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/lit/ - Literature

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7093379 No.7093379 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite poet?

>> No.7093385


>> No.7093386

A small night storm blows
Saying ‘falling is the essence of a flower’
Preceding those who hesitate - John Green

>> No.7093393


>> No.7093409

I can't pick a favorite. I dislike the concept of favorites.

>> No.7093440

How about who really resonated with you?

>> No.7093681
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>> No.7093685

>literally 'Reddit: the Poet'

>> No.7093698

Not at all, you cunt.

>> No.7093705

I don't like much rigid poetry, and I also don't like much experimental poetry. But Frank Stanford is brilliant. So is Ark by Ronald Johnson.

>> No.7093716

Yeats (duh)

>> No.7093731

not even close

>> No.7093750
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>> No.7093757

Dylan Thomas, Wallace Stevens, Robinson Jeffers, William Carlos Williams. It's hard to even compare them much lest choose from among them.

>> No.7093845

What's so bad about Rilke?

>> No.7093854


>> No.7093860


please don't embarrass yourself further

>> No.7093871

Keats, Yeats and Crane.

>> No.7093879

Miron Białoszewski

>> No.7094083
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you poetry fags are my guys

>> No.7094089
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lit has shit taste in poetry kek

>> No.7094095
File: 1.36 MB, 1970x2725, shelley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GOAT lyricist and political visionary.

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

>> No.7094096

Wow, you're a dick.

>> No.7094099

>high romantics
Very diverse taste.

>> No.7094132

Yeah, all of the poets mentioned by
are definitely those things.

>> No.7094133

Rilke is good

>> No.7094136

muh exceptions
U on the spectrum laddy?

>> No.7094140

They're 2 of the 3 best periods in English literature, anon.

>> No.7094152

That was three exceptions out of like 10. Fuck off you projecting cunt

>> No.7094164

Durr like half of the board's favorite poets are from two of the most famous movements in poetry of all time where's the fucking diversity you niggers!! *ignores other half posting various late-20th century poets and some polish guy*

>> No.7094169

Morgenstern, Goethe and Shakespeare, depending on my mood. Morgenstern is really worth the effort learning German, Goethe is a fricking genaius and Shakespeare's sonnets - just godly...

>> No.7094192


I've never heard of this guy before. Tell me more.

>> No.7094211

this board is embarrassing

>> No.7094221

Tomas Tranströmer

>> No.7094226


>> No.7094230

German poet, wrote hilarious, tongue-in-cheek poems.
Heilig ist die Unterhose
Wenn sie sich in Sonn und Wind
Frei von ihrem Alltagslose
Auf ihr wahres Selbst besinnt.

Translation (rough, rhymeless):
Holy are the unterpants
If they do in sun and wind
Freed from their everyday fortune
Think of their real self.

>> No.7094232

someone who doesn't like poetry would think that, yes

>> No.7094242

You're just trying to rile me up, aren't you?

>> No.7094249

yes but I'm also being sincere

>> No.7094255
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>> No.7094261

I had to try to match the rhyme scheme for you anon:

Holy are the underpants
If in sun and wind do they
Freed from common happenstance
Think of their true way

>> No.7094273

Thanks m8, humour is one of those things that's quite difficult to translate, especially in verse. I'd love to be able to read German, I think it's a really good language for poetry.

>> No.7094284

Stéphane Mallarmé, Jacques Prévert and Philippe Jaccottet

>> No.7094341


>> No.7094364


Pessoa tbh lads.

>> No.7094365

what about swedish?

>> No.7094371

No clue, but I'd imagine so due to the tonality.

>> No.7094392

Wow. Thanks for enhancing my puny attempts at poetry. I really envy you for being able to accomplish such things

>> No.7094412

spirits elevated, ty

>> No.7094425

With the amount of Nobel prizes your poets have won I'd bloody expect it to be good. Fucking committee.

>> No.7094462

Gentlemen Please consider Artur Rimbaud

>> No.7094474

I always equate this guy with shitty women Baudeliare hhmmm Flowers of evil

>> No.7094488

Geoffrey Hill.

He was so tired that he was scarcely able to hear a note of the songs: he felt imprisoned in a cold region where his brain was numb and his spirit was isolated.


Requite this angel whose
flushed and thirsting face
stoops to the sacrifice
out of which it arose.
This is the lord Eros
of grief who pities
no one; it is
Lazarus with his sores.


And you, who with your soft but searching voice
drew me out of the sleep where I was lost,
who held me near your heart that I might rest
confiding in the darkness of your choice:
possessed by you I chose to have no choice,
fulfilled in you I sought no further quest.
You keep me, now, in dread that quenches trust,
in desolation where my sins rejoice.
As I am passionate so you with pain
turn my desire; as you seem passionless
so I recoil from all that I would gain,
wounding myself upon forgetfulness,
false ecstasies, which you in truth sustain
as you sustain each item of your cross.


