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9419421 No.9419421 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9419429

we must save the white race and secure a future for our white children, in a world where women aren't allowed to be worthless sluts who hate white men like us

>> No.9419435

How often do you get banned for doing this?

>> No.9419444

>banned for posting non-PC opinion about the Decline of the West

Wrong website, kid

>> No.9419455

Well, you're right about one thing... women don't hate white men in general. They usually like me, for example. But they might hate men like you.

>> No.9419544

He was, but probably not for the interpretation of him that you have.

>> No.9419546

In a general sense, yes. In detail, no.

>> No.9419552

How do we get women to accept to get back in the kitchen? Can we force them?

>> No.9419560

>Jesus Christ Marie! They're Minerals!

>> No.9419570
File: 193 KB, 650x887, Adi Shankara_Lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like were the ancient Hindus right? Yes, they were.

>> No.9419579

That's the thing, you haven't understood him. The disarray of ethical family life is a natural process of the unfolding of Civilization. You are to live a life that is meaningful for you in one of the options of living that are open to us late westerners: war, law, statesmanship, engineering, finance. Find a woman who is good, forget about saving all women, for we can never "Save" western civilization any more than the Chinamen or the Grecco-Romans could have saved theirs from leaving the Cultural stage. We live our lives in accordance to fate and look forward to the births of future high Cultures of the future, one which Spengler thinks will be in Russia.

>> No.9419598

>Find a woman who is good
Take a redpill. They are all worthless whores who've taken 500 dicks before exiting high school

>> No.9419620

Have you read Spengler? He's a socialist.

Exactly. He has great insights into the "Apollinian" soul, but a lot of what he says as examples of his ideas, is wrong. Can't blame him though, he based it on what was known back then in whatever field it is he was talking about. He's a great thinker. His understanding of Nietzsche seems to be sometimes limited by his attempt not to be too indebted to his ideas.

>liberal faggot literally shitposting about an author he doesn't know

>> No.9419760

>I can strawman Spengler's views because le /pol/ boogeyman likes him

>> No.9419784
File: 154 KB, 742x1059, Ravi_Varma-Dattatreya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adi Shankara is 9th or 10th century; hardly ancient, my dude. Dattatreya is much older.

>> No.9419880


You can't understand Spengler if you don't understand German. He was a polymath who studied almost everything at a universitary level and most topics he talks about are mixed with very loaded terms in German that don't exist in English.

>> No.9419902

ironically /pol/ is so uninterested in socialism they wouldn't recognize the existence of right-wing socialism.

>> No.9420373

Yes. Even Adorno admitted it.

>> No.9420375

lmao Spengler's not a socialist. He did nto believe in worker ownership of the means of production. Read Prussianism and Socialism. His Prussian "socialism" was basically a form of corporatism.

>> No.9420391

You sure about that? They're all supporting Le Pen, who by American standards is absolutely a socialist.

>> No.9420457

I know German

>> No.9420563

>thinking /pol/ has informed views on politicians

>> No.9420607

>look forward to the births of future high Cultures of the future, one which Spengler thinks will be in Russia.

could you elaborate this for me?

>> No.9420668

Not the anon you were talking to but it is rather simple. Spengler predicted either the end or another rise of high cultures. In case of the rise, it is to be in Eastern Europe. From what I remember he never really expanded on that question, but it should be obvious that he was correct. The West has already fallen and in 20 years it will all be over. Meanwhile, degeneracy hasn't obliterated Eastern Europeans, and they refuse islamization.

>> No.9420692

>degeneracy hasn't obliterated Eastern Europeans
Abortions, drug abuse, STD's and prostitution are through the roof in Eastern Europe. Not to mention the corruption, at this point even religion in Eastern Europe is just another arm of state propaganda.

If by "degeneracy" you mean "brown people" then that's true. But only because it's so shit that they would all rather move to western Europe instead.

>> No.9421483

It was influence of jewish civilization (marxism)

>> No.9421486

Yeah man they are not informed as you maaaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.9422193

Yockey was right

>> No.9422200

Eventually he will be right, not because he is but because he becomes right

>> No.9422237


what do you think "nazi" is short for, you fucking retard?

>> No.9422848

>abortions, drug abuse, Std's and prostitution are through the roof in Eastern Europe
I never said they weren't, but the situation is incomparably more dire in the West.

>the corruption
It has nothing to do with cultural decay.

>religion in Eastern Europe is just another arm of state propaganda
Is this what CNN teaches you?

t. Eastern European who worked in Germany

>> No.9423531

Spengler never said that sexual polarity between men and women would disappear completely. Feminism in the form we have today is a very recent phenomenon, and it could easily be remedied within a century. Plus, Spengler was a socialist who expressed the Faustian way of wanting to mold reform society according to his liking; something alien to the Classical. (see Nietzsche for an example of Spengler's idea of how a socialist thinks about society at large.) it is true, however, that all cultures eventually undergo moral erosion and disappear one way or another.

>> No.9423559
File: 1.10 MB, 1750x1724, tmp_28986-1469211402426941957891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, my man. Yockey should be read by any Spenglerian or Carl Schmidt fan. Imperium is a very underrated political tome, and changed my entire outlook on the last century of Western politics/history.
>mfw when we are already a century into the coloured revolt

>> No.9424075
File: 50 KB, 857x1024, JPstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the corruption
>It has nothing to do with cultural decay.

you are wrong.

>> No.9424096

So actual socialism.

>> No.9424145

Spengler specifically talks about Russia, not Eastern Europe. But the other anon is correct in saying that the signs are already clear. He talks about it a bit in the first volume of decline of the West, and a good amount more in the second.

Basically, he thinks Russia has never expressed its cultural idea to the world, that it is still in its birth stage, and that it's whole hitherto history has been one of "psuedomorphosis," which is his term for a more influential/dominant culture pressing its norms and civilization onto a newer culture that has not yet had a chance to define itself. Think of the Hellenization of what would become the Islamic world, or the Roman colonization of Gaul. Spengler thinks Russia has had two types of Western or Faustian psuedomorphsis, the first being Petrinism (Peter the Great and his reform of the aristocracy to be more French and European in general) and Bolshevik communism, which he says is just English-worldview economics of money with a focus on the lower class ("communism is capitalism for the lower class") and a tinge of Judaism.

He says that the Russian at heart cannot understand the Western need to strive upwards for infinity, and would much rather have it so that men are alongside each other; their prime symbol is a flat planar horizon, and they view Christ not as a father but as a brother. He says Dostoevsky contains the seeds for the religion of the future, and that Tolstoy is basically just a westerner.

You can read more about his Russia belief here:


Hadn't thought of that, maybe you're right. We're still fucked either way.