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/lit/ - Literature

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7136605 No.7136605 [Reply] [Original]

>Christfags will defend this

>> No.7136611

We certainly will.

>> No.7136614

defend what? that he didnt do it? would you rather that he did it?

>> No.7136619

Abraham did nothing wrong.

>> No.7136626


And that's why Abrahamic religion deserves to die

>> No.7136627

/lit/ - literature

>> No.7136637

The story of Adonai asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac was foreshadowing of the Crucifixion. It was God making Abraham understand the sacrifice He will make with His own son in the future

>> No.7136641

Don't cast stones at things you've never even came close to understanding anon

>> No.7136646

Well Islam will overrun Europe soon, but that won't please you I think.
Also this. Augustine made me realize how brilliant the bible is.

>> No.7136650
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DUDE teleological suspension of the ethical LMAO

>> No.7136662

>/lit/ still hasn't read Kierkegaard

>> No.7136667
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>he hasn't read kierkegaard

>> No.7136673

>The story of Adonai asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac was foreshadowing of the Crucifixion
How little Christianity cultivates the sense of honesty can be inferred from the character of the writings of its scholars. They set out their conjectures as audaciously as if they were dogmas and seldom find any difficulty in the interpretation of Scripture. Their continual cry is: "I am right for it is written " — and then follows an explanation so shameless and capricious that a philologist when he hears it is caught between anger and laughter asking himself again and again: Is it possible? Is it honest? Is it even decent? It is only those who never—or always—attend church that underestimate the dishonesty with which this subject is still dealt; in what a clumsy fashion the priest takes advantage of his security from interruption; how the Bible is punched and pummelled and how the people are treated to every form of the art of false reading. All considered however what more can be expected of a religion which in its formative centuries perpetrated an unprecedented philological farce concerning the Old Testament? I refer to that attempt to tear the Old Testament from the hands of the Jews under the pretext that it contained only Christian doctrines and belonged to the Christians as the true people of Israel while the Jews had merely taken it for their own without authority. This was followed by a fury of so-called interpretation and falsification which could not under any circumstances have been done with a good conscience. However strongly Jewish scholars protested it was everywhere zealously asserted that the Old Testament alluded in many places to Christ and nothing but Christ more especially His Cross and thus wherever reference was made to wood a rod a ladder a twig a tree a willow or a staff such a reference had to be a prophecy relating to the wood of the Cross: even the one horned beast and the Brazen Serpent even Moses stretching forth his hands in prayer—even the very spits on which the Easter Iambs were roasted: all these were allusions to the Cross and as it were preludes to it! Did anyone who made these assertions ever believe in them? Let it not be forgotten that the Church did not shrink from enriching the text of the Septuagint (e.g. Psalm 96 verse 10) in order that she might later on make use of these modified passages as Christian prophecies. They were engaged in a war and were more concerned with their enemies rather than with honesty.

>> No.7136678

>The psychological problem of Kierkegaard
Weariness that wants to reach the ultimate with one leap, with one fatal leap, a poor ignorant weariness that does not want to want any more: this created all gods and other worlds.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.7136681
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inspired some great art and philosophy at least

>> No.7136696
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Based Nietzsche BTFOing everyone

>> No.7136699

Anon, I'm speaking from the perspective of an esoteric Torah observant Messianic faith. It's not even Christianity. The Crucifixion of Yahushua was foreshadowed from the moment Yah covered the nakedness of Adam and Eve in the skin of a sacrificed lamb.

>> No.7136717
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Anon, start with the Mesopotamians.

>> No.7136722

za-e a-na?

>> No.7136724
File: 54 KB, 300x407, hermestrismegistus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the Atlanteans anon.

>> No.7136747
File: 173 KB, 642x1390, Venus_of_Tan-Tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the Acheuleans

>> No.7136781

not lit

>> No.7136791

>tfw God will provide himself for the sacrifice my son

>> No.7136794

Literally the very foundation of /lit/

>> No.7136980


>> No.7137016

Jesus that's the dumbest shit i ever heard. How could you possibly say pathetic human achievement is the same as holy glory? Are you talking about heaven? Cause being joined with God still isnt even close to nietzsche's will and power of man. He's just some edgy callicles, btfo by plato thousands of years before but people still havent learned.

>> No.7137090

Please go back to /r/atheism and /r/books

>> No.7137177

Than, on top of being a cruel sick bully, god is also an idiot.

Oh, but we do understand it

>> No.7137268


So there irony of this is completely unintentional, right?

>> No.7137279


You're ignorant of one of the important points of the story, which is not the cruelty of God, but the mercy. Human sacrifice at the time was common. Sacrificing your children was a normal thing for the pagans to do. By stopping Abraham God was establishing that human sacrifice is not something He wants.

>> No.7137302

Yeah, I totally agree. If god were real I would kill him.

>> No.7137307

What a piss poor post lel

>> No.7137361

Are you or aren't you one of those guys that now says the OT is all metaphor?

As a parable this is a cute little story the rabbi can tell. But the thing is supposed to be taken literally. "Kill him or you get worse" This is not mercy. "Oh, but he spared him" The point of the story is that Abe was dutiful. A higher "virtue" than mercy to one's own kin. It's for a master class to establish control.
I don't care if it actually happened or not, the message is clear, and it's clearly fucked up.