Veni Redemptor, but not in our time.
Christus Resurgens, quite out of this world.
‘Ave’ we cry; the echoes are returned.
Amor Carnalis is our dwelling-place.


O light of light, supreme delight;
grace on our lips to our disgrace.
Time roosts on all such golden wrists;
our leanness is our luxury.
Our love is what we love to have;
our faith is in our festivals.


Stupefying images of grief-in-dream,
succubae to my natural grief of heart,
cling to me, then; you who will not desert
your love nor lose him in some blank of time.
You come with all the licence of her name
to tell me you are mine. But you are not
and she is not. Can my own breath be hurt
by breathless shadows groaning in their game?
It can. The best societies of hell
acknowledge this, aroused by what they know:
consummate rage recaptured there in full
as faithfulness demands it, blow for blow,
and rectitude that mimics its own fall
reeling with sensual abstinence and woe.


This is the ash-pit of the lily-fire,
this is the questioning at the long tables,
this is true marriage of the self-in-self,
this is a raging solitude of desire,
this is the chorus of obscene consent,
this is a single voice of purest praise.


He wounds with ecstasy. All
the wounds are his own.
He wears the martyr’s crown.
He is the Lord of Misrule.
He is the Master of the Leaping Figures,
the motley factions.
Revelling in auguries
he is the Weeper of the Valedictions.


Music survives, composing her own sphere,
Angel of Tones, Medusa, Queen of the Air,
and when we would accost her with real cries
silver on silver thrills itself to ice.

>> No.7094503


>> No.7094523


I can't tell whether this is sincere. I just thought I'd give it a try. No offense intended.

>> No.7094525

not just a poet....So doesnt fucking count

>> No.7094536
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Britbongs be proud This man was The Man

>> No.7094543

Bayonet Charge is fucking brilliant. Love a bit of Ted Hughes.

>> No.7094545
File: 38 KB, 351x444, tmp_2402-22_robinson_jeffers_1933-1289588669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinson Jeffers. Gary Snyder is a close second, though.

>> No.7094583
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>> No.7094592

Are there any American Poets Really

>> No.7094595

"He lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm"

Lovely simile

>> No.7094600

>septic poetry


>> No.7094610

American without a shadow of a doubt I presume

>> No.7094633

Poetry is Either Greek or English Gentlemen Fuck all others ..

>> No.7094687
File: 21 KB, 315x315, Philip Larkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one mentioning this S&M lesbian porn connoisseur

>> No.7094708
File: 62 KB, 500x570, 27d2cb63aaf3d8fe82ebc35c3fe2fd71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Larkin

>> No.7094729

Jaden Smith

How can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real?
Look outside the window to see the universe feel
A believer in quantum flat earth theory
My true friend is trapped in a box named Siri

My favorite thing to do is watch anime
Sometimes i put on makeup and act like a mime
Kids who go to school are so teenagery, so angsty
If everybody in the world dropped out of school we would have a much more intelligent society

>> No.7094733


lmao faggot

>> No.7094751

A touch mediocre Hardly a Goethe talent

>> No.7094770
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Well, this is better.

>> No.7094786


>> No.7094798
File: 5 KB, 259x194, Kip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk--
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

>> No.7094805


>> No.7094810

Wilfred Owen and Tagore

>> No.7094814


>> No.7094978

Du mußt dein Leben ändern, tbh fam.

>> No.7094991
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T.s The for quartets

>> No.7094997

you're lying

>> No.7095019


>> No.7095235

I've yet to find any poetry I can really appreciate other than Spike Milligan. McGonagall's interesting, but only because he was probably genuinely quite autistic.

>> No.7095264
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>> No.7095265
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>> No.7095272


Kek, stevens is alright but the rest are reddit-core

>> No.7095278


Marginally better than Plat but a hack nonetheless.

>> No.7095283


Finally! Love the Lark.

>> No.7095450
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T.S. Eliot

>> No.7095508

Second for Keats, honorable mention to Maximillian Voloshin.

>> No.7095587
File: 115 KB, 625x474, IdyllesOfAKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Tennyson, but I'm also a fan of Kipling, Vergil, Catullus, Ovid, Emily Dickinson, and T.S. Elliot.


>> No.7096364

Well your true lack of intelligence is shining through for all to see .your baseless drivelled rantings are meaningless to me and those around you .Try Reddit Run Along

>> No.7096481

This should be published as genuine poetry.

