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/lit/ - Literature

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6731621 No.6731621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Karl Marx was a NEET who never did a day of actual work in his life, and spent all of his time mooching off of his more successful friends or publishing opinion pieces in magazines. He was basically the Anita Sarkeesian of his day, and his grasp of economic principles was woefully, WOEFULLY inadequate.

He unironically defended the Labor Theory of Value, which is sort of like the Young Earth Creationism of economics, and the model of society that he outlined in the Communist Manifesto, to be frank, did not work. Following the Ten Planks of Communism does not result in a socialist utopia, it results in a failed state.

So by depicting communist societies as being desolate shitholes because the ideas of Marx weren't ever properly implemented is actually an flattery, because it implies that the problems with Marxism are rooted in corruption rather than Marx's own ineptitude as a political and economic theorist.

>> No.6731629

nice blog

delet this and try again

>> No.6731635

>Karl Marx was a NEET who never did a day of actual work in his life
>implying this isn't virtuous

>> No.6731637

Quality takedown on Karl Marx, you should publish this.

>> No.6731642

This board is for literature
Go back to /leftypol/

>> No.6731643

Politics belong on /pol/

>> No.6731645


>> No.6731675

this is philosophy

>> No.6731690


>never did a day of actual work in his life

Keyword being "actual" because whatever we say he did, it isn't "actual" work and you get to determine what is a real job and what isn't, don't you? Let me guess, working for the Reinische Zeitung isn't working, right?

>He unironically defended the Labor Theory of Value, which is sort of like the Young Earth Creationism of economics

Why don't you ridicule Adam Smith or David Ricardo as well, then? Oh, right...

>the model of society that he outlined in the Communist Manifesto, to be frank, did not work

There's something undeniably true here: you haven't read the Communist Manifesto (in the case you did, you understood nothing). Also, "le communism doesn't work in real life" meme.

>an flattery



You don't get to decide what is and what isn't discussed, retard. This isn't your personal blog. Go to /pol/ and discuss it there. You'll be in good company.

>> No.6731694

Mad lefties

>a bloo bloo bloo pwease delete this :(

>> No.6731696

>communism has been tried and failed

this meme gets me every time

>> No.6731697

>threads fellating Marx are on topic even though it's politics
>threads criticizing Marx get redirected to /pol/

I can't really say I'm surprised, because I'm not.

>> No.6731702

No I find his post an interesting analysis of Marx and all of your points are half baked attempts at trying to damage control.

There's something undeniably true here: you haven't read the Communist Manifesto (in the case you did, you understood nothing). Also, "le communism doesn't work in real life" meme.

Literal shitpost tier.

>i-if you're not a Marx fan go to /pol/

Nah I don't intend to cupcake

>> No.6731706

Keep your trash to the appropriate board.

>> No.6731707

Pretty much this and his theory of history is pleb tier

>> No.6731711

Because they think this board will be like their circle jerk forums

Open discussion has always been reviled by the left and will break down into them shitposting and flinging memes around

It's just how these intellectual light weights operate

>> No.6731714

>never did a day of actual work in his life
>publishing opinion pieces in magazines
>actual, literal doublethink

Wow. Premium subscriber detected.

>> No.6731719

There were 12 posters in this thread before I hit refresh

This was me>>6731711

So one of you two >>6731706 or >>6731707 is samefagging

And I'd bet money that it's this guy >>6731706 spouting go back to /pol/ over and over again

A pretty open and shut case

>> No.6731723

Being an author isn't actual work you lib arts fruitcake

>> No.6731725

People complain in pro and anti left threads. You just have a victimhood complex.

>> No.6731728

>le STEM mustardrace XDXD

fuck off to reddit

>> No.6731730

Get off a literature board if you hate literature.

>> No.6731731


Threads discussing (be it criticizing or asking for help in understanding it) MARXISM are welcome, since it's philosophy and thus /lit/-related.

