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File: 418 KB, 513x597, damnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7026541 No.7026541 [Reply] [Original]

damn.... why they dont teach us dis in school tho?

>> No.7026552

why won't pol stay on their cesspool containment board.

>> No.7026569

>she did it for free

>> No.7026571

>deppest lore

>> No.7026604

negro revisionism really does have the deepest lore tbh

>> No.7026611

damn, y whiteys trying to hide all of black history doe? Beethoven an Einstein were black to forreal tho. So was Alexander the Great tbh.

>> No.7026621

ikr fam smh tbh

>> No.7026632

hella fr*ckin upvoted

>> No.7026635

Same W/ Jesus Tbh Fam Jesus Was A Black Man Fucked By The White Romans For Being Black, Ain't Shit Change Niggas Still Gettin Jailed For Being Black Smdh

>> No.7026640

Holy shit. Not only was Amelia Bassano white, she was also a published author.


I wonder how this even got started? Like I can imagine people coming up with this story, but why choose a white woman who had published poetry and was an aristocrat as your unpublished black woman who died in poverty? Literally every piece of this myth is wrong. Usually these things have at least a grain of truth that they're built around.

>> No.7026655

because its the work not the writer/publisher that matters

>> No.7026656

it's just a meme, you dork

>> No.7026657

If you post an infographic enough, regardless of how fucking stupid it is, there is a black, conservative or liberal who will take it as the gospel truth

>> No.7026660

>I wonder how this even got started?
It comes from the same source as those pictures of pictures of pictures with emoticons. It's negro memes lad

>> No.7026665

if quads this is true

>> No.7026666


>> No.7026671

It's a png with no jpg artifacts. This isn't an authentic negro meme

>> No.7026677

How do you think they get their start? A true Negro Meme™ takes time to develop. Be patient lad.

>> No.7026679

No, I get why it caught on as a meme. I mean why did the original creator choose that name and that portrait and that text? None of those things are accurate and that picture is not connected to the woman named at all. Usually these things are based on some sort of preexisting rumor that is made into an infographic and then memed into popularity. But this doesn't even seem to have that preexisting rumor. I mean, even the "Beethoven is black" meme is based on an actual portrait of Beethoven. It seems like a deliberate attempt to manufacture false information. But if that was the goal, why not pick something more believable? Something that can't be completely debunked with one google search?

>> No.7026680

stealing to post on reddit for karma tbh

>> No.7026683

nice quads tbqh

>> No.7026684

It might very well be a "joke" or something along those lines.

>> No.7026691

modern tumblr liberal have such a low iq that they require no actual facts or sources. they will readily accept anything that conforms to their jewish controlled dogma

>> No.7026694

top kek

>> No.7026696

This. It probably started as a joke, and those revisionist idiots took it seriously.

The only problem is that the other ones aren't any less absurd, and I know for a fact that those ones were not made in jest.

>> No.7026701

fucking moors

>> No.7026702

you forgot "cuck"
withholding upvote until the issue is fixeed

>> No.7026709

What's sad is that blacks can (kind of) lay claim to Dumas and Pushkin , but these guys don't exist to them.

>> No.7026740

It's no joke

>> No.7026752

Eh, at least there are people on there calling it out as bullshit. One literally said "we [black people] have such a rich history, please don't discredit us with these lies".

>> No.7026758
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>"we [black people] have such a rich history,

I honestly think they will one day

>> No.7026759

>over 140 characters

please resubmit if you'd like me to revise your grade in the future.

>> No.7026771

It's definitely blossoming right now, probably for all the reasons it seems to explode in other countries that are going through hardcore industrialization. How many of its products will stick, however, is something we'll only be able to discern with time.

>> No.7026782

>It's definitely blossoming right now
ehh, I can't even agree with that much lad. From my very limited knowledge of film, literature, music, painting, etc, I just don't see any contemporary black artists with staying power. I was thinking 50 or 60 years from now.

>> No.7026793

it's easier to usurp white history than discover your own

>> No.7026808

>Spike Lee
>Harlem Renaissance
>Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Sun Ra

Admittedly I know nothing about painting, so I can't speak to that, but all of those artists I just mentioned are significant enough to be in the Library of Congress and that's just 20th Century Americans I could name without using Google. Sorry chum, but blacks actually do have cultural significance.

>> No.7026823

Why? I'm not opposed to them being significant.

And every name there with the exception of the jazz ones is second rate at best

>> No.7026837

>second rate at best
Not surprising you think that considering they don't speak directly to your experience. But everyone has opinions.

