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7912566 No.7912566 [Reply] [Original]

Where does one start learning about philosophy
I want to learn about a good portion of it, but I honestly don't know where to start because of all the works that are out there. Thanks guys

>> No.7912585


>> No.7912665

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.7912693

Read the Apology of Socrates, first of all.

>> No.7912694

>my main interests in philosophy are Poststructuralism, Structuralism, Critical Theory, Lacanian psychoanalysis, Schelling

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.7912702

It's just a flowchart-like guide, he doesn't put his own opinions on it.

>> No.7912709

Anthony Kenny recently wrote an overview that I'm told is quite good to start out with.

>> No.7912764


>> No.7914280

Post a link or something plz.

>> No.7914284


>> No.7914287


A new history of western philosophy by anthony Kenny. It's over 1000 pages and will do you good.

>> No.7914299


reading's for gay nerds

>> No.7914726

How do I know when I'm ready to move on from one book to the next? How should I go about reading philosophy?

>> No.7914762

When you know the main outline and ideas of X book or dialogue by heart.

>> No.7914772

The first volume has some considerable mistakes on it.

>> No.7914834


>he says something is wrong without providing examples

>> No.7914869

Whereever your heart takes you desu. Start with something that intrigues you for the lowliest reasons, how to be an edgy cunt, whatever. Start with Stirner. You will probably interpret the Ego as nothing more than individualism taken to the Max. That's ok as long as you don't stop asking questions. Read the stanford wiki of philosophy on him, read a critical essay.. As long as you stay open to new ideas you will arrive sooner or later at Socrates and Kant anyways..

>> No.7914874

Looking at the history of philosophy as people trying to one up each other for 3k years is beyond pleb anyways. That's some Ayn Rand tier shit.

>> No.7914887

It's in Portuguese: http://filosofar.blogs.sapo.pt/13454.html

But roughly:
- Misconception on Aristotle's formal cause
- Contrary to what Kenny says, Aristotle identified existence with an 'actual' being in the book 5 of Metaphysics
- Contrary to what Kenny says again, Parmenides being doesn't have qualities as water, earth, hot and cold
- Ambiguity in the whole "Socrates existing or not to Aristotle" explanation

>> No.7914893

>How should I go about reading philosophy?
Without dogma and hero worship

>> No.7915109

Based on your questions you shouldn't be reading anything. You'll just get more confused. Philosophy is not for someone who needs answers from others on how to think or approach mental activities.

>> No.7915121

>Philosophy is not for someone who needs answers from others on how to think or approach mental activities.

U wot m8. That is a very good reason to study philosophy.

>> No.7915124

Start with the bible

Then the Bhagavad Gita

Then the Quran

There's your philosophy laddy

>> No.7915135

When you've memorized the text verbatim AND memorized verbatim AT LEAST 2 annotated analyses by distinguished philosophy professors whose specialties are the philosopher's text in question, and who are tenured at universities ranked top 10 in philosophicalgourmet. Once you've done this you can move on to the next work, rinse, and repeat.

>> No.7915214

>That is a very good reason to study philosophy.
Not really. It always leads to some kind of fanaticism. The best people suited for reading philosophy are like the people who write it.