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/lit/ - Literature

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950525 No.950525 [Reply] [Original]

will you be my friend /lit/?

>> No.950537

Hugo, Heller, Plato, and Huxley - only meaningful shit in your hands

and i'm not a HUGE Huxley fan, either

>> No.950535

you will find no friends here my friend.

>> No.950553
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I don't see why not <3

>> No.950551

entry level garbage


>> No.950555


>> No.950554
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>mfw implying Neil Gaiman is bad.

>> No.950564

Defending Neil Gaiman's crappy work with greentexted "mfw" posts isn't really making him look any more palatable

Enjoy your young adult fiction

>> No.950566

It looks just like every other 17-23 year-old's book "collection"- like you just waltzed into Barnes & Noble one day and bought one armful of hip ironic tripe and one armful of teh klassic literachure. Add in one book you found at a yard sale or something.

You get 5/10, minus 1 because you don't own Allan Bloom's The Republic.

>> No.950602

Sure is elitist fag in here.

>> No.950609

3/8 Zombie books.
5/8 high-school books.

You're doing it wrong, buddy.

>> No.950614

Your collection needs work my son.

>> No.950628

People aren't taking this seriously probably because of WWZ and the other two zombie books. Seriously, that negates what you're trying to do.

>> No.950634
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>> No.950635
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Will you be my friend, /lit/?

>> No.950646

No. Half of your books are sci-fi. Are you a child?

>> No.950647

seriouslyu And PROBABLY RTIGHT NEXT TO each otter, thrtead about trash tv, spooooot on usern a me. yah, keeep the change kidd

>> No.950648


are you into scatplay

>> No.950655

Do you even know what the other books are about? I like to even everything out.

>> No.950657

OP HERE: I'll admit, I wasn't much of a reader in high school and my school's required reading in english class was all shitty southern lit. Wuthering Heights and bullshit like that. So I'm still catching up on the "Klassics" as you say.

nothing wrong with zombie books. I only liked WWZ, P&P&Z was lackluster and I fully admit a book I'd return if I could. Survival Guide was meh. But hey I like zombie books so fuck off.

>implying this is my whole collection and not just 8 random books I grabbed out of my bookshelf

>Implying Neverwhere wasn't good

>> No.950659


Fucking nerd.

>> No.950666

I WILL BE YOUR FRIEND CAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING AWESOME yeah okay that was probably a little too much

>> No.950667

>shitty southern lit.
>Wuthering Heights

>> No.950669


sci-fi nerd AND a weeaboo, good job faggot your parents must be proud

>> No.950673

>world war z
>pride and prejudice and zombies
>zombie survival guide

>> No.950682

>Japanese literature


>> No.950683

Neverwhere was boring urban fantasy garbage. The plot was dull as all hell, the characters were trite, the prose was accidentally offensive. Let me spell it out in a way which you can understand:


>> No.950689


your stupid your a big dumb idiot

>> No.950690

keep feelin' superior to others because they read young adult fiction

i mean, it doesn't actually make superior, but there's nothing wrong with shitting on other people for no reason and feeling better about yourself, i guess

>> No.950699

When I was a younger man than I am now - in summer, during my high school years - I went to Europe with several of my friends. We were in London at one point; a friend of ours from back home was also there, staying with another girl who lived in London. We spent several days together; I was kind of interested in the girl, and noticed at one point that she was reading Gormenghast.

I just began reading Titus Groan, and I realized that I should have fucking married that girl.

No point to this. Just felt like sharing.

>> No.950706

>Lack of Kerouac, Burroughs, Bukowski, and Thompson

>> No.950708

The syntactical defects in your post reflect your ignorance, scum. Get out.

>> No.950719

>Lack of entry-level hipster college student reading
fag alert

>> No.950722

first off, take a step down from that ledge, man. its the internet, i ain't puttin that much effort into what i'm writing. i'm not ignorant, altho obv there's nothing i can do to convince you of that and who really cares? all i'm trying to say is that someone can read young adult fiction and whatever you're holding up as an exemplar of "intelligent" fiction at the same time, and still be perfectly intelligent and a pretty cool guy, and just shitting on others is a really bad way to feel better about yourself (i should fuckin know)

so anyway, in conclusion, pee pee, doo doo, your stupid your a big dumb idiot

>> No.950729

>trying to argue by using a long post full of ad hominems
I am amused by your bombardment of logical fallacies. Not only are you a dumbass, but you're also investing massive amounts of time in showing everyone in this thread just how stupid you really are. I explain why I know a book is garbage; you explain why you're not a bad person for liking it. See the problem here?