What does not belong to this board are personal attacks on said philosophers because of political agendas. Eg.: It's not the same to ask for help understanding the Schopenhauer concept of Will than saying he was a bitter old man with a shit philosophy because I'm against his atheism/anti-nationalism/anti-semitims/whatever.


>An interesting analysis of Marx
>[He] was a NEET who never did a day of actual work in his life, and spent all of his time mooching off of his more successful friends

Whatever, m8.

Shitpost tier? You do know the communist manifesto does NOT describe in any way the communist society, do you? It's merely a declaration of political intentions and ideology and an analysis of the XIX century classes and parties. It's literally communist propaganda.

>If you're not a Marx fan go to /pol/

No. If you have no valuable discussion to start on marxist philosophy, go dicuss politics to /pol/.

>> No.6731733

Not him, but if it earns you a living it qualifies as 'actual work' in my opinion (disregarding charity or volunteer work).

>> No.6731735

Don't care, keep the trash to one board, you Aussie dicksucker.

>> No.6731736

>i shall go to /lit/
>i shall inform them that writing is not Real Work
>i shall complain about my thread being rejected as off-topic
>i shall monitor the poster count intensely, such matters are of great import

I take it you spam Bolivian tiddlywinks message boards in between shifts down t'coal mine, right?

>> No.6731741

Nice meme kid, I'll pay you two whole shiny quarters if I can wipe my asshole with your degree. It'll be the most money it'll ever earn you.


I chose a real major and I read in my free time

Sorry you tried to make your hobby a job, you're just as dumb as /v/ kiddies who think they'll be the next big game developer or /a/ weeaboo who think they'll make it as a magna artist in Japan

I work a full time job and I've had a handful of articles published locally

>> No.6731743

He did change the world, you gotta give him that.

Also china is absorbing free market into communism ideology with a healthy dose of authoritarian ancestor left overs.
We will have to wait and see if this Frankenstein is the next world power or not.

Also, not even a marxist here, but using real economics against marx is like citing the Kings book-keep for reasons why the divine right should not be abolished.

In the end, i think anything good in marx is from Hegel. Yes labor theory is turbo fucking retarded; material dialectic has some merits, but ironically might imply that revolution is not the answer to defeating communism.

>> No.6731754

>actual work

dudududududu-dudu-dudu-dudu who ya gonna call?

>> No.6731756

>What does not belong to this board are personal attacks on said philosophers because of political agendas. Eg.: It's not the same to ask for help understanding the Schopenhauer concept of Will than saying he was a bitter old man with a shit philosophy because I'm against his atheism/anti-nationalism/anti-semitims/whatever.

Oh please. /lit/ has tons of threads personally attacking philosophers and authors. This is just sophistry to justify silencing opinions different from your own.

Personally I think "political philosophy" should be banned from /lit/, but you guys can't pick and choose what kind of politics you want allowed on this board.

>> No.6731757

>muh 300k starting

>> No.6731760

>le stem master race

>> No.6731762

>lib arts degree
>19k starting
>Junior Assitant Manager at any Barnes and Nobel I want

>> No.6731763


>> No.6731774
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Karl Marx was a journalist who regularly wrote articles for various political periodicals.

He was also a prolific writer and political activist who wrote massive amounts of texts on politics, economics, and philosophy. The idea that he never worked a day in his life comes from the fact that for a decade, while Marx was writing his magnum opus (that he never finished) in ill health, he and his family was supported by Engels. Despite this, he hours upon hours, days upon days, months upon months, years upon years, spending his limited time doing nothing but reading and writing in a London library, in ill health.

The LTV was older than Marx. His two primarily economic inspirations, Smith and Ricardo, are known not just for inspiring Marx but for, particularly Smith, setting the foundations of all economic theories. Marx is rejected because his theories on the foundations of capitalist society don't provide advice for business or government policy, plus it provides political ramifications for radical politics. As for the political sciences, Karl Marx is considered the founding fathers of social science. When he was alive, and until to this day, Marx was counterposed to Darwin, both seen as fathers of their respected sciences.

