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/lit/ - Literature

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6429259 No.6429259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, in the other current game thread we discussed such varied topics as literature in gaming, are or can games be art, what is the nature of art and so forth >>6420006

In this thread, we discuss this image that sprang out of the other thread, namely what games /lit/ approves of. Please add your two cents regarding patrician games to this thread if you feel like it.

inb4 pleb medium, inb4 impotent conclusion drawn out of lacking experience, inb4 not art, inb4 impotent rage, inb4 rampant projection, inb4 everything

>> No.6429261

>The Age of Decadence aims to return to the 'golden era' of role-playing games by emphasizing choices and consequences and providing a comprehensive skill set, multiple solutions to quests, and extensive dialogue trees

Sounds like the recently released Pillars Of Eternity

get it it's good

>> No.6429262

Morrowind is the only /lit/ game, CHIM is the goal of all literature and philosophy.

>> No.6429266

There is no such thing as patrician games, it's literaly there for entertainment.

>> No.6429267

>not the masterpiece that is The Lusty Argonian Maid

>> No.6429273
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Has anyone else played Sunless Sea? The gameplay is nothing extraordinary, but I found the story and writing in general really engaging.

>> No.6429275


>> No.6429276

Kentucky Route Zero isn't much of a game exactly but it does at least try to be literary. Honestly I played what is out of it so far and was kind of disappointed they decided to make it game because I felt like if someone had really tried it could have been a pretty good novel.


>> No.6429279

I've tried a little of Sunless Sea and while I really like the concept and the ideas in the game I have to admit the game is a little overwhelming at first.

>> No.6429287
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Starts with a Luís de Camões' poem, the game itself is based on Maximilian Voloshin's Corona Astralis, there are some quotes by Milton.
How can it be more /lit/ than that ?

>> No.6429301

Maybe you should think of things in context. The majority of books were entertainment when they were written. Fucking pleb

>> No.6429302


Which of these are good for beginners? For the most part, I've never played a video game in my life. I guess I have with some acquaintances in high school, but they just laughed at me because I had 0 reflex skills, and I kept forgetting which buttons to press.

Recently, I actually bought Dead Souls because I hear nothing but how it's the most amazing experience a game can give you, and I thought that's how I can get into video games, but it's too hard and complicated for me and I know there's a billion guides out there on the internet, but I just lost interest in it.

>> No.6429304

They used bluegrass music in the game beautifully. The scenes where those songs kick in are honestly magical.

>> No.6429305

>not studying the Sermons of Vivec and realising we are just part of the Godhead

>> No.6429307

>Dead Souls

I mean Dark Souls. You can tell literature is much more prevalent in my mind than vidya.

>> No.6429308
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Best game.

>> No.6429311

It's not there but Ghost Trick is great in that regard. Its gameplay is rather easy but entertaining and perfectly meshes with the story, which is the main focus of the game.

>> No.6429312

holy shit guys. do you seriously need to discuss video games and anime in every board. i don't give a shit if you enjoy video games, but this simply doesn't belong here

>> No.6429313

Silent Hill 2 is the best game ever made. Never played a game that had such an impact.

>> No.6429316

Yea you jumped in a little too fast. From Software games like Dark Souls are amazing experiences if you're already well-versed in video games as a medium. I think a fair comparison would be having barely read any books and deciding 'Man I want to read some books!' and grabbing Gravity's Rainbow as your first book. Not that I'm saying that Dark Souls is as artistically challenging as say Gravity's Rainbow I'm just saying they're both regarded as challenging rewarding experiences in their respective mediums. It's really hard to pick a good place to start though since, like literature, games vary widely as a medium.

>> No.6429318

I'd say Grim Fandango, Prince of Persia and Psychonauts.
I don't know every game on this, but a lot of the games on there tend to let you clueless on the middle of something quite overwhelming (and that's what's awesome about these games, the story unveiling before your eyes, the discovery of some subtleties, and for some, even the gameplay has some of these subtleties and some things were "hidden")

>> No.6429319

My outro to video games was EU5. I just read books now.

