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7335541 No.7335541 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there more books from authors who have overcome addictions to drugs? It's such a fascinating subject you don't see written about too often.

>> No.7335559


drugs and addictoin is actually really boring, but I don't know what you are on about there are a ton of books about that

>> No.7335581

People without other passions or outlets are far more likely to become addicts than other people who try the same drugs. It's just against the odds that addicts would also be good writers, though of course there are notable exceptions and "good" is somewhat subjective.

>> No.7335646

You never get over addiction OP.

It's something that lives with you for the rest of your life, an endless battle on all fronts, waiting for you to lapse in judgement, jut once, to reclaim you fully.

Don't do drugs, mkay?
How was my prose guys? Did I do you proud /lit/?

>> No.7335698


Addiction is boring as shit, that's why.


Fuck you and your morally bankrupt defeatism. I've quite nicotine, cocaine and heroin so far. Cocaine is a walk in the park. Nicotine is a devious fucker. Heroin is hard and painful. But it's entirely possible. It is not something that I have to actively avoid every day. After a few months, you just don't think about it any more.

That's why twelve-step programs can be and often are horrible. Internalizing your addiction and making it a cornerstone of your very being is a very shitty way to get over drugs. They still control you, just in a non-fun and stupefyingly boring puritan way.

>> No.7335730

Do you think you'd be able to try any one of the aforementioned drugs without relapsing into your old habits? I was under the impression that that's what people mean when they say addiction will always stay with you.

>> No.7335743

the best one I've read on the subject is probably Flash ou le grand voyage by Charles Duchaussois, but idk if it has been translated

>> No.7335748


Partially, yes. I've done it with both cocaine and nicotine. Do it on the weekends and abstain again for as long as I want.

Heroin is a different beast altogether. I've done various pharmaceutical opioids since my heroin addiction and have managed to keep it to successful chipping and single-time use, instead of falling into a daily habit again. Heroin is just different. Something with how lipophilic the molecule is that makes it extremely efficient at crossing the brain-blood barrier. I wouldn't want to wrestle with it again. And the withdrawals are pure, torturous murder.

But I disagree that that is what is usually meant when people say that addiction stays with you. Some of the more cultish treatment programs (12-steps in particular) really does turn addiction into a foundational aspect of your existence, and regards it as a daily obstacle to be overcome.

>> No.7335763

>tfw my mom is a homeless opiate addict
feels bad fammies

>> No.7335797


Yeah. Ouch. That's shitty. They'll steal your soul in a heartbeat, and I wouldn't recommend anyone do them for recreation. Simply not worth the risk.

>> No.7335802

Interesting and informative post, thank you!

I've long suspected that the whole "once an addict always an addict" idea (whether it be the more extreme, 12-step style idea you described or the milder one I did) is bullshit, and it's interesting to hear someone who has gone through addiction confirm my suspicions. The notion that someone 5 years clean of an alcohol addiction will instantly relapse after having a glass of wine with dinner just seems absurd.

>> No.7335808

>i need a on call cocksleeve

Where's she at friend?

>> No.7335835

Denis Johnson's Jesus' Son and Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh are two of my favorite books on addiction and drug use. Jesus' Son is one of the most wonderfully written books that I have read.

>> No.7335853

I feel you, bro.
>Mother was heavy drug addict, mentally ill, got clean when I was born with episodes of heavy drinking and weed (passed away)
>Father was heavy drug addict, intellectually gifted, got clean and left to travel, got back on speed etc. Got properly clean again when I was born, got a good job and stayed clean ever since, though he drinks casually practically every day
>Half-brother is homeless mentally ill heavy drug addict in and out of jail and mental institutions
And then there's me. Don't really like drinking, only do weed every now and then when I have nothing else to do (legal over here, so nothing shady). Student and doing well, so. There's hope, mate.

>> No.7335916

If you're into mysticism, Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley is a great read.

>> No.7335989

gj mang. just be careful in the future since you obviously have the biology/genetic potential.

>> No.7336228
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>/lit/ didn't get the sarcasm in my OP

oh well...back to /tv/

>> No.7336233

>I was pretending to be retarded xD

>> No.7336273

too late, anon