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8379228 No.8379228 [Reply] [Original]

your life philosophy in two sentence

>> No.8379243

1) beautiful women
2) fast cars

>> No.8379250

Life is pointless but have a good time in the meantime.

>> No.8379253

I don't know.
And I don't care.

>> No.8379257

I understand me
and my tendies

>> No.8379258
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>your life philosophy in two sentence
Eglise strada

>> No.8379261

Improve being for myself and those I care about.

>> No.8379269

I just want to get home as quickly as possible. Home is boring I need to get out more.

>> No.8379278

If you have a "life philosophy" aka something that can be expressed with words, you'll sooner or later find out that it no longer makes sense.

>> No.8379282


>> No.8379285
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Oh wow. Damn

>> No.8379296

You've got a fast car
And I've got a ticket
To anywhere
Maybe we can make a deal.

>> No.8379304

Kill people; burn shit. Fuck school.

>> No.8379315

Boredom is the root of all evil.

>> No.8379321
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>> No.8379326
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Der Mensch kann tun was er will; er kann aber nicht wollen was er will.

>> No.8379328

t. Kierkegaard

>> No.8379329

Are you being ironic? Or are you actually that stupid?

>> No.8379330

Someone's having a bad day.

>> No.8379331

wow, retard

>> No.8379334


German is so fuckin' ugly.

>> No.8379362

What means?

>> No.8379364

don't think about it

>> No.8379367


>> No.8379368
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Oh, shit. What the fuck was that.

>> No.8379372

When you butcher the fuck out of it yeah


>> No.8379387

1) It's not that bad
2) Chill out for a minute dude

>> No.8379389

Childhood is thinking batman is right.
Adulthood is realizing you agree with the joker. Instead of bat men.

>> No.8379397

You'll grow out of it

>> No.8379526

Shave your armpits

>> No.8379582

Be the guy who will be remembered for that stupid thing, not the guy who won't be remembered at all.

>> No.8379591

Master your impulses and live/die by your ethics.

>> No.8379602
File: 88 KB, 780x376, Hell_d81fe8_312758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Eyes
Real Lies

just a lil somethin I thought up

>> No.8379717


>> No.8379857

you only live. once.

>> No.8379864

>Real Eyes
>Real Lies
wow holy fuck
this actually really made me have thoughts

>> No.8379874

fucking this

>> No.8379877

happiness is the gasps a drowning man breathes when he can force his head above water

>> No.8379880

Life is gonna give you shitty situations
You can turn them into opportunities to improve yourself.

>> No.8379882

just do what you do

>> No.8379965

Life has no inherent meaning on its own, so it's up to us to give it our own meaning. Just try not to hurt anyone else doing the same.

>> No.8380014

Given that my life is irreparably damaged, that by consequence I am unable to have meaningful relationships, receive appropriate recognition for my skills and efforts, or otherwise appreciate life in a hedonistic or reflexive mode; and that I am, as Kierkegaard put it, a demon for clinging to these injuries in order to hold them against the world (God), even abstaining from suicide out of pure hatred; it is apparent that I can either rest in evil or in sanctimony, that bitter ash of virtue, the tarnished silver that wishes it were gold.

Since I am bound by oath against murder, and that oath has asserted itself when I last attempted to break it by bringing forth my daemon in a protective capacity to prevent me from destroying my soul, I cannot pursue evil in an unbounded capacity, and thus I must tend towards mere sanctimony and make this the purpose of my life, a purpose which is surely the meaning of my daemon's admonition to read and to read only.

>> No.8380030

Kill yourself when everyone who you may upset by dying is dead.
Do not kill other.

>> No.8380039


dont get too into it, or worked up. you'll just be embarrassed later

>> No.8380063

Trust no one.

Not even yourself.

>> No.8380093

Don't take anything too seriously

>> No.8380097

Fuck it. Whatever.

>> No.8380107

>can't into second-order volition

>> No.8380117

>it's up to us to give it our own meaning.
why should I?
>Just try not to hurt anyone else doing the same.
why shouldn't I?

It looks like your pop existentialism has a universal value-system built-in.

>> No.8380119

Pursue knowledge as the key to self-improvement. Good pussy wouldn't hurt, either

>> No.8380129

Direct all action towards the pursuit of the highest virtue. The highest virtue is power.

>> No.8380138

Disregard women. Acquire money.

>> No.8380150

You can do what you want as long as it doesn't negatively affect anyone else. And intersubjectivity is our best route to rightness and truth.

>> No.8380170

What would your philosophy do if someone fucked with it. Just ask "please stop"? Or maybe that would affect the aggressor too negatively. Perhaps if I were to smack you, you wouldn't react at all, for fear of harming me. Gasp, what if I bruise my hand on your face? Do you go to hell?

>> No.8380177

Leave it better than you found it.
Interfere as little as possible.

>> No.8380190

Premature paradox

Tiny teen

Wisdom means properly applying knowledge


but why

Anti-natalism: for losers and cult members

Verbose varicose vain vein: the sentences

Given, gimme

An optimistic pessimist

Okay, Wayne "Jeffrey Dahmer" Brady

Low key: Loki

Because everyone's ethics are super sound

I agree with this non-truth

Hi Tyler

Get the fuck out of my sunlight ;)

but who tho

*what I've been told

, he said before tearing his scrotum on a razor wire fence.

Most agreeable statement you have provided.

