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6046320 No.6046320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the sexiest god of all time and why is it Dionysus?

>> No.6046332
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>implying you wouldn't
Have some more wine, anon. You look hot. Maybe you should unbutton your blouse a bit more, here, let me help you....


>> No.6046348

Because He gets you drunk, and raps you. =D

>> No.6046349
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>> No.6046353


>> No.6046361
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>small penises were once the standard of beauty
truly i was born in the wrong time

>> No.6046404

Apparently you weren't Why else do you think your mom chose me?

>> No.6046408
File: 166 KB, 1200x1600, 8403765642_1cd3b6dc97_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohai anon. You would like a grape? mmm, that's good, isn't it? here, have another....don't you like the texture on your lips like that, the sensual sucking?

>> No.6046416

>>6046404 >>> >>6046361

>> No.6046426

My mom isn't a lesbian so duh.

>> No.6046437

The apple does not fall far from the tree it seems. Makes sense when the tree was short and unable to grow to full straightness.

>> No.6046438
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>standards of penis beauty is the top priority for the hypothetical decision of native era

>> No.6046448

>le wrong generation

>> No.6046457
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>> No.6046480
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My body is ready.

>> No.6046551

>sexiest god

Truly, Hellenismos is cancer, idolatry and lusting after the idols at once.

>> No.6046612

>Not Apollo

Bacchanalian scum.

>> No.6046617
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Keep calm and meet Ἀντίνοoς.

>> No.6046623


The sexy woman is participating in the mode, or fashion, of Aphrodite; you are not fucking Aphrodite herself, you fucking pleb.

You seem to be participating in the mode of Artemis; but i don't think you know anything about the moon, archery or animals.

>> No.6046644

>values and morals are just fashions
Cancer, how the hell can you even call this a religion with a straight face?

>> No.6046647

>being this much of a supreme gentlman

>> No.6046661
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>> No.6046668
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>> No.6046670
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>> No.6046690

Go to bed muhammad

>> No.6046702
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>tfw you will never pleasure Dionysus with him refreshing your lips intermittently with sips of wine

>> No.6046730

are you a boy op?

>> No.6046749


>> No.6046768
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>> No.6046769


>> No.6046785


>> No.6046793

Go to bed degenerate.


>> No.6046813
File: 249 KB, 768x960, Athena 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, seriously. Go away.
If you're a real literature enthusiast, please, just close the thread.

>> No.6046825

Then she shouldn't be posting degenerate thread solely about sex and promoting a meme religion on my board. That's what /b/ is for

>> No.6047133
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>> No.6047194

Why does this look so creepy to me? I'm getting uncanny valley, even though it looks to good to make me feel that...

>> No.6047227
File: 172 KB, 750x1025, antin218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do every of your words feel like an insult to these very gods?
Could you stop?
I am serious.

>> No.6047233
File: 3.62 MB, 3384x2540, Ariadne 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you agree there should be a PhilGen and a TheoGen

A GreekGen would follow I'd bet...

If we could just get our shit together.

>> No.6047243

Butters only supports hellenism because it's anti-christian and she forced her way through a couple of green texts over the course of a decade so she has a case of the tismals for their culture since she can't actually read. She's a bigger fedora than you've ever seen, though. Only thing I like about her.

>> No.6047245
File: 209 KB, 600x522, Persephone and Demeter (Greece, ~450 BC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an insult to these very gods
Odd. I'm as reverent as an atheist can get to them.

>> No.6047250
File: 174 KB, 736x1754, c8d8de8046d41e755731af84878aa7b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's impious to one God is pious to another. Do you even Socrates?

>> No.6047251

>she can't understand

>> No.6047256

If she supported hellenism she would know to remain silent, instead of interrupting men while they conversed.

>> No.6047260

Belief in the Gods is not an important factor in honoring them, Butters, so you're covered.

>> No.6047267

Plato thought women should participate equally with men in education and government.

>> No.6047268
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>not the sun disc
just look at how many handies this motherfucker can give at the same time

>> No.6047270

Atenism is pure cancer. Egypt's empire nearly fell apart while it was going on.

>> No.6047277

>Butters only supports hellenism because it's anti-christian
You do know she was the one who popularized the "start with the Greeks" may may, right?

>> No.6047279

Plato was a massive shitposter.

>> No.6047288

she also pushes stirner despite freely admitting having never read his book, because a troll told herto. what is your point?

>> No.6047296

That Butters is a true manifestation of faith.

>> No.6047298
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>> No.6047303
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Irrelevant to the times. I don't care to bring back the patriarchal culture of ancient Athens.
An you're in a woman's thread btw.

