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/lit/ - Literature

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9495607 No.9495607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9495610

this board is for literature
sage and report

>> No.9495616

JP is a psychologist and he has published many books. Sounds like you need to clean your room.

>> No.9495622

All books are not literature.

>> No.9495627

How are you going to categorically decide which literature is and isn't allowed on a literature forum if you can't even clean your room?

>> No.9495630


Sounds like you've missed some critical theory classes

>> No.9495658

postmodern thought disagrees with you bitch

>> No.9495697

I think he really crystallizes the capture of Romanticism by the new right, and also its abandonment by the left.

>> No.9495753

I like JP but this isn't a discussion

>> No.9496514

Fucking clean your room memes. Leave the peaceful sanctuary if /lit/ and take your hilarity with you.

>> No.9496527

I am so sick of seeing JP everywhere. Of all the figures that are mentioned frequently on this board, he is by far the worst and most annoying.

>> No.9496752

Fuck the haters Anon, we both know that literature is a form of Art, and all the rest is Genre-Fiction bullshit (and if Art requires intention, then no Genre-fiction writer can ever 'accidentally' produce Art/Literature).

Keep up the good fight.

>> No.9496753

I give him $50 a month because of people like you.

Clean your room.

>> No.9496758
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>tells me I should clean my room
>has all of zero (0) arguments why

Petersons academic career in a nutshell

>> No.9496762

How can you claim to have solutions for global economies Anon, when you dont even have solutions for your room?

>> No.9496767

I like my room dirty. It asserts my personal dominion over my living space.
Weakshit betacucks like Peterson couldn't understand that

>> No.9496775

>personal dominion over my dirty room
The nature of chaos is that it is uncontrollable. you have dont have dominion over your room if it is chaotic, an 'organised mess' is an oxymoron.

clean your room

>> No.9496776

You dont have to give up famalan, cleaning your room is the first step to taking back control of your life.

>> No.9496791

Wrong, I as a being am chaotic, but chaotic in a personal sense. My mess is my mess, anyone could clean my room in an identical way but no one could mess it in quite the way I do

>> No.9496803


>> No.9496841
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>> No.9496845

I really need to clean my bathroom, it is past the disgusting point where I don't know where to piss anymore because it's too dirty even to be pissed.

>> No.9496850

The level of butthurt required to make this really speaks volumes.

>> No.9496881

they're right tho

>> No.9496883

No... not really.

>> No.9496887

What is the point of 'cleaning' . I can understand the point of cleaning grime and bacteria away, for hygiene purposes and so things are icky. But what's wrong with having a 'messy' room? What's the point in arbitrarily moving things around into some sort of supposedly more organised style? As long as you can find things, isn't it just an aesthetic preference?

JP has always struck me as one of those slightly autistic, fastidious anal people who believe everyone should share the same values and preferences as themselves. This only strengthens my opinion.

>> No.9496891

He clearly doesn't understand pomo philosophy, and he does blame everything on pomo, endlessly, even though in reality pomo philosophy has almost zero influence on the world and is mostly impotent.

Claiming Frozen is propaganda is retarded. And Sam Harris, a hack himself, not even an academic, btfo'd JP.

I don't see what's wrong with it.

>> No.9496892

Well if it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother you.

But if it does bother you, you should do something about it, instead of tucking it away, that's his point.

>> No.9496900

He does understand pomo philosophy.

Pomo philosophy isn't this impenetrable ivory tower that people just can't understand without studying for 20 years.

Even I have read parts of Of Grammatology by Derrida as part of my philosophy education and Peterson's take on it isn't wrong.

>> No.9496913

Does it bother anyone else that Peterson tells others to "sort themselves out" yet he himself is still not a vegan and is in fact decidedly against veganism?

>> No.9496918

Vegans are so unsorted they have become one with the messy room itself.

>> No.9496919

Someone asked him what he thought about Veganism and he quoted something out of the bible pretty much saying, what comes out of your mouth is more important than what you put in or something like that

>> No.9496925


Lion King is a wholesome story of a lion cub taking responsibility and disposing of a murderous tyrant.

Frozen is Mary Sue crap about a special snowflake princess with uber magical powers.

Pomo is untermensch tier philosophy and he isn't misrepresenting it at all, cutting down to it's core values while removing the fluff propoganda and emotional manipulation doesn't make it wrong or dishonest.

>> No.9496927

Veganism is just a bourgeois liberal invention.

Notice that every single vegan person is about as weak in their character as their eating habits.

