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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 175 KB, 535x798, 1275294186420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
863030 No.863030 [Reply] [Original]

It is the weekend. Where is jp? Any wishlist thread tonight?

>> No.863045

No sign so far.

>> No.863049

Jesus Christ, you people are selfish. If he posts, enjoy it.

Don't fucking request it.

>> No.863050

It's 2:30 in the freaking morning.

>> No.863056
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>> No.863064


Those are ugly boobs. Get some better ones.

>> No.863070

i disagree

>> No.863078


Sure is ridiculously high standards. Those are fine.

>> No.863096


>> No.863099

>Still waiting to hug a girl.

>> No.863102

lol jp incites greed and rage even when he isn't around.

>> No.863104

Greed and rage and DELICIOUS BREASTS, morelike. Seriously though, jp incites rage? The threads I've looked through have been full of awesomeness.

>> No.863111

Delete this thread OP, or you will give him incentive to never post here again.

>> No.863114

I'm tellin ya, he's Keyser Soze.

>> No.863125

Think again.

Go right ahead people, post your wish lists.

>> No.863129

Well played, jp. Well played.

>> No.863135

Oh, and... uh... feel free to ignore the RPG gamebooks. I haven't exactly tailored my wishlist specifically for /lit/'s browsing.

>> No.863136 [DELETED] 

No harm in trying, I suppose.

>> No.863138

I am lurking. I do not feel very well today. I need to be at work tomorrow so I am just lurking and keeping things calm here. Hoping I can get to sleep soon.

>>863125 is a troll.

>> No.863149


>> No.863151

Huh! I was looking at the trip and thinking 'Hmm... that doesn't look right... but I can't fucking remember what it should look like anyway. Oh well."

>> No.863152

Buy people stuff and you'll feel better! :)

>> No.863154

FFFFFFFFF- I'm >>863149, nevermind then. We love you jp

>> No.863159
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You are now Liquid Ocelot.

>> No.863163


But in all honesty there are people with less money than me and I have more than enough books. I completely understand if I don't get anything.

>> No.863165
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>They're still being trolled

>> No.863167

Guys, I use these threads to perv on the wishlists of others so I can check out the stuff that looks interesting before folding it into my own wishlist. This is better than general "suggest a book" threads.

>> No.863168
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I'm actually ashamed that he had to see the claim jumper and quick draw list posters. Way to make the guy want to do things like this ever again!

>> No.863173


Haha I totally do the same as well.

>> No.863186

>Way to make the guy want to do things like this again!

Thanks :3

>> No.863199

I never post my wish list, but I love to see what other people have on theirs.
The Whalestoe Letters? A true House of Leaves fan is among us!
Never read the master and the margarita? It's pretty good.
Albert Camus has seen his popularity surge lately. Is this a libertarian thing?

>> No.863201
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>> No.863244

I'm a communist, so no.

>> No.863255
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Have a good night /lit/

>> No.863258

forgot my trip :/

>> No.863265

Thanks a million, jp. I swear that I will go on to buy a book for another /lit/ denizen. Have a good one.

>> No.863271


You're amazing jp.

>> No.863280

I'm pretty sure he just took off, but that Kevin Crossley Holland book on Norse Myths is awesome.

>> No.863284

Man, it would drive me INSANE to not have the Dark Tower series all in the same coverset.

>> No.863285

Dang it. Second time now I've missed out. ;_;

Is it? I'm trying to get more books on the subject because I'm trying to learn more about paganism, and a friend suggested that Freyja is likely my patron goddess, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

Another kind anon already gifted me "The Prose Edda" which is really good.

>> No.863293

To be fair, it's a bit silly saying that you've missed out when you've already had someone gift you a book once.

>> No.863295
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OK. I really need to get to bed. You guys be safe this weekend!

>> No.863300

Oh man, you're the best.

>> No.863301


I agree. It is bad form to post your wishlist if you've gotten something before. It's like cutting in line.

>> No.863306


<3 <3 <3

One day when my loan comes in, I shall do this.

>> No.863312


Books are in order of priority. Thanks.

>> No.863316


>> No.863317

I suppose. Though the gifting was done in a completely different thread by a different person so I don't know if that counts.

If it does, my apologies. I won't post again in a thread like this.

>> No.863329

Somebody better post tits.

