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/lit/ - Literature

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6676766 No.6676766 [Reply] [Original]

What was /lit/'s assigned reading in school?

>> No.6676770

none we read the great gatsby, brave new world, and moby dick

>> No.6676772

This except we read A Seperate Peice instead of 1984

>> No.6676773 [DELETED] 


>> No.6676828
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>> No.6676853

9th Grade - Romeo and Juliette, the Chrysalids
10th Grade - Lord of the Flies, Julius Caesar
11th Grade-Frankenstein, Macbeth
12th Grade-Gatsby, Hamlet, Northrop Frye essays

>> No.6676863
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>moby dick

>> No.6676876

9th Grade - Of Mice and Men, Edith Hamilton's Mythology, The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, Great Expectations, To Kill a Mockingbird
10th Grade - Beowulf, Grendel, parts of Canterbury Tales, Macbeth, Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies, A Clockwork Orange
11th Grade - The Great Gatsby, The Crucible, Huckleberry Finn, The Confidence-Man (we got to choose for this), Catcher in the Rye
12th Grade - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Heart of Darkness, Oedipus Rex, As I Lay Dying, Hamlet, Jane Eyre, A Streetcar Named Desire

>> No.6676879

romeo and juliet
midsummer nights dream
bunch of H.G. Wells
Fahrenheit 451
to kill a mockingbird
of mice and men
the crucible

few more that i cant think of

none of the typical ones, no BNW, 1984, Catcher in the rye, lord of the flies, or great gatsby

>> No.6676881

9th grade - Hunger Games, A Midsummer Night's Dream
10 - Catcher in the Rye, Romeo and Juliet
11 - Moby-dick (selections), Julius Caesar
12 - A People's History of the Unites States (selections), Hamlet (unread by us, the teacher just showed us the Brannagh movie and told us to shut up about us not actually reading the book), various poets by African Americans

>> No.6676916

Well to be fair the Brannagh movie is based

>> No.6676926

My teacher showed the Branagh movie too. It's a good supplement

>> No.6676947

9th: And Then There Were None, Romeo and Juliet, Dracula.
10th: Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, A Midsummer's Night Dream
11th - 20IB: Macbeth, Moby Dick, The Iliad, The Odyssey
12th - 30IB: Hamlet, All My Sons, the Crucible, Oedipus Rex
13th - 35IB (literary analysis): Doctor Faustus, Goethe's Faust. We were also expected to read other adaptations, but it wasn't mandatory.

For 35IB, we had to contrast the two, research the shifts in literature and society and relate the changes to the plot, as well as the additional themes, to what we researched. For our final, we were to write an essay comparing the two, and then a second on Goethe's Faust and our chosen theme.

Such a fun class, better than any literature class I took in university.

>> No.6676955

>The House on Mango Street
>Animal Farm
>All Quiet on the Western Front
>The Odyssey
>Much Ado About Nothing
>Lord of the Flies
>The Catcher in the Rye
>The Great Gatsby
>Invisible Man (by Ralph Ellison)
>The Piano Lesson
>Heart of Darkness
>Crime and Punishment
>The Stranger

That's all I can remember, more or less in order from 9th grade to 12th. The only one I truly disliked was The House on Mango Street.

>> No.6677868

>house on mango street
Fucking finally someone on lit brings up this piece of garbage. Ciseneros is obnoxious.

>> No.6677905


You did like all of the typical ones except HG Wells.

>> No.6677912

Year 8 - Romeo & Juliet, 1984
Year 9 - Richard III, Animal Farm
Year 10 - Ethnic poetry x100, The Merchant of Venice (aka Le Don't Be Racist Shakespeare Play)
Year 11 - To Kill a Mockingbird (aka Le Don't Be Racist Novel), A View from the Bridge
Year 12 - Heart of Darkness, Oleanna, Sheamus Heaney
Year 13 - Wuthering Heights, Hamlet, John Donne

>> No.6677915

My UK education seems a little embarrassing compared to some of this.

From year 9 to 11 the only novels I read were Of Mice and Men and Oliver Twist. That's when mandatory English literature ends.

In 12 and 13 there was only was one required book which was Vernon God Little. After that I got to choose my own books; I think I chose Brave New World, Crime and Punishment, Germinal and The Road.

>> No.6677930

Goodnight Mister Tom, Of Mice & Men and Romeo & Juliet are the ones I remember from school.