You may not be opposed to them being significant, but you're putting up quite a fight against accepting their already existent significance. So I think you're either intentionally full of shit, or self-deluded. But again, opinions.

>> No.7026859

>Not surprising you think that considering they don't speak directly to your experience
The most pathetic of cop outs. I have much more in common with my fellow American, whatever their skin color, than I do with my favorite writers, the Russians.
> But everyone has opinions.
lol thanks for the heads up
> but you're putting up quite a fight
>So I think you're either intentionally full of shit, or self-deluded.
>gainst accepting their already existent significance.
Most of the Harlem renaissance authors will end up as a footnote to a footnote, as will the beats, and certain other groups. Influence is not necessarily indicative of quality.

But again, these are all opinions. Opinions.

>> No.7026866

>as will the beats, and certain other groups
Which is not meant to imply that the beats were black or comparable in quality to the Harlem renaissance writers btw

>> No.7026895

Yes, you have zero evidence for your position, and history has already acknowledged their significance. So, it seems safe to say that you're actually opposed to accepting the cultural significance of black artists, but are afraid to actually come out and voice that opinion, because you don't want to be "racist". In actuality you are racist, you just don't like the social stigma that comes with the label. So you form your argument in such a way that is basically saying "I'm not a racist but..." where the line that follows in your case would be "but they are shit at making art".

>Influence is not necessarily indicative of quality.
Certainly not. Quality is completely subjective. Influence is historically proven. Influence HAS been historically proven, and since that's the only way we can judge cultural significance, that proves it.

> have much more in common with my fellow American, whatever their skin color, than I do with my favorite writers, the Russians.
Doubtful. Russian writers were speaking to and participating in the Western literary tradition. African Americans were literally banned from participating in this tradition for almost all of their existence. You're more likely to related to a 18th century Russian who was in tune with all the things you've read and drew from that experience than a black man who was shut up from that tradition, and drew from the experience of exclusion. Pretty ignorant to assume that nationality is a better indication of shared identity than ideological familiarity. Particularly when you're talking about a nation with multiple cultures embedded in it.

>> No.7026909

>In actuality you are racist
Jesus christ, I was wondering how long it would take you. Just pathetic, man.
There are also many accepted white writers whose achievements will be relegated to footnotes.
> Russian writers were speaking to and participating in the Western literary tradition. African Americans were literally banned from participating in this tradition for almost all of their existence
It seems like you think I'm white. My first language was not a Western one.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to continue the conversation, you're just too emotional about it and your dishonest "hurr racist" defense mechanism is evidence of that. really sad tbh

>> No.7026912
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I'm fairly progressive when it comes to race but sometimes I just have to say it.


>> No.7026927

>I'm not even white lol
I was wondering how long it would take you to claim that. See, two can play that game.

>you're just too emotional
I'm not the one completely dismissing history simply because I feel like it.

>> No.7026930

nice reddit frog dude

>> No.7026933

Wikipedia says that she was described as black, which in the parlance of the day apparently meant Mediterranean features?

>> No.7026936

Yeah, they say that she was likely a Moroccan Jew.

>> No.7026937
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>> No.7026939
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>F. Scott Fitzgerald stole all his best material from Zelda!!!1!

>> No.7026947

Sassy black woman detected

>> No.7026958

The first one isn't me. I don't know who that is. I wouldn't say "it's blossoming now". It's existed for a long time in the US, blossoming in around the 1920s. And certainly there was been culture that has existed elsewhere before then. As for my sex and racial identity, this is an anonymous forum. I cannot prove one way or another who I am. Believe whatever you'd like.

>> No.7026962

>and drew from the experience of exclusion.
My sides. Does this idiot really think that American blacks aren't Western? That they pulled themselves into existence and invented the English language? They only knew how to write from reading white literature and they grew up in a Western country speaking an indo european tongue.
Never mind the "West" as some all compassing concept for "people who have lighter complexions than mine"

>> No.7026972

>Does this idiot really think that American blacks aren't Western?
No, but it's equally idiotic to think that black literature will be the same as traditional "western literature" in terms of content and inspiration. Even when they are reading the same literature, it's being filtered through a different cultural lens.

>> No.7026979

sure thing laquisha

>> No.7026980

>it's being filtered through a different cultural lens.
Nice vague platitude, but why don't you offer some substance? Demonstrate to me that the Irish, when they were starving to death, the Russians with their Eastern Orthodoxy, etc, are closer to white American culture than blacks (who were probably closest culturally to poor whites).

