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/lit/ - Literature

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8703550 No.8703550 [Reply] [Original]

Can sci-fi/fantasy genre be /lit/erature?

>> No.8703764

Yes, but Clarke is shit

>> No.8703770

yes, but Gibson is shit.
meh, he's hit and miss. I wouldn't dismiss him as shit though.

>> No.8703775

Yes, when it goes past being "a sci-fi/fantasy" book and reaches something more.

>> No.8703782


Science fiction which makes us question governments, realities, our very human nature then yes. Science fiction which is disguised as a shitty action blockbuster attempt then no.

>> No.8703802

>Science fiction which makes us question governments, realities
Fuck off Philip, there are better mediums for that than your bullshit strawman stories.

>> No.8703814


He's not wrong though, I hate how modern audiences think all science fiction books or films now are just bland, generic action movies with a lot of WW2 inspirations.

>> No.8703827

Modern audiences honestly think that? Fuck, I'm out of touch. I haven't had a friends without autism in over a decade. I thought people grew out of that after high school.

>> No.8703910
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>> No.8703985

Ray Bradbury, Gene Wolfe, Philip K Dick, Ursula Le Guin, Robert Silverberg, have all produced literary SF or fantasy stories.

Although being literary is a nebulous concept, each of these writers has a different and conscious style, where re-reading reveals new meanings and appreciations of things to the readers, like language, structure, allusions and subtexts. This is unlike authors like Isaac Asimov, and Clarke (and a lot of PKD outside of his best stuff), who are good but not as literary, because their prose is so functional. Still, they are good storytellers and imaginations.

One way I judge literary worth is - would I want to reread it? Much genre lit only deserves to be read once, but there are always authors who want to be more complex, subtle, or poetic.

>> No.8704262

Stanislaw Lem belongs among these, I believe - on the respective other end of the sci-fi spectrum.

Bradbury, Dick, Le Guin - they all write quality literature with emphasis on their characters. The novel approach.
Lem went quite far in the opposite direction, disregarding most of the "conventional" qualities for sake of focusing on ideas and concepts primarily; a hardcore scifi approach, if you will.

Oh, and Dmitri Glukhowski and his Fu.Ture!
That man feels like Eric Blair of our times