat.

>> No.5951727

The Bookman in Charlottetown

>muh town feels
>muh old books feels
>muh book smell
>muh chill old guy who runs the place and knows almost the entire stock by memory

>> No.5951743
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Raven Used Books in Cambridge.

>> No.5951744

Good for classics. You can get most for amazon prices. Nice to grab something and go to Grand Central Market.

But if you're downtown you might as well go to the central library that has fucking everything.

It's actually huge. There are two floors, one of random used books, one, well organized, of classics and new releases. What you are seeing is a little art piece.

It's parking downtown.

>> No.5951748


>It's parking downtown.

so you're saying I should just stay home?

>> No.5951750

I grew up in East Bay because my dad taught at Cal, but I moved away when I was 12 and didn't get the chance to go back to Berkeley until just recently—visited Shakespeare and Co. and found a Huxley first edition which I bought there. Nice shop.

>> No.5951765

Yep. They don't have a lot or anything. It can be fun to go to as part of the art walk or if you're doing other stuff.

>> No.5951775

I just posted about Berkeley's Shakespeare and Co. When I visited Paris a couple summers ago a literary friend of mine who was there also mentioned visiting the shop of the same name there. I guess I always figured the Berkeley shop borrowed its name from the Paris one, which has always been an English language bookstore there in the city, hasn't it? I haven't read up on it much, but my friend mentioned that the 20s ex-pats (Hemingway, Fitz, etc) frequented the store in Paris.

>> No.5951789


>> No.5951799

There's a place nearby that's been $5 every time that I've been there that I can remember.

>> No.5951836
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it was the bloody comfiest place in the world and now it's closed. The book store that opened up in its place is nice, but it ain't half as comfy. so sad.

Also half price books is my chain store bae.

>> No.5951838

Fuck yeah. Harvard bro?

>> No.5951839


Not worth it if you're just going to grab some books. Parking is easy if you have a library card just park at the central library and get that shit validated. Actually just do like the other guy said and visit the library.
Personally I'd rather go to Skylight Books if I want new books or Book Alley in Pasadena for used books.

>> No.5951841

I'm surprised we're this far in the thread and no one has talked about Powell's yet. That place is fucking massive.

>> No.5951842

le barns and nobels

>> No.5951843

The original store was there for the ex-Pats 1919 on til 1940, when it closed due to Nazis. Then it was reopened in the 51 by George Whitman. His daughter runs it now. So sort of the the same store, sort of not. The newer one tries to capture the spirit of the old one, and seems like it does a good job. I spent a lot of time there, looking at the for sale books or just hanging upstairs. They kept the lending library idea going though, which is great.

>> No.5951862

Ha I wish.

>> No.5951937

There's lot parking for $5 and sometimes street parking too. I eventually fell into the habit of just using public transit to get there instead of driving— partly because of the bar across the street.

>> No.5951945

Tufts, BU, MIT, Wellesley?

>> No.5951950

Powells bookstore, love being in downtown portland admiring the qt girls

>> No.5951953


kek, the only thing that dive has going for it is the 'cheap' tallboys.
You get like 2 hrs for 5 bucks at the library or if you show up after 3 its like $1 until the library closes. Just don't forget to get it validated or youll end up like paying like $30 or something.

>> No.5951988

Not even a block up spring street there's a place that's $5 flat-rate parking as long as you're not there too late in the evening. (It might be $7 or something if you get there later in the night.)

The bar isn't that great, but they sponsored by rugby team while I lived there and I kind of enjoyed getting a drink right by the bookstore.

>> No.5951991
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Tufts, but I'm the guy that asked if he went to Harvard.

>> No.5951995

Mein PDX nilla.

>> No.5952015

I'm OP. My GF's family lives in Brookline. One family member teaches at Tufts and one at Wellesley. My impression at this point is that basically no one goes to/gets into Harvard.

>> No.5952020


>> No.5952033

I know a few places in SF. Green Apple on Geary, Aardvark on Church, Dog Eared Books on Valencia, and the second Saturday of every month there, SF Public Library system puts on a $1 bookstore in a small garage on Treat. Hope this give you some ideas if you're ever in the city.

