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File: 702 KB, 1423x2129, whitenoise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8519086 No.8519086 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's pic related. I lived in complete anguish for half a year afterwards.
>not even Dylar can help us

>> No.8519089

Just wait til you get to Mao II desu

>> No.8519202
File: 848 KB, 1212x1879, benjamin-arcade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked you up
In a good or bad way? Cuz some books can fuck you up in a good way too. Pic related.

>> No.8519410

wow le consumerist culture is destructive!!

>> No.8519490

to the best of my knowledge I feel fine

>> No.8519497

>its a book about an author
i wish authors would stop doing this. its not smart, and to me it just feels like the easiest thing to write about but the dumbest thing to read about.

>> No.8519503

It is, and your ironic attitude towards it is further evidence of its destructiveness.

>> No.8519730

I dont know why that would quote-unquote "fuck you up" though, especially since his message is relayed in such an obvious way. Im not shitting on Delillo, I fuck with Underworld heavy, but I just do not get why White Noise is considered a Great American Novel

>> No.8519804

journey to the end of the night.

the relentless misanthropy is exhausting

>> No.8519885

Gravity's Rainbow. The ending and pretty much the entire last section rEkT me

>> No.8520048

The Author is one of the protagonists and it's inspired by Salinger not DeLoli himself. It's about Mass and Individual. Images and Words. Fuck off with your sweeping judgements.

>> No.8520057

The Last Messiah fucked me up for like half a year. That shit is like real life snow crash.

>> No.8520098

Probably cuz it won the NBA. I love it a lot, but it's easily his most accessible book. Maybe the most accessible postmodern book after Vonnegut.

>> No.8520136

I'm reading it now, just finished the airborne toxic event chapter, and these are my thoughts as well. Falling man seems a lot more mature (only other book of his I've read) and less hashed out for the sake of the reader. White noise seems pretty entry level in that regard, but that doesn't make it a bad book. He's a neat author, probably one of the best in America. At his best he's a lucid prose stylist with interesting observations and well worth reading.

>> No.8520175


Infinite Jest literally gave me anxiety and this crushing self-awareness for 1-2 years. I basically became a DFW character, like CT or someone. It was the worst time of my life.

>> No.8520211

Because America hasn't had a good novel since 1851, so the literati are desperate to enthrone what they can get.

White Noise is as pseudoprofound as Gatsby, but panders to America's establishment, hence its current regard. It won't last.

>> No.8520309

Stoner fucked me up pretty badly but in a great way. It really made me appreciate being alive and being fortunate enough to appreciate it too.

Honestly, I group with my experiences with marijuana as far as intensity goes.

>> No.8520325

Bataille's Blue of Noon. A novel about an existentially-challenged loner drifting drunk and pathetic through 1930s Europe as he alienates, debates Marxism and fascism with, and plays debauched sexual games with a selection of women - the night I read it I was drinking to a pathetic degree and alienating at least two women I know by being a drunk debauchee around them. It kind of explained why I was doing this even as I did it. I haven't read it since but for the most part I've been managing to cut down on my drinking a whole lot since then.

>> No.8522085
File: 3 KB, 76x118, book1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

battle royal sent me into a nihilist spiral that i haven't been able to pull out of yet. read it in high school.

>> No.8522128

I have no mouth and I must scream by Harlan Ellison - The whole concept just freaked me out. The on the surface it was terrifying but below that there is a existential type horror like sometime from Ligotti or Lovecraft, because the whole reason AM was so hateful was because it was cursed sentient existence; the machine with all knowledge and power could bare to exist and couldn't kill itself and all efforts to torture the people were only efforts to so how it felt.
Eternity is scary stuff.

Black Snow by Mikhail Bulgakov - for me it was entirely the ending. I felt a connection with the protagonist as he was a shut in, liked to read classics, barely any friends and trying write a novel. It felt like a really hopeful story to me. Then it turned out the man had killed himself and written the whole story as a fantasy of what he wished would happen.

>> No.8522351

Not OP but both would be fine

>> No.8522450

While reading GR I got paranoid as fuck.