>> No.8380192

Change is inevitable. Things are shaped by their environment.

>> No.8380205


Reality is conceptual subjectivity, all conscious entities form and are apart of the same overall fabric of existence. The cosmos is objective information, created by (?) if created at all.

>> No.8380219

it doesn't matter. meme magic is real.

>> No.8380226
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first do no harm
have fun

>> No.8380228

I see what you're asking, but let's first clarify that philosophies don't 'do' anything, they provide schemata for people to do things: how to live, think, govern, etc. And secondly, the prompt didn't ask to provide secondary statutes or subclauses for our personal philosophies: just the nutshells. However, if you observe the second sentence, you'd see that it stresses intersubjectivity, which is basically a big word for collaboration, democratic deliberation, the sharing of perspectives. So therefore the logical conclusion to someone breaking the first given clause would be dependent on the intersubjective decision of the people, i.e. attempt to correct their behavior, or sequester them if unable (like we do with prisons and asylums (thanks Foucault)). The point is that people, fundamentally, should not act in ways that create unnecessary collateral damage, and if they do—thereby threatening the bedrock of the given philosophy—should be treated in such a way to defend the overall wellbeing of all associated sentient lifeforms. The individual and the universal are heavily stressed here, because between these two exist everything else. Threaten one and you threaten the other.

And hell? Please. That's way too petty of a concept for us to even mention. Come on man.

And finally: I'm not saying this is a full-proof, perfect, or ideal philosophy. It's just an illustration of certain things I believe compadre.

>> No.8380229
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Keep cool,
But care.

>> No.8380241

Swag up and yolo out

>> No.8380242

"Change is the only constant. I don't want to be a product of my environment; I want my environment to be a product of me," I think you mean.

>> No.8380247

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
The Best or Nothing

>> No.8380253

Also memes.

>> No.8380283

Nothing matters. Everything means everything.

>> No.8380300

Money, pussy, weed. YOLO

>> No.8380326

Poop on your pee. Just sit down and do it.

>> No.8380334


Real quotation: "Der Mensch kann zwar tun, was er will, aber er kann nicht wollen, was er will."

It certainly doesn't flow like Latin languages, but it has its prosodic charms and is richly metaphorical.

>> No.8380407

there are things within your control and without your control. get to know them.

>> No.8380604

What's interminable loneliness treating you?

>> No.8380616

If I don't have to do it, then I won't. If I have to do it, do it quickly.

>> No.8380756

Look you shitdick, this isn't Randy Rates philosophy thread, we don't need your goddamn opinion on

every fucking post. Do you walk into grocery stores and start rating the produce? Well, shit

this apple's a bit browner than the other, I don't understand this cucumber, that's the best

fucking grapefruit I've ever seen. No, you don't do that. So why the fuck do you think we need

you to analyze every fucking post someone puts up? If I ever see some retard rating asparagus

I'm going to walk right up to him and kick him in the dick, because I know with confidence it

will be you

>> No.8380828


Lol! He said 'dick.' HEYYOUGUYS, THIS GUY SAID 'DICK'! Do you want friends irl, what state are you in?

>> No.8380831

Live for sublime beauty, the alleviation of others' suffering, the mystery of wisdom, and the experience of spiritual ecstasy. Most importantly, live for eating ass.

>> No.8380834

The best things in live are your best friends. Don't fuck your best friend's girlfriend.

>> No.8380860

That's how I've been living my life up until now, and I think it's killing me. I don't HAVE to change, but I'm trying to find a reason to want to anyway.

Seriously, how is the endgame of this philosophy not "kill yourself and end it now"?

>> No.8380875

There are no ends, only memes/means. But for all intents and puposes for homo sapiens, care about the ends too.

>> No.8380881

Fuck everything

>> No.8380887

>hedonistic scum

>> No.8380899

good post, underrated

>> No.8380936

it is what it is. but also whatever.

>> No.8380937

As a preface, I want to acknowledge that the phrase "life philosophy" could refer to a number of building blocks critical to the human condition: dealing with other people, developing personal constitutions, defining meaning, etc., but OP left this (un)intentionally vague assumingly to diversify the replies to this thread.

With that being said I'd say mine are leaning more towards dealing with other people because that's been a very difficult part of my life to deal with, and I've done it successfully by: simply not "fucking" with other people, period; doing what I love to do without needing anyone's opinion.

>> No.8380951


What fuck

>> No.8380952

if your feelings are hurt so easily you should maybe go to reddit

>> No.8380962 [DELETED] 

My ethical philosophy is to choose to do what is compassionate. My moral philosophy is to do what I think I can live with, and to restore myself to moral grace through rectification, penance, and forgiveness when I feel guilt.

(Ethics of course refers to a system of proper treatment of other people, while morality refers to personal feelings and choices.)

>> No.8380965

Will to power doesn't necessitate loneliness; in fact association with others is kind of necessary. It just precludes pursuing genuine emotional connection with other people as an end in itself, instead of as a means to further the end of acquiring power and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8380966

My ethical philosophy is to choose to do what is compassionate. My moral philosophy is to do what I think I can live with, and to restore myself to moral grace through rectification, penance, and forgiveness when I feel guilt.

(Ethics of course refers to a system of proper treatment of other people, while morality refers to personal feelings and choices.)