>> No.5952038

Magus Books, right next to the University of Washington. It's a decently sized collection of used books, and their literary fiction and philosophy sections are both pretty quality for their size. Prices are reasonable, and on many books cheaper than the nearby University Books Store. I like the Anarchist/Leftist bookstore in Pike Place, but it gets pretty expensive since they carry a lot of new books, and sometimes I feel like the staff looks down on me for being to bourgeois. Another Pike Place store, the one run by an Iranian guy near the restrooms, is a pretty cool place for more popular/pulpy selections, and is good to stop by when there for other occasions just to see whats in stock. I haven't found any good stores on the Eastside of Lake Washington besides some of the HPBs though.

>> No.5952054

Definitely Moe's.
Also like Pegasus and the relocated Black Oak, with it's spiffy new sci-fi/ fantasy room.
Anon, why don't you like Pegasus?

>> No.5952059

Green Apple is on Clement. And there's a second location now at 9th and Irving in the old Le Video.

>> No.5952061

Seriously, dude, if you like sci fi you gotta get to Borderlands. Place owns.

>> No.5952069

Dude, where?
And does it compare to Another Change of Hobbit? ;_;

>> No.5952075

It's in the Mission in the city. So not the most convenient for all you East Bay folks. But it's real cool. Something and Valencia like 20th maybe

>> No.5952084
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Mac's Backs in Cleveland Heights

>> No.5952127

Hey there, fellow Heights friend!
I totally agree. That loft is comfy as hell with all the sci-fi/fantasy stuff. The staff is really nice there, too. I asked if they had a copy of Pratchett's The Science of Discworld and they wound up ordering me a signed copy. The inside front cover says "To Heather - it spins!" Their prices are pretty good as well, I think

Have you ever been to Loganberry books on Larchmere? It's like a big long tunnel filled to the gills with all sorts of books. They even have a cat. It's one of those places that's just filled entirely with shelving and books, with ladders on the walls to get to the high up ones and old collections of local magazines. Worth checking out, at least, if you're in that area.

>> No.5952136

Shit, I brain farted. You're right, I was a block off.

>> No.5952149

Fairs fair in Calgary Alberta.

>> No.5952160

Being on Clement is what makes it awesome though. The fact that it's on the same block as 540 Club is so sweet. Also the fact it's in the middle of a bunch of Chinese restaurants.

>> No.5952165

The one on shattuck is lacking in their poetry selection and they are a bit of a crapshoot when it comes to their categorizing. They do have some gems that never seem to pop up at moe's though, especially in their philosophy section. I haven't been to the one on college.

Not specifically related, but what's your guys' favorite coffee shop in the berkeley/oakland area. Cafe med in berkeley is too depressing when the cal students leave and the only ones left are the regular specters of decay and loneliness.

>> No.5952167

Balfours in downtown T R N T O

best cheap can lit paperbacks

>> No.5952178

Yeah, I love that part of the city. From about 5th out to 20th in the Richmond is a great area.

>> No.5952205

I kind of love the whole Richmond and Sunset but I am a person with insane taste (and grew up there)

>> No.5952243

There's a really great place in Denton, TX but I hate going there because of all the hipsters. Sadly all that's left ino Fort Worth is a lone B&N

>> No.5952245

that one's amazing

>> No.5952319

The Strand sucks. There are plenty of much better place just in that area. The Strand is pretty much indistinguishable from any Barnes and Noble these days. It represents the franchising of the "small used book store."

>> No.5952322


>> No.5952359
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Any Mexifags? Gandhi master race here.

>> No.5952390

Chapters, Dublin

>> No.5952402

Mexico City has such a great book culture. Tons of open air book stands everywhere, what seemed like a whole neighborhood of used book stores just a few blocks from the zocalo.