"European" as an identity is a very new concept

>> No.7026982

>Harlem renaissance
>staying power
No one thinks or talks about it outside of acdemics who want their students to pretend it's good with them.

>> No.7026990


>> No.7026992

>Davis, Coltrane, the list goes on
Don't worry, blackbro - at the rate western culture is deteriorating it won't be long until Nicki Minaj is considered the Mozart of our time.

>> No.7026996
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>Harlem Renaissance

>> No.7026999

Her ass is the epitome of Western culture tbh

>> No.7027003

Who do you think has the cultural capital for determining literary significance? Academia. If it was up to the masses, works of significance would change as quickly as trends.

>> No.7027007

>Harlem Renaissance

Fucking blacks and giving their kids a weird name

>> No.7027021
File: 14 KB, 300x238, ahhghnghrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 publishers rejected the manuscript of Don Quixote until its author adopted the pen name Miguel de Cervantes. That author's real name? Michaela de Cervantes.

>> No.7027033

>outside of academics

Common people don't care about good literature anyways, what's your point?

>> No.7027038

>everyone is stupid except for me :)

>> No.7027058

MC Ride and MF Doom tbh

>> No.7027077


>all dem entry level black jazz musicians

>dat entry level film maker

got damn let someone who actually knows black culture what little of it there is in modern day talk about it.

>> No.7027082

>Demonstrate to me that the Irish, when they were starving to death, the Russians with their Eastern Orthodoxy, etc, are closer to white American culture than blacks (who were probably closest culturally to poor whites).
Well the Russians for example were extremely interested in "Europeanizing" themselves from the period of Peter the Great on, and this is reflected in the literature (for example all the French included in Tolstoy or Chekhov). The best Irish literature was generally accepted as great English literature, even in its time (Oscar Wilde, Yeats, Keats and Joyce for example). The acceptance of them into "Western canon" more or less proves that they're closer in thematic content if nothing else than black Americans who continued to be excluded and forced into a segregated subculture up until the mid 1960s.

But I'm sure you'll just dismiss with a wave of your had, or further shift the goal posts and say it doesn't count, or just ignore it. So I don't know why I'm bothering to waste my time.

>> No.7027094

Do you know why things are "entry level"? Because they're so well known that anyone has heard of them and has the means to access them. Your describing them as "entry level" actually serves to further prove my point.

But hey, if you know better examples off the top of your head, feel free to contribute. If you just want to take potshots or make tangential criticism, that's fine too, but it isn't really proving anything.

>> No.7027095

This type of thing is what makes me struggle with cultrual nihilism

>> No.7027107

Spike Lee is the worst. If you want an actually decent black director, go for (the unfortunately named) Steve McQueen.

>Harlem Renaissance
Got to wade through some mediocre stuff to get to Bruce Nugent

>> No.7027108

music definitely but Spike Lee is nothing compared to the greatest directors

>> No.7027111

I agree with the jazz, but the Harlem "Renaissance" and Spike Lee are a joke

>> No.7027126

We're talking about significance, not how you determine quality through your personal taste.

>> No.7027143

Outside of the states, those writers aren't even known by name.
Even in the States, they are not considered to be extremely influential. Individual writers have been more influential than them taken as a whole.

>> No.7027155

McQueen did Hunger and Twelve Years a Slave. Nugent is getting put into the next Norton edition.

Ignorance is no longer an excuse: you are on a computer, right now.

>> No.7027160

and Spike Lee is for the most part insignificant

>> No.7027172

>Outside of the states, those writers aren't even known by name.
I respectfully disagree. I've met plenty of people from outside of this country who knew of people like Langston Hughes and Spike Lee. But I'm sure your unsupported assumptions that I'm supposed to just take at face value are a better foundation for what is true.

Yet here you are talking about him, and I didn't even have to explain who he was. You just knew. Weird how an insignificant person requires no introduction.

Again, I went off the top of my head. I never claimed to be an expert on black culture or film for that matter.

>> No.7027189

>I've met
nice anecdotes
and im sure that guy also knows michael bay and any number of idiots by name, as we all do

>> No.7027190
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, quantumleapretarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just knew

>> No.7027207

My anecdotes outweigh your nothing. If you have statistical proof that's one thing, but you're literally spitballing.
>that guy
I didn't say it was one person. Spike Lee is pretty well known. Do The Right Thing was an Academy Award nominated picture. And you know what they say, it's an honor just to be nominated!