Reading in school for school is kind of awful though - it always put me off from delving further into those author's works as well as the other pupils at school. My interest in reading certainly didn't come from my classes.

>> No.6678007

9th Grade - Macbeth, Don't remember.
10th Grade - Romeo & Juliet, Don't remember.
11th Grade - 1984, Collection of poems. (3 term year)
12th Grade - Hamlet, Frankenstein, Collection of Poems, The Fiftieth Gate, along with a few movies we had to analyse and a few books we had to find ourselves to relate to the poems, and and a few books to relate to the fiftieth gate.

>> No.6678023

The Cay
Lord of the Flies
The Outsiders
Go Ask Alice
Z for Zachariah

>> No.6678027

Oh yeah, and The Pearl

>> No.6678036

all I can remember right

John Donne
Brave New World
The Tempest
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Romeo & Juliet
Gulliver's Travels
Peter Pan
Bram Stoker's Dracula

>> No.6678040


>> No.6678073

>be in advanced English currently
>course outline says we'll study David Foster Wallace

Do you think we'd actually read Infinite Meme? Did anybody else had to do anything like it?

>> No.6678100

King Lear
Much Ado
Robert Frost's poetry
Benjamin Zephaniah's poetry
Animal Farm
Of Mice & Men
The Bell Jar
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
The Bloody Chamber
The Great Gatsby

and probably some other poetry too, I can't remember everything

>> No.6678123

11th year: The Maias - Eça de Queiroz
12th year: Baltasar and Blimunda - José Saramago

Both were pretty based, Queiroz was a bit too slow in terms of action for me as a teenager.

>> No.6678281

9: hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, midsummer night's dream
10: merchant of Venice, bnw
11: catcher, Macbeth, catch 22
12: hamlet, Elizabeth Rex, a prayer for Owen Meany, clockwork Orange

>> No.6678286

Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard
Ibsen's The Doll House
Animal Farm
Mishima's The Sound of Waves
The Crucible
A Man for All Seasons

>> No.6678460

Strongly agree here. 'Movie adaptation of Shakespeare' sounds like pleb garbage, but the uncut Branagh Hamlet is amazing.

>> No.6678466

Kindergarten: Finnegans Wake

>> No.6678472

good post

>> No.6678474

Gr 9
>romeo and Juliet , to kill a mockingbird

Gr 10
>Lord of the flies, night, crucible

Gr 11

A thousand splendid suns, hamlet, Oedipus, death of a salesman

Gr 12
>stranger, Macbeth, brave new world, novel of our choice, chose a farewell to arms

>> No.6678488

Not a single book until university.

>> No.6678499

So that's how you guys are getting communism to work.

>> No.6678502

Gr 1
>Beyond the Zero

Gr 2
>Un Perm' au Casino Hermann Goering

Gr 3
>In the Zone

Gr 4
>The Counterforce

>> No.6678522

sup m8, I'm portuguese too

I was actually liking ''Os Maias'' until some asshole spoiled it for me when I only had like 4 or 5 chapters left, was so mad I never finished it.
Saramago is pretty based

>> No.6678556

Various Swedish YA novels I didn't read and don't remember the names of.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Of Mice and Men, The Hound of the Baskervilles.
The God of Small Things, which I didn't bother finishing because it was garbage.
Some book by Günter Grass (don't remember the title) which I stopped reading when I got to a part where the protagonist and a bunch of other boys swam out to a rock in the sea and collectively masturbated. I remember there was a description of their jizz lying on the rock. Real nice.

I credit assigned books with killing my interest in literature for years. Up until about the age of 12 I read tons of my own free will (The Lord of the Rings, The Neverending Story, Momo. Robinson Crusoe, The Count of Monte Cristo, Don Quixote etc.), then they started forcing me to read shitty books and I all but stopped reading until I finished high school, at which point my interest returned... even a book that's actually good becomes torture when it's forced on you. Same with music (I would probably have started listening to classical way earlier than I did if they hadn't tried to shove it down my fucking throat), history, art... man, fuck school.

>> No.6678565

A lot of shit young adult stuff, and obviously Shakespeare, namely Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth
Death of a Salesman was the other main literary thing that stood out, and i enjoyed it.
Australian schools have a hard on for australian books/films unfortunately, and theres little good stuff out there suitable for HS students

>> No.6678828

Damn, that sucks. I remember reading through that part and feeling like "no way, you gotta be kidding me wtf is goin on here" and nearly read it all at once to the end.