>> No.5952430

You mean Calle Donceles (Donceles Street). That's a whole street filled with at least twenty enormous old books stores, besides some old ones. I got a great edition of La Morte d'Arthur in old and modern English, the Martin Fierro and some books by a publisher called Castalia with Cervantes' Exemplar Novels and Garcilaso de la Vega's, Fernando Herrera's and Luis de Gongora's complete works for like 20 bucks. There's also an alley by the Post Palace (Palacio de Correos) that's filled with informal book stands, new and old. Besides, many magazine stands have old and used books. I once bought Los de abajo, a classic Mexican Revolution novel for like twenty pesos (buck and a half) while buying a cigarette and chewing gum.
I just started living here on August and man I fucking love it.

>> No.5952710

Faulkner House in New Orleans? I thought that was in Oxford, Mississippi.

>> No.5952728

In Brazil we have 2 great ones
Livraria Cultura on Av. Paulista and Livraria da Travessa in Botafogo, one in São Paulo another one in Rio.
Its still better to buy books in second hand stores in here, a normal book usually go for 30 U$ in here.

>> No.5952730

best place ever. i spent $200 the last time i was there x_x

>> No.5952731
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The Old Pier Bookshop in Morecambe. I find most bookshops to be a bit pointless these days so shit like the Strand didn't really do much for me especially considering how overpriced it was.

>> No.5952757

What's it called? I have to pass through there on my way back from Houston and wouldn't mind stretching my legs for a little bit.

>> No.5952764

>Calle Donceles (Donceles Street)
>twenty pesos (buck and a half)

Why are you so fucking white and nerdy?

>> No.5952774


in what universe is the strand overpriced? their books are always leagues cheaper than others in the city.

>> No.5952780

Are you talking about the books inside, or the bargain bin 1, 2, and 3 dollar books outside?

Not that guy, but it's easy to think the Strand isn't overpriced if you only shop the bins.

>> No.5952782

How bad are the bins?

>> No.5952789

no, not only the bins.

books that would go for 14, 15 dollars elsewhere can be had for 6.98 at the strand.

wait, it just occurred to me that you may not be talking about the famous strand bookstore in nyc, but some backwater provincial strand in wherever the hell you might be from.

>> No.5952796
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best and cheapest place for books in san diego city. they have one of the better dollar sections and they occasionally stick in stuff that would cost a few bucks into the dollar "bin".

>> No.5952799
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dollar bin selections. Not on the same day, but you can find some killer bargains. Also they sometimes do deals where you buy 2 dollar bin books and you get the 3rd free.

>> No.5952803

>it just occurred to me that you may not be talking about the famous strand bookstore in nyc, but some backwater provincial strand in wherever the hell you might be from.

Ask me how I know you're not a native to NYC.

>> No.5952806


i've lived here for ten years. and i know of no other strand bookstores, at home or abroad. what is your point?

>> No.5952810

barns and nobles for textbooks

the internet for everything else

>> No.5952817

Shipping is just a killer. There is still not one place on the internet that flat ships unless it is amazon and you have prime or you find everything on amazon and it ships free over 35 dollars or is it 40 now.

>> No.5952818

Then, obviously, I was referring to the one in NYC.

>i've lived here for ten years.

Just enough time to be arrogant about the fact. Congrats. Real natives to NYC (like me and the four generations of my family before me) don't say shit like
>some backwater provincial strand in wherever the hell you might be from
about people and places who aren't in NYC. That haughty looking down your nose is usually reserved for the people who moved to NYC and absolutely hate where they're from, so push that hatred onto anyone who has the audacity to live or be from anywhere else.

>> No.5952820

How small do you think his hometown is?

>> No.5952821

no i mean i read everything else at the computer

i only really go for pdfs so sometimes i find myself reading instructional manuals but you get what you pay for i guess

>> No.5952824

pretty much anywhere in the northeast you'll find people referring to the rest of the country as bumblefuck backwaters

not saying they're wrong

>> No.5952825

But you can only get the "hits" you can't get weird stuff or things out of print. E-books are great and all, but not everything that has been printed is in e-book format. More so the older stuff and forgotten authors.

>> No.5952828

Are there any good bookstores in Paris? Going there for the first time this spring.

>> No.5952836

>you can only get the "hits" you can't get weird stuff or things out of print.

That's not always true.

>> No.5952838

no i've found some repositories of papers and random information

like i am currently reading up on dishwasher maintenance and i don't even have one

i was reading about the geology of the land along rt 66 the other day

i just like info i guess

>> No.5952842

I was more talking about fiction and not just raw information.

