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8153091 No.8153091 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else seeing this huge Scientism strain running throughout public discourse? Maybe I'm spending too much time on Reddit, where everyone is either an SJW or suffering from Scientism. And it's not just STEM autists, it's even normies. It seems there's a fucking "Expert" for everything.

Economists, psychologists, historians, journalists, political "scientists", policy "experts"... fucking hell, and I used to laugh at Africans because of witch doctors!

>> No.8153096


>> No.8153097


thread ignored

>> No.8153109

It's a legitimate term of critique IMO.

>> No.8153135

Too bad I don't care about your opinion in this off-topic thread made by a dumb frogposter

kill yourself my man

>> No.8153430
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>scientists belong on the same level as witch doctors
Nice meme friendo

>> No.8153467


Blind adherence to scientific dogma and unverified claims is an affront to the scientific method and makes me want to puke it's so vile.

>> No.8153481

solid argument

>> No.8153719

There is a middle ground between blind adherence to dogma and "lol scientists are dumb"
That being said, I've got a feeling that a bitter frogposter like yourself is only upset about this because of some weird inferiority complex tbqh

>> No.8153722

>they can't bridge the gaps through reason

i'm starting to think the philosophically minded are much rarer than is commonly believed

>> No.8153724

Calm down you autist
It runs both fucking ways

Hearing Zizek talk about quantum physics makes me want to blow my brains out

People that are ignorant about a subject should not open their stupid fucking mouths

>> No.8153727

Too bad no one uses it correctly. When people on the various Chans rant about Scientism they don't even understand simple empercism because feels >reals

>It seems there's a fucking "Expert" for everything

Thats a different issue, thats our society trying to professional and restrict free enterprise for the purposes of consistency. And in many, many cases its a good thing because all you have to do is look at some of the books that come out recently full of absolute fucking shit. Are you saying there are no criticisms for Chariot of the Gods because MUH MAINSTREAM theorists?

>> No.8153730

I like how Zizek refers to the tendency to use science as a tool. He critiques our approach to sociology and psychology as a use of private reason.

>> No.8153761

Somewhat. It even touches this board whenever somebody mentions metaphysics, even though everyone here is ready to tear it apart in any other context. It's a confused and rather sad thing

>> No.8153764

To an extent we should defer to experts on topics within that domain. Public discourse often fails to qualify what those domains actually are and some experts speak outside of their domain.

>> No.8153771

>Maybe I'm spending too much time on Reddit
Thread up for five hours and nobody has mentioned this. Looks like the rumors of a takeover were true.

>> No.8153845
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Generalizing, providing no examples, and providing no solutions.

>Like, does anyone think that science is teh bad and dumb though? Because of my English Lit degree?

kys, TS.

>> No.8153911
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I guess it might be fun for you to have never spoken a word.

>> No.8153921
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>> No.8153925

ITT: feels>reals

>> No.8153932
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Scientism is a legitimate term, and 'Pop Scientists' like Dawkins/etc started it, by implying (if not demanding) that Science can (and should) exist without (or even at the expense of) the Humanities.

They pitted both against one another, and modern 'Science' culture (TBBT, I Fucking Love Science, etc) have only made things worse. I recall a lecture where Dawkins is asked, by a Philosopher of Science, what he thinks is the future of his subject (or what will happen next/etc). Dawkins pretty much responds in saying that he thinks the guy's subject shouldn't exist (and thus his job/etc).

The issue is that you don't see Humanities enthusiasts saying the same about STEM subjects, or shitting on its constituent parts, except in self-defence.

I'll simply say what I've said in another thread: Science is the pursuit of knowledge, whilst the Humanities are the pursuit of wisdom. Both compliment one another, and arguably cannot exist without each other. STEM holds the Humanities to account when they start peddling garbage like Freudian Psychoanalytics, and the Humanities hold STEM to account when they start 'experimenting' with things like atom bombs/etc.

By the way OP, you could have stopped this whole shitstorm by using the term Positivism, which is basically the same thing. Nietzsche/Wittgenstein were still among the first to realize that 'Scientism' isn't a good thing, if not dangerous, as Humans do in fact require the illogical - to a degree.