It's interesting to see that some schools really invest on assigned books.

>> No.6678845

9th grade: Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, some short stories that I don't remember. Maybe one other book.
10th grade: Fahrenheit 451, Slaughterhouse 5, some Gogol short stories
11th grade: War and Peace, War by Sebastian Junger, Freud's civilization and its discontents, some D.H. Lawrence short stories
12th grade: The Poisonwood Bible, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Dead Souls by Gogol, A Portrait of the artist as a young man, Dubliners

>> No.6678896

On the Road
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
To Kill a Mockingbird
Things Fall Apart (obligatory black people novel)
The Great Gatsby
The Odyssey
Animal Farm

in no order. Most of what we read besides these novels were excerpts from textbooks, and we never really went in depth with any of our reading. Looking at everyone else's lists I realize how shitty my high school was. I think we did more Shakespeare in my elementary school.

>> No.6679039

9th grade
>Crime and Punishment
>Oedipus Rex

10th grade
>Sophocles' The Clouds
>Taming of the Shrew
>Brave New World

11th grade (went from private school to leftist public hs, so mostly garbage I can't remember)
>People's History of the US by Zinn

12th grade (better public hs, AP eng)
>Canterbury Tales
>Brave New World (again)

>> No.6679096
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over the years in school, by chance, I had to read many of the Queiroz short stories, better than Maias if you ask me. Singularidades de uma Rapariga Loura has that Maias feel while being more condensed

>> No.6679099

Spivak and Babby Rudin

>> No.6679291

Everything I remember in no particular order
>Romeo & Juliet
>Flush (Random shit about blue toilet water in florida, read it through in a day and slept through three weeks of class)
>Something Wicked This Way Comes
>Flowers For Algernon
>The Crucible
>Where The Red Fern Grows
>James & The Giant Peach (lol third grade)
>The entirety of "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" (lol fifth grade)
>Animal Farm
>Maniac Magee (Good book, would recommend if you want something simple and chill to read through in a night)
>Of Mice & Men
>Lord Of The Flies
>The Great Gatsby
>The Scarlet Letter (Couldn't finish, had to use sparknotes because I just couldn't make myself read it)
And a bunch of various short stories I can't be bothered to list

There's probably a few things I'm forgetting here, honestly the list is pretty helter skelter as it is, so I wouldn't be suprised f that were the case. I know I'm forgetting some holocaust book and a book about mexican migrant workers I read in the third grade, I can't remember the names of them though so whatever. The cool thing is that we usually spent quite a bit of time discussing each book while we read it, like actually discussing what the significance and meaning of everything was instead of just being told what everything meant verbatim.

>> No.6679313
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What I enjoyed:
>Of Mice and Men
>The Great Gatsby

What I disliked:
>Enduring Love
>The Changeling
>The Merchant of Venice

>> No.6679351

I thought my school was the only one to assign The House on Mango Street. What a shit book.

>> No.6679370
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This, and the autobiography of some bitch named Anna who OD'd on Ecstasy. Probably some other novels, but I can't recall them right now, and I seriously suspect that those two might have been our only required reading. Unlike most of you guys, school was a while ago.

>> No.6679373

Took a class once and was assigned:
>The Great Gatsby
>the Pearl
>the Oxbow Indecent

For the most part, I was homeschooled. My mom let me read whatever I wanted to read. Then she'd tell me to write a report/essay on it.
>Something wicked this way comes
>Of Mice and Men
>The Catcher in the Rye

Finished High school early and started going to community college. While there I read:
>Good as Gold
>Rabbit Run
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>No country for old men
>The Library of America: Philip Roth Volume 3
>What just Happened
>the Old man and the Sea
>In our time
>the snows of Kilamanjaro
I can't remember what else I read back then.