>> No.8380998

Just be myself and live life my own way =)

>> No.8381012


I guess that your life philosophy is autism

>> No.8381015

Nothing wrong with a bit of autism at times, just gotta work on that a bit buddeh

>> No.8381027

fuck bitches.
get money.

>> No.8381035

I can't go on.
I'll go on.

>> No.8381036

I believe my life is meaningless unless I make up for my white privilege by becoming a cuck

>> No.8381049

>Get the fuck out of my sunlight ;)
Negro o'mine. finally an honest man here

>> No.8381050

So you CAN go on?

>> No.8381053

You fell for their b8. Damn guilt and conformity.

>> No.8381056

Show up with a Citizen watch. Watch that pussy get so wet.

>> No.8381061

You gotta take out the trash, before you can watch netflix

>> No.8381095

hypocrisy for me and pricks of pain for the hypocrites

>> No.8381118

Nobody knows shit about fuck.

>> No.8381195

Everything is precious in Life. Now suck the tip of my penis.

>> No.8381258

Brucie thinks life's a highway

>> No.8381275

Live inside the comfort zone, live for the comfort zone.

>> No.8381293

bix nood muthafugga mup do didda

>> No.8381383


>> No.8381482

Why not? May as well.

>> No.8381493

Are you me

>> No.8381497

yes but then again both of you are 90% of people.

>> No.8381502

Life is not worth living.

I don't dare to kill myself.

>> No.8381517

if im honest with myself its probably everything O'Brien says during the torture scene in 1984

>> No.8381523

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

>> No.8381525


>> No.8381546

Aesthetics is all that matters, everything else should be build to facilitate art

>> No.8381547
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1. Sex
2. Art

>> No.8381563

don't you just love tublr ;)

>> No.8381567

It's fine.

>> No.8381616
File: 62 KB, 720x1241, doodleThing_1470610332717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read like I ain't never gonna die
live like I don't wanna die

>> No.8381647

Fuck this, I dont wanna be part of the system.

>> No.8381660
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The king stays the king, everything stays who he is. Except the pawns.

>> No.8381900

I was looking for a job and then I found a job and heaven knows I'm miserable now

>> No.8381906


Everything is meaningless.
Assigning them meaning is not bad at all.

>> No.8381933 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 680x510, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it out alive, or die trying.

>> No.8381943

I get it. :)

>> No.8381970

The world is great and I am small, I must work to become great

>> No.8381976


This is good

>> No.8381996

Stop being such a pussy.
Stop being such a lazy fuck.

>> No.8382051
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>small guys
>making it big
Not according to my flight plan

>> No.8382052

My diary t b h

>> No.8382066

>True value in life derives from our decisions to give or not give meaning
>It is my duty while here to encounter those decisions, and to try and alleviate suffering to the point that others get to make those decisions.

>> No.8382095

my life philosophy in two words; fuck you

>> No.8382114

>defines his life by others

stay cucked

>> No.8382121

myself included*

>> No.8382132

Sit in dark

Masterbate until it hurts

>> No.8382140

be nice to other people

>> No.8382146
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Big beats are the best. Get high all the time.

>> No.8382169

>praise Jesus

>> No.8382425
File: 582 KB, 642x1136, SAYx7sR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to find happiness. If you cant find it idk be virtuous or some bs to placate yourself.

>> No.8382511

Life has it's darkness.
Light is all the brighter for it.

>> No.8382524

Gotta have opposites dark and light, light and dark in painting. It’s like in life, gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come.

>> No.8382531

ugh, get a room.

>> No.8383003

My friend gives great deals on bulk orders of Preparation H, want his number?

>> No.8383113

Don't worry, be happy.

>> No.8383121

t. ignatius

>> No.8383140

Make the best use of impressions.

>> No.8383163

I guess because I hate change and death is too big of a change from what I'm currently experiencing.

>> No.8383172

The father, son, and holy spirit.
Start with the greeks.

>> No.8383206

Respect yourself. Don't become a memeoid.

>> No.8383221

enhance myself intellectually and physically, while mostly doing what i want

>> No.8383244

Life as performance

>> No.8383257

i guess that applies to me. i gym then read and i can do whatever i want with the rest of my day and it'd feel nice. but i guess 'life philosophy' includes how i act and my attitude during the rest of the day which i guess is different with each person and probably with you and me

>> No.8383268


>> No.8383343

>but i guess 'life philosophy' includes how i act and my attitude during the rest of the day which i guess is different with each person and probably with you and me
that part should be included in "while mostly doing what i want"
i've got my own sense of what feels right and wrong and how i should behave and act upon this
this sense is being perpetually shaped by reading and improving my body (though one day i'll probably reach my natty limit in the physical area).
it is only natural that we both and others who follow the same philosphy have different opinions, but i think we will most likely have a few similar thoughts

>> No.8383366

I worry too much about the future.
I regret too much about the past.

>> No.8383389


>> No.8383395

Cog in the machine

Starting to rust

>> No.8383416

Alexander professed that he would wish to be Diogenes, but I don't have to be either of them

>> No.8383424

Everyone has a plan until they're punched in the face.

>> No.8383440
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It don't matter. None of this matters.

>> No.8383444

Ask the OP to learn grammar. Because his sentence sucked.

>> No.8383460

Carl is honestly the closest person I can think of if I had to claim one person as a Ubermensch

>> No.8383473

Fuck philosophy. I do what I want at the time with no regard for anything other than t-zero.