>> No.6429320

i'm officially /lit/ and i only endorse skateboarding games, so idk what you're trying to pull here

>> No.6429336


C'mon guys, rec me the most literary games

>> No.6429342

no game

>> No.6429347

I told you motherfucker, play Kentucky Route Zero. Or wait a little while because the last two parts aren't out yet. I do appreciate that they didn't abuse the Telltale episodic model and make you pay for each episode individually. You pay once for the game and they update it with the subsequent episodes when they come out. So if you want the whole experience at once you might want to wait. I really recommend it though if you're looking for good writing in video games. Also LISA the Painful RPG is another really well-written game that's come out fairly recently.

>> No.6429348


Grim Fandango seems interesting to me. It's not an action game, so me having no reflexes shouldn't hinder my progress in the game.

See the annoying thing I hate with video games is that instead of with a book, where if you're on a hard passage, you can still keep reading and can even understand the book overall, with a game if you're stuck on one spot, you're going nowhere.

>> No.6429352

Games of chance, and chess.

The only two game genres you'll ever need.

>> No.6429355


>> No.6429357

MGS2 and Drakengard 3 and literally the only quality video games.

>> No.6429358
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Hey there! It gladdens me that you are willing to try something new. Dark Souls is indeed bonecrushingly difficult and not at all much of a game for a beginner. 0 reflexes means that you probably are better off playing a turn based game! You're in luck, there are quite a few of those on the list. I suggest trying King of Dragon Pass which is even ported to Android tablets and iPads now, excellent game. Grim Fandango is also a very neat experience, and if you get terribly stuck it is allowed to go and find a text "walkthrough" and get a hint (and then close it down!). Fallout is a turn-based game and is very atmospheric, intelligent and you can choose to play it in many different ways. There are many unconventional solutions to the problems and also many different kind of endings determined by your actions! Planescape: Torment is regarded as a book in game form and whilst not turn-based it is not too difficult. Ico is simpler than Dark Souls if you have access to a PlayStation 2. The Blade Runner game is also a quite accessible. You can find many of the games on gog.com or on torrent sites. Good luck in these strange worlds, anon

>> No.6429360

There’s no discernible talent

>> No.6429363


>> No.6429365

>The majority of books were entertainment when they were written.
No they weren't. Entertainment was never the first thing the authors had in mind. At least I can't remember when a classic was made with the intent of only entertainment, which is what videogames are.

>> No.6429366

The I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream game is pretty good too. I'm mostly appreciative that Harlan Ellison wrote an actual original story for the game in that setting as opposed to just re-telling the original story in game form.

>> No.6429370


I gotta agree with this. KRZ is probably the most intelectually stimulating game I've played, with smart writing (though I'm not particularly patrician) and constant allusions to and commentary on different art forms. Very beautiful and touching dreamlike experience despitethe headiness though, and doesn't sacrifice interactivity for story, as tends to happen with story heavy games. Though it's not a challenging game, it never feels like it's going on auto-pilot.

Maybe a familiarity with adventure game tropes is needed to appreciate the subversive nature of the game, but it's a beautiful experience in its own right.

>> No.6429371

Might be worth checking out the Fallen London browser game then if you enjoyed the atmosphere

>> No.6429373

>At least I can't remember when a classic was made with the intent of only entertainment,

>who was Dickens
>who was Dumas

etc. pp.

Nothing worse than people who think their favorite hobby is above others'

>> No.6429377

And you are some kind of extreme backwards-time psychic that is able to discern the motivations behind all projects attempted by all authors, and all game designers and every person on the team of every game.

>> No.6429378

I think I just really need to sit down and give it a real try. When I said I only played a little I meant that, I've only played maybe an hour and that was mostly just wandering around shooting at monsters. I just need to set aside some time to really dive into it. No nautical pun intended, honest.

>> No.6429379

>Not shit
Chess is just extended parrot learning.
Try Weiqi/Baduk/Igo or Shogi instead.

>> No.6429381


The Void is the highest point so far for art house gaming and the hipster fats saying limbo and other shit need to fucking off themselves or go back to reddit

>> No.6429384

>Nothing worse than people who think their favorite hobby is above others'
Nothing worse than plebs who think literature isn't above entertainment mediums

Also Dickens and Dumas are hardly just entertainment and that wasn't their focus, even if they are entertaining. You disgusting video game pleb.