In one of the prefaces to the Communist Manifesto, Engels concedes that the pamphlet was a period piece, that a mere 25 years after they had wrote it, it's demands were already outmoded. The fact that you do not realize this just by comparing it to contemporary society implies your own distinct lack of reading comprehension. Marx doesn't even lay down a model society in the Manifesto!

Now I'm going to ask a question. Why the fuck do anti-communists not bother to actually read Marxist literature before attempting a haphazard "refutation"?

>> No.6731781


>/lit/ has tons of threads personally attacking philosophers and authors. This is just sophistry to justify silencing opinions different from your own.

Two bads make one good? Threads praising Stirner or Nietzche belong as little to this board as threads bashing Marx or Camus. They literally contribute nothing to actual discussion about philosophy, and neither does this one.

Also, you can't claim that my posts are mere sophistry or that I'm trying to silence opinions different than mine since I'm anonymous and you don't know me and since it's impossible to silence threads in here unless you're a mod (which I'm not). I'm just pointing the obvious. Off-topic threads do not belong in here.

>> No.6731783

stopped reading at the literal ad hom

>> No.6731784

The same reason I don't have to read Evola to disprove stormtards or read the Fault in our Stars to know that it's bad.

>> No.6731800

NRx are different from Nazis...

>> No.6731801

>there are people that deny the Labor Theory of value.

Even Warren Buffet said it is legit.

>> No.6731804


So, after 5 words?


>I don't have to read Evola to disprove stormtards

Well, Evola wasn't a fascist and vastly criticized nazism, so I'll give you that. Althought you should read Evola if you're trying to disprove him... how else would you do it, if you don't know what you're trying to disprove?

>or read the Fault in our Stars to know that it's bad

Now, this is false. How are you going to know it is bad if you haven't read it? How can you form a correct opinion on something you haven't experienced?

>> No.6731813

Because I've received enough second hand input to get a good idea

I've seen enough of John Greens quotes and opinions on this board. I know that the novel is not written for people like me. The excerpts I've seen are poorly written.

Do you have to pee on an electric fence to know it will hurt or do you know enough about the nature of electricity and conductivity to form a Pretty solid hypothesis without actually trying it first hand?

>> No.6731815


Read the sticky!

>> No.6731820

>comparing something subjective like taste in art to something objective like physical laws about conductivity & current

>> No.6731827
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>> No.6731830

>Two bads make one good?

I'm saying I don't see you making similar posts in those threads, which make up a bulk of /lit/ threads overall. But Marx is a sacred cow for some of the posters on this board.

By claiming something is off-topic you want to silence it by making it unacceptable to talk about, you just are powerless to do anything that has a direct effect. Just as I want to silence political discussion when I say political philosophy is off-topic and should go to /pol/ (with a similar powerlessness).

>> No.6731831

So why don't you read John Green and Stephanie Meyer's collective works? There might be one book in there you like.

>> No.6731838

> Writing influencal and well-researched works is not considered work

>> No.6731857

I'm more interested in other books. I just won't pass judgement on them since I haven't read them.

>> No.6731866
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Back to reddit you philistine

>> No.6731873
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>published locally

>> No.6731898

I trust a degree of second hand observations

>> No.6731906

>implying you've been published nationally in anything but the most obscure of journals

All that money spent on your degree, yet you can only respond to me in memes

>> No.6731912
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>not being published intergalactically

stay pleb stemmy

>> No.6731915

You never did.

>> No.6731918


>> No.6731941
File: 34 KB, 500x513, babybjork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've had a handful of articles published locally
>yes, i'm a pretty big deal, locally
>i've had several letters to the editor published in the Weekly Clapper covering a diverse range of topics
>from "Communism is Bad" to "I Have More Money Than You"
>keep watching for my next article "U Mad 'Cause I'm Flexin' On U, Bruh? B^)"

>> No.6731950

Daily reminder that shitposting is against the rules and is reportable.