What's your point? Or are you just having fun memeing?

>> No.7027221

>My anecdotes outweigh your nothing
Except it isn't nothing. Look it up. Harlem "renaissance" is nothing here in Spain, nothing.
And it was the same in other countries I visited.
>Do The Right Thing was an Academy Award nominated picture.
my sides, you keep thinking that if you can produce the weakest sort of "objectivity" in this argument, you've won it. Well, you're film is in good company with such masterpieces as Rocky (which actually won, making it, by your standards, a superior piece of art)

>> No.7027228

knowing someone's name doesn't make them fucking significant
what a leap in logic

>> No.7027247

>nothing here in Spain
And Spanish literature is literally nothing here in the US. Literally nothing (well, Don Quiote is the exception I suppose). No one reads it. Does that mean your entire country has no significance? By your standards, yes.

My point isn't quality, but significance, as I've repeatedly stated. I'd argue Rocky is a more significant film than Do The Right Thing, not a "superior piece of art".

It proves that he's significant enough for you to have heard him. Not really a leap.

Look, my only point originally was that black culture is a thing that existed. I was repeatedly attack for holding this minor statement because, well I don't know really. It's almost like the idea that blacks can make art is somehow threatening to your own identity and you need to shut it down. It's been painfully clearly for some time that no matter what I say you'll simply deny it, move goalposts, or sidetrack the argument with tangents. I've gone on far longer than I wanted and been drawn into defending far more than I intended. I'm done. If you'd like to think that means YOU won, congratulations. You're the Internet big boy. Go tell all your friends you proved blacks can't make art on 4chan. Honestly, I don't think I've won, because no one wins in these arguments. I'm too tired to keep going though. So whatever.

>> No.7027250

>And Spanish literature is literally nothing here in the US.
American here, can confirm that this is bullshit.

>> No.7027262

>that one nigger who has never read Shakespeare

>> No.7027267

you're a fucking drama queen lad
>It proves that he's significant enough for you to have heard him.
does that mean every artist I've heard of is therefore significant
>Look, my only point originally was that black culture is a thing that existed.
no, the original point was that Spike Lee is a director with staying power
>It's almost like the idea that blacks can make art is somehow threatening to your own identity
no one has said this, we've conceded that blacks can make music and indeed dominate pop music
>deny it, move goalposts, or sidetrack the argument with tangents
this is exactly what you're doing

>> No.7027280

You are definitely a woman

>> No.7027295

Assdevestated nigger detected

>> No.7027298

When you look back at classical music the composers who we remember are the ones who pushed boundaries and added to the art form, the entry level ones were famous in their own time but are almost unheard of now. We all know beethoven but his compositions werent actually that popular in his time, retrospectively they have been seen as historically important because they added to the artform. Entry level shit is not going to become part of the canon of film or literature unless it is both entry level and incredibly inventive like Shakespeare and the stuff you mentioned isnt.

>> No.7027309

Angry white libtard cunt detected
Niggers can't make art, stay triggered

>> No.7027313

You can tell by how fucking retarded she is.
Women are fucking stupid

>> No.7027322

the jazz musicians he listed definitely pushed boundaries and add to the art form though

>> No.7027383

You can't make art. Does that mean you're a nigger?

>> No.7027390

But I can, fucking fag

>> No.7027431

I doubt it, you Roux de Poux.

>> No.7027470

The West African empires were pretty big, and most African Americans come from there ancestrally.
>manasa musa donates so much gold on his hajj he crashed the ME economy
>only sub saharan peoples to have books and writing
Wait, is Ethiopia sub-Saharan? Point stands.

>> No.7027486

The Canon is determined by which artists and writers prove to have a continuing influence on the new vital ones. That is, it is formed through the work of artists - who have a very problematic relationship with critics/academia (generally disliking them).

Academics and critics like to think they play a central role but they are always secondary at best, and mainly prove to be counter to the actual spirit of the work ('problematizing' it or forcing outside ideas onto it)

Criticism is mostly forgotten (especially by non-twerps), the work is what lasts.

>> No.7027489

Also, this thread is lame. These kinds of fake theories are stupid and unproductive, but why push a new one just to make a point?

>> No.7028021


To maximize his lulz at seeing people taking it seriously.

Come on, remember where you are son.

>> No.7028046

>modern tumblr liberal
It's from instagram retard.

