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/lit/ - Literature

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6476168 No.6476168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the /lit/ verdict?


>> No.6476177

As I lay trying too hard.

>> No.6476216





>> No.6476221

>Topics: terraform, fiction, sci-fi, sf, culture, Stories, laurie penny, andriods, child rearing

This belongs on Smashwords or Lulu or something, not fucking Vice

>> No.6476225

You like tween boys, I take it? I don't see anything worth fapping to in that photo.

>> No.6476237



>> No.6476240

No. Laurie Penny and Vice were made for each other.

Vice is like Fox News had a bastard child with Cracked.

>> No.6476242


>implying vice is above ANYTHING

>> No.6476244


>> No.6476247

It's not very good Laurie, but the title is clever. Thanks for dropping by 4chan!

>> No.6476305
File: 84 KB, 611x613, lafm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laurie Penny seems like the kind of girl I'd put a lot of effort into tolerating because I figure she'd be crazy dominant in the sack and make me do weird stuff like lick her butt in semi-public places, but then I finally get to the sex and she's submissive and fairly vanilla

>> No.6476317

Was bored by the second paragraph.

>> No.6476318


Same here

>> No.6476325

Shockingly accurate lol

>> No.6476340
File: 482 KB, 500x366, 29vl935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Annie loved fancy coffee, so as soon as he had started earning a decent wage, he bought her that machine for their anniversary. It was silver and sleek and twice the size of the microwave, and Annie adored it. But it wasn’t quite good enough. She kept tinkering with it. An attachment to heat the cream an extra three degrees. A valve to cool down the grinder as it worked so the beans would not singe.

>> No.6476423
File: 220 KB, 1022x614, lpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for shame laurie

>> No.6476502


not gonna give clickbait traffic
fuck you

>> No.6476510

I read motherboard as motherless and saw nothing wrong with it.

>> No.6476699
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>laurie penny

>> No.6476709

It went to shit a long time ago.

>> No.6476716

Vice has always been shit.

>> No.6476725

Always is a long time

>> No.6476727

Then it's the opposite amount of time than the length of your dick

>> No.6476733


Go away, Penny. We still hate you here.

>> No.6476741


>> No.6476773

post the Starkey vid

>> No.6476778


>> No.6476787


Has she commented on this vid? I don't think I've seen many instances of someone getting BTFO so badly

>> No.6476795


>> No.6476803

uhh no you dumb bitch, instead of debating you tried personal attacks, he responded in kind and you got BTFO

>> No.6476812
File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo_by_liv_long_and_prosper-d3ca724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's rather a shame that she poses for sexy pictures on Instagram. I also think it's a shame that so many of the horny idiots on /lit/ lap it up.

She wants to be known for her ideas, but she betrays herself. /lit/ wants to disagree with her ideas, but it betrays itself. It's a vicious cycle of semen and shit.

>> No.6476825

And her prose is shit

>> No.6476826

Feckless, limp-wristed, post hoc sassiness that no one will ever read.

Couldn't think of anything on the spot, so had to store her spite up in her cooter until she could get home and REALLY give the first website that would publish he-- I mean, Starkey, a piece of her mind (that he'll never read)

Poor Laurie.

>> No.6476831
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1536, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laurie invents a hypothetical spouse whose sole reason for existence is to be chastised by her. Simon has no agency, no purpose in life; he blinks into existence to establish the simple fact that "Annie" is his superior. We are introduced to a man who is shown to be nothing but a circle of failures, who is written specifically to be a circle of failures in order that Laurie's avatar can correct him for his failures. Laurie has not written a flawed character who she loves in spite of his foibles, she has written a character who is incomptent for the sole reason that his incompetence creates an artificial appearance of authority and competence in Laurie's character by proxy. She does not actually do anything intelligent or competent, but by henpecking and correcting everything he does is demonstrated to be smarter and more competent than him--her self-worth is based on his failure, not her accomplishments. Laurie doesn't know how a coffee maker works, but by creating a mythical "improved" coffee maker she has created a fantasy world whose rules are known only to her. She doesn't have to explain how it works, because no one else will ever know how to use something that exists only in her mind as well as she can, and as long as her fictional spouse is entirely dependent on her to interpret her own delusions she can sleep easy knowing that he is entirely dependent on her for recognition of self-worth.

I suppose the baby is the "real" story here, but it's nothing more than a thinly-veiled metaphor for Laurie's own self loathing of her vagina and her Freudian terror of being used as an incubator of a man's sperm. Creating a vessel to satisfy her maternal instincts that doesn't involve allowing the evil phallus inside her womb has no real significance other than advertising her own insecurities. Her "husband" has been rendered impotent and obsolete, the child is no longer his. She ALLOWS him to help raise HER child, and he satisfies HER when SHE wants sex. Just as baby has been reduced to a mechanical Tamagotchi to satisfy Laurie's eternal instincts, male has been reduced to dildo and dating simulator. "Annie," the engineer, (never mind that Laurie is a liberal arts major) can turn off anything around her at will. The child, being not alive, has been pre-aborted, and because the man has no genetic similarity to it no longer has any right to tell Annie how to raise it or whether to kill it when she gets bored of it and decides to distract herself from her own self-loathing and boredom some other way. The goal is not to create a meaningful relationship, but to pacify her own ego and insecurities.

>“I can’t believe,” he said, dipping his lips to her left breast, “I can’t believe you turned off the baby.”

Just wait, Simon, she'll turn you off too when you cease to entertain her.

>> No.6476887
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>That "Strongly Disagree" count