>> No.6429385
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This game is beautiful, one of my very favorites

Hard as all fuck though, and in the most obscure ways.

>> No.6429386

This is what so many people would like to believe. "A new medium must be bad because it's new". You are the exact kind of person that holds culture back with your mistaken patrician ideals. Each book must weigh a thousand pounds in your eyes. Every book is a puzzle with only one solution. You forget that each human experience is different. I think it'd be more important to an author to have their audience love the story first and view it through their own prism later. If literature is about the human experience then stop trying to impose limitations because they make you feel comfortable. The real plebs are the ones that think they have all of the keys.

>> No.6429391

Games you're missing:
SNATCHER- bladerunnerx1000 incredible
and I have no mouth and I must scream- game version- little dissapointing but still quite 'fun'

>> No.6429392

That picture is a depressing embarrassment to this board, and whoever made it is an undiscerning retard

>> No.6429393

I don't know if turn-based games appeal to me. I can't explain it too well. It's just that along with no reflexes, I have no strategical skills either. I might just have a wrong idea of those types of games though. That type of big management stuff isn't what I would like to find in a game. Not that I don't like to think, some of my favourite books are the "difficult" ones. I guess what I'd like to find in video games are some good puzzles/problem solving stuff that aren't that type of "big management" stuff, and probably more important, a good overall aesthetic experience (good visuals, good story).

Thanks for the help though.

>> No.6429395
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>> No.6429398
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>not a child
>still playing video games

>> No.6429400
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I am unsure about this one as I haven't played it myself. Does it belong?

Does The Void belong on there? Can I get a show of hands. I still feel a little bad for not having pathologic on there but the translation..... Perhaps the remake will be acceptable

>> No.6429402

The Void
Dark Corners
Pillars of Eternity
Loath Nolder series

But mostly, >>6429262
is totally right and my nigguh.

>> No.6429403

Lisa the RPG is an indie game that didn't get a lot of press when it came out but as far as writing goes in video games it's definitely up there. It's clever, surprisingly touching at moments, for a game on the surface that just looks like another whacky Earthbound clone it really does have an insane amount of depth storytelling wise. I really suggest people check it out because it is kind of obscure but it was entirely done by one guy and it's really impressive and really deserves to be a bigger deal than it is.

>> No.6429406

Most of those games are terrible.

Silent Hill 2 and Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.6429409
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>> No.6429412

>As if you're not 14 and have run out of room on your thighs to carve a Sylvia Plath poem

Please stop talking about things

>> No.6429413

>has not played Can'tescape Reading

>> No.6429414

Yes I am.

>> No.6429415

I feel like you would be the same sort of person saying that film is a childish medium for fools who need a visual element to stay engaged back when movies were first becoming a thing. There is nothing inherently negative about a medium in and of itself. You just sound like a cantankerous old man.

>> No.6429416

Our Darkest Purpose is somewhat /lit/ in a gothic way, but it's gameplay-oriented.

>> No.6429419

what worth is a life without pleasure and entertainment?

>> No.6429420

Sadly I don't hold culture back. And every book is a puzzle with as many solutions as the author intended it to have.
Video games don't have the problem of being new. They have the problem of being driven by consumerism.

>> No.6429424

Oh. I play video games. I watch films. And of course I read books.


This is /lit/

/lit/ does not have any thing to do with video games or films. /v/ has to do with video games (lol). /tv/ has to do with films (also lol). There are no /lit/-approved video games. There are only /v/-approved video games. There are no /v/-approved books as well.

Do you go to /co/ to ask their opinions on the best guns? Do you go to /k/ to ask their opinions on the best cartoons?

>> No.6429426

Much like modern publishing, weird how both mediums have such similar problems. Regardless of that consumerist drive behind mainstream video game and literature publishing there are always gems that can be found if you know where to look.

>> No.6429433
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>no /v/-approved books
you sure about that?

>> No.6429439

Motherfucker first of all the picture you posted says '/lit/ approves Not Playing Video Games.' Secondly we're discussing the STORYTELLING of video games. Sure it's not a paper medium but at the same time what we're discussing is almost entirely the literary aspects of video games. I don't see how this is a problem of subject. It's just a problem of you stamping your foot and loudly yelling about people discussing things you don't want them to discuss.