>> No.863337

WOAH, woah, slow down, man. I didn't mean to try and dissuade you from posting in wishlist threads at all! It just sounded a *touch* unappreciative, you know?

>> No.863338


>> No.863341

Does anyone else feel like the poor guy got trolled into buying books for these people?

>> No.863343

New tits. Those are a week old.

>> No.863345


I could post man tits...but I don't think anyone wants to see that.

>> No.863349

Trust me, I'm far from unappreciative. I made a thread thanking the guy for his gifts and I and just as thankful to jp for his kind gift as well. I could never act that way. I was taught to always appreciate any gesture of kindness. If some view it unfair that I've been given gifts twice this week, then I want to even the "playing field" (as it were) by not posting in wishlist threads for a while.

>> No.863354

A little bit, but he didn't seem to complain. Besides, he can just easily just say no. He pops in and mentions he is feeling sick then drops $75 worth of books on anon and wishes them a safe weekend. And nobody bothered to tell him "get well soon". He is /lit/s caretaker. BUT WHO CARES FOR THE CARETAKER?????

>> No.863358

The same people who watch the watchmen.

>> No.863365

A while back, he said if he recognized the name as someone he shipped to before, he would just skip over the entry. I am sure it isn't a big deal. I just like to watch these threads for the way he drops in and gives to people. This place usually goes crazy.

>> No.863369
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Hope you get well soon.


>> No.863386
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>> No.863388
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>> No.863391
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>> No.863393
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>> No.863398
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>> No.863402


Thanks jp!

Also, will I recieve email notification if my wishlist is purchased?

>> No.863404

your link is bad

>> No.863406

There's a checkbox on your wishlist options thing that'll detmine whether you get notification or it's left as a surprise.

>> No.863407

^^ cut out the shit between hash and amazon.

>> No.863410

I'm pretty sure I checked notified ~.~

>> No.863412

Hey jp, get better soon. Many thanks for the books received this week, dunno if you saw the post with the pics.

>> No.863415

Even if you didn't, Amazon will warn you if you try to buy something that someone's secretly bought you from your wishlist already.

Also, your link is still broken.

>> No.863416

Open your wishlist and click the Share with Friends button and paste the link that comes up. It should be "www.amzn.com/*"

Also, jp went to bed, but maybe some kind anon can help out.

>> No.863423

If anyone else is feeling kind tonight :-)


>> No.863424


And yea, I have no money :S

>> No.863427

I am so in love with your name. Will you please marry me? I promise to take you antiquing in Gold Country every summer weekend.

>> No.863431

Seconding the nice name remark, but CDN? I'm busting out the 'ol currency converter.

>> No.863432


Are you the kind anon for Nigra?

>> No.863436

You guys are freaking shameless.

>> No.863437

>Forks was literally my personal hell on Earth.
Misuse of the term "literally" drives me insane.

>> No.863438

Whoops, wrong thread.

>> No.863439


Lol. Thanks for that. Weekend antiquing sounds lovely. We can pick up a bottle of red and a little something else after for a twilit picnic.

>> No.863443

Do you prefer spermicidal foam or regular old rubbers?

>> No.863447
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>> No.863448


Flavoured ;-)

>> No.863449

And they say romance is dead.

>> No.863450

>old rubbers?
Cheapskate. There are some things it's not okay to recycle like that.

>> No.863453

I just added Microserfs to my wishlist after looking at yours.

>> No.863457

You have some pretty nice stuff Nigra.

>> No.863459

>Le Horla (Dodo Press)
>Crime and Punishment

Order Number: 103-4116184-3776247
Recipient: Elodie Librearbitre
Delivery Address:
Elodie Librearbitre
Montreal, Quebec
(Full address hidden for privacy)
Shipping speed: Standard International Shipping
Order total: 35.35 CDN$
Billing Adress:
Attica, NY 14011-9567

>> No.863460


Cool. It's a great book. You might want to check out Life After God as well (nothing to do with religion.) That's my favourite from Coupland.

>> No.863464


Old trick, troll. They're still on the list.

>> No.863468

I wasn't kidding. Seriously, I will marry you simply because of that exquisite name.

>> No.863472

If you don't want to marry him, then you can marry me. I have family members rooted in history. Some of my ancestors were money lenders to Napoleon and one of my relatives was the royal painter for Czechoslovakia.