>> No.8383479

Evolve as well as you can, don't be afraid to shed skin or vestigials. Be kind.

>> No.8383493

I have disdain for those who have given up rational control as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation and all that is left is to immerse oneself in the sensations of the moment. We as race need to purge the Jews.

>> No.8383496

Just do it. Nothing is impossible.

>> No.8383507
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>my life is the product of a Nike advertisement and a middle school motivational poster with a picture of a rocket going to the moon on it

>> No.8383513


Be a critic. Or be a doer.

>> No.8383522

I don't know

But it's fun trying to know

>> No.8383524
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>> No.8383567



Go fuck yourself retard

>> No.8383691

It will pass
>sorry for three words

>> No.8383699
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>> No.8383704

Jesus Christ

>> No.8383760

what about when it doesn't
or if it doesn't for most of your life

>> No.8383773

Everything is temporary, so nothing matters. However, if nothing is significant, then everything is.

>> No.8383799

Everything passes no matter what. Nothing is eternal. Everything sooner or later just ends...

>> No.8383811
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Be someone who I like to be.
Other people can follow me if they want, but I don't need them.

>> No.8383848


>> No.8383852

there's always tomorrow
just never today

>> No.8383869

So I say pussy, money, weed
That's all a nigga need

>> No.8383870 [DELETED] 


Pretty sure you're trolling, but assuming you're not:

>oh look he made a grammatical mistake so therefore his entire credibility is shot

If you have a legitimate criticism of my post, then share it. Otherwise please don't make yourself look stupid by perpetuating this obnoxious belief espoused by the petty and pedantic majority in online discussions that grammatical mistakes fundamentally refute the argument in which there presented.

>> No.8383876

or dont live.

>> No.8383877


Pretty sure you're trolling, but assuming you're not:

>oh look he made a grammatical mistake so therefore his entire credibility is shot

If you have a legitimate criticism of my post, then share it. Otherwise please don't make yourself look stupid by perpetuating this obnoxious belief espoused by the petty and pedantic majority in online discussions that grammatical mistakes fundamentally refute the argument in which there presented.

Can you spot the "fuck you"?

>> No.8383883

There was never any good old days
They are today, they are tomorrow
It's a stupid thing we say
Cursing tomorrow with sorrow

>> No.8384025

Ignorance in any subject or motion is not something you should be proud of.

Always take the high road, unless you have a patsy.

>> No.8384072

Life's not a bitch, life is a beautiful woman, you only call her a bitch because she won't let you get that pussy

Maybe she didn't feel y'all shared any similar interests, or maybe you're just an asshole who couldn't sweet talk the princess

>> No.8384719

Seriously. How the fuck did I make it this far?

>> No.8384757

Life and existence are 100% meaningless so you should just try to have fun and be happy while you're alive. I'm not sure if that's existentialism or absurdism or what.

>> No.8384763

>liking aesop rock

How white can you get?

>> No.8384804

United by hatred
Reborn through hate

>> No.8384814

Love is a dirty word as pertains to the present. Hate must be met but sadly eternally reborn.

>> No.8384840


Here's my key philosophy. A freak like me just needs infinity.

>> No.8384988

Memes and jokes fill the void.

Cut my life to pieces.

>> No.8384993



>> No.8384997

Opened my eyes man?!?!!

>> No.8385016

Everyone has their own preferences. Don't care to much about them, just if you want to, then do so.

>> No.8385019

That really let me see reality. Thanks anon. :)

>> No.8385816

Improve. Enjoy.

>> No.8385831


>> No.8385927

Do the impossible, see the invisible.
Row, row -- fight da powah!

>> No.8386592

I know where it's from, but sounds basicly like stirner

>> No.8386613

Act through kindness. Believe one another, and learn to separate the individual from the group.

>> No.8386634

Happiness is the amount of money you have and how healthy you are minus the amount of bullshit you have to deal with.

>> No.8386641

'there is none'

>> No.8386646

We exist for the universe to experience itself.

>> No.8386707

Live like a bitch. You gon die like a bitch.

>> No.8386713

Hey Carl Saggy Balls Reddit Memester KeK-meister-Mike *4chan's for badasses only*

>> No.8386717

Careful selection of what you care about. Self improvement, because masturbation is always fun

>> No.8386720
File: 33 KB, 634x316, 29EAB4F900000578-3137487-image-m-36_1435151965670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born by the snatch. And I'm gonna die by the snatch.

>> No.8386752


>> No.8386763

Cry. Sleep.

>> No.8387533

Mostly everything important about life was said by Nietzsche. The rest was said by Wilde, or was this cheating?

>> No.8387543

Unconsciousness is the closest one can get to God. Dissatisfaction is the only thing that breeds greatness.

>> No.8387576

Mein nigga.