>> No.5952849

oh i don't really read much fiction anymore

too many bad feelings

>> No.5952867


the fucking irony of this post. there is certainly no haughtiness in trying to harangue someone who has pride in where they live by pointing out their four preceding generations. yes, do go on and contradict me by telling us how the accident of your birth provides you the arrogance to speak for the native born as a monolith. please. fucking hypocrite.

>> No.5952872

u mad

>> No.5952876


i'm just responding in kind.

>> No.5952878

Anyone here goto Waterstones on Piccadilly ,London

>> No.5952899

There is one in New Orleans. He lived there while writing his first, rarely read, novel Soldier's Pay.

>> No.5952901

there is a special kind of arrogance people get from where they live, more so when they don't have anything of value, or merit. 'I may be a shit bag with no personality, but at least I live somewhere cool and that makes up for all my personal shortcomings as a human'.

>> No.5952907

The Last Word Bookshop - a used bookstore on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia.

>> No.5952913


a fascinating insight. do you teach at the university?

>> No.5952925


>> No.5952926

I go to the Russian section there

>> No.5952927
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I'm going to Amsterdam soon. Can anyone recommend a good bookstore there?

>> No.5952933

half price books

comfy and cool non chains can't give you those kind of deals

for comfiness i would definitely pick something else

>> No.5952941


>> No.5952954
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I like politikken's boghal in Copenhagen. Nice deals most of the time, and it's clean and spacious.

>> No.5952955
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I think I'm going to go to Symposium in Providence RI today. I've never been there before but apparently there's a ton of good used and marked down overstock.

>> No.5952961
File: 796 KB, 1600x1197, Book-Barn-Niantic-CT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, normally I go to the Book Barn in Niantic CT. It's a used bookstore that's divided into a couple shops and a main building area that has a ton of stuff. I usually sell my old books to them and use the credits to pay for what I get after.

>> No.5952967

I was at Shakespeare & Company two weeks ago on a Christmas trip to Paris.

I was actually surprised. Way less commercialized than I had expected. It was small and cozy and the two staff were very nice.

Purchased The Count of Monte Cristo, Ulysses, and The Belly of Paris.

>> No.5952971
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The Book Barn is also fun if you like cats.
>go to BB on New Year's Eve
>almost no one else is there, freezing cold
>walk into one building, nobody's inside of it
>except for a cat sitting on a chair in the entryway
>the entire time I'm inside looking at books the cat follows me
>when I go back to the entryway to leave the cat climbs back onto its chair

The downtown shop also has a coffee shop and pub in walking distance from it. Plus the guy who works there is pretty bro, it's almost like no matter what book you buy there he knows something about it.

>> No.5952979
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Don't mind me living in buttfuck nowhere, Mr New York City.

>> No.5953017
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I like my bookstore, sorry if it not looks cool as the others posted.

>> No.5953028

I go there a lot. The Foyles nearby is good too. They did it up recently.

>> No.5953070
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In Princeton, New Jersey. The only patrician-tier bookstore within 50 miles.

>> No.5953095

I fucking love Powell's

>> No.5953100

Any pdx bros interested in a little meet up sometime?

>> No.5953214
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Haslam's Bookstore
St. Petersbug, FL

>> No.5953236

There was a really cute, narrow five-story bookshop in Reykjavik, don't remember the name of it though. Had a lot of icelandic music also and a cafe.

>> No.5953281
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#Bookz, Undernet

>> No.5953291
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it's cool to see other litdudes from san diego
i also like bluestocking books

>> No.5953307

Book Culture in Morningside Heights, NYC

>> No.5953328

Also Montclair (NJ) Book Center

>> No.5953343

John K. King Books in Detroit

It's a maze in an old factory. They give you a map to navigate

>> No.5953418

Hay Cinema Bookshop, Hay-on-Wye, Wales.

Nice town


Eh, most are so-so. You can try Scheltema (mostly Dutch books but still some English) on Koningsplein or 'The Book Exchange' on Kloveniersburgwal 58.