>> No.9496928

Nobody is saying its impenetrable, far the opposite we're saying Peterson is a spastic moron.
Go on describe concisely what Peterson's take on Derrida even is. Because I have not once even seen him make any sort of cogent reference to his work outside of naming his as a boogieman

>> No.9496930

>what comes out of your mouth is more important than what you put in or something like that

Sounds like something someone would say before sucking a black cock

>> No.9496932

>Pomo philosophy isn't this impenetrable ivory tower that people just can't understand without studying for 20 years.

I didn't say it was. But he doesn't have a great grasp of it, and he doesn't have a great grasp on Marxism either. Or perhaps he does, but he doesn't appear to.

>> No.9496933


>> No.9496935

>Frozen is Mary Sue crap about a special snowflake princess with uber magical powers.

That's pretty much what all Disney movies are about. It doesn't make them propaganda.

>> No.9496936


That's what the new ones are after they were bought out by Jews.

Old Disney movies had actual stories and morals. Like Lion King.

>> No.9496937

Wrong. Frozen is not empowering for little girls. It's propaganda.

>> No.9496939

>Go on describe concisely what Peterson's take on Derrida even is.

Essentially the frame problem, and that semiotic signs always refer to other signs and never any real object or subject, basically relativizing any frame of reference.

>> No.9496942


You're confused. You think that because he doesn't bow to their holy veracity he doesn't understand them. This is not the case. They're just shit ideologies.

>> No.9496943

>tells people to sort themselves out
>is on antidepressants and tries self therapy using Jungian esotericism
Why should I believe he has solutions when he's fucked up himself?

>> No.9496945


>> No.9496947

>Derrida is right.
>But humans choose meaning based on what's useful.


>> No.9496948

>and he doesn't have a great grasp on Marxism

He does have a grasp on it, but I do indeed sometimes fear that he has read people critical of Marxism as an introduction to it, instead of reading the source material instead.

>> No.9496950


Because fucked up people are the ones who seek solutions, and despite dealing with long term depression he's incredibly successful being a high end academic teacher and published author. He's also displayed incredible courage and dignity these past few months in standing up to the Comtario government and progressive circle jerks in academia. That's not relevant to his intellectual work but it's still noteworthy.

>> No.9496951

>I give him $50 a month because of people like you.

Care to expand on that?

>> No.9496952

I didn't say it was empowering. How is it propaganda in any way? What political ideology is it trying to promote?

>> No.9496953


>> No.9496956

No. He literally misunderstands them.

>> No.9496959

My problem with him, as in this video, is that he rejects ideas without actually offering counterarguments. I don't know if that's just because he doesn't see a point in doing it in popular media, if he saves counter arguments for books or papers or whatever, but he never rebuts anything. Just says its wrong.

>> No.9496964


>> No.9496965


How so? Maybe bring some actual criticism to bear instead of just blatantly saying he's wrong and expecting everybody to agree with you.

>> No.9496966

Well there's really no way to "rebut" nihilism.

If you're going to say that society only exists to destroy individuals and oppress people, that is a statement about values, and there's literally no way to argue people out of their values.

>> No.9496969


Veganism has been around for a long time it just wasn't always called that obviously
yeah believe it or not "keto" wasn't around thousands of years ago either that doesn't mean nobody ate a diet like that until someone came up with a name for it

>> No.9496970

One of the ideological motifs in Frozen, is that the classic idea of the sleeping beauty that needs a prince to wake her is old fashion and absurd. And that there are alternative ways of traveling through life, that don't need the subjugation that Frozen seems to entail.

>> No.9496971

>I like my room dirty. It asserts my personal dominion over my living space.
You are deluding yourself because you couldn't ever compete in society's dominance hierarchy.

>> No.9496976

literally lower than lobsters

>> No.9496978


He didn't reject an idea, he rejected a criticism. Because of that the "counterargument" is merely to continue on with civilization as is while discarding Derrida's crap ideology.

>> No.9496980

I know it's been around for a long time, especially in India among the Jains.

But the point I was trying to make is that veganism in the West is almost always an upper-class phenomenon where people have yet another morally justified reason to hate on lower-class people who enjoy a barbeque after going to church on Sunday.

>> No.9496983


Low C uncivilized cuck detected. Sort yourself out bucko.

>> No.9496998


this is just illogical reasoning though

if an upper class person does something good for the wrong reasons they still did something good

I mean if a rich person somehow cured cancer tomorrow just so they could feel morally superior are you really going to be that one person who stands up and shames them?