>> No.8387577


underrated postal
my sides

>> No.8387708

recognize your given power and freedom. use it for good, to allow yourself and others to reach happiness, greatness, and the ultimate pursuit of virtue. :)

>> No.8387761
File: 336 KB, 1200x877, 1441923400185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone else experienced true sadness? to ride through a journey of wailing solitary tears, when you think of every pain and little sorror that has ever afflicted you, all alone? it's incredibly cathartic. after some tough thoughts about my family and my life, which by the way, is not especially problematic, i cried in the bunk i was staying in and weeped hard into my pillow.

after some time, i think a sort of joy peeked through and i began smiling through this ugly mess of salt and wet skin, and what i think were anti-bodies surged into my being and i felt genuine, absolutely genuine pleasure.

after all that, i could think a lot more clearly, and i had a bit more insight on the problems i was facing, despite being incredibly tired at the time. sadness is inherent in humanity, so why try and obstruct it? the tears and sorrow are only the one mile mark of a long redemptive process, after which you feel almost reborn, from this sort of emotional metamorphosis.

it's somewhat of a shame that crying is seen as feminine, or ugly in a way. it's a shame, though in all honestly i don't like to see anybody do it; it's a personal process, and as much as i hate to rail on the 21st century and its innovations, the constant need for validation and comfort hurts us overall. instead of using tunnel vision to ease our sorrows with notifications and what some redditors call eye-bleach, let's all agree to cry, to let out some redemptive and blindingly insightful tears, to help us out.

cry! cry! cry! now! do it! think of your father and mother and their hopes and dreams and even more so, the hopes and dreams of everyone you do and do not know, let the tears slick down the crevices of your face, into the licks of your beard and the corners of your mouth. it will feel good.

also, everyone itt should try wanking without pornography. it helps to ground yourself, and to force yourself into a sort of contemplative and all-revealing sensation post-orgasm. cheers, friends!

>> No.8387773

Never. Stop.

>> No.8387778

"I always go by The Beatles: 'All you need is love.'"

>> No.8387826

This is 4chan, bro. People here don't have feelings because ing is for something that matters—people here just have feels that are emotions draped in mechanistically defensive memes.

>> No.8387902

You know, you could just smoke weed while suicidally depressed if you want to experience that.

Dude weed lmao

>> No.8388102

I Don't get it. Cringy antiquated fedora language

>> No.8388111

"Who cares."
>oh the edgest edge

>> No.8388117

Get paid to do what I love.
Help others do the same.

>> No.8388157

Save the West; it needs my help.

>> No.8388192

Look zis. Fuck it.

>> No.8388297

I want a fat ass sitting on my face

>> No.8388323

Fuck human routes. Seek divinity.

>> No.8388352

As of now:
Life has no meaning, and I want to live a life full of it
I want to cherish my love, she means more to me than I could ever say to her, so I tone it down not to scare her

>> No.8388360

There are no experts. Authority is a designation not a right.

>> No.8388714

You're not hardcore.
Unless you live hardcore.

>> No.8388723

What doesnt benefit me can go to hell.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

>> No.8388795

Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.

So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the backstreets?

>> No.8388809

Grind hard. Shine hard.

>> No.8388827

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8388830
File: 153 KB, 400x453, Epictetus-Feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epictetus' Discourses

>> No.8388835

>I will live a good life at your expense
day ruined. damnit

>> No.8388854

You're one foot in the grave already, so there's no excuse not to live life to its fullest. Learn how to repair your own fucking motorcycle.

People are hard to deal with, while things you never have to deal with unless you want to: surround yourself with things, not people.

>> No.8388878

1. What are these "damns" you are giving?
2. What are these "morals" you are spooking about?

>> No.8389212

death is inevitable. i wish to be me.

>> No.8389663

I never have to think, I only have to do it.
The results are always perfect, but that's old news.

>> No.8389984


What an ego

>> No.8389989

I always think of the Xiu Xiu cover.

>> No.8390013

1. it will be fine
2. if it is not fine then fuck it

>> No.8390020

Treat people the way you want to be treated. Everything in moderation.

>> No.8390041


>> No.8390048


>> No.8390347

It's copypasta, bro. Don't let petty internet pissants get to you so easily. Because if they do, then quite frankly you're a loser. Don't be a loser. Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.

Stop watching the Olympics.


>> No.8390380

>I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.
You got that right

>> No.8390402

quantum immortality is real. the only death is natural death

>> No.8390405

Hab das nie verstanden ("nicht wollen was er will"). Was soll das bedeuten? Wenn ich etwas will, dann kann ich es doch wollen. Wenn ich gehe, dann kann ich gehen. Wenn ich X, dann kann ich X. Was also bedeutet der Satz? Was entgeht mir?

>> No.8390424
File: 2.67 MB, 421x336, 1454012265602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concious decision precedes a smile and a frown, so won't I rather smile?
- Me 2016

>> No.8390430

Pic is very much related

>> No.8390434


'there are none of'

>> No.8390435

Existence precedes essence. Love is all you need.

>> No.8390439

Infinity cannot be deconstructed

>> No.8390449

Why are you bragging on an internet forum though ?

>> No.8390492



fitter happier



objects and sentences

stuck in grooves


>> No.8390523

tfw he follows this with "i'm waiting on the good times right now"

>> No.8390541

For lack of options. Duh.

>> No.8390555

After finishing the Tractatus, this is cringeworthy, bro. Sorry—it just doesn't mean anything.

>> No.8390564

There is no meaning in anything. Falling in love and thinking about everything is as good as life gets

>> No.8390595
File: 44 KB, 1000x724, 124Jynx_AG_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the essence of the absurd

>> No.8390599
File: 47 KB, 720x540, picrelated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually disregard rules. So here's a bunch of silly aphorisms I've written in my mini-notebook picrelated.jpeg wallet:

Free time doesn't exist.

Each second marks a point of no return.

Curiosity represents one's appetite and capacity for knowledge.

People are hardwired to do what they think will make them happy.

Grandiloquent is a grandiloquent word.