>> No.6429440



>> No.6429441


>> No.6429442

Which is why a lot of good authors will have a problem of reach in the future. For example Wolfe wouldn't be published today because he is too dense and complicated.
A life of virtue. Also I didn't say that I never read for entertainment or play games. I just give them the value they deserve, which is only so much.

>> No.6429451

Oh my gentle Jesus. You just sound ignorant. Do you think authors like the thought of starving? Do you think they chose a life of writing just to starve and impart wisdom? You are soul crushingly naive. "driven by consumerism" is the same as "I hope this sells". You're mistaking starvation with art.

>> No.6429453

I'd be more interested in /co/'s favourite guns than /k/'s, but that's because I don't care much about guns

Could be fun to look at what cartoons the gun nut crowd likes, though

I think you've made your point poorly

>> No.6429456
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Just scrap the whole thing then? Sure.

Yeah? I'm thinking that Loom and Darklands might have to go in favor of perhaps The Void (haven't personally played it, but it gets a lot of love in the thread) etc but it's either Ico or Colossus and the rest I stand by

Then see >>6429318 Also Full Throttle, a game in the same vein as Grim Fandango but with an easier interface, hand drawn pixelated graphics and a shorter game. At some points you may become stuck but look at a guide no probs

>> No.6429460

Well go on, make your topics there.

>> No.6429461

To be fair I think some do have a hard-on for the idea of being the tortured artist. Cormac McCarthy, for example, went out of his way to essentially stay poor for a long time. He refused to give readings or anything of the sort. He lived in a rundown hotel for a while and ate pretty much just crackers and beans.

>> No.6429464

Suikoden II - wonderful cast and narrative based on a classic Chinese novel - shi Naian's Shui Hu Zhuan.

>> No.6429467


Seriously. /v/ barely discusses video games as it is. I don't see the point in asking what games /lit/ likes. Do you ask a carpenter for medical advice?

>> No.6429469

i think the writing and acting in la noire is good. obviously its genre so not really /lit/, but the 3 converging storylines work really well, and there's some depth and subtlety to it. and it's pretty original.

not exactly an obscure choice but i don't play many games.

>> No.6429471

>Alpha Protocol
Some of the sharpest dialogue in a game. 10/10 spy thriller dealing with contemporary political issues.

>The Last of Us
Cliche story for the most part, but it has some of the most incredible character development in any medium I've ever seen.

>> No.6429472

No but if you were specifically looking for something with good WRITING you would probably ask the board on which people who read a lot and generally have a wide range of literary knowledge congregate.

>> No.6429475

>A life of virtue
I have a hard time believing you unless you are religious

>> No.6429477

>no LOTTEM mentioned

disappointed /lit/ and /v/; this is the only true fusion of vidya and high lit.

>> No.6429478

>you would probably ask the board on which people who read a lot and generally have a wide range of literary knowledge congregate.
so not /lit/ then

>> No.6429479

I am.

>> No.6429483


>> No.6429485

Two reasons mainly. Literature is important to all other mediums, as it is the primary means of initial creation. The other reason is because /v/ is a hopeless board and /lit/ is where I hang and there are at least a few interesting and intelligent, free-thinking fuckers hanging about so I am interested in their opinion. And now you have given yours, which is also fine.

>> No.6429493
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I didn't realize this was a topic about GOOD WRITING IN VIDEO GAMES.

There, I decided to fix the chart. I listed every game known to man with good writing. Writing you'd expect from literary greats like James Joyce and John Milton. Anything less than those authors should not be considered "good".

>> No.6429494

I am searching and not finding anything so what is it

>> No.6429495

fair enough then

>> No.6429497

>free thinking
Retard confirmed

>> No.6429500


>> No.6429503

So my original point stands; you're the same person who, when films first started out as an artistic medium, would have been running around screaming about how they could never match the greatness of literature and that nothing of any artistic merit or worth could ever come from them. You're silly.

>> No.6429507

So fucking hyped for the remake.

>the translation
I get why people don't like it but I found the broken English actually complemented the atmosphere of the game.