>> No.9497002

This is what modern "education" does to you, something that dumb would never occur to a normal person, it takes schooling.

>> No.9497003

>to continue on with civilization as is while discarding Derrida's crap ideology.

No. You obviously haven't read Derrida..

Derrida's writing in no way prescribes any way of changing society. His philosophy is solely about how meaning is made and how society functions. It isn't prescriptive.

And JP's "rejection" here didn't seem justified in any convincing way. I'm not even a fan of Derrida, in fact I don't agree with Derrida and I find him a pompous git, but this wasn't a valid way of dismissing him.

>> No.9497007

Cleaning your room is actually pretty sound advice. It's a good start to self-improvement. If you're going to be a pig with no standards and you need to come up with excuses even with cleaning your room, you might as well save the time and kill yourself

>> No.9497008

>If you're going to say that society only exists to destroy individuals and oppress people, that is a statement about values, and there's literally no way to argue people out of their values.

Derrida argues this. And there are indeed counter-arguments to such a position. What you're saying doesn't really make much sense.

The whole idea of nihilism is built upon certain premises to reach its conclusion, just like any other argument. There are plenty of arguments against nihilism.

>> No.9497011

>I don't agree with Derrida and find him a pompous git, but I hate Jordan Peterson so fucking much that I'm still going to defend Derrida against him

Really shows 4chan contrarianism to a tee.

>> No.9497013

I think Peterson is actually just deeply scared of the possibility that life has no meaning. His outlooks on life seem to be a reaction against existential crises.

Cleaning is an organizing and comforting thing. It is a way of asserting meaning in a cruel, meaningless world

>> No.9497014

>Really shows 4chan contrarianism to a tee.

A bad argument is a bad argument. There are good reasons for not agreeing with pomo, but its stupid just to go "its shit because of course its shit and I don't like it because its shit."

>> No.9497019

He says that peoples sense of meaningful engagement is actually a psycho physiological reflex that orients us between chaos and order through life.

>> No.9497020

>The whole idea of nihilism is built upon certain premises to reach its conclusion, just like any other argument. There are plenty of arguments against nihilism.

Which doesn't in any way, shape or form mean you're going to convince people.

>> No.9497023

>"its shit because of course its shit and I don't like it because its shit."

Which is never what Peterson says.

>> No.9497030

>I think Peterson is actually just deeply scared of the possibility that life has no meaning

And you aren't?

>> No.9497033


I'm talking about his one specific counterpoint, not a criticism of all of Derrida's works. You seem very confused. Maybe you should sort yourself out desu.

>> No.9497034

>Which is never what Peterson says.

He doesn't adequately give a reason for what's wrong with it in that video.

>> No.9497039


>> No.9497045

Well, somehow I don't believe you.

>> No.9497051

Get this teenager shit out of here.

>> No.9497053

He literally says that the idea that society exists to marginalize and oppress is wrong, because the gains of technology and wealth obviously counteracts the individuals loss of identity and socialization.

I mean, pay fucking attention.

>> No.9497055

He has like 500 hours of stuff online. I think it's actually in his credit that he doesn't repeat the same shit over and over... But he's a pragmatist. For him, essentially, the problems with pomo are teleological not foundational, it's about what the philosophy moves humanity towards. This is ALWAYS value judgement, because no one can objectively say what humans should be doing as a whole. So if you don't agree with the value, you don't agree. I see it as a dichotomy between striving for broad truth or striving for individual freedom.

>> No.9497057
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Don't worry anon one day you'll grow out of that "life has le no meaning" phase. Maybe you'll even get a gf :^)

>> No.9497067

Most people get over their existential crises, anon. It doesn't matter if life has no meaning. It's irrelevant.

Good post.

I have one m8. I didn't claim life has no meaning, anyway.

>> No.9497080

>Most people get over their existential crises, anon. It doesn't matter if life has no meaning. It's irrelevant.

How the fuck do you think people get over their existential crisis exactly?

>> No.9497088

How is that a) not empowering to little girls and b)propaganda

I thought that the big message of the story was that the love of your family trumps a 30 sec relationship. Not that men are bad/unnecessary.

>> No.9497089

That veganism itself is morally good is questionable at best.

>> No.9497118
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>Derrida was correct but we should ignore him anyway because it makes me cry

>> No.9497125

>He literally says that the idea that society exists to marginalize and oppress is wrong, because the gains of technology and wealth obviously counteracts the individuals loss of identity and socialization.
>I mean, pay fucking attention.