Lies are often more telling than the truth.

Knuckles don't crack in a plane without pressure.

Sorrow: history's most prolific serial killer.

I smile in the face of death, for laughter will be my last breath.

Humor is to comedy as morality is to ethics.

Our natures enslave us insofar that they remain unrecognized.

You must cross the line to know where it lies.

Genius: a fruitful mutation.

Truth as hydra.

Trash should barely exist.

Stake your vengeance only against indolence.

A person: innumerable simultaneous occurrences.

Tomorrow's a big day (always).

One should walk with mirrors.

Authenticity is bullshit.

Words, like people, cannot stand alone in order to create meaning—context is key (musically).

Ingredients are nothing without the recipe: time, effort.

No two people ever see the same rainbow.

To know is to own.

I envy the envious.

Zoning: infrastructural phrenology.

Human's terminal velocity is zero.

Bake it or leaven it.

>> No.8390605

Neither do you

>> No.8390630

Nothing matters. Do whatever you want without infringing on others.

>> No.8390641

Stop writing.

>> No.8390656


Why, you honestly didn't like a single one? I find that hard to believe. No one's that much of a Scrooge, not even Scrooge.

>> No.8390662

You have the spark.

>> No.8390684

Beasts don't have a chance to think. We don't appreciate a thing.

>> No.8390694

Take risks.
But always assume that is a Asian driver coming your way.

>> No.8390712

Most of them were good.

>> No.8390730

I can actually see this being true. The existential crisis line had me cracking up, idk if this is actually you or just some good creative writing either way yen out of ten

>> No.8390731

Hey, thank you

>> No.8390732

Summer is almost over.

Summer is almost over.

>> No.8390735


Obvious, juvenile, self-important, derivative

>> No.8390736

True or not, it is in fact copypasta. Saw the same post about 7 weeks ago. Just FYI

>> No.8390744

I'm insane and my daemon is a dragon. But it's a consistent and internally meaningful aesthetic so I'm rolling with it.

>> No.8390748


Only the insecure insult unsolicited.

—another one of my silly adages (which, being silly, presuppose all adjectives you've already so generously provided)

>> No.8390750


But it was solicited, implicitly. Unless you only wanted feedback if it was positive, in which case get fucked.

>> No.8390761
File: 24 KB, 300x300, jaden-smith-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8390775

Lmao i was gonna steal it anyways and blast it everywhere. There should be a seinfeld episode about this man

>> No.8390784
File: 64 KB, 300x400, joker Joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's all a joke, everything anybody ever valued or struggled for... It's all a monstrous, demented GAG!

So why can't you see the funny side?

Why aren't you laughing?"

From a man much smarter than me, in 3 sentences because fuck you.

>> No.8390789

Tracy Chapman, is that you?

>> No.8390805

Except when you are Rammstein.

>> No.8390807

>Obvious, juvenile, self-important, derivative

This is called criticism not feedback.

You idiot (criticism).

>> No.8390813

Nigga wut? I need to think...

>> No.8390814


But they aren't mutually exclusive, and in fact criticism would seem to just be a special case of feedback, both by common sense intuition and knowledge of the language and by actual dictionary definitions.

>> No.8390816

Hmm, looks like you're right. Still, I think my parenthetical statement stands. 'Silly' encompasses each of your descriptors of my post. In fact, you were never wrong, just unkind and obvious, juvenile, self-important, derivative.

Anyway, keep doing you, brotha (by which I mean, continue criticizing and poking holes in things I say because it helps me improve my way of thinking.)

One love™

>> No.8390840


information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.

The basis for improvement bit is important.

>> No.8390847

mate, shit. this resonates.

>> No.8390848


Thanks to >>8390840 I take much of >>8390816
back. I'm too nice, and you're just a dick.

>> No.8390856


The only thing that can't be used directly for self-improvement is "juvenile", but everything else is fine

>> No.8390861


Thanks, I appreciate it. I feel weird about posting sincere personal stuff and the only feedback I get is that the prose could have been better.

>> No.8390875

Vega pls

>> No.8390880

well... It isn't. But the choice to act on the matter lies with you and your daily schedule.

>> No.8390887

sweden yes

>> No.8390895


I m not sure if you're particularly dumb or just trolling but I'll elucidate for the audience. The reason none of these words can be used in any form of improvement is because you speak in generalities, in single buzzwords that I could use to respond to LITERALLY ANYTHING. Nothing you said in any way helps or identifys problems with ANYTHING. I do hope you wade through life using these amorphic words that speak more to your nature, than the non-existent help; you seem to be oh so keen to doll out. It will alienate you from others and you will think you are helping people improve.

>> No.8390907


>> No.8390913


And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

>> No.8390957
File: 30 KB, 265x341, MFW60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, remember being 19.

>> No.8390998 [DELETED] 


> Free time doesn't exist.
Generic self-help cliche

> Each second marks a point of no return.
Generic everything cliche

> Curiosity represents one's appetite and capacity for knowledge.
Approaches a definition (read: a tautology), and then veers off into falsehood.

> People are hardwired to do what they think will make them happy.
False, childishly irresponsible self-justification for hedonism

> Grandiloquent is a grandiloquent word.

> Lies are often more telling than the truth.
Gee I wonder who could have said something like this before

> Knuckles don't crack in a plane without pressure.

> Sorrow: history's most prolific serial killer.

