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/lit/ - Literature

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791296 No.791296 [Reply] [Original]

fine literature + fine wine

>> No.791299

You're half-right...

>> No.791300

It's probably cheap wine

>> No.791304

that's what I mean.

>> No.791308
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>> No.791334

Faggot book + cheap rot gut wine

>> No.791338
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>> No.791341

Stop being so pessimistic, its a damn book and some wine

>> No.791345

Fgt book + grape juice in a dollar store wine glass.

>> No.791348
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>Implying Ayn Rand is fine literature

>> No.791355 [DELETED] 

I'd hit that!

With best regards

>> No.791365

Better then nothing

>> No.791369


>> No.791375
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>> No.791389

25 cent yard sale find. Wine from a box. Plastic wine glass.

>> No.791392

I like reading and drinking alcohol too.

>> No.791405

What would make that funny is replacing the wine with MD 20/20, and still saying "fine wine".

>> No.791411

Im sorry for mistyping; THAN

>> No.791414


>> No.791417

Fine whine, you mean. And a glass of something.

>> No.791425

nice one

>> No.791427

You magnificent bastard.

>> No.791498


>> No.791502


>> No.791866


direct hit

>> No.791869

as someone who has never read an ayn rand novel can anyone tell me why /lit/ hates her so much?

>> No.791872

>Ayn Rand
>Fine liteature

>> No.791882

I've only read Anthem. Do that. I think that should show you why people hate her. The question for me is why do people like her? I should probably read The Fountainhead one of these days.

>> No.791883

if you need to ask...
you shouldn't be here.

>> No.791964

Don't worry about it, most people who make fun of her haven't read anything by her, except maybe Anthem because it's usually required high school reading...she's just someone to make fun of really.

She has some crazy ideas called "objectivism" and is sort of the Sarah Palin of literature, but not that bad.

>> No.791982

The problem is that her most famous book (Atlas Shrugged) is absolutely, totally, without exception terrible. It is really quite a bad book. Its prose is flat, but not as flat as its characters. It is far, far longer than it needs to be. It sacrifices story and drama and meaning for the sake of didactic argument - as the saying goes, Rand sold her birthright for a pot of message. Any book where there is a 50-page interruption for a lecture explaining the author's views on economics is, to my mind, a bad book.

The really sad thing is that some of her other works (I'm thinking of The Fountainhead in particular) are not actually that bad. They still have a political and moral message with which I stridently disagree, but the prose is more lively, the characters infinitely more believable and sympathetic, and in general literary value is not sacrificed on the altar of Rand's philosophy.

>> No.791988

Right...I think people make fun of her a little too much without actually reading anything by her, and that kind of annoys me.

Everyone on here is always like HERP DERP AYN RAND IS SO GOOD I MAKE JOKE HERP DERP

But what can you do, it's 4chan.

That being said her books did suck for the most part, and not to mention, she was completely insane. Didn't she like go crazy over some guy and end up ruining his marriage or something? I vaguely remember something like that...

>> No.792008

>Implying I didn't read 600 pages of Atlas Shrugged then realized nothing happened in 600 pages

>> No.792009

>implying that people make fun of Ayn Rand without reading anything by her

>> No.792029

You're probably drinking merlot, aren't you?

>> No.792036


>> No.792040

Atlas Shrugged is incredibly drawn out. If you want to hear her philosophy just read anthem and be done with it.

Personally I actually did enjoy We the Living, though. It comes across as a lot less psychopathic.

>> No.792051

Right? We the Living was actually a pretty good story...a little too long though.

>> No.792054

That's the way to go

>> No.792061

Yeah...if you consider Ayn Rand to be fine literature.

>> No.792079


It's basically like "This is what Ayn Rand was like before she officially lost her fucking mind"

plus None of the characters are fucking gods. Whenever she goes idealistic mode (every other book) all the characters are just so bland and unrelatable. I actually ENJOYED listening to Leo and Andrei. it isn't like "Herp a derp. whoz jawn gawlt?"

>> No.792088

shit lit and box wine, fuck you OP

>> No.792101

Yeah actually I don't really remember it all that much. I read it a few years ago and I actually forgot I read it lol. That and Anthem were the only too books by her I read. Anthem was alright but it was a little...excessive? I don't know exactly how to describe it. But I remember liking We the Living but I don't remember much about it as far as plot goes...something about being in love in Russia.

>> No.792143

>Implying Ayn Rand is good.
Shit book+ shit beverage.

>> No.792147

Thank you for finally answering all our queries on this important issue, anon

>> No.792158
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Feels great man

>> No.792163


oh shit you just spelled out my favorite pastime

>> No.792176


>> No.792184
File: 95 KB, 420x608, Bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bukowski + Beer

Feels good man

>> No.792191

Toward the end of her life her writing deteriorated, and most people here disagree with her philosophically(myself included) but some of her books are genuinely good(Fountainhead)

So basically what this guy said.

>> No.792192

I love you too.

Breakfast of Champions is my favorite, for a laugh, when stoned.

>> No.792194

Naked Lunch and some Heroin for me, thnx

>> No.792208


>> No.792215

Atlas Shrugged is so fucking terrible.