Thats a stupid non sequitor, if people are being oppressed and marginalized for some alleged greater good they're still being oppressed and marginalized.

>> No.9497128

>Even when someone is actually critiquing someone legitimately they are wrong

Fuck off seriously. None of you in this thread has supplied ANY arguments against what Peterson is saying except whining about his person, or saying he is misinterpreting Derrida.

Fucking make arguments yourselves or fuck off.

>> No.9497131

>reading comprehension

>> No.9497141

Thats literally what you just said
Society is not oppressive because oppression is necessary to make money and iphones

>> No.9497142

Everyone's just critiquing Peterson's critique. He literally just give sreasons for disagreeing things that are almost no better than "I don't like it"

>> No.9497147

>How the fuck do you think people get over their existential crisis exactly?

By either learning to not care that life has no meaning, or finding their own meaning in life.

Read some philosophy.

>> No.9497150

Not that's not what I said. I said "COUNTERACTS".

You can google the definition of that word if you want to, but I hope for your sake that you have enough IQ to know what that word means.

>> No.9497156

Dude oppression isn't like a loan at a bank, you can't just pay them back later and claim it never happened.

>> No.9497158

How does one begin "sorting themselves out"?

>> No.9497161

You give him money to buy into his self help course

>> No.9497162

No, but a small amount of oppression and marginalization at the expense of the individual has made us wealthier and more technologically advanced in the last 100 years than the combined history of humanity and is the reason you can shitpost on this Austrian strudelmaking forum.

>> No.9497166

start by going back to redd.it

>> No.9497168

Yeah but thats irrelevant to the question of whether its oppression.
If you rob money from me and make a killing on the stock market for us both you're still a thief

>> No.9497172

>Yeah but thats irrelevant to the question of whether its oppression.

What's your point?

>> No.9497179

>oppression is bad

>> No.9497188

>literature board
>threads about literature: 30 replies on average
>threads about youtube """intellectuals""": 200+ replies on average

>> No.9497195

The other anon thinks every movie/book/whatever that promotes a message that he doesn't agree with is "propaganda"

>> No.9497206


what kind of oppression and marginalization are you talking about? That you have to do something to get something? 100% oppression free world is naive utopia my man

>> No.9497222

ITT: Teenagers procrastinate by shitposting instead of cleaning their rooms.

Get your shit together kids.

Protip: listen to Joe's podcast while you do it.

>> No.9497231

This is not the message. The message is that love is something you GIVE, not something that happens to you. If it is propaganda for women, I fucking hope it works.

>> No.9497233

>Protip: listen to Joe's podcast while you do it.

oh wait this thread is just marketing for some faggy youtube channel? holy shit 4chan was better when youtube was like 320p max res and people just posted funny cat videos

>> No.9497242

Lion King is just Hamlet with Lions

>> No.9497244
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mfw I get money from plebs which helps me top the dominance hierarchy

>> No.9497247

The message of the movie literally is that women can win the world if they simply choose to, and that men are scheming psychopaths that simply seek power to the disadvantage of everyone.

>> No.9497248

>money and iphones
Yes, truly that is the point of civilizations

>> No.9497255

>Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah alk about something I want to, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.9497265

sure, if you're autistic, that is the message.

>> No.9497272

No, that's literally an abstraction of the plot.

>> No.9497286

That if he accepts Derrida's description of the world as functioning on an inherently oppressive and marginalizing process by the way socialization functions that is the fact of the matter.
He can go on to argue that we should accept this process which Derrida may have even agreed with but he can't act as though its nullified by its mere product

>> No.9497287


It's your ideological interpretation, not of the plot, but of the film's intention.

If the main character was a male, you wouldn't have this interpretation. Most Disney films with male characters also have psychopathic male villains, and also show characters with extraordinary abilities.

If you look at any film with some prejudice in mind, you will find whatever implications you look for, it doesn't make it propaganda though.

Do you really think Disney is trying to indoctrinate a generation of young women for any particular purpose? They just know the story will sell, and a lot of young girls will want to watch the movie.

>> No.9497296

We have collectively chosen him, so that he can breed with women.

Cause we don't want to.

>> No.9497305

If you don't think the movie consciously inverts traditional adventure storylines you're a naive idiot.

The prince who the girl literally seeks out to get a true love's kiss turns out to be a power-seeking psychopath who doesn't care about her.