Very level-headed. Exactly what lost theists need.

And love the ideas I have learned of him. I'll re-order and read a copy when I can. I have a lot on my plate

>> No.6047309
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>> No.6047315

Women can't have threads.
The gods made women to serve and please men. Patriarchy is the divine order.

>> No.6047319

akhenaten was a brave man who tried to put a stop to the degeneracy of his time but failed


>> No.6047324

where my apollo bros at?
best looking god by miles. not to mention he's the god of fuckin poetry, the most patrician of the arts, and also the god of slaying mad pussy

>> No.6047329

You don't even have your mythology right. Women were made to punish men.

>Patriarchy is the divine order.
It's not the value of Artemis, Dionysus or Demeter. Really, you're in position to be speaking for any of the Gods, though.

>> No.6047334

Dinoysus is fucking degenerate.

>> No.6047340
File: 25 KB, 467x750, b8339817c6cae829e5d714ca3d08e4d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has an insolent swagger about him.

>> No.6047347

No he isn't. Dionysus is about a return to times before social stratification and self-consciousness, he is about embracing our oneness with nature and freedom. He's about the farthest removed God from decadence as you can get.

>> No.6047407
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What makes someone degenerate?

>> No.6047455


His followers are also crazy as fuck. Bitch ripped her son to pieces with her bare hands.

>> No.6047474

I'd post a picture of apollo lounging with his nymphs but I can't find it

>tfw all these nymphs but no daphne

>> No.6047497

Enfeeblement and a rejection of passion in favor of comfort.

That's because her son tried to put Dionysus to death, but tearing people apart is actually a mythical allegory for worship with in turn is an allegory for myth: to worship Dionysus, you tear apart and animal and eat it and drink the blood to commune with Dionysus; this is symbolic of Dionysus' death, he was ripped apart by Titans and then Resurrected. Dionysus came down as a man and gave up wine to achieve a heavily mindset and to reach the other Gods through libations. He died a mortal death, but became a God; eating his flesh is symbolic of his mortality and the bridge between than and God. You drink until you lose all self-consciousness that mortals are afflicted with, everyone dresses alike and the slaves and the rich commingle as equals, for they cease to be mortals and become Gods for a time, which appears to be madness to other mortals.

>> No.6047509
File: 521 KB, 1400x933, Apollo Served by the Nymphs - François Girardon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, yeah?

>> No.6047531

christian meme. ignore

>> No.6047536

> Shitty mudskin god who is not only blue but has multiple arms and looks like a jackass.

Come on man, try harder.

>> No.6047546


>mfw all these fat sluts

>> No.6047597

Most of Dionysus's followers were women or slaves. His cult was an exception to the patriarchal structure of Hellenistic Greece.

>> No.6047624
File: 35 KB, 335x700, e592da512642a0e685c1c03e2ebf9078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think that's even why Rome tried to ban worship back in the day, because there were a lot of worship groups comprised only of unsupervised women and they wouldn't say what they did during their celebrations together.

>> No.6047649

Hence why it was an affront to hellenism.
Seems like a sensible reason to me.

>> No.6047704

>Hence why it was an affront to hellenism.
lol? Dionysus had oldest continual worship along with Demeter. The The Eleusinian Mysteries, the Dionysian Mysteries, and the Oprhic Mysteries (which heavily influenced Pythagoras and Greek philosophy thereafter) are the oldest elements of Greek religion, at least that survived into the classical period, and the latter two consider Dionysus to be the supreme God rather than Zeus.

I think you're confused if you think Greek religion means a unified set of values: each God has particular values, it's not like Christianity.

>> No.6047732

Looks like he's gonna open his eyes at any moment and start moving in a crappy cgi manner

>> No.6047942
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>all this bickering
Try looking without unconsciously playing with your nipples. I dare you.

>> No.6047965

>What makes someone degenerate?

If you don't like someone, they're degenerate and the things they do that you don't like are degenerate.

That's literally it.

>> No.6047971

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6048130

Here OP

>> No.6048152

Sure is homesex in here. Where the boobies at?

>> No.6048156


>> No.6048160
File: 290 KB, 1280x800, 35345 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to love the male physique, its one of the the first steps to becoming a Hellenist

>> No.6048166
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>> No.6048171

Didn't certain Greek towns celebrate a festival by carrying around Dionysus' dick publicly?

>> No.6048173
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But anon was giving a fair description of the criteria people have.
Intense <3
>Where the boobies at?

>> No.6048264
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10/10 makes my clothing chafe

You bet!