>> No.7028118

There's an image floating around tumblr right now that's a picture of some Nigerian and the caption is that he discovered a cure for HIV and that the guvment is gonna kill him or something.

>> No.7028122

Coltrane pushed boundaries in the avant garde with every album succeeding (and including) Giant Steps, and was not popular within his own time. Miles Davis sat on the forefront of musical innovation for his entire career. Both are successful in revision and will be remembered as greats of American music.
When will people stop using ‘Entry Level’ as a slur and instead as a method of classification

>> No.7028666

I can, you double nigger.

>> No.7028673

Tumblrtards use Instagram too you fucking c u c k

>> No.7028705

Not surprised tbh fam. Dem white devils stole everything from black people, yo. Stay woke!

>> No.7028706

For a while, I was fascinated by the Swahili trade kingdoms and scoured the university library for all I could find out about them. The idea of African trading states and Bantu Venices sounded exotic, but then I learned that it was merely a series of Arab outposts on the East African costs that dealt mainly in slave trading with the African interior.

African history is depressing, and I don't mean that in terms of "muh colonialism" and "muh famine". I mean it in terms of there seems to be scant work on it at all - no general history, no popular history books, nothing. This can't really be blamed down to "racism" - there was an attempt to do an African pre-colonial history documentary on the BBC, and while it was interesting, it dealt little with history and more to do with speculation and post colonisation. I was very disappointed.

Perhaps in time there may be a movement among African or African American historians where they stop focusing on revisionism, and start to really explore pre colonial African history. I mean, surely the best way to show that Africans were equal to Europeans isn't to suggest that European history had many important Africans, but to show that African history was just as rich and interesting as European history.

>> No.7028714

>but then I learned that it was merely a series of Arab outposts on the East African costs that dealt mainly in slave trading with the African interior.
Wait, did you really expect niggers to be engaging in maritime trade?

They even failed to discover Madagascar ffs.

> I mean it in terms of there seems to be scant work on it at all - no general history, no popular history books, nothing.
Perhaps because africans don't have a history?

>> No.7028734

Bonus treat:

Google the book "Black Athena"

>> No.7028758
File: 48 KB, 250x375, SHKSCTM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infographic is misleading as Bassano was of Sephardi stock, and probably a crypto-jew as it was illegal to be Jewish in England at that time. She was described as dark skinned, but she wouldn't look like a sub-Saharan African like this pic,but more like a Berber. As for the authorship, I think she had her part, probably a very large one. Nearly all the songs in Shakespeare's corpus are about a Jewish theme, the author obviously had a great grasp of Italian Veneto, where Bassano's family lived before immigrating to England, to work as musicians. As for Bill ''Shagespeare'' 's literacy, his parents were illiterates, his daughter was illiterate, and his own signature change so much as to cast doubt on his own literacy. Anyways, a genius with a 20 000 words vocabulary wouldn't let his daughter grows illiterate, nor come from illiterate parents himself. I personally think Shakespeare's corpus is a group work, with Bassano being a critical part of this endeavor. The whole identity politics scam going around this is irrelevant, unproductive, and reeks of resentment.
Pic related, a book that argue for Bassano authorship.

>> No.7029820

>It seems like a deliberate attempt to manufacture false information
Say it ain't so.

>> No.7029845

>The acceptance of them into "Western canon" more or less proves that they're closer in thematic content if nothing else than black Americans who continued to be excluded and forced into a segregated subculture up until the mid 1960s.
Blacks had a tremendous amount of cultural exchange with whites all through the history of the U.S., especially after the war. They couldn't drink at the same fountains, but that doesn't mean black music wasn't a worldwide phenomenon, because it was. Black polyrythm had a huge effect on American music.

So how were the Russians influencing American culture pre-1960? Can I listen to literally any pop song and hear it? Or were you only referring to high culture all along?

>> No.7030139

Ignore her, she's a stupid liberal cunt.

>> No.7030186

They wouldve but then we fucked them economically by killings Gaddafi. He was a butthurt punk ass bitch sure but his idea of a Pan-African currency was pretty dope

>> No.7030207
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Blacks are going to beat the "we invented modern music" horse until the end of time. More than a little pathetic.

>> No.7030216

Except Shakespeare obviously wasn't illiterate. He went to school.

>> No.7030588

didn't they? just think about it... damn...

but seriously they kind of did make a good deal of modern (i.e. the past 30 years) music

>> No.7030689

Why is this still up?