>> No.7096937
File: 41 KB, 427x564, AVT_Paul-Valery_4327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that weeping, if not simply the wind,
At this sole hour, with ultimate diamonds? ...But who
Weeps, so close to myself on the brink of tears?
This hand of mine, dreaming it strokes my features,
Absently submissive to some deep-hidden end,
Waits for a tear to melt out of my weakness
And, gradually dividing from my other destinies,
For the purest to enlighten a broken heart in silence.
The surf murmurs to me the shadow of a reproach,
Or withdraws below, in its rocky gorges,
Like a disappointed thing, drunk back in bitterness,
A rumor of lamentation and self-constraint....
What seek you, bristling, erect? And this hand of ice,
And what shivering of an effaced leaf is it
Persists amid you, isles of my naked breast?...
I am glittering and bound to this unknown heaven....
The giant cluster gleams on my thirst for disasters.
Omnipotent, alien, inescapable stars
Who deign to let shine in the distances of time
Something I cannot conceive--supernatural, pure;
You who plunge into mortals to the depth of tears
Those sovereign rays, weapons invincible,
The shooting glances of your eternity,
I am alone with you, shivering, having left
My couch; and over the reef gnawn away by marvel
I ask my heart what pain keeps it awake,
What crime committed against me or by myself?...
Or whether the pain dogs me from a dream scaled up
When (the lamps' gold swept out by a velvet breath)
With my dense arms pressed about my temples
I waited long and long for my soul's lightnings?
All me? Yes, me entire, mistress of my flesh,
Stiffening with a shiver all its strange extent,
And in my own tender bonds, hung on my blood,
I saw me seeing myself, sinuous, and
From gaze to gaze gilded my innermost forests.

>> No.7098478

tbh i agree

>> No.7098493

u w o t m 8

>> No.7098522

Comte de Lautréamont

>> No.7098688
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For a while I adored Algernon Swinburne but he was keeping my own verse held back in substance, I suppose; but as far as really faggy verse goes from the Victorian era, him and Housman are fun. Hopkins is the manly-verse counterpart I like from the era. I like some of (Robert) Browning. For a while adored Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

I guess overall my top are probably Hart Crane, Alexander Pope, Edmund Spenser, Swinburne, Merwin, Ammons, and if I had to add a High Romantic (like seems fashionable in this thread) it would be Keats.

>> No.7098692

The wind is rising ... we must attempt to live.

Valery was a god

>> No.7098703
File: 107 KB, 1560x1560, csm_6.3.15Readings.LangdonHammer.bookjacket_cropeditsm_a1dfb0a5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh and I guess I also should add another faggy fuck to my list, James Merrill's Changing Light at Sandover / Divine Comedies are neat. Him, Merwin, and Ammons are some of the few contemporary poets I can stand. I liked Ashbery a while back but I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.7098758

>ctrl+f whitman
>0 of 0

utter haram

>> No.7098764


>> No.7098777

with or without hat ?

>> No.7098785





>> No.7098801

Wallace Stevens tbh

>> No.7098909


I think Whitman and Shakespeare are two names people don't really need to name because anyone worth a damn loves them both to death.

>> No.7098914

Kek, maybe if you're American

>> No.7098956


If you are incapable of recognizing the genius of Whitman in an era where Tennyson was held as THE poet, then alright, I'm glad you're not sharing a country with me

>> No.7099194

Is that a picture of Steven Bonnell II?

>> No.7099263

The Romantics are strong on this board.

>> No.7099298


Kek, reddit would love plath and hughes.

>> No.7099315
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>> No.7099324

I cannot think of anything less in the spirit of poetry than to write off a handful of respected poets as "reddit-core"

And I don't particularly like those poets, but I like them a lot more than your vulgarity

fuck off

>> No.7099346

What is the relevance of Tennyson? He was fucking shit too.

Gerard Manley Hopkins is pretty much the only good Victorian poet.

>> No.7099359

>criticises another for their vulgarity
>tells a third person to "fuck off" because of their favourite poet

>> No.7099370

me tbh

>> No.7099372
File: 60 KB, 804x1160, Ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All /lit/'s shitty memes aside, I love his poetry.

>> No.7099393
File: 646 KB, 720x931, redcolumbine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gerard Manley Hopkins is pretty much the only good Victorian poet.


>> No.7099398

Stephen Dedalus, lmao

>> No.7099404

His hair seems capable of producing poetry of it's own.

>> No.7099414

The Duino Elegies and The Sonnets to Orpheus are my favorite poetic works, but Rilke is not that great of a lyric poet. He's a tremendous poet-philosopher but not a "poet" really.

In English:

Seamus Heaney

In translation:

Paul Celan

>> No.7099416


>> No.7099418

ikr? second best looking poet after Rimbaud

>> No.7099419


>> No.7099421

it would probly produce better poetry too, ep was aPROLIFIC HACK.

>> No.7099425

>read elegies to duino
>doesn't understand shit
>close book and wonder if rilke was a fuccboi

what are the elegies about ?

>> No.7099475

You sound like a faggot

>> No.7099511

and ur shits all retardead