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7146174 No.7146174 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for normies to truly understand this?

>> No.7146193

Is it possible to understand a single definition of "normie"?

It's quite a simple book, weebs, normies, autists can all enjoy it.

>> No.7146203

Anyone can enjoy any story for its narrative

I'm talking about the central theme which can basically be surmised to: normies hating what is different

I don't see how a normies could understand this concept, from the point of view of the MC at least

>> No.7146207

Typing on my phone, sorry for the errors friend

>> No.7146219

Angsty teenagers will always understand this book, for all intents and purposes. The true challenge, OP, would be for you to demonstrate it has any greater profundity beyond that.

A Happy Death, although the prototype for The Stranger, is a much richer text, IMHO. Camus lets his guard down and actually gives us some characterization, plot, and exposition rather than allowing the main character to be an everyman in a mostly incidental setting.

>> No.7146221

It was written by the biggest "normie" in philosophy though

>> No.7146249

Camus was probably the most normie philosopher ever. Sade was too out there and Satre was ugly, so that leaves Camus as normie king.

>> No.7146269

Camus wasn't even a normie. He was full blown Chad. A fucking pampered handsome rich Chad.

What a phony, what a fake. I cringed when my professor referred to him as an "outsider philosopher" peering into society (yes I get it was a pun)

>> No.7146280
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I want /r9k/ to leave

>> No.7146301


Yup. It seeps from their posts.

>> No.7146302

Fuck off back to /r9k/, you frog-posting faggot

>> No.7146306

Seriously, kill yourself. Stop polluting this board


>> No.7146309

>a phony

*tips orange hat with earflaps*

Bullshit, Sartre fucked Beauvoir, normie as fuck

>> No.7146310


Sartre also ate mescaline and thought he was being followed by crabs everywhere he went for weeks to follow.

>> No.7146311

wow this is embarrassing times for /lit/

>> No.7146317

samefag :DD

>> No.7146322

Bullshit. Mescaline doesn't work like that.

>> No.7146327

He was the philosopher for normalfags.

>> No.7146328

Is it possible for someone who uses the term "normies" to truly understand it?

>> No.7146329


HPPD is real. It usually dissolves over a few weeks. Couple it with a nervous breakdown, and voilà:


>> No.7146331


>> No.7146335

Absurdism is a bourgeoisie self masturbation. Oh. Life is meaningless, but I le embrace it as a plastic affluent womanizer

>> No.7146339

>virgin detected

>> No.7146341

Hello normies. Don't you have girlfriends to be getting cucked by? Go back to reddit so you can upvote Bernie sanders posts

>Yes! How dare those people not want to partake in our system!

>> No.7146342

Hedonism is for literal plebs

>> No.7146343

>Bernie Sanders meme
>girlfriends are bad
>reddit meme

What on earth happened to this place?

>> No.7146348

I don't know, I hope he's just trying to be funny but I'm afraid some people actually think like he does.

>> No.7146352


>> No.7146353

he's satirizing /r9k/-mongrels.

>> No.7146354

found the libcuck redditor.
literally tumblr sjw the post

>> No.7146356

If you want a hugbox you can actually go to tumblr or reddit, I'm sure you have the option to block any unwanted opinions there.

>> No.7146357

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.7146362

Caspere knew this.

>it ain't me starts playing

>> No.7146374

>unironically defending normie JUST B URSELF :) ideology

liberal cucks pls go

>> No.7146481

The reverse, if anything. I'd expect shut-ins on 4chan to interpret books weirdly/wrong because they lack social experience and seem to have unusually ego-centric views of the world- like stereotypical teenagers, essentially. I'd guess most authors are the opposite- unusually good at understanding other people.

Unless by 'normies' you just mean 'people who don't read many books', in which case that goes without saying.

>> No.7146483

A shut in NEET will understand books like Gravity's Rainbow or Notes From Underground better than any normal, functioning human being. You need to be weird, egocentric, and neurotic to get it.

>> No.7146495


I've yet to read memetic rainbow, but you don't need to be a bitter shut-in misanthrope to read or understand Notes from Underground. Understanding and identifying with isn't the same thing.

>> No.7146498

/r9k/ has special snowflake syndrome

>> No.7146511

The main character pissed me off a lot, loved the book but i got so fucking agitated by how passive and idiotic he acted at times, i get it was to show how society was affected after world war 1 and 2 and the apathy many people had? but his actions were so cringe worthy, it was beyond how people on even 4chan act.

