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/lit/ - Literature

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8831509 No.8831509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you grow out of vidya, anime and toys, and move onto books?

For me? 20

>> No.8831534

this poor guy, wannabe of razorfist.

>> No.8831536

Can one not enjoy the fruits of both?

>> No.8831540

I stopped playing vidya when I was about 19 but I still watch anime. It's top tier comfy.

>> No.8831542

I still play video games and watch anime t bh (although less than I used to)

>> No.8831544

only fags care about art as anything other than a cultural signifier

>> No.8831548

I like anime more now than I ever did before.

>> No.8831556

razorfirst hates anime though, so is less of a manchild

>> No.8831557

No, if you do, you're a manchild

>> No.8831559

Started at 16. I still enjoy videogames a bit. But for the most part I don't like them and I find them a waste of time. Specially their fanbases. Still, some of my friends like them a lot so I'm not an asshole about it and try to make it seem like I'm a interested when they talk about them.

>> No.8831562

What's the point in watching anime? It almost certainly won't make the cute cashier at the local coffeeshop/used bookstore smile at you at all.

>> No.8831567

no, we deal only in gross generalizations here, maybe you will too someday, when you're older and more mature

>> No.8831568

The point of watching anime is to make yourself forget about the cute cashier who won't smile at you

>> No.8831569

and reading books will?

>> No.8831575

I like it. Does there need to be a better reason?

>> No.8831579

But anon, video games have many cognitive benefits.

>> No.8831591

I forgot /lit/ only speaks in polemics.

>> No.8831593
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>> No.8831597

criterion kiddies out

>> No.8831599

I don't play games that take 50+ hours anymore like Fallout, but I enjoy well crafted short games like Owlboy (which I loved).
As far as anime, I don't binge watch but I keep up with ones I think are good.

>> No.8831600

>I still play vidya occaionaly but the obession of it was at 14
>I stopped watching anime at 13. Now I only unironically watch Jojo
Men can have toys

>> No.8831605
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>> No.8831612
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>there are actually adult "men" on this board who purposefully watch anime and play video games

>> No.8831617


>> No.8831620
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>there are actually adult "men" on this board who purposefully study english, philosophy or any other shit field

>> No.8831624

More edifying than fapping to prepubescent girls and generally pretending not to be a pedo all the while

>> No.8831631
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>there are actually teenage girls who post funny animals and complain about misogyny on 4chan's literature board

>> No.8831634
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>the guy that studies his shit degree and will be jobless down the road responds with an unjustified ad hominem

>> No.8831635

alphaomegasin. this guy is such a fucking loser. thanks for reminding me of him. ill watch some of his vids now to make me feel better about myself.

>> No.8831643

Yet accurate

>> No.8831645
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>> No.8831647


>> No.8831649
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Didn't work for me

>> No.8831653

>make a thread calling out weeb faggots
>weeb faggots lose their shit
>he says while browsing /lit/

>> No.8831658
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You sound lonely, this one's for >>8831653

>> No.8831673

fucking 4chan autist
this board is too bluepilled to fix, I'm fucking leaving

>> No.8831696
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stay, we can talk about anime

>> No.8831704

anime is NOT chanworthy material
4Chan is the central hub for a serious social movement to #redpilltheworld, WTF does anime have to do with that??

>> No.8831705

>using the word 'bluepilled'
thank you so much

>> No.8831715
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>> No.8831718

>bookfags are actually proud of supported socially degenerate material
everything I read of the official /pol/ facebook page was fucking correct, holy shit

>> No.8831730
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>using facebook
/pol/ is satire btw mr.newfag

>> No.8831742
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>> No.8831746
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>4Chan is the central hub for a serious social movement to #redpilltheworld, WTF does anime have to do with that??
Genocyber is the most profound work of social commentary to come out of the late 20th century.

>> No.8831756

Pls be my wife

>> No.8831757


>> No.8831758

Sometime around 14 or 15, but it was only because I didn't have any friends in school and I couldn't very well play vidya during lunch or whatever. So I just always started carrying a book around.