How many people does it take to get an off topic/pol thread deleted?

>> No.7030703
File: 73 KB, 666x1000, 10 - iAbZEnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't have janitors that browse here
the only way to get something deleted is to report it, which nobody does

if people hated it they'd report it, which nobody does
note how on /b/ shit gets deleted in seconds, on /v/ about 20 minutes or so, and on /lit/ after about 3 days if it's not blatantly nsfw

>> No.7030807

pretty much all american music, save musicals, is black.

>> No.7030810

>pretty much all american music, save musicals
This is nonsense though.

Don't you shit in kierkegaard threads? And then you complain about muh board quality, top fucking kek, you just want this place to agree with you

>> No.7030811


>> No.7030834

I've always concerned myself with quality.
In a couple of Kierkegaard threads I asked questions, doubted he invented existentialism, as the anon made it sound, and called him Captain Kierk. Apologies is that upsets your tummy, anon.

I'm quite familiar with the thread deletions. Seems like our janitor is having family issues or something.

>> No.7030872

>This is nonsense though.
except it isn't. I forgot country, not that anyone with a brain listens to it or crap.

>> No.7030898
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>tfw I replied accidentally to a namefag after turning off names
maybe I should just filter your kind

guess I just can't win huh, either way it's missing something, esp. what with recursive filtering

>> No.7030908

>rock (was invented by both, and most of the innovation as a whole comes from white groups and artists), as bob dylan said, it was a kind of cultural race mixing
>not that anyone with a brain listens to it
>I listen to everything except rap and country xDD
Even rap had some white forerunners I believe
I'll give you jazz and blues though, but that's hardly "all american music" especially today

>> No.7030910

>doubted he invented existentialism
He's literally considered by academic to be the first existential philosopher. why do you do this revisionist shit? aren't you like 45?

>> No.7030943

america has 0 worthwhile classical tradition.
bob dylan is a hack. rock is entirely black. the only innovation crackers made of it is how to make stealing a watered down version an artform.

>> No.7030950

It really isn't fair that I can't filter (with my eyes) problem posters. Just don't respond to me if it causes you such angst.

It's just a matter of semantics. I learned he was the first to ponder it or coin the term, but he didn't invent it. I seriously bother people with questions about philosophy. It's astounding how thin skinned people can be

>> No.7030993

>I honestly think they will one day
maybe, but they need to survive the great global population shuffle first

>> No.7031206

Watch the Louis Theroux documentary about Black Supremacists if you want to learn how this thing works.

>> No.7031575

>tfw half black and my father believes in black revisionism

I'm slowly severing the ties ;_;

>> No.7031580


lol almost true

>> No.7031588

>betraying your race in favor of the truth
enjoy less life satisfaction on average

>> No.7031595

>Chosing comfort over reality

>> No.7031629

It is very satisfying to beat people over the head with facts.
Furthermore, speaking as a half black, I think blacks should radically denounce their culture, almost in every case they are (objectively) the worst cultures on earth.
Take for example the USA version of black culture; anti-intellectual, anti-studying, anti-organizational, prone to laziness etc. Just copy white culture, or yellow asian culture, if blacks want to have a chance of ever being significant in any field ever.
50 years of some cool music (white composers have already BTFO'd anything blacks have ever made hundreds of years ago, as well as even made it possible for blacks to create(electronics) and distribute(organized distribution networks, tv, radio) their music, so it is still in debt to the white culture) is a disgrace compared to what other cultures have given to the world.


>> No.7031636

m8...it's b8

>> No.7031651

you're not half black, literally only white supremacists talk like that as I'm sure you know you pol piece of shit

please kys

>> No.7031657

>race = how someone is supposed to talk
uh huh, ok
maybe you are the one who needs to go back to /pol/

>> No.7031663


>This /pol/ thread is still up


>> No.7031666

I am half black indeed and invite you to, instead of attacking my character, offer any evidence that negates the points I make.
White supremacy is pleb tier btw, but so is cultural relativism.

>> No.7031667

white supremacist isn't a race m8

>> No.7031672

The true identity of Shakespeare is a mystery, someone thinks that he was the pseudonym of a collective of writers, or that he wrote his works with the collaboration of many different people.

>> No.7031673

I'd rather you just, as I said, kys.

>> No.7031683

you react like black revisionists when confronted with DNA evidence and archeological facts, that is, very emotional

smh(shake my head) tbh(to be honest) fam(friend)

>> No.7032108 [DELETED] 

Day of the Door when?
I can't wait for all niggers and nigger lovers (like the ones ITT) to be killed.