> I smile in the face of death, for laughter will be my last breath.

> Humor is to comedy as morality is to ethics.
A triangle will fit into a bigger triangle of the same angels.

> Our natures enslave us insofar that they remain unrecognized.
The greeks, the stoics; it's been put better everywhere.

> You must cross the line to know where it lies.
Or get someone else to cross it. Regardless, this is probably just Hamlet's "more honored in the breech" so...

> Genius: a fruitful mutation.
And yet selected against by all society and often Genius's own hand.

> Truth as hydra.
New age cliche

> Trash should barely exist.
Literally what

> Stake your vengeance only against indolence.
But this doesn't preclude actual vengeance.

> A person: innumerable simultaneous occurrences.
New age/modern psychology cliche

> Tomorrow's a big day (always).
Self-help cliche

> One should walk with mirrors.

> Authenticity is bullshit.
Laughably inauthentic.

> Words, like people, cannot stand alone in order to create meaning—context is key (musically).
Wow, seems like you could stand to follow your own obvious advice.

> Ingredients are nothing without the recipe: time, effort.
Self-help cliche

> No two people ever see the same rainbow.
New age cliche

> To know is to own.

> I envy the envious.

> Zoning: infrastructural phrenology.

> Human's terminal velocity is zero.
Literally false, metaphorically silly.

> Bake it or leaven it.
Bad pun first, meaning never

>> No.8391006

> Free time doesn't exist.
Generic self-help cliche

> Each second marks a point of no return.
Generic everything cliche

> Curiosity represents one's appetite and capacity for knowledge.
Approaches a definition (read: a tautology), and then veers off into falsehood.

> People are hardwired to do what they think will make them happy.
False, childishly irresponsible self-justification for hedonism

> Grandiloquent is a grandiloquent word.

> Lies are often more telling than the truth.
Gee I wonder who could have said something like this before

> Knuckles don't crack in a plane without pressure.

> Sorrow: history's most prolific serial killer.

> I smile in the face of death, for laughter will be my last breath.

> Humor is to comedy as morality is to ethics.
A triangle will fit into a bigger triangle of the same angles.

> Our natures enslave us insofar that they remain unrecognized.
The greeks, the stoics; it's been put better everywhere.

> You must cross the line to know where it lies.
Or get someone else to cross it. Regardless, this is probably just Hamlet's "more honored in the breech" so...

> Genius: a fruitful mutation.
And yet selected against by all society and often Genius's own hand.

> Truth as hydra.
New age cliche

> Trash should barely exist.
Literally what

> Stake your vengeance only against indolence.
But this doesn't preclude actual vengeance.

> A person: innumerable simultaneous occurrences.
New age/modern psychology cliche

> Tomorrow's a big day (always).
Self-help cliche

> One should walk with mirrors.

> Authenticity is bullshit.
Laughably inauthentic.

> Words, like people, cannot stand alone in order to create meaning—context is key (musically).
Wow, seems like you could stand to follow your own obvious advice.

> Ingredients are nothing without the recipe: time, effort.
Self-help cliche

> No two people ever see the same rainbow.
New age cliche

> To know is to own.

> I envy the envious.

> Zoning: infrastructural phrenology.

> Human's terminal velocity is zero.
Literally false, metaphorically silly.

> Bake it or leaven it.
Bad pun first, meaning never

>> No.8391029

hello middle school

>> No.8391049
File: 1.12 MB, 320x289, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8391050


Hello r/books

>> No.8391051


>> No.8391078


>> No.8391099

you must live the unhappiest of lives, anon.

>> No.8391108


I'm >>8390744 and >>8380014

So I live a very painful life in which the pain is sometimes, perhaps by lack of alternative, my source of happiness.

I have my own semi-aphoristic stuff I could share if ripping it apart would make you feel better or something.

>> No.8391111

Live fast, die young. Bad girls do it well.

>> No.8391132

Fucking 10/10.

>> No.8391137

Attain knowledge of the forms

>> No.8391143


Thanks for the feedback guys. You all met and exceeded my expectations. I'll never take for granted how reliably cynical and proudly unhappy y'all are. Keeps me grounded. Just one request though: a little more constructive feedback between everyone I think would really vamp up the efficacy of communication around here. And less bias! Like this guy here >>8391006
sounds like Bill Maher talking about Republicans: ready to find a fault in any and everything, despite potential merit. The whole one sided thing gets a little tiring is all, just like Reddits annoyingly undying SJW brand optimism. Where is the internet's Hegelian synthesis??

>> No.8391150

My soul and I, we are entwined.
To seek the mysterys of my mind
The other half keeping what I seek to find.

>> No.8391158

I love you anon.

>> No.8391160

I get it. These people are all so jaded. It gets to a point when you understand that it didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.

>> No.8391166

This is good if you're under 20 and terrible if not

>> No.8391176

This is ridiculous. Its the 21st century. Don't write about yourself like this.

>> No.8391182


But it's how I experience myself.

>> No.8391190

>virtue ethics
>bastardized Nietzsche


>> No.8391194

Life: for "winners" and cultists

>> No.8391198

You experience yourself as a modern individual doing a poor impression of a chivalric knight? You are Anon Quixote.

>> No.8391203

>my life is irreparably damaged

No its not, its how you rationalise your position in the world. Failure to learn is the only cause of suffering.