>> No.863474


Or you can buy her a book.

>> No.863477

Quick it, chuckleheads. You're tarnishing my image of this board as being above such uncouth vying for the affections of a girl.

>> No.863478

... chivalry

>> No.863479


Indeed. *sigh*

>> No.863480

Elodie, if you are taken, hook me up with Annique.

>> No.863482


That's a super cute name too!

>> No.863488

Oh goddamnit. I'm bailing on this forsaken thread.

>> No.863489


Oh, you guys. How can I choose between you? Visions of golden summer afternoons versus the romance of history...

>> No.863493

Can someone please be a kindanon?

I've yet to see any gifting here :(


>> No.863494

You could just have a devil's three-way.

>> No.863498

Nigra, it's unbecoming to beg.

>> No.863499

Romanceofhistoryfag here.

I'd take you ballroom dancing and I'd show you the classy nonsexual sides of romance.

>> No.863501

How is that different to a regular three-way?

>> No.863503

It's two guys and one girl.

>> No.863507

That totally doesn't deserve a special name.

>> No.863510

Says the guy who had one and is ashamed of it.

>> No.863511


What music would you have us dance to? What would you wear for a boutonnière?

>> No.863513

Hey, Beta-Male Duff! How's it hangin'?

>> No.863515

We would dance to whatever you would want to and I would have no need for a boutonnière since I would be wearing a gentleman's suit and not a tuxedo.

>> No.863530


Hey man, boutonnières can be worn with a regular suit.

>> No.863531

I'm glad to see how many wishlists have House of Leaves on them.

>> No.863533

Not Victorian era suits.

>> No.863534

This thread needs to die... Lets let it go smoothly and quietly

>> No.863535

I am now using search and replace on a short story I have written. The 2 female characters are now Annique and Elodie.

>> No.863536
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>mfw when you guys don't realize that this name is totally made up

>> No.863538

You cheap pricks, just buy her a book already!

>> No.863539

Stop it, Elodie.

>> No.863540


Yo, it's French.

>> No.863542
File: 61 KB, 252x221, MickeyEyeGouging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit.
The words are french, the name is not.

>> No.863546


Ignore the none-book items plz.

>> No.863550

Suits, "happy puppets", audio equipment... what's going on here, David?

>> No.863552

jp went to bed. Nobody else will fulfill our meager dreams.

>> No.863553

HAHAHA. This nigga fucked up.

>> No.863554

He's also not going to prom.

>> No.863558

>The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas

>> No.863559
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>Happy Puppets

Oh god, I'm laughing like a fucking idiot at this.

>> No.863567

This thread = death of gifting

>> No.863571

I bought you Microserfs, Elodie.

>> No.863583


Many thanks kind anon! Passez un bel été. *bisous*

>> No.863591

Will you marry me?

>> No.863592


I also speak German and some Latin, so if you speak either we could have non-English conversations.

>> No.863593

I will marry you... Only if you put out on the first date though

>> No.863594

Liar. You're not Elodie.

>> No.863595

No, but I will marry you

>> No.863596


I wanna learn latin with Rosetta Stone. Is that any good?

>> No.863597

You probably have a boring Anglo name. So no.

Also, you're probably a guy.

>> No.863598

If you have the cash to blow... or the internet and a loose conscience...

>> No.863599

I learned through school so I wouldn't know.

>> No.863600

Yep... Dick and everything... And yes... Very Anglo-name... but you can call me anything you want baby ;)

>> No.863601

>Implying you've never downloaded an e-book

>> No.863603

I have not... Yay for good local libraries

>> No.863604

Not everyone is so lucky.

>> No.863605

Kick your mayor in the balls and tell him books or GTFO

>> No.863607


Unless you're a Fox viewer in Chicago.

>> No.863609

Do those exist?

>> No.863701

Now when I see OPs pic, I think the girl is named Elodie and she is accepting my finger.

>> No.863727

JP please wake up. I wanted to ask you if you will buy some textbooks for me!

>> No.863741
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>> No.863743

Love the pic. Moar?

>> No.863749

It is how I picture Elodie and Annique

>> No.863795

Damn. I'm always too late.

>> No.863825

I want to suck on your titties.

>> No.863838
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