>> No.9497319

And then she discovers the power to take control has been inside her all along

>Litrially the trope that EVERY young adult fiction has been built on forever.

Yeah really inverting the traditional storylines there famski

>> No.9497335

Yes, and then SHE discovers that power.

It's not a coincidence that it's SHE that discovers that power.

Movies are made for the times, and the times says that women are superheros and men are losers and pedophiles that should be destroyed.

>> No.9497338

>The prince who the girl literally seeks out to get a true love's kiss turns out to be a power-seeking psychopath who doesn't care about her.

This is as common as a narrative convention in formulaic films as they fucking come.

>> No.9497354

>Yes, and then SHE discovers that power.
>It's not a coincidence that it's SHE that discovers that power.

There have been cartoons and fairy tales featuring female protagonists undergoing similar stories for centuries, anon.

Anyway. The lion king is propaganda. Notably the characters are LIONS. LIONS! And one befriends a mongoose and a hog, and they raise him! Not only is the natural hierarchy of the jungle subverted, the two beings who raise him are both MALE. The Lion King propaganda that homosexual parenthood is fine, and that you should be friends with animals you're naturally supposed to eat -- in other words, vegan.

>> No.9497365

>There have been cartoons and fairy tales featuring female protagonists undergoing similar stories for centuries

No shit Sherlock.

>> No.9497370

Oh wow.

I've just realised you're a 17 year old girl that isn't aware of what YA fiction is about, or who it's specificly written for (hint: it's you)

It's always about a girl. It's always about them discovering the power within them.

Frozen couldn't be more of a YA archetype unless it was written by Kass Morgan, James Dashner and Suzanne Collins in a hottub.

>> No.9497381

It's not YA fiction. It's a Disney movie aimed at pre-pubescent girls.

>> No.9497390

Nope, it's a demonstrable fact that it isn't.

What's the register of let it go written for? Can prepubescent girls sing along, or was it written for young women.

Think about it dip.

>> No.9497392

ugh, it's not propaganda you dumb cunts. it's a counter-narrative that has been around for ages and rightfully so as female emancipation did need to happen. the fact that it's been co-opted as ideology by some whiny groups and some people still read these movies as a necessary emancipation from male enslavement doesn't mean it's ideology, the industry is just trying to make money as it always did.

why is everyone here a fucking ideologue? can't we all just calm the fuck down. everyone goes about their lives like they're fucking ancient geeks walking around togas discussing the ideological entrapment of pop culture. it sucks, we know that, but holy shit, calm the fuck down.

>> No.9497397

I think it's fascinating that /lit/ which is a predominately leftist board, doesn't even flinch when the ruling class of society is echoing their own ideological sentiments.

It should make you guys think, but it doesn't.

>> No.9497403

How can you expect to enact change, to bring about female emancipation, when you can't even keep your room clean?

>> No.9497419
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Having watched a few of this guy's interviews I get the sense that he's a hack and possibly even a cult leader type like Molyneux. A lot of the time he seems to be saying things that are clever sounding nonsense, and the fact that he has latched onto this alt-right movement which is almost entirely made up of frustrated young men seems questionable.

>> No.9497435

>and the fact that he has latched onto this alt-right movement


>> No.9497442


Also he has a tendency to say stupid things just because he gets emotional, and you can clearly see it on his face, but people still take his outbursts seriously.

There's an interview where he outright denies that gender discrimination has ever existed with the most retarded reasoning imaginable

>> No.9497443

Everyone's philosophy is

>> No.9497444

He takes the time to explain every assertion he makes, and often cites authors and philosophers you could Google without a problem.

If you'd bothered to watch a podcast, which you obviously haven't, you'd already know that.

It's good that your sceptical by nature, but combining that with willful ignorance isn't going to help you in the long run.

>> No.9497450

How is Molyneux a cult leader? I see people say this all the time, but he just seems like the average pseud to me

>> No.9497453

This is one of the most reasonable things I've heard him say.

>> No.9497458

If you'd had any experience with any philosopher other than this charlatan you'd be embarrassed by your post.

>> No.9497464

Its more the type of people that are attracted to him and the way he cultivates them.
They either accept literally everything he says and sit through long three hour Castro style speeches of him dishing out all the facts of the universe or you're a normal person and see he's an imbecile

Peterson is like this but he takes a new age mysticism approach instead of Big Brother

>> No.9497465

>Everyone's philosophy is

I disagree entirely.