>> No.8831767

I still play video games occasionally but I mostly do it with friends now: I stopped having games as a hobby when I was 20

>> No.8831867

Don't see a problem with playing quality video games every now and then. Anime is really pushing it though.

>> No.8831874

i went from video games in middle school to books in high school and college to video games after graduation to movies and books during my quarter life crisis

>> No.8832053
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>> No.8832073
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>> No.8832080

I've been slowly getting back into anime and vidya but trying to steer clear of the shit. Playing Okami and watching Paranoia agent at the moment

>> No.8832085

I haven't but the manchildren such as the OP pic still make me cringe.

>> No.8832090

I just saw this guy on youtube yesterday, scary.

>> No.8832091
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What sort of faggot grows out of 2D perfection?

>> No.8832092

Video games are absolutely pointless and a waste of time filled with false accomplishments.

>> No.8832095


>life is only a job

Capitalism is absolutely disgusting. This reminds me of when people say "so what do you do?" Not define myself by my fucking job, cunt.

>> No.8832097

So is literature
So is film
So is pretty much all media

Only difference is the false accomplishments amounts to finishing said media.

Unless you're planning to become a writer, critic or something, investing serious time in to any entertainment is wasteful.

>> No.8832108

>Anime = tradition, morality, honour
I don't mind some anime/hentai on the down low. But this is bullshit.

>> No.8832109

What if I still enjoy the others, just less now?

>> No.8832121

grew out of anime at 16, film at 18 i still play vidya tho

>> No.8832133

>So is literature
>So is film
>So is pretty much all media
no, you fuckling retard, the objective of all mediums has always been not only mind numbing escapist entertainment, its critique, subtle transmision of feelings and culture and self search.

what a fucking millenial you have to be to think that a videogame could ever compare to shakespeare in any regards

>> No.8832144

The vast achievement of Bloodborne, a game that combines masterful art direction, level design, mechanics and composition, easily matches up to any of Shakespeare's work.

>> No.8832147
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I grew out of fiction at sixteen, it's still a guilty pleasure for me though. Especially 2D boys.

>> No.8832154

i think other mediums have legitimate value. /lit/ is culture and there's more to it than written word and classic paintings right??

>> No.8832158

>what a fucking millenial you have to be to think that a videogame could ever compare to shakespeare in any regards
I dunno, vidya might not have very good dick jokes but I find that they are more than the sum of their parts.

>> No.8832159


I award you minus ten billion points out of ten.

>> No.8832161

Painfully bad argument

>> No.8832172

yeah shure little kiddy boy. Lest make an experiment, lets see if your littel "le especial snowflake" game is even relevant in a couple of years.

shakespeare is such a god tier subtle insight into the human soul that is relevant for centuries

>> No.8832183

>every shitty obviously wrong tantrum deserves a response

if you want to sit at the big boys table just learn what you did wrong

>> No.8832206

>cute girl interested in anon
>wants to know more about him
>"hey anon what do you do for a living?"
>anon fails to land another girl

O I am laffin. You seem like a really annoying faggot who ended up making shit money and is now incredibly bitter over it.

>> No.8832234

Weird thing to say for a marxist, the worker identity is the overriding one for you guys.

>> No.8832253

Tell me you are not over 18.

>> No.8832256


get out of here oldfag

>> No.8832265

haha, do you really think this
clown, could ever read comprehend and incorporate the myriad of god tier philosophy economical and political works that is the masterworks of karl motherfucking king of the revolution marx?

awww hell nawwwh

>> No.8832302

I never played games, i read psychological analysis novels since i was able to

>> No.8832332

Jesus christ you are pathetic

>> No.8832353

razorfist just hates anything mainstream
His reviews and political thought are superb though

>> No.8832373

Grew out of anime around 19-20 years old, if I had to guess. I still watch DBZ Abridged, but I watch it because I find it God damn hilarious. If that still counts as watching anime, then I guess I've never grown out of it, even though that series is LITERALLY the only anime-like thing I bother with besides hentai.

Toys? Define toys. I find disassembling/reassembling firearms to be fun, even if it's not to clean them. In a sense, using a firearm in such a manner just as a passtime, it is like using it as a toy. Hell, even target shooting could be considered using firearms as recrational tools, and is a recreational tool not in and of itself basically a toy? Anyways, if toys means stuff like... I don't know... action figures and stuff, then I grew out of them at around 11-12 years old, probably.