>> No.6679375

9th: Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird
10th: Julius Caesar, Persepolis, Lord of the Flies
11th: Macbeth, 1984
12th: Hamlet, Dubliners, Oryx and Crake

>> No.6679383

9th: A Tale of Two Cities, Of Mice and Men, Romeo & Juliet, To Kill A Mockingbird

10th: 1984, Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies,

11th: Catcher in the Rye, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Black Water, A Doll's House, The Stranger, Chronicle of a Death Foretold

12th: Catch-22, Fifth Business, Hamlet, The Handmaid's Tale

>> No.6679398

I've had several, some I remember are:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Scarlet Pimpernel
Animal Farm
Odyssey (very, very abridged)
Romeo and Juliet
Cyrano de Bergerac
A Separate Peace
Lord of the Flies
A Midsummer's Night Dream
The Great Gatsby

and many more. I remember there being a choice between two books to read for AP Lit/English and they were both really good, so it was hard to decide which one I would actually do my summer reading on.

>> No.6679548

Why do i have a feeling you're lying

those grade 9 books are way to advanced for a bunch of 14 year olds

or where i live education system pales in comparison to where you live

>> No.6679568

Very strange. Besides A Streetcar Named Desire we had a very similar curriculum at my high school, down to the year. Give me a vague idea of where you live.

>> No.6679572

In utero: Zettels Traum

>> No.6679580
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>Tfw plays are meant to be watched.

>> No.6679620 [DELETED] 

lord of the flies
don quixote
julius caesar
to kill a mockingbird
huckleberry finn
of mice and men
the grapes of wrath
the outsiders
the crucible
romeo and juliet
dante's inferno selections
moby dick selections
the odyssey selections

all i can remember, i went to 15 different schools for grades 6-12 (the point where assigned reading began), most were east coast, though my last 3 were all within texas

>> No.6679631

I read Antigone in 9th grade, as well as Oedipus Rex and The Oydssey in 10th grade.

>> No.6679635

Romeo & Juliet
Lord of the Flies

its been too damn long. I read a lot on my own though.

>> No.6679636

Romeo and Juliet
The House on Mango Street
A Separate Peace
Great Expectations

Julius Caesar
Jane Eyre
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Scarlet Letter
The Old Man and the Sea

A Midsummer Night's Dream
Huck Finn
Lord of the Flies
Of Mice and Men
The Crucible
The Great Gatsby

The Catcher in the Rye
Pigs in Heaven

probably more I'm forgetting

>> No.6679659

I can't remember the earlier years, but my GCSEs were:

>1 chapter from Great Expectations
>A couple of scenes from Macbeth
>2 Shakespeare Sonnets
>A poetry anthology about feminism and multiculturalism

The english department at my school sucked.

>> No.6679669

9th grade:
The Catcher in the Rye
Romeo and Juliet
The Odyssey
The Iliad
Goethe's Faust
Cant remember
Most of Kafka
Most of Camus
Dostoyevsky Crime and Punishment, the Idiot, the Gambler, Demons, brothers Karamazov, The raw youth.
Bukowskyi and I cant remember more.

I came here to brag how young I read all those books

>> No.6679671

Mine was ok but it was a long time ago, all I can remember from English GCSE is Royal Hunt of the Sun by Robert Schaffer, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I predate multiculturalism so I expect it was probably Dickens or Shakespeare but I just cant remember.

>> No.6679678

My school jumped on the bandwagon quite early, this was back in 04-05.

It was a bit bizarre, there were only 4 or 5 non-white kids in my year of 300 students, and I'd never talked to any of them. A white teacher reading out poems to a class of white kids in what was, looking back, a fairly racist attempt at a jamaican accent.

>> No.6679685

hehe. mate, I did the first year of GCSE's, the test year. Look it up, I only knew 2 people who weren't white to say hello to until i was 17. One of them was called Darkie, no joke, but he did call my dad Chalky so it was banterous in nature.

>> No.6679719

>Benjamin Zephaniah's poetry


>> No.6679749

Throughout my entire time at school, these texts ONLY:

The Tempest
Of Mice and Men
ONE section of Jane Eyre
An Anthology of British Poetry

The English comprehensive education system is pure shit.