>> No.8153952


>I recall a lecture where Dawkins is asked, by a Philosopher of Science, what he thinks is the future of his subject (or what will happen next/etc). Dawkins pretty much responds in saying that he thinks the guy's subject shouldn't exist (and thus his job/etc).


>> No.8153984

Explain what's wrong with "scientism" without appealing to buzzwords, dumb frogposter.

>> No.8153992

what kind of crazy hobo do you have to be to listen only to mountain goats?

>> No.8154003


>> No.8154005

The scientists want an unlimited range of experimentation, which includes experimentation on human beings. Therefore, they have to destroy history, the humanities, and philosophy - anything that would uphold humanity as something sacred or protected, and rescue it from the test tube and the scalpel. This anti-humanist bent in science goes with the widespread promotion of clearly inhuman practices, such as extermination of children in the womb.

>> No.8154011


My body, my rights.

End of discussion.

>> No.8154014


>> No.8154019

>by implying (if not demanding) that Science can (and should) exist without (or even at the expense of) the Humanities.
>Science is the pursuit of knowledge, whilst the Humanities are the pursuit of wisdom
You didn't explain anything, kiddo.

>> No.8154024


Suit yourself, my explanation is sound.

>> No.8154026
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There are no 'facts' (reals), only interpretations.

>> No.8154032

>My body, my rights.

legitimate point though, because scientistic technocrats are going down the line of saying you have no inherent rights and that your body belongs to the laboratory for scientific study

>> No.8154036

>There are no 'facts' (reals), only interpretations.

How can there be any interpretation without a fact to interpret?

>> No.8154037

No, it's not.

>peddling garbage like Freudian Psychoanalytics
You've got nothing to back up this claim, for example.

>> No.8154041

does reality exist independently of sense experience?

>> No.8154042


By definition, we only interpret impressions/appearances.


>He thinks it doesn't happen

A lot of it's alive and well in France, bud.

>> No.8154047


Existence dies with me.

The world is my idea.

>> No.8154053

> Nietzsche/Wittgenstein were still among the first to realize that 'Scientism' isn't a good thing, if not dangerous, as Humans do in fact require the illogical - to a degree.
>as Humans do in fact require the illogical

Do frame it in those terms; those are outmoded Rationalist vs. Romanticist terms that make an artificial divide between the human intellect, or mind, and the human will, or heart. Rationalists say that we should be logical to the detriment of our passions; Romantics say that we should be passionate to the detriment of our reason. Both proceed from a false Cartesian understanding of human nature which sees the mind and the body as radically separate. A real and logical regard for human nature brings passion in line with reason without destroying passion; Positivist autists want to crush passion and deform human nature, where real philosophy teaches us that the passions are good, and virtue involves properly directing our passions. The picture of the mad scientist who is willing to do the most atrocious acts to acquire a bit of knowledge is not a wise man, he is a madman.

>> No.8154055

>, we only interpret impressions/appearances.

And from what do we receive our impressions, and what is it that makes an appearance to us?

>> No.8154061


The passions are not inherently illogical, so it is false to say that "humans require the illogical". In fact, as rational creatures, it is imperative that we always shun what is illogical, because it is contrary to our rational nature.

Art and music and romantic love are not illogical in themselves, because they appeal to the form of human nature which is logical.

>> No.8154069

Or, to be it another way, logic is not limited to the mathematical. There is more to logic than sheer deduction; it also requires the premisses upon which deduction is performed, and these premisses are not always mathematical. There is a logical way to reason about human passion, just as there is a logical way to reason about numbers.

>> No.8154073

this fucking thread again
>wooo i have such deep thoughts
>my feelings are just as important as anything those nasty scientists say

then why do you always leave your house by the door on the ground level? try climbing out of an upstairs window and just making your own interpretation of gravity and floating away

>scientistic technocrats are going down the line of saying you have no inherent rights and that your body belongs to the laboratory for scientific study

[citation needed]

>> No.8154075


Gravity is a correct interpretation.

That doesn't make it a fact.