>> No.950725
File: 99 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2010-07-22 at 02.23 #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now can we be friends?

>> No.950730

SCIENC EFICTION? That's DUMB and it's for DUMB NERDS! also ANIMAL FARM is a book for SEVENTH GRADERS! Why don't you have any books from RUSSIA! You stupid WHORE!

>> No.950733

You can be friends with me? >>950635


>> No.950736


lip my dick you fuckin beast

>> No.950740

im not really trying to argue with you duder. im just talking about stuff. also im not investing very much time and i don't really care if people think im stupid because im fucking anonymous

i mean, i guess you're right, my point is less to the quality of the book and more that it's really fuckign stupid to get angry at people for reading shitty books and or to think that they're somehow worse than you because they read shitty books.

>> No.950744

I agree with you man. Let people read what they want. Suggestions are fine, but telling someone they shouldn't be allowed to read something is just being bitchy.

>> No.950748

well then what are we even talking about

>> No.950751

Stop posting, man. You are clearly underage.

>> No.950755

Not that other guy, sorry. Was just throwing in some backup or something.

>> No.950762


>> No.950774
File: 207 KB, 480x320, 10376_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I get called underage.
I'm 27 fag.

>> No.950777

And you just haven't bought a new book since high school?

>> No.950791

>Implying half the books in my first post had been even written when I was in high school

American Gods
World War Z
Zombie Survival Guide

herp derp sure is pretentious 18 year olds in here.

>> No.950807

i love OP, but why you no has warriors/ wheel of time/ any orson scott card???? if you do, i apologize for calling you a bitch. :3

>> No.950808

These are all books no one should ever read. Especially a 27 year old man. What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.950812

people will read what they want and you can't stop them.

>> No.950815

i am very sorry... i did not see your later post with enders game. i am ashamed @_@... but still, why no wheel of time?

>> No.950821

American Gods was stupid, way too long. It had its moments, but it was very anticlimactic, especially in the ending. Believe it or not I found myself enjoying most the good 1/4 of the book where he lived in that rustic little town as Mike Angels or whatever. The rest of it, especially the whole zombie wife thing, was stupid

>> No.950826


>implying I'm in college

I love anonymity.

>> No.950836
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>> No.950840

I'm not trying to stop him. I'm letting him know that he is reading books intended for 12 year olds. Zombies, really, at almost 30 years old?

>> No.950864

you know its possible to do things because you enjoy them

>> No.950872
File: 67 KB, 250x373, supermanmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know its possible for you to do things because your a massive faggot who deserves to have his face raped.

>> No.950880

You, as a 27 year old man, enjoy acting like a 12 year old?


>> No.950882

you're not being very amusing

i'm not that guy, but, i mean, yeah, i'm confident enough in the fact that i'm mature and reasonably intelligent, i can read and enjoy things that are stupid pop entertainment or meant for children. i don't take it seriously but it can be enjoyable.

>> No.950886

check my second picture post.
Got some O. S. Card in there for you

>> No.950890

>I, an adult male, read children's books for fun. I'm not creepy or anything. Just confident.

>> No.950891
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>show lit that you like to read
>lit calls you a fag for reading

>> No.950947
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 568215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be my friend, /lit/?

>> No.950954

Entertaining thread. 6/10 for the original effort, but /lit/ really stepped up their game. 10/10, great work guys.

>> No.950957


/v/ hates videogames, /a/ hates anime, /k/ hates guns, /lit/ hates books...I am detecting a pattern here....

>> No.950963

The boards should have a musical chairs day. I love guns!

>> No.950972


I love computers, and hand-built all my Windows platforms lovingly. When times were good, I had blazing fast gaming rigs capable of fucking Doom 3 in the ass.

You won't catch ME going on /g/, though.


>> No.951158

/lit/ - Fuck books

>> No.951163


>implying books are good