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File: 24 KB, 500x373, Optimized-coffee-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7107005 No.7107005 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good poems about coffee?

Share some interesting coffee-related lit trivia also.

>> No.7107007

Coffee is a domestic drug for pussies without determination. FUCK OFF.

>> No.7107012

Try tumblr. Tea is the /lit/ drink.

>> No.7107016

Coffee is for people who have jobs and social lives and then have eight hours to balance between writing and sleep before the next day.

>> No.7107021

>Share some interesting coffee-related lit trivia also.
Well, I heard Voltaire drank shitloads of it everyday... I don't know if this is true.

>> No.7107023

Tea has caffeine too ;)

>> No.7107030

Point being? Shit and Venison are both foods.

>> No.7107033

I love coffee!

>> No.7107042

Coffee is my favorite concoction!

>> No.7107049

Lawrence Ferlinghetti's "Recipe for Happiness"

>One grand boulevard with trees
>with one grand cafe in sun
>with strong black coffee in very small cups.

>One not necessarily very beautiful
>man or woman who loves you.

>One fine day.

>> No.7107051

Dunkin Donuts coffee is leagues above the rest, taste-wise. Prove me wrong, atheists.

>> No.7107054

Coffee is essentially Reddit: the Drink

>> No.7107059
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>> No.7107060

"There Are Those Who Love To Get Dirty" by Gary Snyder

>There are those who love to get dirty
>and fix things.

>They drink coffee at dawn,
>beer after work,

>And those who stay clean,
>just appreciate things,
>At breakfast they have milk
>and juice at night.

>There are those who do both,
>they drink tea.

>> No.7107062

For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, 50
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume?

>> No.7107070

Ah, Prufrock.

>> No.7107076

Hegel, the negation matters:

coffee without milk =/= coffee without cream

coffee is incomplete, it needs a supplement: cream..., but coffee can be it's own supplement as well

it's really a nice example of a hegelian dialectical point

>> No.7107077

"Je Suis une table" by Donald Hall

>It has happened suddenly,
>by surprise, in an arbor,
>or while drinking good coffee,
>after speaking, or before,

>that I dumbly inhabit
>a density; in language,
>there is nothing to stop it,
>for nothing retains an edge.

>Simple ignorance presents,
>later, words for a function,
>but it is common pretense
>of speech, by a convention,

>and there is nothing at all
>but inner silence, nothing
>to relieve on principle
>now this intense thickening.

>> No.7107078

Ah how utterly delightful
Classy and witty
Yet rugged and wise
Euphoria in flavour
Aesthetic Surprise!

>> No.7107084

from "Sunday Morning" by Wallace Stevens

>Complacencies of the peignoir, and late
>Coffee and oranges in a sunny chair,
>And the green freedom of a cockatoo
>Upon a rug mingle to dissipate
>The holy hush of ancient sacrifice.

>She dreams a little, and she feels the dark
>Encroachment of that old catastrophe,
>As a calm darkens among water-lights.

>The pungent oranges and bright, green wings
>Seem things in some procession of the dead,
>Winding across wide water, without sound.

>The day is like wide water, without sound,
>Stilled for the passion of her dreaming feet
>Over the seas, to silent Palestine,
>Dominion of the blood and sepulchre.

>> No.7107110

That's a cool analogy.

>> No.7107120


>> No.7107174

Oh, you.

>> No.7107186

Interesting, but none of those focus on the things coffee does to your body. They talk about it as a comfy thing and nothing more.

>> No.7107188

Found the hedonistic degenerate, living as a parasite off his parents' paychecks.

>> No.7107192

I'm in love with the coco.

>> No.7107209
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Enjoy a good teabaggin' do ya?

>> No.7107215
File: 74 KB, 680x382, Vito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that anyone who doesn't drink exclusively straight black coffee on a daily basis can never be a real man.

>> No.7107233

>he plays Pokemon but still thinks he's a man because he drinks black coffee

>> No.7107238

>Coffee is for people who have jobs and social lives and then have eight hours to balance between writing and sleep before the next day.

That's bullshit because I have none of those things and love coffee.

>> No.7107258

actually it seems to be the opposite

I drink black coffee and every male I've ever respected doesn't; take, for example, Winston Wolf from Pulp Fiction: "lotsa milk, lotsa sugar"

it seems, the real indicator of a man is to not be afraid to do non manly things

as implied, those who are always worried about manliness are in actuality something lesser in the process

>> No.7107265
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>> No.7107268

>implying we aren't all waiting with bated breath for Super Mystery Dungeon to come out
>bringing up something completely unrelated in a coffee discussion

>> No.7107273


I do drink black coffee every morning, but sometimes enjoy mid day tea, or coffee with milk, or coffee with a little bit of cream. When I go to a coffee shop I typically get a latte or a cappucino, because I enjoy them and can't make them at home.

I don't think there is anything gender specific about beverage preferences.

I do think that most people who "hate black coffee" are used to very weak light roast folgers, which essentially needs milk and sugar to even be drinkable.

>> No.7107276


He didn't say coffee is exclusively for those people.


I have a full time "real" job, a social life, and time to write, and I use drugs other than caffeine.

>> No.7107291
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Coffee is for jittery impulsive idiots, tea is the contemplative beverage of calm determination.

>> No.7107292
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what drugs

>> No.7107295
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>> No.7107306


All kinds, in more moderation now that I'm busy with work. I never take anything that will leave me anything but 100% for work the next morning.