>> No.8154079

>It runs both fucking ways
>Hearing Zizek talk about quantum physics makes me want to blow my brains out
Fucking THIS

>> No.8154082

is it within the ambit of the scientific method to prove the 'reality' of reality?

can scientists even think to ask such a question?

>> No.8154084

Just read Heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology, guys.

>> No.8154086


He makes good sense, guy.


>Is not what Badiou calls the Event, at its most basic, the very rise of re-presentation or appearing out of the flat stupidity of being? So that the Event proper (the Truth-Event in Badiou’s sense) is the For-itself of the In-itself of appearing? Insofar as appearing is always appearing for a thought (for a thinking subject), we can go further and say that the rise of a thought as such is an Event―as Badiou likes to say, thought as such is communist.

>> No.8154091

>human nature which is logical
what are you smoking

>> No.8154103


>Tfw you will never get paid for writing drivel

Hey, at least I can write it for free on /lit/

>> No.8154105

But when we focus on getting certain impressions through certain methods (although having immutability of my perceptive abilities as an axiom), we get perceptions which happen to be logical when related to other perceptions, that make a world of connected and dependent impressions and which understanding ends up being useful. Chemistry could be ideal bullshit just like maths, but even tho, "canon" chemistry methods help us synthetize (subjetively) useful substances.

>> No.8154110


>we get perceptions which happen to be logical when related to other perceptions

There's no objective way to measure this.

>> No.8154112

Just because humans often act against reason does not mean that human nature isn't essentially reason. We are constantly reasoning with ourselves, reasoning with our circumstances; all our art, science, and law proceeds from our rational nature. To see that human nature is rational you just have to compare us with the rest of the animals which do not reason.

>> No.8154117

Correct, which is why subjectivism, which says that all human knowledge is perception and the perception of perception, is sophistry.

>> No.8154118

You are blowing the extent of "scientism" way the fuck out of proportion. Autists like Dawkins might positivist nay sayers but the vast majority of pop scientists, real scientists and popular intellectuals dont think that way. Carl Sagan or coloured science man never claimed this, all Chomsky ever claimed was that alot of the crap the American government feeds us can be discounted with simple reason and research, vast majority of journalists dont even give a fuck about facts, and so on. The reason why it seems like they only adhere to science is because they are fighting an uphill battle. Dawkins has been fighting his nearly his entire life so that half this country stops thinkin the Bible is the literal truth. Sagan unsuccessfully launched a campaign on pseudo-science. This country is way too spooked for true philosophy or true science to breed and develop, it needs a mental insecticide

>> No.8154123

There is for me

>> No.8154124

whatever tell me what you're smoking

>> No.8154128


Yes, but if you believe that, you can very easily fall into the trap of objectivism, which is (quite literally) taking everything for granted. That is, assuming our perceptions are entirely correct.

If that is the case, then why did we ever doubt them?

>> No.8154149
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This book touches upon this topic OP.

>> No.8154164

There's science, which is, as an intellectual tradition, very successful. That includes both philosophical foundations of science and the methods developed, which are found mainly in physics and mathematics. Ignoring all this, which many modern "philosophers" and "intellectuals", especially in humanities' departments, like to do, just makes a fool out of oneself.

There also are STEM autists, who, being competent in their own fields, are often completely inadequate in humanities. And they don't realise that they are inadequate, which makes it even worse.

And then there are "believers in science". These people were brought up in christian culture in which God was replaced by Progress achieved by Science. These just wait for a paradise on earth to come through technological advances, and will aggressively defend their promised paradise from any critique.

>> No.8154175

"Logical", or "rational", in common speech means something like "acting in the optimal way to achieve certain result". Without a fixed result, though, the notion of "being logical" is meaningless. So humans are neither logical nor illogical, they are simply as they are. To discuss rationality we need to bring up the goal first, and there are no inherent goals.

>> No.8154210

>When people on the various Chans rant about Scientism they don't even understand simple empercism because feels >reals
More often than not "studies" will show two contradictory things though. You can bend the data very often to your own liking and more often than not, scientists are actually guilty of that.

>> No.8154249

Misuses of the methodology do not render the method itself wrong. Moreover, applying scientific method correctly requires always checking your own results, as well as others' results that you use, for consistency and errors.