>> No.6679754

>Lord of the Flies
>Of Mice and Men
>Romeo and Juliet
>A Separate Peace
>Ethan Frome
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Julius Caesar
>Brave New World and Animal Farm for an elective
>The Great Gatsby
>Spoon River Anthology
>The Scarlett Letter
>The Crucible
>Huck Finn
>Into the Wild
>Sir Gawain and The Green Knight
>Heart of Darkness
>Cyrano de Bergerac
>A Tale of Two Cities
>Medea by Robinson Jeffers
>Oedipus Rex
>Translated much of The Aeneid and Commentarii de Bello Gallico in Latin Class too
I'm forgetting some, we also had assigned independent reading + a fuckton of poems and short stories, and I didn't actually read 100% of all of these "/

>> No.6679758

>A book about how white men are evil, written by a white woman
>A book about how white men are evil, written by a Native American
>A book about how white men are evil, written by a Paki
>A book about how white men are evil, written by another woman
>A book about how rich white men are evil, written by a poor white man
>A book about how white men are evil, written by an Asian woman

>> No.6679775

Don Quijote
Platero y yo
Spanish poetry (barroco)
El Lazarillo

>> No.6679778

>Sophocles' The Clouds

>> No.6679790

9th: The Good Earth
10th: Fahrenheit 451
11th: Lord of the Flies

>> No.6679811
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>tfw no one replies to your post

>> No.6679812

its almost like white men caused everything that's wrong with the world.

>> No.6679842

Were you in AP or honors English?

>> No.6679851

What's wrong with H.G. Wells?

>> No.6679891

Great, so if I start reading what i've missed out on, I'll have a bunch of kids laughing at me?

>> No.6679960

Honors in 10th and 11th
AP Lit in 12th
I was in regular English 9th grade because I didn't do the summer reading.

>> No.6680053
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>A People's History of the Unites States (selections)

>> No.6680074

>Speak - Laurie Anderson
>The Bully - Paul Langan
>To Kill a Mocking Bird - Harper Lee
>Night - Elie Wiesel
>Snow Bound - Harry Mazer
>That Was Then, This is Now - S.E. Hinton
>The Giver - Lois Lowry
>Tex - S.E. Hinton
>Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton
>Animal Farm - George Orwell
>The Scarlet Letter- Nathaniel Hawthorne

>> No.6680103

Nah, most of the time these books go over high schoolers heads. They don't really interpret the reading at any intellectual level.

>> No.6680135
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This is just stuff I remember
>Lord of the Flies
>Hound of the Baskervilles
>Scorpion King (YA)
>Tears of a Tiger (fucking awful YA)
>The Cask of amontillado
>Rocket Boys (YA, I liked it)
>Animal Farm

10th (I moved up from regular to honors, so no more YA generally)

>The Scarlet Letter (everyone despised this; I thought it was pretty good, albeit a little long winded)
>bartleby the scrivener
>The Red Badge of Courage
>Leaves of Grass
>Some Longfellow
>Some Emily Dickinson


>The English Patient (the writing style threw me)
>The Stranger
>Opedius Rex and selections from Aristotle's Poetics as well as some from nietzsche's Birth of tragedy
>Job as well as the play J.B. by Archibald Macleish
>Oryx and Crake by Atwood (Probably pleb-tier, but I really like it)
>Zorba the Greek


>A Tale of Two Cities
>Crime and Punishment (I basically spark-noted this; I still regret it and it is on my to read list)
>A lot of poetry I can't remember
>We had a choice book project that I remember reading Treasure Island for. I didn't really enjoy it.

Overall I think my school did a good job; however, I can't believe we weren't more exposed to the Greeks. Many people I've met in college read the Iliad or the Odyssey in highschool.

>> No.6680206

we read all of the typical american high school books. the great gatsby, the old man and the sea, all quiet on the western front, etc. one semester of senior year was dedicated entirely to will.i.am shake-a-spear.

and because i went to a catholic school we were also assigned portions of the bible and some other stuff in our required religion classes.

>> No.6680215

- A Long Way Gone (some book about a former child soldier in Sierra Leone whose wikipedia page says he was lying about the entire thing)
- "Romeo + Juliet". No, not "Romeo and Juliet", we read the script for the Baz Luhrmann film adaption of Romeo and Juliet. We were only permitted to read the script in class because the teacher did not have enough copies for us to take home with us, and we would spend about fifteen-twenty minutes of each period reading the script aloud before finally viewing the entire movie at the end of the unit. It was an awful experience and I credit it with my profound hatred for Baz Luhrmann which extends to this day.
- Of Mice and Men
- The Perfect Storm
- selected portions of The Odyssey, Fitzgerald translation

- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Brave New World
- The Assault (book about Nazis and fate, remember be very bored by it)
- Lord of the Flies (sucks to your assmar)
- The Great Gatsby
- The Purple Hibiscus (we read this in AP world gov after the AP exam, when there was nothing really left to teach and my teacher had nothing to do. It was horrific)

