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6867984 No.6867984 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any novels about the life/lives of adult virgin males?

>> No.6868001


I doubt anything fits the strict wizardchan definition of wizardry, but check out Houellebecq's bibliography.

>> No.6868008

Your autobiography.

>> No.6868013

I mean, you're not wrong.

>> No.6868015

Came here to post this

>> No.6868019
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>> No.6868043
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>> No.6868061


fucking savage

>> No.6868076 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 1050x839, 1437669162648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this book where this one guy makes it to become a thirty-year-old virgin and acquires some serious wizardry shit.

SPOILER: he does end up getting nailed by a bunch of guys in the end. It's kind of like that American Pie movie.

>> No.6868079

Well played

>> No.6868081

the sun also rises, kinda

protag aint got no dick

>> No.6868084

lord of the rings

>> No.6868085

jesus is a virgin ?

kant is allegedly

buddha is not

>> No.6868090

OP status: rekt

>> No.6868094

Newton, Tesla, Edison too.

There's a good argument that male virginity is actually incredibly conducive to academic/literary achievement.

Look at the monasteries and at just how many MIT students are virgins

>> No.6868108


>> No.6868166

Jesus is also allegedly a virign. Nothing is certainly known about him.

>> No.6868169

>There's a good argument that male virginity is actually incredibly conducive to academic/literary achievement.
Not an argument at all, rather a preposterous hypothesis that only a virgin would take seriously.

>Look at the monasteries and at just how many MIT students are virgins
Why are you obsessed with virgins? What are you trying to say? Are you a virgin? Are you writing your PhD thesis on what it's like to be a virgin? Are you suggesting that being a virgin has ramifications on the virgin's future, personality, or image-as-seen-by-others? Spit it out.

>> No.6868174


>angry virgin detected


>> No.6868177

>Thinking Jesus existed

>> No.6868187


Jesus was tempted, he was a man with desires. But he was also without sin, so never acted on those desires.

There are alternate theories; Martin Luther believed that Jesus entered into relations with Mary Magdalene and there are some PC revisionists who claim he was gay with John, but mainstream Christian thought was that he was a virgin


>thinking he didn't

>> No.6868198

What's your point? I don't get it.

The study seems bogus.

>> No.6868208
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>Why are you obsessed with virgins?
>referring to 3 small sentences posted about virginity in a thread wholly about this topic
>aggressively makes a post 3 times as long on the same time topic


>> No.6868220

whether you're a Christian or not it's documented that he actually existed...even by jews who don't believe he was the son of God.

>> No.6868229

I appreciate the pointless commentary. Thanks.

I have yet to hear what the guy has to say.

>> No.6868239


You have never had a conversation with Woland I take it

>> No.6868241


do you want spoonfeeding?

My point: many great minds have been virgins, there is evidence that higher IQ people are less likely to have had sex

You seem to have a very emotional reaction to what is a pretty banal observation. Best wishes.

>> No.6868256


>Borges was a virgin
>Baudelaire was probably a virgin
>Kant was a virgin
>Nietzsche may have been a virgin
>Kierkegaard was a virgin

Might be onto something

>> No.6868267

>implying I ever get invited to his keggers
I hear they're fun as hell too

>> No.6868268


Yeah, it's true. Being a forever virgin turns you into a betacuck with a superiority complex duality alongside sever insecurity...wow.

Go figure.

4chan explained


>> No.6868271

Listen mate, just watch that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza gives up on sex.

>> No.6868275

I get *that*. What I don't get is: what the hell are you trying to suggest by saying that? Just that? No underlying thought at all?

>> No.6868277


Then watch that Malcolm in the Middle where Lois and Hal do the same.

>> No.6868288



>> No.6868304
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>wathcing MalCum in the Piddle

>> No.6868344


No way Baudelaire was a virgin, he'd get all the french poetry groupies.

I think Poe was a virgin, unless he consummated with his 12 year old in between the tuberculosis.

>> No.6868366


I was just going by what Nadar said about him, that Baudelaire confessed to him that he never had sex with the umpteen prostitutes he was so obsessed with

>> No.6868397


>> No.6868430

correlation does not imply causation

>> No.6868481

>Kant was a virgin

Pure ideology. Most accounts say that he was extremely social and charming, so I don't see a reason why.

>> No.6868498

>virgins can't be social and charming
Cheq ur priv @ the door

>> No.6868508

there's no evidence of him being a virgin, and the fact that he was all the time playing pool and going to dinner parties points otherwise.

