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/lit/ - Literature

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7156489 No.7156489 [Reply] [Original]

>arma virumque cano

>> No.7156494


>> No.7156515

What book is that from

>> No.7156580

Albert Camus takes a ride.

>> No.7156584
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Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.

Its that screaming intro from a Pynchon novel

>> No.7156593

>le bug XD
>lost my way in the middle of my life
>now is the winter
>some shitty postmodern novella
>my diary tbh

I'm bored of this site

>> No.7156599

go to another one then

>> No.7156606

El día en que lo iban a matar, Santiago Nasar se levantó a las 5.30 de la mañana para esperar el buque en que llegaba el obispo.

>> No.7156849 [DELETED] 

>There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.

>> No.7156861

A screaming comes across the sky.

>> No.7156882

There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.

>> No.7156891
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fuck fuck fuck
mother mother fuck mother mother fuck fuck
mother fuck mother fuck.

>> No.7156895

Man that's how I feel about myself and my (sur)name

>> No.7156999
File: 299 KB, 600x637, Yomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to know latin

aahahaha faggot op suck some faggot roman dick

>> No.7157013
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This is Paul.

>> No.7157016

For years I thought the stress was in 'ca', so I read it like 'CAno', and I didn't think it was big deal at all.

The one day I was reading a blogpost and the blogger marked each stressed syllable with ' ` ', and I finally read it 'caNO' and I from that day on I decided that I'll have to learn Latin some day to read the whole of it in the original.

'ARme viRUMque caNO' is unsurpassable.

>> No.7157159

dear diary,

>> No.7157290

I am posting on an imageboard surrounded by plebs and shitposts

>> No.7157294

No one knows how that shit is supposed to be pronounced
You are just speaking Latin how southern english people decided you should speak Latin, also that pronunciation is completely natural in a southern english accent

>> No.7157474


I was taught that the accent almost always goes on the second to last syllable, never on the last.

>> No.7157488

A sad truth... Think about all the other languages that once were, now they are dead and forgotten.

>> No.7157505

>Could you call me Ishmael? I really want you to call me Ishmael

>> No.7157531

where though.

4chan is shit but there's nothing like it really. it's so immediate.

>> No.7157606


this is not true

>> No.7157657

"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

>> No.7157681

Latin uses a quantative metre, it has nothing to do with stress, but with the 'length' of a syllable.

>> No.7158023


Implying that was the original first line and not the 6 lines of absolute shit that Vergils friends had to delete from the beginning

>> No.7158049
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All things are nothing to me.

>> No.7158082


בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

>> No.7158512

Wrong. We have surviving examples of onomatopoeia (like animal sounds) in Latin literature and so are able to reconstruct to some degree how the language might have sounded.

>> No.7158555

"Άθλιος παρ΄ αθλίου, δι΄ αθλίου προς άθλιον"

>> No.7158592

See the child

>> No.7158730
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>Call me big boss.

>> No.7158775

Call me, Fish Male.

>> No.7158893

yet I can't leave

>> No.7160658

Came here to post this

>> No.7160668


>> No.7160671

Speak american faggot, not that weebo shit. We invented the internet so speak like us.

>> No.7160691

that truly is a fucking brilliant line

>> No.7160698

thats definitely not Japanese, pretty sure thats the Russian alphabet

>> No.7160704

currently reading it in latin for AP latin

>> No.7160711

Goddamn commies taking our feedoms

>> No.7160753

did you never learn to scan

>> No.7160798

it looks more like a sub-Sahara african script.

>> No.7160805
File: 186 KB, 797x594, goat_author.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

βαα βαα βαα ναί ναί ναί μη μη μη βαα βαα

Truly GOAT.

>> No.7160977

made me laugh tbh