Also, dont fucking walk on the pink sidewalks. You've been warned.

>> No.5953440

dude i just moved to fort worth, what is it called?

>> No.5953519

lol, I always thought that those stores were only in GTA.

>> No.5953832

For example...

Also the Strand is still independent despite it being massive and successful. I'm not sure what you're going off about. If you want a place that doesn't really sell books but looks old-timey then there are plenty of those places. I wouldn't really call those bookstores though.

>> No.5953883

The Med is dead dude.
Cafe Yesterday is pretty chill, with couches and all: heard they got taken over by Christians, though, so the vibe might not be so great any more.
Lindgren, Cafe Clem, Crixa Cakes... are we talking places for reading? Or are we talking good coffee?

>> No.5954077

What are some good bookstores in Houston or Austin?

>> No.5954084

>tfw live in a quiet town
>tfw only barnes and noble is close by and it's 15 mins away, and the only other store has like 200 books tops.

>> No.5954194

holy moly i was just going to post about that! i got dreamland there, and snorri sturlosson, and the one about the guy with the sheep and the daughter. laxness.

and the used bookstore, bokin. the guy that runs it is super friendly.

>> No.5954208

Prairie Lights, Iowa City

captcha: peone

>> No.5954240

I miss Prairie Lights, but mostly for the 2 dollar tallboys at readings

Good remainder section. Otherwise it was pretty over-hyped as a bookstore. The best in town tho

>> No.5954248

Haunted bookstore is the best used bookstore in town I should clarify

>> No.5954261

Pegasus, while never having the book that I am specifically looking for, is a great deal of fun to browse, and has the best ambiance in Berkeley, imo (cats, couches, chatty employees). If you can wait for it, they will order you any new book in print for no extra charge.
If I'm looking for something specific, though, I head to Half-Price, or the library.

>> No.5954279

Archives Fine Books, Brisbane, Australia, huge used book store that smells perfect
(and the Lifeline Bookfest)

Otherland, Berlin, Germany (SF/fantasy specialization)

Mosakusha, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan - sells only anarchist and a bit of communist literature in Japanese, strange place

Mayersche Interbook, Trier, Germany - looks like it's part of a chain (and it is, since a year or so), but staff picks are impeccable. The only place I've ever been to that a) carried all books of Ted Chiang and b) had a "recommended by our staff" sign on it

P.S.: Shakespeare & Co in Paris sucks dick, American tourist destination

>> No.5954294

if I'm in a pinch and need something today I go to bluestocking or adams. The great thing about bookoff is that they don't catalog nor do they research how much a book is worth on amazon. and most fiction has a flat price between 1-5 dollars and non-fiction is half the cover price and sometimes lower.

>> No.5954307

>shakespeare and co turned into that once the old man died. His daughter turned it into a tourist trap.

>> No.5954323

That is correct, it apparently used to be good. About 70 years ago, before the old owner closed the original shop and gave the name away

>> No.5954432
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Atomic Books in Baltimore. Decent selection and a bar in the back in case you need a quick drink or two in the middle of your perusing.

>> No.5954448

There's one in Fed Hill too I can never remember the name of. Have you ever been there? It's closer to me than Atomic.

>> No.5954479

The Book Escape? That's the only one in Fed Hill that I know of. I don't think that I've ever been there though, Fed Hill is fairly far from Loyola so I just go to Atomic in Hampden when I feel the need to do so.

>> No.5954497

>Mayersche Interbook, Trier, Germany - looks like it's part of a chain (and it is, since a year or so), but staff picks are impeccable. The only place I've ever been to that a) carried all books of Ted Chiang and b) had a "recommended by our staff" sign on it
>ted chiang

>> No.5954503

Book Escape over near the science center? Also, John Waters is in Atomic Books sometimes.

>> No.5954506

any good bookstores in montreal?

>> No.5954510


i work there

>> No.5954551

Yeah, fuck that shit. I was there once and saw the old man himself. It was a lovely place and I got some lovely books there and played the piano. I hear it's not the same anymore.