>> No.6868510

The issue isn't with Kant. It's with your virgin-shaming, shitlord.

>> No.6868522

there's an extreme correlation between lack of social skills and virginity. prove me wrong.

>> No.6868527

You are making the assertion. The burden of proof lies with you.

>> No.6868552

anedoctal evidence is enough for me in this case. i don't need a research to tell me the obvious.

>> No.6869255


>> No.6869461

I think the noteworthy part is that there's no canon citation of Jesus having ever married, and the "no premarital sex" thing was treated very seriously.

Even Mohammed never had sex outside of marriage so his innovative solution was just to marry a bunch of women and a nine year old girl.

>> No.6869938


One of the greatest shows ever made faggot. Later seasons on par with classic Simpsons.

>> No.6869942

ITT: virgins calling each other virgins

>> No.6869947

Okay I like the show but that's just ridiculous

>> No.6869955
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Yeah, all those underaged girls? No sex. Nada. Not even when I was drunk and high off of 19th century drug cocktails.

>> No.6869978


Stop trying to justify the fact that you're still a virgin with the illusion that you're more intelligent than the average person.

>> No.6869999

Eh, hardly a conclusive result considering contemporary culture. From what I've read, creative 'geniuses' will exist on the extremes -- yes, Caesar, Nabokov, Picasso, Byron, etc. had lots and lots of sex, but Schubert, Beethoven, Nietzsche, Keats, Yeats, Crane, Dante, Milton, etc. either had one partner or none.

>> No.6870013
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cant argue with those.

>> No.6870021

I remember reading one study that people on the lower and higher ends of intelligence actually have more in common with some of the traits/life experiences they'll have than the average person would think. An unintelligent person might become depressed because they have a complete lack of understanding of their current situation and feel like it's pointless to change things, whereas an intelligent person may have too much of a grasp on what's going on in their life and take a turn for the worse. I wouldn't be surprised if sex-lives between the two groups are relatively similar.

>> No.6870087
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I knew this thread was doomed, but it just dawned on me that threads like these are always young men screaming at each other without mouths that they are less lonely than the other

>> No.6870221


are they supposed to help your argument

>> No.6870233

every single 4chan post ever

>> No.6870500
File: 47 KB, 680x510, 1434907818859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been reading the Hong translation of "The Seducer's Diary", and the preface tells me Kierkegaard had a drunken encounter with a prostitute in November 1836.

>> No.6870502

I've fucked my girlfriend and absolutely hated it. Even broke up with her after that.

>> No.6870521

^same but this was mostly because she was a fatty, not because I don't like sex

>> No.6870522

>Kieks was normie scum
explains his shit philosophy

>> No.6870524
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It's unknown whether the act was "completed" but he did note in his diary something like "that accursed giggling..." or something to that effect

>> No.6870564

Mine was ugly, but I didn't like the physical sensation too.

>> No.6870693
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>> No.6870719

>PC revisionists who claim he was gay with John
>PC revisionists

>> No.6870735


>> No.6870751
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Just a little over two hours later.

Yes, good job.

I didn't like it.

>> No.6870753

Where are you pulling that from ? Baudelaire had mistresses and hanged around prostitutes, Kierkegaard was a seducer, there's no evidence that Nietzsche was a virgin. It's just you loooking at writers and saying "yeah, guy sounds like he could have made a good virgin" at this point.

>> No.6870838

I dont think Bukowski got laid till his early twenties.

>> No.6870979


>> No.6871071

Welcome to the NHK.

>> No.6871131

Baudelaire was definitely not a virgin, he visited hookers and had a girlfriend later on

>> No.6871157



>> No.6871298

Top kek

>> No.6871305

yeats was well into adulthood

>> No.6871308


>> No.6871887

Borges was a fag.

>> No.6872227

Wasn't Kierkegaard, contrary to the super sexy portraits of him, in fact a hunchback? Also, is Diary of a seducer meant to be taken literally? As in seducing women rather than operating with seductive ideas or whatever?

>> No.6872237


Yes. To argue that jesus was a gay man is a form of politically correct revisionism that implants our current conceptions of homosexuality, friendship and love onto a completely different era.

Do you disagree?

>> No.6872253

Book of the Long Sun
The Brothers Karamazov
The Divine Comedy

>> No.6872988

Yet you're completely okay with doing that with htereosexual relationships, imposing our current conceptions of it onto biblical times.