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6373556 No.6373556 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read any political blogs or opinion pieces? is there a columnist or blogger or journalist who you try to follow?

>> No.6373561

I just let it trinkle down the line until I here someone mention it on 4chan

>> No.6373567

I watch Al Jazeera's Youtube channel as my exclusive news source

>> No.6373579

I'm finding it harder and harder to read the usual things.

I just read the TLS and NYRB, and the NYT for news. I used to read Wash. Post and Wall Street Journal a bit but not so much anymore.

Everything else just feels like clickbait.

>> No.6373583

vdare, pat buchanan, steve sailer, telos press sometimes

>> No.6373589
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I check Pando every few days. Besides that I jut read a paper from my country that I like, listen to no agenda and try to keep updated with general sources whenever I see a topic that's interesting.
There's little point in trusting too much a single source, I guess.

>> No.6373890

vice news docs, al jazeera

>> No.6373898

>getting your news from terrorists

>> No.6373906

If it's near east, then al-jazeera

If not, probably nyrb or ny times

>> No.6373962

World socialist web site

>> No.6373964

please be joking

>> No.6373965

No one lies on the internet

>> No.6374743

Hey, Guys. Since we tried with a few zines, a novel, a philosophy text and a self help book: Why don't we make a weekly news magazine?

>> No.6374787

so what other discussion forums do you guys post in?

>> No.6374834
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>> No.6374850

Because if you hadn't noticed, none of those things worked out with the exception of the novels, if you really want to say those worked out.
Anything that requires more than a day or two of work won't go well.

>> No.6374877

I really Emily a lot of the political op eds in the New Yorker and though I don't always agree with boom, I really like John Cassidy who writes for them.

As far as other political coverage and news goes, I listen to a lot of NPR, especially "On Point" with Tom Ashbrook. He has since great guests on and does an impressive job not taking sides but just facilitating the conversation.

>> No.6374885

*I really enjoy
*don't always agree with him

Thank you, swipe text.

>> No.6374905


>> No.6374908

If we get three issues out that would be more than enough. The zines lasted half a year each.

>> No.6375442


>> No.6376342

I stick with hard copy NYT the way its been done over a hundred years. They're still going strong for the most part. They haven't sacrificed their integrity for millennials in the way a lot of mediums have.

>> No.6376351

Please tell me what's wrong with it.

>> No.6376381


for cultural commentary

>> No.6376653

I use clickbait and 4chan until I find something that I decide needs to be researched.

>> No.6376716

i like the trews

its news you can trust.


>> No.6377774
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This could either be great or so pathetic that we can all enjoy it. It's a win-win scenario.

>> No.6377821

just /pol/