>> No.7032138


>> No.7032163

>Rope of the Door when?
>I can't wait for all rope and rope lovers (like the ones ITT) to be killed.

>> No.7032168

>Day of the door rope?
>Rope of the rope rope?
>Rope can't rope for all rope and rope rope (rope the ones ITT) to be rope.

>> No.7032373

but what about Aksum

>> No.7032423

>Day Rope the Door when?
>I can't rope for all niggers and nigger rope (like the rope ITT) to be rope.

>> No.7032459
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Literally why don't you all fuck off to Reddit or tumblr if you can't handle memes?

>> No.7032464

This is /lit/, not memes.

>> No.7032465

4chan is memes

>> No.7032472

/lit/ is literature and literature related memes. This thread is /pol/ politically incorrect and it's memes. Get the fuck out redditor

>> No.7032476

>I'm half black
>not gonna post pics tho lmao

>> No.7032480

Funny coming from you considering I've never seen you post about books and you're always shitposting whenever feminism or Marxism is mentioned, neither of which are ever related to their respective literature. Fuck off retard

>> No.7032488
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>Black people are literally the worst people on Earth
>B-but guys, I swear I'm actually black, so this isn't racist!
The 'muh culture' argument is a terrible one anyway.

>> No.7032490

>publication as goal
kek, nice b8 m8

>> No.7032492

>serious discussion
>all you ever do is talk about books you haven't read and whine about feminist shit


>> No.7032497
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>> No.7032567

>I normally have you filtered so don't see what books you talk about
>I Shitpost in anti-feminism/rightwing-leftwing politics threads so notice you then

>Serious discussion
I haven't read the whole thread, but it seems to be a lot of race baiting bigotry going on ITT.

>> No.7032596

I meant >serious discussion as in you expecting serious discussion

>race baiting

It's just banter. They're making fun of the fact that many black people actually believe shit like the op pic. If you can't handle it go whine on tumblr about it you fucking autist

>> No.7032624

lel, it doesn't means anything. More people that you think get out of school being functionally illiterate. They may be able to read a newspaper front page, and not much else. I guess it was even worse 400 years ago.

>> No.7032648
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Actually the Grammar school we're pretty positive he went to drilled students on a nonstop diet of Latin classics. He might not have read extensively in English, but considering he was one of the first writers to elevate the English language that's not really surprising. Shakespeare is significant largely for being the among the first to make full use of the English language. He was a pioneer, not a university po-co fem-lit nancy.

>> No.7032653

shh it doesnt suit his argument so he'll conveniently forget it

>> No.7032674

What is the point of believing something like this?

>> No.7032675

We just don't know who Shakespeare was. That's the only honest answer there is. Saying ''we're pretty positive'' is just another slightly dishonest way of saying the same thing.

>> No.7032689
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>We just don't know who Shakespeare was.
What does this even mean? We know he was a man who attended a grammar school, left at 13, married a woman named Anne Hathaway at 18 and worked writing X number of plays and was recognized by royalty. The existence of theories that some things are misattributed to him doesn't make certain details of the life of the author of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet invalid.

>> No.7032739
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Will from Straford =/= William Shakespeare
We don't know who Shakespeare was/were, but we know who he wasn't, and he wasn't the Straford boy. You can't have illiterate parents and a 20 000 words large vocabulary. You can't be a genius wordsmith and let your sole daughter be illiterate. You can't be literate and write constantly different signature as if you're some illiterate peasant. You can't be an extremely well-read author who offer absolutely no book to bequest in your will. I could go on and on, the Straford boy is but a patsy, and it's sad to see still today scholars with no critical judgement continuing to accredit his fake authorship.

>> No.7032743
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>Not an appropriation of European Classical music

None of them even understood the theory wither tbh

>> No.7032777

>You can't have illiterate parents and a 20 000 words large vocabulary. You can't be a genius wordsmith and let your sole daughter be illiterate. You can't be literate and write constantly different signature as if you're some illiterate peasant. You can't be an extremely well-read author who offer absolutely no book to bequest in your will
One absolutely can. Why couldn't he?

>> No.7032787

I can handle the idiots in the world, but this is not the forum for them. Go invade /a/ with this shit, tumblrina.

>> No.7032808

Underrated post.

>> No.7032818
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A jungle can't grow in a tundra or a desert. Such genius must be nurtured for a long time in a relevant environment to produce its fruits. An environment that the Stratford boy didn't live in. Nice trips btw.

