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904401 No.904401 [Reply] [Original]

ITT:we quote books, others try to guess the quotes.
let's start with something easy:

"it was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."

>> No.904411

"Fear is the mind-killer"

>> No.904410

"The air was soft, the stars so fine, the promise of every cobbled alley so great, that I thought I was in a dream."

>> No.904412

"OP is a faggot"

>> No.904413

dickens, tale of two cities
i have no fucking idea

>> No.904414

You stupid neanderthals. You're suppose to guess the quote, not just give your own.

>> No.904417

4chan:the illustrated guide

>> No.904421

"i trusted him as a brother, which is to say not at all"

>> No.904427

"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person."

>> No.904429

‎"He supposed that the intent of the Gospels was to teach people, among other things, to be merciful even to the lowest of the low.
But the Gospels actually taught this:
Before you kill somebody, make absolutely sure he isn't well connected"

>> No.904441

"You do an awfully good impression of yourself."

>> No.904444

invisible monsters

>> No.904447

"You do an awfully good impression of yourself. "

>> No.904453

well done

>> No.904458



>> No.904460

"That beats any meat injection ... that beats any fuckin cock in the world ... Ali gasps, completely serious. It unnerves us tae the extent that ah feel ma ain genitals through ma troosers tae see if they're still thair. "

>> No.904467

nope, more modern

>> No.904471

i'm stomped here, help out

>> No.904474

"i never drink, wine"

>> No.904476

“That's the whole trouble. You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "Fuck you" right under your nose.”

>> No.904481

"One day every soldier in the empire has to shower in the blood of your sacrificial bull. The next day they don't even remember your birthday. "

>> No.904485

zelazy, amber
nice choice

>> No.904488

Trainspotting, even though I never read the book, only saw the movie.

>> No.904489

Far across the downs cried a train whistle, grainy as late fog: a cock crow ---.---.-------, a long whistle, another crow, fire at trackside, a rocket, another rocket, in the woods or valley . . .

>> No.904491

don't know which one, but the tone screams palahniuk

>> No.904494

i suppose the scottish lingo was easy to pick up on

>> No.904495


Isn't that Catcher in the Rye? I've never read it, but I remember this line being familiar...

>> No.904497

>He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world is bad, and that was his sole patrimony.

>> No.904502

Not the one who posted it, but I'll give you a hint.

Author's initials are K.V.

>> No.904504

oh come on, the count is too famous

>> No.904507

American Gods.

"It is possible that from the beginning I had some presentiment of my end."

>> No.904515

don't know where it's from, but i love the quote.
just post source before it 404s

>> No.904520

bullseye, so to speak

>> No.904523

oh, got it, thanks

>> No.904529

Always liked the classic: "Tonight we're going to show you eight silent ways to kill a man."

>> No.904540

"Home to the throne that knew no king, home tothe Wanderer Knight, and to the Mistress who waited still, alone in her bed of dreaams. To the Watcher, who witnessed all, and to the Walker, who patrolled borders not even he could see. To the Saviour, whose outstretched hand was never grasped."

>> No.904546

Too easy. Fight Club. Here's another one:

"Make me young! Make me young! Make me young!"


>> No.904547
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I posted it. A winrar is you. :D

>> No.904548

forever war, one of my favourites

>> No.904552


>> No.904562

this has always been one of my favourites:

"He stepped to the entranceway, looked out, and saw Cotillion, the Patron of Assassins, the god, sitting on a shelf of stone that had slipped down from one wall, sitting, alone, with his head in his hands"

>> No.904569

"Are you there god? Are you listening? I don't think you are god, i don't think you give a crap. God, I think you've been fucking me."

>> No.904580

Dying Inside?
it's been awhile since i read it

>> No.904592

"Everyone of the men we've killed is someone's son."

>> No.904614


>> No.904619


Here's a painfully obvious one:

"Poor old Dim kept looking up at the stars and planets and the Luna with his rot wide open like a kid who'd never viddied any such things before, and he said:
"What's on them, I wonder. What would be up there on things like that?"
I nudged him hard, saying: "Come, gloopy bastard as thou art. Think thou not on them. There'll be life like down here most likely, with some getting knifed and others doing the knifing."

>> No.904643

burghess is great, although the last chapter was idiotic, making the movie better

>> No.904654

The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likeable. In three days no one could stand him.

>> No.904663


I liked the ending.

>> No.904666

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

>> No.904668


>> No.904669

are you sure you read the original version?
because sociopathy is not something you just "grow out of"

>> No.904675

bingo. and another one, because this IS 4chan:

You murdered him," said Dunbar.

"I heard you kill him," said Yossarian.

"You killed him because he was a nigger," Dunbar said.

"You fellas are crazy," the Texan cried. "They don't allow niggers in here. They got a special place for niggers."

"The sergeant smuggled him in," Dunbar said.

"The Communist sergeant," said Yossarian.

"And you knew it."

>> No.904677

Pride and Predjudice.

"He drew a deep breath."Well, i'm back," he said."

>> No.904684

sauce? this looks good, even if it's fantasy, which I don't usually read

>> No.904686

Neckbeards: the trilogy.

>> No.904857

Breakfast of Champions, Kilgore Trout
Cat's Cradle...? This sounds like something Bokonon would say

>> No.904865

It's Vonnegut, but not Cat's Cradle. Slaughterhouse Five?

>> No.904893

Yeah, Slaughter House Five.

'"Always! That is a dreadful word. It makes me shudder when I hear it. Women are so fond of using it. They spoil every romance trying to make it last for ever."

>> No.904906

"If success is rare and slow, everybody knows how quick and easy ruin is."

>> No.904927

"My darling, who dare say:
"I believe in God"? You may
Ask priest or sage, and you'll receive
What only seems to mock and stay
The asker."

>> No.904939


Yeah, I realise that, but I liked the ending because I felt it was more about how you just grow out of that senseless destructive rage you have as a teenager.

>> No.905087

I read half of the books posted...but don't recognize any of the quotes.

Is that odd

>> No.905101


It's because everyone loves the quotes that speak to them the most personally. You can probably remember quotes from the same books that others will not remember.