>> No.8154261

Absolutely. Which we need to eliminate as much crap from the pubic debate as we can so people can stop twisting or rejecting valid scientific views for their own ends whether its church groups and creationism or natural medicine advocates and vaccine scaremongering. The philosophers can start by stopping these rants about how there is an overemphasis on empiricism and/or Hegel is the devil, which can be described as nothing short of being autistic.

>> No.8154264


>He's unironically a positivist

>> No.8154482

When certain ideas claim to be science, we should properly test them against scientific rigour.

>> No.8154485

>Maybe I'm spending too much time on Reddit

>> No.8154530


Read Sellars Empiricism and philosophy of mind. It's a hard fucking book, so it'll probably go over your head, but theres a reason why philosophers claim it's being overemphasized. But youve got it all figured out, huh, and they should stop doing that.

>> No.8154569

So you're saying we shouldn't consult people who have spent their adult lives learning about specific subjects when we find ourselves involved in a problem about that specific subject?

>There seems to be damage being done to our local ecosystem but fuck those witch-doctor ecologists and their 'science'!

That's dumb, my man.

The business of becoming accredited and recognized as an expert is a little bit more murky and up for debate, but we still need learned people

Also you admit to being a Plebbit browser, so you might as well just gtfo

>> No.8154583


>So you're saying we shouldn't consult people who have spent their adult lives learning about specific subjects when we find ourselves involved in a problem about that specific subject?

Nah, just that we shouldn't treat them as infallible; nor view science as the answer to all of our problems, when it clearly isn't.

IN FAIRNESS, this goes both ways. There are many scientists who hate the fact that science is politicized.

>> No.8154607

Science is just empiricism. Empiricism is the only way to settle on shared truths. Sorry, English majors.

>> No.8154610

>Science is the pursuit of knowledge, whilst the Humanities are the pursuit of wisdom

You do know that what you said sounds like nothing but a deepity, right?

>> No.8154617

>Humans do in fact require the illogical


>> No.8154618

in reality i don't think they are treated infallibly
a truly well rounded answer to a problem should consist of multiple opinions, expert and not
and experts can be shot down and proved wrong, they have before and they will again

Also, if you, or anyone for that matter, thinks that science can be used to solve all of life's problems, then you're just an idiot, despite what your physics or chemistry marks are. So in this regard I agree

>> No.8154623
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>Empiricism is the only way to settle on shared truths.


>You do know that what you said sounds like nothing but a deepity, right?

Only if you believe knowledge and wisdom to be the same thing, retard. Also:

>Using Dan Dennett terminology unironically

I'll bet you call yourself a 'Bright' too, hm?

>> No.8154627
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It's demonstrably true.

>> No.8154628

How is science just empiricism? That's just silly. If that was true, how would we know about black holes and shit?

That being said, empiricism could and should be used to study the multiverse. But the word universe for everything is an outdated term.

>> No.8154632

I agree, witch doctors are smarter.

>> No.8154666

>It's demonstrably true.

I dare anyone to "demonstrate" this "truth" without using a completely retarded notion of what logic is.

>> No.8154745

Secular thought must crush all opposition under the iron treads of universal humanistic love.

Hail Science.

>> No.8154750

I'm inclined to agree with the other bloke.

Simply on the basis that "Logic" is an imperfect system, one invented by the human mind to describe reality as it was then understood; not circumscribe around it and declare anything outside itself to be false.

Logic is just another invented thing; there is no more "need" for it in a human life than there is for religion.

You can quite easily live like an unthinking animal for instance; you personally are just unprepared to.

>> No.8154759

as a counterpoint just consider formalism in mathematics - would a theorem properly derived from ZFC not be a shared truth?

>> No.8154769

>Blind adherence to scientific dogma
I see what you did there :p No but really, what makes you say that?

>> No.8154786

Having STEM's in charge of industrial society leads to this.

>> No.8154818

>he doesn't realize how flawed this argument is
Do you really think that in 3000 years of philosophical debate nobody thought of this argument pal? I won't even try to bust you on it, do a little critical thinking and try to figure out what's wrong with prioritizing science over logic.