As for vidya, I still enjoy gaming. Mostly STALKER: Call of Pripyat with Misery mod and The Armed Zone, which is an intensely difficult post-apocalyptic style survivor-horror FPS. I've been wanting to write a book that is based in a sort of STALKER-like world/Universe, so we'll see, perhaps one day while playing it, I'll have a eureka moment on how to kick things off. I also like to play Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword. Based in the mid-17th century in Eastern Europe, basically. I want to write an historically based novel, and who knows, maybe it'll be set in the 17th century. I also play Banished on occasion, but haven't been bothering with that anymore. Used to play Red Orchestra II and Rising Storm like crazy, looking forward to Rising Storm 2 to see how Tripwire will do with a realistic game set in the Vietnam War.

Not all videogames are for kids. As for books, obviously I read while I was in school, was particularly into Harry Potter, but I didn't really start reading until around 21 years old. Discovered Bernard Cornwell, and have been reading his stuff regularly ever since, as well as various other things that catch my attention. I must have read a good 50 books or so in the past 4.5 years.

>> No.8832394
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>> No.8832398

Why are you blaspheming the name of the Lord?

>> No.8832435

I still play video games and watch anime every once in a while.

>> No.8832746
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>political thought are superb though

>> No.8832962

Truly the modern James Joyce


>> No.8832972

At the same age that I realised that the easiest way for me to externalise my anger wasn't to shoot random characters in GTA, but instead to call people faggots for enjoying anything written by James Joyce.

>> No.8833189

20 year old who thinks he is very grown up and mature detected

>> No.8833205

Literally me

>> No.8833238
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I wish I could still have fun with anime and games.

>> No.8833249

24, and now I read Dostoevsky all night and all o the day

>> No.8833269

Toys are fucking manchildish but why can't I be into anime, games and books? It's just personal entertainment.

>> No.8833290

this year, 26

>> No.8833296

you have to go back

>> No.8833299
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>mow reading this thread

>> No.8833329

I read a lot of books as a kid but I didn't like this adult idea that books were intrinsically a better use of time than TV and vidya. To me it was all the same, all media could be fun and they all had their advantages and disadvantages. But to answer your questions
I don't know, some time around 13.
Very gradually, but I completely stopped buying/playing them regularly around 18 or 19.
I only started getting back into it recently actually. I still don't watch tons of it.

>> No.8833479

Anime: 21, after I watched redline and it was perfect
Television: 23 when I watched the wire and it was perfect
Video games and television: 25 when I started law school.

>> No.8833488

>and move onto books?
do light novels with anime drawings count?

>> No.8833489

So you're saying you didn't read books until you were 20??

>> No.8833490

Video games and movies*

>> No.8833509

If I looked like that I'd try to escape life through videogames as well

>> No.8833517

>what a fucking millenial you have to be to think that a videogame could ever compare to shakespeare in any regards

Just wait until the golden erea of video game auteurs, then you'll see. You'll see.

>> No.8833521

Never been into anime. I'll watch the entry-level classics though

Don't play toys

I read books

I play Overwatch, frankly too much of it, but that's about it

>> No.8833579
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Do you still enjoy comics, anon? I'm not talking about American capeshit but European and Japanese ones. Even though the writing isn't always good or okay even I think there's something to be said for the aesthetics and visual storytelling they provide. I've recently been reading ones by Moebius and they're just so gorgeous to look at.

>> No.8833596

aha i see the influence of Kubo now

>> No.8833605

Some video games are okay. Playing civ 5 made me realize my interest in history.

>> No.8833664

>grow out of vidya
you only grow out of video games if you're a dumbfuck pandering robot looking to impress society with your formal nothings. you're probably on the alt-reich too.

>> No.8833706

Beats anything that faggot Shakespeare ever put out.
Although pretty much every play attributed to him was written by someone else anyway.

>> No.8833716

got into books for real at 21. i quit toys and vidya around 16 but i still watch anime (rarely).