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9418450 No.9418450 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn Latin? Something like pic related would be helpful

>> No.9418463

Linga Latina 1 and 2. They're on the net somewhere.

I'd have a grammar to read too; just search Google Books for one, the Allen and Greenough is on there for free.

Vale, frater.

>> No.9418476

Start with Lingua Latina Familua Romana, and also use a grammar book (with exercises) which must be learnt by heart. After move to Lingua Latina Roma Aeterna.

>> No.9418481

That's what Lingua Latina 1 and 2 are.

>> No.9418510

This is what I'm using.

Fabulae Faciles are also good reading, you can find online. I built myself simple quiz programs to drill declensions and conjugations.

>> No.9418696
File: 19 KB, 247x351, hjvREvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good textbook imo is teach yourself Latin which is up on archive

>> No.9418705

Lingua Latina per se illustrata

>> No.9418710

I know Latin, but i'd really appreciate a guide to ancient greek.

if anything, a rec textbook would be much appreciated

>> No.9418772

Fuck Lingua Latina desu, just cram the grammar and skip the guess-the-word-from-the-picture shit that this book throws at you.
Once you memorised general rule of declining and conjugating words, jump straight into Vulgate with interlinear translation. The overlap in latin and english morphemes means that you won't be absolutely lost, for example, the first line
>in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
could be immediately understood
>(in is unchanged in english) (principal/foremost) (created) (I played Deus Ex too) caelum et (terra is how Earth is called in sci-fi, right?)

>> No.9418813

latin an intensive course is really good, so is the old teach yourself latin.

or just jump in and start translating stuff if youŕe any good at languages.

>> No.9418832

I've heard good things about Greek: An Intensive Course for Attic and Pharr for Homeric.

I myself am using Athenaze (the Italian edition), but I'm using it in a class and with a teacher. I actually like Athenaze, I feel that I'm actually learning AG with it, and I've even been able to decipher some actual Plato and Aesop after almost a year of studying.

Ancient Greek is also my fourth language, so that helps a lot.

>> No.9418845

Do you have a link?

No luck here. What other languages do you know?
Im going in with Spanish, Latin, and obviously English under my belt.

>> No.9418890

You can find all of those on LibGen.

>> No.9418900

Thanks :) Wish me luck.

>> No.9418974

Is there an image like this for other languages, like French or Italian?

>> No.9419007

or german

>> No.9420024


If you're already decent at Latin you can learn Greek from any book you like, it has a very similar structure. The hardest part is memorizing vocab because Greek vocab is nothing like English, unlike Latin where nearly every word has been productive in English. I used Pharr and it worked fine.

>> No.9420032


I'm sure that would work too given that the syntax of the vulgate isn't much more complicated than the children's book style of LLPSI.

>> No.9420049

A more pertinent question, for me, would be a good reason the learn latin. Is Ovid really that great in the original language?

>> No.9420079

All the best, my man. AG is one hell of a language, but it's very rewarding. Don't give up.

>> No.9420450

Nah the guy who made this only made one for russian

>> No.9422037

Check out Evan der Millner on YouTube. He has several courses and a bunch of other material, but what I'm using is his 336 episode course spread across four playlists. It's all in Latin, and it follows a 19th century conversational textbook by a guy named Adler, which is a gem.

>> No.9423127

>Is nearly ever major work of the Western tradition before 1500 that great in the original language?

I know there are a lot of exceptions, don't (You) me.