>> No.8391226

Life isn't some zany fun-for-all anon. I am not even strictly advising against killing yourself

>> No.8391233

>continuing to promote the collouial definition of hedonism

No, it is YOU that is the scum

>> No.8391235


If I'm doing an impression of any kind it's not on purpose. I literally have experienced all of these things. I am a demon in Kierkegaard's terms; I have been set outside the universal by deformity, precisely by deformity, and now all I can do is feel superior to other people for not being able to do what they can do with their lives. I have literally sworn an oath against murder, in exchange for my name. I lusted after the name of, well, literally a nobleman, because I thought it would give me back some of what my deformity has denied me. And so that little incidental connection to virtue has made me a certain kind of demon, let's say a dragon, that lusts after the gold of wisdom. I literally experience an entity who I converse with who is my daemon. She literally came into my head after I tried to violate my oath. It's not my fault your life is boring. And learning will never undo my deformity.

>> No.8391247

more like




>> No.8391257


Oh, and because this is funny and I just now thought of it, I did receive a kind of code of conduct prior to my contact with my daemon:

I will never mistake discipline for rigidity,
it is better to act like a lunatic to good effect than to be a reasonable corpse.
I will use words as words and weapons as weapons,
all threats are either idle or redundant, they can only hurt the speaker.
No matter my principles, I will respect the price of my life,
many have died so that I may defend myself, and not all willingly.
I will recognize when the die is cast and commit myself fully,
there is no situation so bad that it's not made worse by wavering.

I will bear my inequities well,
all around me are examples. Let the raven be a reminder, there is opportunity even in death.
I will not whimper and withdraw for jealous want of control,
If I'm to be killed, then let me be something worthy of being killed,
for every true martyr proves that by living well, one survives death,
while the killers perish in life. There is no magic greater or more holy.
And though I may falter and fall short of an ideal,
I will remember that I live a mortal life and carry vulgar and draconic impulses.
This too shall I pay its due, and not curse myself,
for my soul has two parts, the base and the holy, and to neglect either is lethal.
I am a part of this world, not apart from it, and shall not forget it.

>> No.8391269

How do you figure? He's a suicidal pervert washup

>> No.8391277
File: 521 KB, 350x238, tumblr_m9q98jPeiT1qf9djko2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or be a hypocrite

>> No.8391288


Whats your star sign ?

If I could fix your malfeasance would you let me ?

>> No.8391293

I don't understand this criticism. Either you think these phrases have merit or you don't. The age of the writer should hold no bearing on your opinion of their work, unless you're an English reacher. This isn't football where skill levels are divided and determined by age. In literature age is literally just a number. But I get it: you think these remarks would be impressive for a teen, but painstakingly obvious and frivolous for a someone who just turned 20.

I'm 22 btw, though many of these tidbits were written at 21.

>> No.8391295


>> No.8391309


I'm a Taurus. And no, fuck no. I like being a dragon at this point. It's literally exactly as Kierkegaard described, on that count. Only I feel this is precisely my relationship with God, in a way, and that there is no absolute separation from God, ever, only a kind of sequestration, as the demons of the subconscious are separated from the waking mind. As above, so below.

No, since I have the conversation of my daemon I have my part in God still, and am happy to remain a dragon, regardless of the consequences that await me.

>> No.8391325

>I've read The Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance and taken it seriously

>> No.8391339

>hurr durr muh golden rule

Flimsiest ethical system ever. As a suicidal person I suppose I should feel justified blasting people's heads apart with a shotgun

>> No.8391359
File: 15 KB, 193x261, download (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a regular Vonnegut over here folks!

>> No.8391363

You're welcome, Me

>> No.8391367

Chingo chango. Chingo chingo chango.

>> No.8391381

Interesting you would see them as inequities to bear, not gifts to guide.

but I m a pisces and heres the aside,

There is nothing in heaven that god does not provide.

>> No.8391383
File: 3.63 MB, 615x346, 1470974957445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep doing you


>> No.8391392

Only Penn and Teller know the magic's real ;)

Sarcastic or not, God bless you Mr. Prosewater (bad pun I know, but goddamn you just make me feel some type of way)

>> No.8391404

Sorry for seeming sentimental or sincere—it was actually strategic you techno-nationalistic failed abortion. Who got the last word in that exchange?

>> No.8391411

I was only speaking of the turgid grandiose language.

>> No.8391420

he is saying GROW THE FUCK UP

>> No.8391424

dont judge.

>> No.8391426

1: To live is to be a philosopher.

2: Nature conspires for us to love each other - embrace it

>> No.8391427
File: 48 KB, 500x375, its-time-to-stop-posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've lost the thread at this point

>> No.8391431


>> No.8391435


>> No.8391456

>grow the fuck up

See, I don't know what you think this means, or how you think you know what he's precisely implying. The line between precocity and immaturity hasn't been defined, nor do I think it can be on a site that discusses MLP in tandem with Riemanns hypothesis. And please stop yelling.

>> No.8391459

Would it be judgmental if I said I thought you were a good person?

>> No.8391545

Deserve Victory

>> No.8391566

Being profound is like being cool: the harder you try, the less successful you'll be.

And don't take shit, but don't dish it out either.

>> No.8391687

I dont care. I would probably suggest: "Ok. Lets smoke a joint and play a game of chess".

>> No.8391713

Then we'd get alonG.

>> No.8392416

Btw, thanks fo the help, Socrates :-)