>> No.7032832
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>> No.7032838

>A jungle can't grow in a tundra or a desert.
True. Good thing poets aren't jungles.
>Such genius must be nurtured for a long time in a relevant environment to produce its fruits.
Do they? I don't see why this is necessarily a rule. And and anyways he studied Greek and Latin and poetry and grammar and so on in grammar school

>> No.7032845

There is nothing medically, psychologically, developmentally or factually impossible with any of those things happening.
It's incredibly uncommon, but then so was the entirety of Shakespeare's career. If he had been following the same 'rules' as everyone else, so to speak, he would not have accomplished anything on the level he did.
Stop leaping from unusual circumstances straight to accusations of fradulence, that's idiotic.

>> No.7032855

>its culture
>s-so what if they act the same everywhere, its not genetic
Culture argument makes me laugh.

Think about it for a second. You're arguing that black behavior (which is universal) is due to culture. Which would mean that they all follow a culture that glorifies being dumb violent nigs. What kind of race would be that uniform in culture except a dumb, violent one?

>> No.7032859

Fuck off. Crying about racism and bigotry just because you got shit on makes you look dumb, and does not constitute winning an argument anywhere that you can't pretend to be self-righteous and superior. An imageboard is not one of those places.

>> No.7032861


>> No.7032869
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>True. Good thing poets aren't jungles.
It's an allegory m8. Vegetation standing for vocabulary.
>I don't see why this is necessarily a rule.
You aren't accustomed to genius, that's why
>And and anyways he studied Greek and Latin and poetry and grammar and so on
Did he really? Plenty of people study but don't learn anything.
>There is nothing medically, psychologically, developmentally or factually impossible
Maybe not impossible, but until somebody produce a street urchin who's a literary prodigy, my point will stand.
>Stop leaping from unusual circumstances straight to accusations of fradulence
I'm not accusing anybody of fraud, only of complacency and lack of critical judgement.

>> No.7032887

>Jesus was black
>Charlemagne was black
Jesus, just be proud of Shaka Zulu or the Songhai empire instead of being such damn fucking cucks.

>> No.7033051

>I mean, surely the best way to show that Africans were equal to Europeans isn't to suggest that European history had many important Africans, but to show that African history was just as rich and interesting as European history
It's massively lacking in documents, though, which puts a crimp in the whole 'researching and writing history' idea. No doubt cool and interesting shit went down, but if nobody wrote it down, you can't study it. You're largely left with archaeology and anthropology (for oral traditions etc), which might uncover cool stuff too, but they're not really history.

>> No.7033145

>If I judge the character of Shakespeare by modern standards it makes no sense!

>> No.7033191


check this out you noob

>> No.7033199


could this mean everytime it gets critiqued as being of low quality or in poor form that that person is being racist?

>> No.7033208

Only when they're racists

>Listens to Bernhard Molique Wind Concertos

>> No.7033210

>>Doubtful. Russian writers were speaking to and participating in the Western literary tradition. African Americans were literally banned from participating in this tradition for almost all of their existence.
Wut? Russians we're oppressed far more then American blacks.

>> No.7033212

It's still not the board for this, my little lad. *pats head*

>> No.7033216

Boys in the good was bullshit. I agree with the rest.

>> No.7033221
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>not dailymail gibberish

>> No.7033227

Boys in the good is just terrible.

>> No.7033246

Well said.

>> No.7033249

If anyone is interested there are some very interesting books about serfdom in Russia which scan very well with the discourse on slavery in the united states. There's even one famous story reminiscent of the Django film by Tarantino but I'm not too sure there would be interest.
>Russians we're oppressed far more then American blacks.
Haхyй пoшeл.
This guy rocks.

>> No.7033251


>> No.7033262 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate niggers.
>n-n-no u
False equivalence

>> No.7033285 [DELETED] 

Education was a luxury back then, not the norm, when people studied they made damn sure to retain it; fuck off, retard.

>> No.7033288

>I am a niggar
Yes you are.

>> No.7033294

If you don't want to leave /lit/ then don't.

>> No.7033295 [DELETED] 

Dumb cunt, stay triggered.
Good goy

>> No.7033296 [DELETED] 

Nice projection

>> No.7033298

so many buttmad YTbois ITT


>> No.7033301
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You wish.

>> No.7033327
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stay niggered

>> No.7033343




>> No.7033468