>> No.8155131
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>> No.8155135


Just, go

>> No.8155144


I will bet £100 you haven't read him, lad.

>> No.8155145

I tried, but I have an intolerance to bullshit

>> No.8155164
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>> No.8155167

What does Dawkins have to do with my disinterest in Evola's bullshit

>> No.8155170
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>> No.8155171

>unverified claims
literally anything but science

>> No.8155183
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Indeed, good sir. I too find that Evola just simply is not up to the necessary intellectual caliber from which I may derive enjoyment.

His work shows a distinct lack of rationality per se.

>> No.8155191

>I'll bet you call yourself a 'Bright' too, hm?
> Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)16:37:53 No.8154627▶>>8154
nic e meme can i use iut

>> No.8155274


What the fuck happened with this post?

>> No.8155284

complete fucking quackery

and this is coming from a phil/pure math major

but hey, at least it's not string theory

>> No.8155289


>He's not smart enough to understand the Slovenian

>> No.8155294

Sceintism is just as dogmatic of a belief system as any fundamentalist religious belief that they criticize.

>> No.8155298

>he's smart enough to gargle his semen indiscriminately, instead

>> No.8155306


Zizek likes that loathsome Bohr/Copenhagen shit, which is vitalism.

>> No.8155309

the average math and physics PhDs have a much higher average IQ than philosophy PhDs, and that's all I care about

>> No.8155324


There has never been a good criticism of vitalism.

>> No.8155328

Why do you think IQ is the definitive model for determining the value of one's understanding of concepts? Surely you can see how you're just advocating for an absurdly reductionist value system, right?

>> No.8155331

you wouldn't be saying this if your field had the higher IQ


>> No.8155337
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What makes you write off string theory? Just curious due to your background

>> No.8155354

There is literally nothing wrong with reductionism, and I despise the impressionable undergrads on here that use it as a catch-all buzzword to criticize anything and everything.

>> No.8155369

I've just noticed a massive sense of over inflation with the egos of people who subscribe to the same kind of understanding that you do, even though in reality they come often come across as dopey and uninformed about most subjects. Surely you've noticed this unearned sense of arrogance that has permeated through these types of people, that they assume they know things that they actually don't.

There is a great deal that is wrong with reductionist conceptions of the human identity, as it urges all human effort towards the cultivation of material convenience and ultimately ignorance.

>> No.8155378

>I'm right, I swear, but I'm just not going to tell you why

6/10. made me reply.

>> No.8155495

Cab? <A huge penisshape arrives> Take me to the ballers!

>> No.8156226

know what this means? you're a fucking idiot kid.

>> No.8156369


It was discovered in the early 20th century that profitability is positively verifiable, a move which dealt the final blow to the ideological legitimacy of negative epistemologies.

>> No.8156377


>he's never read dialectical thought
>he's never considered the mystery of the spontaneous genesis of the appearance out of the inert materiality.

>> No.8156380


No, there's nothing "methodologically" wrong, or even necessarily "scientifically" wrong, but there is something morally wrong with it, you fucking bourgeois swine.

>> No.8157098

What made you so dishonest to deny string theory? Anon asked you a question, but you vanished. Sad!

>> No.8157127
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there is literally nothing justifiable about reductionism.

>> No.8157255

criticism of scientism isn't saying that 'all science is wrong' idk where you got that from

>> No.8157262
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>all these literary theorists trying to insult and degrade good science
Lmao, quit trying to justify your bullshit man, this thread is full of Nietzschean ressentiment through and through. Literary theory is fine but if you're really still complaining about positivism and empirical sciences you've got some growing up to do.

>/lit/ tries philosophy of science / epistemology

>criticism of scientism

God you guys suck.

>> No.8157263

criticism of scientism!="lol scientists are dumb"

are you trolling or retarded

either way back to /v/

>> No.8157281

What's even worse, they are FUCKING WHITE MALES, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

>> No.8157339

>leterally theory is fine

Kys. Slovenians are hella stupid, and make me sick to the core. Get a Bachelor of Science, or stfu

>> No.8157343

Epic !! :-D