>He takes the time to explain every assertion he makes

He really, really doesn't. That's a lot of people's problem with him. You'll hear the same criticism over and over again from different people. But for some reason, there seem to be a whole swathe of rabid JP supporters who seem hell bent on defending him at any cost.

All the threads on /lit/ that mention him always end up huge, and people just dogmatically defend his poor arguments without providing actual sources.

>> No.9497467
File: 44 KB, 598x238, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's like 'that', huh.

>> No.9497473

I miss when the opiate of the socially retarded masses was new atheism

>> No.9497474

well, if by cult leader you imply a conscious effort to deceit people, you may be right in saying he's not one. it may be insecurity and self-indulgence that fuels deceit and his dismissal of counter-arguments.

still enough evidence to grant him cult leader status.


>> No.9497475

>How is Molyneux a cult leader?

"A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies that you can invent".

Molyneux is a very smart guy who uses a lot of facts in his show, which are indisputable, but the remaining 50% are his idiosyncratic opinions and creepy charisma that box people into his worldview.

>> No.9497477


There's a lot of stuff about Molyneux's cult group online, there's even forums for people who have left the group. Look at the defoo website and it's similar to those scientology pages made for character assisination of people who have left, he's got pages slandering, among other people, his ex-fiance, ex-wife, and his brother.

>> No.9497486

Probably because it was easier for you to dismiss their fedoratheist arguments but it demands too much energy for you to dismiss Peterson.

Must be hard being a professional contrarian on the internet.

>> No.9497495
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>> No.9497498

>everything that disagrees with me is contrarian
>but I think all of society is under threat from Academia

>> No.9497510

Epic butthurt.

>> No.9497514

Lol no, Godel theorems can be summed up like this: in any logical system based on a set of axioms, every possible process in the logical system cannot be proved by the axioms alone.

Axioms can't prove everything, so Peterson is totally wrong on this point. And anyway, he's talking about psychology which is not a logical system by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.9497518

Epic butthurt for the win my good sirs!*

>> No.9497690

>nu-christian mocking nu-atheism
When will you retards just kill each other?

>> No.9498041

>stop talking to people who don't agree with my special flavor of libertarianism

sounds like a cult to me.

>> No.9498150

None of those fags are actual libertarians. Sargon, TJ, Styx, etc. They may have their subtle nuances but they're all edgelords who call themselves "classical liberals" or something of that ilk, which isn't libertarianism.
Also relevant:

>> No.9498228

I'm so tired of hearing from this retarded old pseud and his obnoxious sophistry about muh Christ and muh archetypes.

>> No.9498241

Someone gonna explain 'clean your room' to me? All I know is this guy was on the receiving end of some anti-Free Speech campaign.

>> No.9498246

Sargon is directly not a Libertarian. Most of that group openly call themselves Liberals

>> No.9498249

On recent JRE podcast Peterson did the usual catering-to-alt-right bit by mentioning Pepes and shitting on antifa by saying that if you can't clean your room you shouldn't protest.

>> No.9498252

Thanks for the explanation
But wew, lad, that bait

>> No.9498398
File: 831 KB, 1280x1381, 1471795182497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting guy gets popular for articulating things that a lot of people in the west are feeling in a timely way
>months later it's degenerated into an internet shitflinging contest between people who think he's Jesus and accept everything he says uncritically vs self-styled 'everything is bullshit everyone's a fraud' cynical posers who don't care about anything but grandstanding about how above it all they are

why can't we just be reasonable and get along lads

>> No.9498418
File: 10 KB, 236x226, 851a17c057d11aa1b1c5c63560b707d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to r/JordanPeterson

>> No.9498541
File: 26 KB, 420x358, hitler111016_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting guy gets popular for articulating things that a lot of people in Germany are feeling in a timely way
>months later it's degenerated into a Europe-wide bulletflinging contest between people who think he's Führer and accept everything he says uncritically vs self-styled 'totalitarianism is evil' cynical Allies who don't care about anything but grandstanding about how above free from fascism they are

>> No.9498562

Honestly, I don't accept uncritically everything he says. I disagree with him on how he articulates Christianity, and I disagree with him on how the way he uses Evo Psych.

But he's a step up from the average intellectual if you ask me; the average intellectual being a borish Marxist who whines about capitalism and white people.

>> No.9498574

>self-styled 'everything is bullshit everyone's a fraud' cynical posers who don't care about anything but grandstanding about how above it all they are

Literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.9498585