Weed most days.
Adderall on the weekends sometimes.
Very occasionally a beer, glass of wine, or some liquor. Haven't been "hammered" in years.
Mushrooms, LSD, Mescaline, DMT if I can ever find some of that shit again
Ketamine on rare occasion
MDMA or MDA if I can find a clean supply. It's kind of like LSD, in that I can find plenty of "Molly" or plenty of "double dipped super potent acid bro" but very little actual MDMA, MDA, or LSD.
Kratom was fun for a while, but the last 2 times I did it (over a year ago) I got really lightheaded and just didn't enjoy the feeling. Still have like 100 grams of it that someone tossed me a while ago sitting around.

I've done more drugs than these, but these are drugs that I've done while maintaining an "adult lifestyle" you could say.

Also, if you can't tell, I'm on adderall right now, enjoying the fuck out of typing this out. Cheers bud.

That's what's coming to mind for now. I'm pretty much open to try most mind altering substances, provided I can prove the quality of the drug, and I'm in a good setting and a good mood.

>> No.7107313


Lame as fuck.

>> No.7107364


>> No.7107367

cheers m8, what kind of DMT, changa?

where do you live?

>> No.7107384
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>> No.7107405

being a hedonistic degenerate living off of parent's social security checks is much worse.
(Source: I'm doing that as we speak)

>> No.7107437


>> No.7107470
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I used to drink strong black coffee, but after years of drinking it and being fine, the caffeine suddenly started to affect me badly, giving me panic jags after only one cup of it. I can only handle decaf now.

>> No.7107586

According to your experience before-after, should I quit coffee completely?

>> No.7107597


used to abuse the fuck out of coffee and now i can barely handle it at all

tea is no problem thoguh

>> No.7107624

I only drink coffee while I smoke my cigarretes tbqh

>> No.7108724

"A warm cup of coffee in the morning temporarily silences the Will."

-Arthur Schopenhauer.

>> No.7109194


I like this a lot, very cozy

also very cool poem

I'm stealing this

>> No.7109198

coffee for one

black, cold, and inside glass
(like a black man's penis on my dresser at home)
i slurp down the grande ice coffee from Starbucks
writing poetry in the corner
snickering at the fools around me
who just dont understand my pain

>> No.7110368

ITT: Pansies who don't like the taste of coffee trying to posit tea as the superior beverage.

“The powers of a man's mind are directly proportioned to the quantity of coffee he drinks.”
Sir James Mackintosh

>> No.7110376

what a waste of time

>> No.7110389

What I hate about coffee is that it's every teenager's "I'M AN ADULT" badge

and the worst part is most of the time its cold, whip cream covered candy that has caffeine

>> No.7110408

This is my warning, I'm a half a pot a day kind of guy. maybe it's time to cut back

>> No.7110535

For about two months i drank straight black coffee but started to tire of both it's taste and effect so i moved onto green tea. I now chain drink the stuff from the minute i wake up. Will only occasionally have a cup of coffee if it's brewed well and really strong.

>> No.7110622

coffee's good for you(black). might as well drink it if you can.

>> No.7110698

>coffee's good for you(black)
too bad the drink formally known as "coffee" is dead and has been replaced by any sugary, sweet, cold drink covered in caramel that has a little bit of caffeine

>> No.7110762
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>> No.7110799

what are you talking about? starbucks still serves black coffee. just dont order a frappachino if they piss you off that much

>> No.7111135
File: 891 KB, 900x900, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F88965492fe8ce8dada766769024f8c32%2Ftumblr_n8rikrjZ3o1qc4jyvo6_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caffeine looks like this under the microscope.

>> No.7111144

seems cute

>> No.7111188

I was the same way for the longest time (and I still have a day or two a week where I'll let myself binge), but try cutting it back on days you don't have much going on, overall I feel so much better not needing to drink that half a pot every day

plus my shits are way more pleasant

>> No.7111208


>> No.7111209

>the caffeine suddenly started to affect me badly, giving me panic jags

It's not the coffee m8. It's your head. Something is wrong with your head.

>> No.7111224
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>coffedoras invading /lit/

Please no.

>> No.7111260

What do you mean?

>> No.7111413

>"From the age of 45 until his death 27 years later Schopenhauer lived in Frankfurt-am-Main. He lived alone, in ‘rooms’, and every day for 27 years he followed an identical routine. He rose every morning a seven and had a bath but no breakfast: he drank a cup of strong coffee before sitting down at his desk and writing until noon."

>> No.7111440

Minor undesired symptoms from caffeine ingestion not sufficiently severe to warrant a psychiatric diagnosis are common, and include mild anxiety, jitteriness, insomnia, increased sleep latency, and reduced coordination.[53][28] Caffeine can have negative effects on anxiety disorders.[54] According to a 2011 literature review, caffeine use is positively associated with anxiety and panic disorders.[55] At high doses, typically greater than 300 mg, caffeine can both cause and worsen anxiety.[56]

>> No.7111476

i do this, but it's impossible for me to be a real man because i have already seen anime

>> No.7111601

The barista's nose ring glistens
As she turns to call my name
My Sumatra blend,
An experience, not a commodity,
Moves from one hand to the next.

The simple Indonesian farmer
Who brought these beans to life
Could never appreciate
The earthy, herbal notes
And rich, complex finish
The way we do.

That's what her eyes tell me
In the fleeting moment
My hand brushes hers
As she passes me his blood.

>> No.7111651

pretty good, i sensibly chuckled