Damn, I was just in Nawlins and didn't know about this! I'm headed back for Mardi Gras so I guess I'll check it out then :)

I was recently in a great bookstore in Pittsburgh called Caliban. Lots of great old books, especially good for philosophy since Pitt's philosphy department is pretty badass. There was an awesome copy of Montaigne's essays illustrated by Dali.

I was also in a cool one once in London near the British Museum. Might have been Bookmarks, Bloomsbury.

>> No.5954569

you can drop of letters and stuff for john waters at that store. He is a regular there, being baltimore and all.

>> No.5954579

got an entire modiano collection at a mall bookstore for 30 reais

u mad breh

>> No.5954644

Yeah, he lives nearby in Guilford. I passed him one day while walking to work but I felt bad so I didn't bother him or anything, just said hi.

>> No.5954659

Any bookstores in or around the Boston area that are worth checking out?

>> No.5954929

It sucks that most of Gandhi's stores focus around Mexico City and the southern area. The one in Tijuana is void of any good books and ordering from them online takes forever.

>> No.5954933

TJ is a bit of a black hole when it comes to real culture.

>> No.5954970

>not saying they're wrong
They are
The entire Eastern seaboard is shit

>> No.5954971

Most of Baja California is. Not only is it alienated from most of the Mexican culture, it is constantly bombarded with California morons.

>> No.5954979

>find a $2 book on amazon
>shipping is $3-$5

>> No.5955008

>dont fucking walk on the pink sidewalks

>> No.5955015

What exactly is different about it now?

>> No.5955083


They're bicycle lanes but tourists often don't know this and things can get pretty nasty. Hell I even managed to somehow knock a tourist out when I hit him with my bike.

>> No.5955102
File: 160 KB, 562x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chamblin Bookmine in Jacksonville, FL
They have something like 2 million books. You can honestly get lost in there. It's comfy as fuck.

>> No.5955209

The "original" Shakespeare & Co., the one that was frequented by Hemingway etc., closed down when the Nazis invaded Paris in the 40s. The second current one opened in the 50s, and was then renamed into Shakespeare & Co. in the 60s "as a tribute" after the owner of the first store died (the second owner probably waited so the first owner wouldn't raise problems).

A few famous Americans visited the store (notably Beat poets), but since then, nothing of interest has happened there, and it has become more and more of a tourist destination. It still does some cultural events etc. so not all is lost.

>> No.5955239

Eww, but Jacksonville. Wasn't that city settled by snake-handlers?

>> No.5955255
File: 214 KB, 450x299, bouquinistes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if those open air shop exist outside of Paris.
They're great, cheap used books and you can't find rare books too

>> No.5955263

Anyone know a good book store in Ottawa?

>> No.5955273

>Installed along more than three kilometres of the Seine and declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, the 240 bouquinistes make use of 900 “green boxes” to house some 300,000 old books and a very great number of journals, stamps and trading cards.


they even have a wikipedia page. I hope that tradition won't go extinct.

>> No.5955283

Ive seen some in Toronto

>> No.5955303

where? i've only seen on guy sprawl a few on the ground by st. george station sometimes

>> No.5955318

They also exist in Mexico City.

>> No.5955334
File: 132 KB, 1120x812, t:e lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking redneck hillbilly is so mad

(no joke) Captcha: Pitym
as in, captcha asks me to take pity on you

>> No.5955346

>Trier, Germany
my highschool was based on this town
New Trier Township High School

>> No.5955364

I just realized that there are no pictures online of the drug abusing probably homeless punks I usually buy my books from. What a shocker! There is this small pedestrian area nearby where they put their blankets on the earth and on it their books. Every couple weeks they got new books from god know where and then this place is like heaven.

>> No.5955371

HPB is the only good book store i know of in northern suburban chicago, plus some great used games and CDs and records

>> No.5955377

sounds interesting, have you talked to them people at all? im imagining genius addict punk wonder children living off selling stolen books

>> No.5955379
File: 233 KB, 640x430, 8084364057_d0c839f521_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any amount of books, charing cross road, london

best bookshop in the area hands down, always solid deals and the staff are cool as fuck

>> No.5955381
File: 174 KB, 1024x700, 1024px-Trier_Porta_Nigra_BW_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, your logo is the Porta Nigra - you should visit, tons of awesome 2000 year old shit just standing around

Pic related, the Porta Nigra

Looks less impressive in real life because it's at the beginning of the city's shopping area, it's in the back on this picture

Plus there's the Kaiserthermen (public baths?), a mostly rebuilt basilica, a cathedral that was built on a Roman temple....