>> No.7146515

You're an idiot

>> No.7146519


What i can't dislike the guy? Atleast tell me why i'm an idiot.

>> No.7146522

It was published in 1942

>> No.7146524


i put a question mark after m8

>> No.7146727

OP here, this thread has gotten out of hand
I'm not from /r9k/ and my point is still valid even though I've used the word normie

>> No.7146742

Sarte slayed pussy

>> No.7146748


no it isn't
in the west The Stranger is a very popular book for students and novice readers

>> No.7147545


>> No.7149102

That doesn't mean it's understood

>> No.7149143

its impossible for plebs to truly understand how shit it is

he wants to live, but doesnt want to admit to god. he isnt proud, but does not agree. its bs. he is a fucking autist. the absurd is a fucking joke for entry level existentialists

>> No.7149159

Can anything be understood?

>> No.7150030

It's about everyone condemning him for something completely irrelevant

>> No.7150047


I'm pretty sure he got condemned for being an autist.

>be friends with man who is being tailed by gangsters

>see said gangsters at beach one day who almost get in a shootout with me and said friend

>be "tired" from the heat and walk back to where said gangster is and act suspicious prompting his suspicion

>shoot him

>go to jail


>> No.7150051

Then they execute for putting his mother in a home.

That's what I took from it anyways, that he gets fucked over for not abiding by the social laws

>> No.7150060


I understand not caring whether you live or die but couldn't he just make up his mind, the way he reasoned over things in his head was ridiculous, i got the same things you did as well but to the court it looked like he wanted revenge and wanted to kill the gangster after the small scuffle as he seemed so remorseful on it all. An actual killer/pyschopath would have had an easier time on that trial. The mother thing was a big deal as well but some people fall out with their parents its not unheard of, everything piled ontop of eachother one after another.

>> No.7150064


err non remorseful.

>> No.7150075

jesus this better be a troll

>> No.7150776

This book is for normies

>> No.7152487

Maybe. Depends on what you mean.

Only problen I have is that MC is a retard. He threw away his life like a fucking moron just because the sun got in his eyes. Could have shot once, but no he has to defy all logic and be stupid. I refuse to believe he, as an athiest would essentially ruin his entire life. If he thinks there's nothing beyond death he should have stayed alive to enjoy life with the girl.

>> No.7152500

The central theme is the absurdity of existence. Its about accepting the absurd on the terms Camus outlines in The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.7152506

this thread is a trainwreck

>> No.7152509

>I refuse to believe he, as an athiest would essentially ruin his entire life.
I agree, it would be absurd.

>> No.7152521

Enjoy your eventual suicide then.

>> No.7152537

I don't think you understand what Camus is trying to convey.

For Camus, life is absurd. It has not external meaning at all, and the contradiction is that we can revolt against this and enjoy the ordinary mundane reality anyway, just out of spite, and find our own meaning in that. Meursrault is the ultimate absurd hero, he recognizes the lack of meaning in life, which is why he kills a man purely because he is hot and wants to know what pulling a trigger will feel like and it is why also he is fine with dying hated: he accepts reality as it is, and refuses escapisms like God or existentialism, but rather basks in the simple stoic stimuli of what he has around him.

I hope a lot of the people in this thread go back to /r9k/ or at least make an effort to read the man's essay or christ, even a wikipedia page, before posting inane shit. Not directed really at you anon, just the shitty posts in general.

>> No.7152549

it was written by the ultimate normie so prolly

>> No.7152552

I'd say that would be astute were it worded differently.

>> No.7152562

This board is a train wreck

>> No.7152571

it's usually not this bad

>> No.7152593

It's just /r9k/ shitposters.

>> No.7152611

wasnt Camus poor? how the hell he became rich?

>> No.7152776

I kind of understood, but Mersault is just a really unrealistic character to me. I guess that doesn't matter in fiction though. I already knew how Camus hated life, so I suppose I kind of see why he made Mersaukt like that just to make a point.

Yeah r9k should stay on r9k.

>> No.7152779

Not hated, didn't care about*

>> No.7152782

When will lazy retards understand that all the great authors at one point and time were these 'normies' they talk about?

>> No.7153733

HPPD is just visual snow and granulation. My friend lost much of his eyesight from it.

>> No.7153811

I feel The Stranger is really enriched by Camus's philosophy. It's much more life affirming and positive, hell the man claimed that football taught him most of his lessons about the world.