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/lit/ - Literature

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8975593 No.8975593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

she is better then you

>> No.8975599

I'm already home though

>> No.8975603

i never leave home

>> No.8975606


>> No.8975613
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>that article title

Stalin was right, fuck the free press.

>> No.8975623
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>> No.8975638

I used to like reading Dominions 3 Let's Plays on SomethingAwful because the players would sometimes write roleplay stories to go along with their turns and their pretender god and nation and everything.

One guy was playing as a blood fountain god or something and he had this whole backstory about how it took the form of a little girl but it was actually ancient. I thought that guy was pretty cool. I'd kick the fucking shit out of this kid though. Probably reads the same Clifford book 800 times and thinks it means shit. Fuck off.

>> No.8975655

>1,000 books
>at 4 years old

so basically 1,000 children's books that have only like 20 pages and 20 words per page, lmao. Get her checked out for autism. Most kids read a few of those pieces of shit then get bored and go off into the woods and catch bugs.

I still remember the first book I read on my own, it was Dino's First Bath. I was like 4 years old, then I read some Dr. Seuss and Clifford books and decided books were for fags. I didn't start reading again until 3rd grade where I read some of TA Barron's Young Merlin books and later some of RA Salvatore's schlock. Ate that shit up at that age though. Then I read a bunch of SW books and Dune in middle school then stopped reading again cause I got a dirt bike and dirt bikes > books.

I started reading again when I was 22. Read for a year then gave it up again. Spent hours reading over the last year but I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit reading after finishing Cioran. Idk how people keep this 'literary lifestyle' thing up year in and year out without taking a break. Nietzsche and Schopenhauer both had the right idea with books, only nerd losers read for the sake of reading.

>> No.8975668

hey man, why are you even here, why not like, /out/?

>> No.8975745

You should get Dominions 4 and try it out yourself anon. Really addictive game, and would make for great writing exercises.

MA Ulm best nation

>> No.8976034

at least I'm not a nigger

>> No.8976039

Faggot bitch do NOT post here again

>> No.8976044


>> No.8976047

>only nerd losers read for the sake of reading.
You do realize where you are, right?

>> No.8976050

Many such cases!

>> No.8976051
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>Get her checked out for autism.

this from the guy that literally namedropped cioran in an angry post about a 4 year old girl

this is the biggest autism post up on /lit/ right now what are you even doing lmao

>> No.8976113

no way that fat lard had enough time to read books with all the eating she'd have done

>> No.8976114

You all ready have a thread about this up. Fuck off.

>> No.8976123

Who are they actually kidding here

>> No.8976137
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Name me just one child "" """prodigy""""" that continued to have a good adult life instead of being a forgotten wreck.

>> No.8976142
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>> No.8976143

all ready

What the fuck happened, /lit/?

>> No.8976145

She has the look of a future DMV clerk.

>> No.8976150
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>Idk how people keep this 'literary lifestyle' thing up year in and year out without taking a break.

Because those people are smarter than you and have longer attention spans, dirt bike boy. I mean holy shit anon you're 22 years old and still think in terms of "nerd losers" ? Were you raised in a fucking trailer park or are you just retarded?

>> No.8976152

plus the fact that it's obvious that she has autism and that's fine and expected. No normal 4-year-old would have that many books under their belt unless their parents forced it, right?

>> No.8976155
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>Reading books

>> No.8976160

>lmao! dem niggaz, amirite guise?

>> No.8976162

she didn't actually read 1000 books

seeing as how most babies can't read before about 2, that's 1000 books in 2 years
or 500 books a year
or almost 2 books a day

either these books are about 10 lines each or (the obvious answer) her parents just read her parts of various books and claimed she read them

buzzfeed is just lying as usual to make this black girl seem really intelligent when really she just seems like an ordinary girl

>> No.8976164

Mozart isn't a child prodigy like these pampered, advertised kids are.

He is gifted, but he also worked his ass off, his early compositions aren't as good, and only 10 years after his first work did he got into the history books.

Meanwhile all these "prodigies" get two three years of coverage before fading off forever.

>> No.8976207

you guys are trashing a 4 year old based on her literacy

just let that sink for a minute

>> No.8976212

There is a differance betwen reading a book and understanding a book.