>> No.5955501
File: 419 KB, 1000x1000, Raven+Used+Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related in Northampton, MA, plus Montclair Book Center in NJ.

>> No.5955524 [DELETED] 


>> No.5955533

>The "original" Shakespeare & Co., the one that was frequented by Hemingway etc., closed down when the Nazis invaded Paris in the 40s. The second current one opened in the 50s, and was then renamed into Shakespeare & Co. in the 60s "as a tribute" after the owner of the first store died (the second owner probably waited so the first owner wouldn't raise problems).
I know that but what's the difference between when the place was ran by the second owner and now when it's being run by his daughter

>> No.5955550

yeah, strand is nice. crowded as fuck though and there's no place to sit.

fun fact: david markson donated his personal library to them

>> No.5955626

What? No.

>> No.5955629

>david markson
Literally who?

>> No.5955632
File: 905 KB, 3282x1885, feltrinelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Feltrinelli, Milano near the Bosco Verticale

>> No.5955660


Powell's by Uchicago

>> No.5955664

he wrote some good books like wittgenstein's mistress and This is Not a Novel

protip: theres a bookworm podcast where DFW says wittgensteins mistress is one of his favorite books

>> No.5955678

i live in chicago suburbs and have never been up to go to bookstores, except for the other day i saw some amazing ones in Boystown by wrigley
this one:
>every penguin classic
>(almost) every New york review of books book
>every Modern Library
plus great phi, rel, and gay book sections

>> No.5955687

I don't reallly think that it's the current owner's fault that Shakespeare and Co. has become the sort of place that Owen Wilson is filmed walking in and out of in awful touristy movies like Woody Allen's atrocious Midnight in Paris. It's just that the Latin Quarter has completely changed its nature since Hemingway's and Joyce's day, It's Disneyland now and actually more of a treasure trove for anime and comic fans than for bibliophiles. The seldom-open antiquarian shop next to the main Shakespeare and Co. is still a temptation - but only for window-shoppers, unless you can afford to shell out several hundred dollars for a first edition of The Naked Lunch. The bouquinistes along the Quais from Notre Dame to the Pont de la Tournelle don't always offer worthless or overpriced wares once you've put a few hundred yards between yourself and the tourist-swamped cathedral but if there are any interesting BOOKshops left in the Latin Quarter - as opposed to the proliferating comic- and anime-dealers, where you might indeed be able to pick up a few interesting early-70s Jack Kirbys for (for all I know) a lot less than in London or New York - they are to be found some way south of the banks of the Seine, in the Rue des Ecoles and the Rue Monge.

>> No.5955725

any good bookstores in Melbourne?

>> No.5955729

My boss made me pick up three copies of Capital for his christmas shopping in my lunch break. I go there now on my way back from Foyles.

>> No.5955733

No, the people Melbourne are illiterate.

>> No.5955736

pretenziosa/10 plus shitaly

Would not buy in

>> No.5955740
File: 21 KB, 360x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went in a few weeks ago; was chock-full of all types of hip looking people (I didn't fit in). Some cute blondes were speaking French near me, I almost creamed myself. Definitely a place to be SEEn at, a few strata above Starbucks for sure...if that's your thing.

>> No.5956005

The Strand operates something similar on the east side of Central Park in NYC but it's a smaller operation than what goes on along the river in Paris.

>> No.5956104

Hey fellow /lit/erati in Germany, I'm wondering if where you're at has the same level of antique book stores as Leipzig. This shit is ridiculous.

Like five used book stores next to each other all facing Nickolaikirche ridiculous. It's like döner places but for books.

And it's all over this city. I love it. Just wondering if it's the same over in Erlangern.

Ich bin ein Ami in meinem Austauschjahr, deswegen weiss ich nicht, ob es normalerweise so viele Buchverkäufer gibt.

