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8631076 No.8631076 [Reply] [Original]

who are the most redpilled authors?

>> No.8631077
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>> No.8631079

whoever wrote my diary

>> No.8631083

Elliot Rodger
Anders Breivik
Schopenhauer's 'On Women'

>> No.8631084

Bob Dylan desu

>> No.8631089

your best bet would probably be to look into serial thriller novelists such as clive cussler, et all. when i was working at a bookstore, that was pretty much the only thing conservatives would buy other than magazines.

>> No.8631097

self-help books too. and stuff like that horrid blonde woman with the adam's apple.

>> No.8631106
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Ann Coulter was qt back in the day

>> No.8631159

How could you tell which ones where the conservatives?

>> No.8631166

it's not even remotely difficult to differentiate in the area where i was working, on the outskirts of Denver. The customers were predominately either wealthy neoliberal families or borderline retarded old or poor people, the latter being the conservatives. people would also often discuss politics with me out of nowhere.

>> No.8631386

Thats a question to ask /pol/, not /lit/
Not even joking here, assuming you want a genuine answer you're going to get a much better one over there.

>> No.8631401

Save yourself a decade of immature world views and read Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent.

>> No.8631418

This. I work with the archetypal conservative man, and he carries around those spy novels or military dramas with the author who takes up way to much shelf space in bookstores and makes up nearly the entire stock at thrift stores. All the cover always look the same too.

>> No.8632488

the archetypal conservative isn't redpilled

>> No.8632494

how do you know who is a conservative
does everyone wear a badge describing their political orientation when they go out?
do americans really do this

>> No.8632495

>Red pilled


>> No.8632611

John Green

>> No.8632646

And then I wonder what this question actually means... redpilled authors? The most truthful or the most loud? The most socially acceptable or the most out spoken? The most annoying?

Not a good start OP ... clarity is good...

>> No.8632683


Karl Marx

>> No.8632995
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The reddest pill of all

>> No.8633116

A simply test is to find out how they felt about the JQ (Jewish Question)

>> No.8633150

Karl Marx

>> No.8634654

Ted Kaczynski

>> No.8634668

Marx is the original red pill.

>inb4 that's not what the transgender Wachowski sister metaphor is supposed to mean

You might also want to look into Zizek, Badiou, and Althusser.

>> No.8634788
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>> No.8634794
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>> No.8634804

there are good reactionary authors but literally anyone who would call themselves red pill or identify even loosely with it is too fucking retarded to write a good book

>> No.8634807

There are not any. old ones are dead and the new ones are too busy working. pseudo redpill works suck almost as much as a full regressive tract

>> No.8634815

survivalist fiction about lone us marine during a zombie apocalypses is one of the ways to spot a pseudo conservative

>> No.8634819

I think im red pilled but I don't think anyone would call that themselves. it would sound too cringe

>> No.8634848


>> No.8634865

yeah the odyssey that classic story about neet losers jacking off to gaudy roman sculpture and saying nigger on 4chan

>> No.8634895

Thomas Sowell desu
If you want to find somebody who will cut through the bullshit he's your man.

>> No.8634899
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odyssey it's basically this pic, albeit the pic rather refers to the voyage of mael duin, maeldune how lord tennyson called him, which was likely inspired by odyssey anyway

>> No.8635487
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