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/lit/ - Literature

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8725346 No.8725346 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you read enough to formulate an opinion on literature (going so far as to have read the syllabus of some top-tier program). If you were unhappy with your life in finance, STEM, engineering, etc and lied to an employer that you had an English degree, how would they find you out?

I see threads about Anons who seem sad they could never major in English, or regret going into sciences. But if you are well read and can write worth a damn, is it that hard to bullshit your way into a /lit/ position?

How do patricians separate the Stoners from the Foster Walruses?

What would you ask to uncover a false English major?

I assume esoteric references to Middle English would blow someone's cover, but are there any gaps of knowledge that would be a dead giveaway to you?

NEETs need not reply

>> No.8725354

You may not even have to bullshit. It's not impossible to get a /lit job by simply demonstrating your worth; with or without a particular diploma.

>> No.8725358

>implying there is a single employer in the history of anywhere who gives a fuck whether you have an english degree or not
>implying '/lit/' positions actually exist

Also in your hilarious hypothetical scenario where someone pretends to have a useless degree, they could find you out by contacting the alleged organization where you allegedly graduated from, if they cared. Which they won't.

Source- I have an english degree. Nobody cares. I'm a janitor.

>> No.8725365

You wouldn't expect them to know esoteria unless that's what they did their thesis on, or that's what their specific area of interest is.

I'd just ask what their area of interest is, and if it's the same as mine, I could probably tell they were faking. If it was outside my specialization I probably couldn't tell.

>> No.8725368

Grammar would be the biggest giveaway, I think. Somebody can bullshit their way into formalism well enough, but grammar is a bit more complex.

It depends on the job though. I doubt any publishers worth the paper they print on would hire somebody as important as an editor without them holding some sort of degree in English.

Side note: stop posting old hags. I'd rather not gouge my eyes out.
>Useless degree
This means nothing.

>> No.8725374

Only the sweetest boipucci for you

>> No.8725377

I like JC, not gross boys.

>> No.8725386

You're right, Having 'English Major' on your resume does mean nothing. If you're charismatic you can do whatever to advance in society, if not, nobody will care that you read a LOT about farting knights.

>> No.8725393

>degrees are about social status
Fuck off STEMsperg

>> No.8725401

>If you were unhappy with your life in finance, STEM, engineering, etc and lied to an employer that you had an English degree, how would they find you out?

By contacting said university.

You're welcome.

>> No.8725406

>I see threads about Anons who seem sad they could never major in English, or regret going into sciences. But if you are well read and can write worth a damn, is it that hard to bullshit your way into a /lit/ position?

They are sad they couldn't major in English for a different reason.

>> No.8725411

I have a degree in English.
I work as a janitor.

Oh, and editing skills have nothing to do with english degrees. Most editors I know were into communications or journalism.

>> No.8725413

>I'm a loser so everybody is

>> No.8725423

why did u get a chick degree?

>> No.8725426

I'm just pointing out that this thread is ridiculous, because it operates on the assumption that anyone cares about whether people have english degrees or not, which they don't.

>> No.8725436

I fell for the 'Major in what you love!!!' meme

Luckily I had a full scholarship so I didn't waste money, but still, english degrees are a waste of time. I read more books out of college than I did during, and anyone wanting to come off as a well-read patrician moving through literary circles can do so without paying for it so long as they have social skills and a willingness to consume literature.

>> No.8725454
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>> No.8725458

See: >>8725368
Old hags are disgusting.

>> No.8725465
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NEET here. Don't tell me what to do bitch.

>> No.8725503
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>> No.8725523
File: 1.15 MB, 3456x3979, chinese pedobait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then

>> No.8725548
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>> No.8725884

>butt wrinkle

I can't fap to this