>> No.5956128

Just kidding; I'm a former citizen of N Fla myself.

>> No.5956129

I fucking love Powell's to death. Before the financial crisis my family and I traveled to Portland every summer to visit some aunts and uncles and we would spend at least one day inside of Powell's.

Now we don't anymore and I miss it. That bookstore is definitely my favorite. Shopping online can't recreate the experience of looking for a general topic or a copy of a book you've never seen before and then sitting down with a coffee to run through it and see if you should buy it or not. That is heaven.

>> No.5956752


Back in my earlier days I spent many an afternoon in Logos Books and Records in Santa Cruz, CA.

Powell's in Portland is, of course, the Gold Standard in the US.

I also quite like Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, WA - one of the only bookstores I know that is an anchor for a shopping mall.

Been there, didn't like it. Seemed to much of a 'scene' place than an actual bookstore. I would prefer going to a Barnes and Noble, to be honest.

>> No.5956755


>Seemed to much of a 'scene' place than an actual bookstore

Not an uncommon problem in LA, sadly

Still the greatest city

>> No.5956763

Agreed definitely the best fiction selection in central jersey

>> No.5956764


>> No.5956766
File: 421 KB, 1280x853, bmanscorner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bookman's Corner?

>> No.5956767


Glad you're happy there. I was happy to get out after a decade.

>> No.5956815

don't know if y'all will see this again but its called Recycled Books. Its on the square. It used to be an opera house and now every wall is bookshelf. Tons of cool stuff to pick through.

>> No.5956890

Nothing wrong with that, the superficial and pretentious is all that matters.

>> No.5956904

Gandhi master race here. Oh, you meant the bookstore...

>> No.5956920


I've been here since day one and I can't imagine myself leaving permanently

Angelenos have our own thing, it's complicated


I pretty much agree

>> No.5956928

Kinokuniya, ease of access, across the street from a park.

I had no idea it was a chain until I watched Diary of a Shinjuku thief.

>> No.5956938


I never really got the scene vibe while I was in there. It's a second rate grimy shithole like everything else downtown.

>tfw you're partly to blame for their bathroom policy

>> No.5956954

Hey, Jax has to be good for something.

>> No.5956963

What the fuck, just say "Los Angelans" or some shti.

>> No.5957082



It's closed?

I bought an awesome second edition of Hegel there.

>> No.5957372

You all have some lovely stores, I live in Hobart Australia, and there is at most two half decent stores; Cracked And Spineless and a place in Salamanca I have forgotten the name of.

I know it is unlikely to find another poster from Tasmania here, but if there is anybody, please tell me there is some hidden gem I don't know about. It's somewhat depressing with the selection here.

>> No.5957414


It's too cheap to be a pure scene place. It has a distinctly L.A aesthetic that might strike you as scene because a certain kind of style, the urban hip, actually comes out of L.A. Most people feel NY style is more 'natural.'

The art stores upstairs definitely are though.

I don't get why some people react so violently to L.A.

I always assumed it was all the drug hobos living downtown. I almost applied for a security position there but it was on call and they were very aggressive about me having to deal with druggies in the hiring materials.

What did the fuck did you do?

>> No.5957457
File: 416 KB, 1200x1600, photo 3-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of love for the Tacoma Book Center, its fiction selection is great but its nonfiction selection is amazing.

C-SPAN did a segment on them years ago and it's cool to see because it just looks empty compared to now. The same nerds are still running it today: http://www.c-span.org/video/?107102-1/tacoma-book-center

>> No.5958056

The Word is where I go the most often. They have a lot of litcore and literary fiction and are pretty close to downtown.

>> No.5958147

The Book Market. Multi-branch used bookstore in the habitable part of Canada, cheapest fucking books ever but with tons of obscure academic-tier stuff, as well as weird pulp genre shit you'd find nowhere else. No organizational system whatsoever, they just cram the maximum possible amount of books literally anywhere they'll fit, but the staff are usually able to find a specific thing if they have it (don't ask me how), and apart from that it's a great place to browse if you're looking to discover new books you'd never even hear about and walk away with like 5 of them for $20.