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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 1000x562, james-patterson-private-la-large-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6561853 No.6561853 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything positive that can be said about James Patterson? He doesn't even write his own books.

>> No.6561892

His face makes me laugh.

>> No.6563257

He makes a living as an author and doesn't even have to write. I can't think of higher praise than that.

>> No.6563298

I went to Barnes and Noble today to grab some books and I was very depressed, they didn't have any William Gaddis or John Barth which is the whole reason I went. They did, however, happen to have a whole shelf full of James Patterson books. Fuck.

>> No.6563302

Well, James Patterson sells and Gaddis and Barth don't.

>> No.6563305

I work in a bookstore and this guy just came barging in saying Patterson was his favourite author, that he likes how his writing style is fast-paced, straight to the point. Patterson doesn't bother with descriptions, character development and themes, it's only action, action, and more action.
Patterson is all parataxis, that's what people like about him. Small sentences and chapters that are easily digestible. It's incredible how easy it is to read his books, it's the closest we'll ever get to literature for illiterates.

>> No.6563306

And that is what depresses me.

>> No.6563310

He doesn't write his own books?

>> No.6563490

>tfw i am a patrician but everyone else is a pleb

>> No.6563501


he "writes" like 50 books a year with most of them being co-written

even if you hate Stephen King, he at least puts some thought into his books

>> No.6563527


>> No.6563547

Which is worse? People not reading at all or people reading Patterson novels?

>> No.6563569


Reading Patterson probably.

>> No.6563592


>my English teacher told me to stop writing

has anyone here had that happen to them?

>> No.6563604

My teachers fellated me for what I thought was garbage.

>> No.6563630
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1385871347960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt boyim says he loves to read >:3
>says he can't get enough of James Patterson

>> No.6563658

Honestly it would be better if people never read at all. It's the same problem I have with people saying 'Well at least these YA novels are getting people reading!' I don't have a problem with a 13 year old reading some shit supernatural teen fiction as long as their tastes mature and they move on to something more intellectually stimulating and challenging. These 20 and early 30 somethings that revel in the fact that they're still reading books written for an audience a decade or so younger than them are ridiculous and it would honestly be better if they just didn't read.

>> No.6563776


and by thought you of course mean cocaine