- Chronicles of a Death Foretold (didn't like it at first, read it again and like it much better)
- A Streetcar Named Desire (watched the movie adaption also, Brando is god)
- The Sorrow of War
- Their Eyes Were Watching God (awful)
- A Farewell to Arms (good)
- Norton Anthology of Chekov's short stories (maybe the best thing I read in all of high school)
- The House of the Spirits

- Blindness
- Hamlet
- Song of Solomon
- The Road
- selections from Teaching a Stone to Talk by Annie Dillard
- 1984
- Fifth Business

>> No.6680244

Grade 9
>A Midsummer Night's Dream

Grade 10
>To Kill A Mockingbird
>Romeo and Juliet

Grade 11
>Three Day Road

Grade 12
>Sir Gawain and The Green Knight
>Paradise Lost
>Heart of Darkness
>Crime and Punishment
>Great Expectations
>The Trial
>The Tempest
>A Doll's House
>The Misanthrope
>The Stranger
>plus lots of poems and short stories.

There was a leap in difficultly from Grade 11 to Grade 12.

>> No.6680250

forgot to mention that in freshman year we read some greek stuff, too. mostly plays but we covered the iliad and the odyssey.

junior year was by far the worst because it was all contemporary shit like the joy luck club and the tortilla curtain.

>> No.6680292

9th grade
>lots of short stories, I don't remember many because they were in a textbook
>Romeo and Juliet
>Some African American poetry

10th grade
>The Crucible
>The Scarlet Letter
>An essay by Emerson, a few stories by Poe
>Huckleberry Finn
>To Build a Fire
>The Great Gatsby
>The Son Also Rises
>Hills Like White Elephants
>The Grapes of Wrath

11th Grade
>Canterbury Tales
>Oedipus Rex

12th Grade
>MLK's Speeches and Essays
>Heart of Darkness
>Lord of the Flies
>Tess of the D'urbervilles

I'm sure I'm missing quite a few.

>> No.6680308
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>8th grade
Modern and Post-Modern Bulgarian lit.

>9th grade
Old Bulgarian texts and apocrypha
Some chapters from The Iliad and The Odyssey
Antigone, Prometheus Bound, and Oedipus Rex

>10th grade
Bulgarian satires; Inferno, Decameron, Don Quixote, Tartuffe, Hamlet, Faust, The Count of Monte Cristo, Père Goriot

>11 and 12th grade
Bulgarian lit from the period of 1860s to 1950s

>> No.6680325


>> No.6680331
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>What I disliked:
>>The Merchant of Venice
We dislike him too, the play is alright though.
>>>/pol/ is always right

>> No.6680354

>>Tess of the D'urbervilles
How did you deal with it as a native speaker; did it pose any difficulty ?

I studied it in my first semester at university in Victorian lit. and it was the hardest work of all.

>> No.6680529

Romeo and Juliet
That Rand novella I forget the name of
Animal Farm
Things Fall Apart
All Quiet on the Western Front
Catcher in the Rye
Lord of the Flies
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
The Odyssey
The Scarlet Letter
A Raisin in the Sun
Madam Bovary
Maybe some other stuff I don't remember

I don't think I knew what a "theme" was in highschool. They try to throw all these classics at you in hopes of beating some taste into you, but if you aren't equipped to understand them it just ruins the experience. I took a literature class as part of general ed in college and it was much more rewarding. So much so that I've actually started reading again after years of avoiding it.

>> No.6680547


>> No.6680563

that looks like an eyeball, with the nerve dangling below, yo

>> No.6680584

Yea that's it. I was also given both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged as a gift that year because a relative heard I was interested in philosophy. She was probably trying to nip that interest in the bud now that I think about it.

>> No.6681280

9 - Mockingbird
Animal Farm
Tom Sawyer
Two Cities
A few parts of the Odyssey
A Farewell to Arms
Romeo & Juliet

10 - Ethan Frome
Scarlett Letter
Huck Finn
Parts of Moby Dick
Mice and Men
A book of choice (I chose The Ambassadors)

11 - Great Expectations
A few canterbury tales
Wuthering Heights
1/3 of paradise lost
a few excerpts from Gulliver's Travels
A book of choice (I chose La Peste)

12 (mostly language based) - Ishmael
Zen and Motorcycle maintenence