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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 230 KB, 650x962, redwall_anni[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
960516 No.960516 [Reply] [Original]

books you discovered on your OWN when you were a little kid that turned out to be amazing. books you received as gifts don't count.

one day i was looking for a book to do a book report on (anyone remember pizzahut's bookit program? do they still do that?) and i found this bookcover with a mouse carrying a sword.

redwall started me down a furry path of literary wonderment has lasted into my late 20's. i still read books from the series to this day.

>> No.960523
File: 91 KB, 412x700, the giver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked it out of the class' library in 5th grade and i fell in love with this book.

>> No.960525

The Belgariad series by David Eddings

>> No.960559

pretty much the same story as you OP but my freind introduced me to the series in 4th grade , im 19 now

>> No.960562

when i was nine i read dfws infinite jest and never looked back

>> No.960563

The first two books I chose and bought for myself were The Hobbit and The Wind in the Willows.

>> No.960574

A series of unfortunate events probably turned me into the literature-obsessed, vacuous shell of a person i am today

Love that shit

>> No.960872

This and The hero and the crown / The blue sword

>> No.961379

I`ve read the first two books of the Golden Compass back when I was In third grade for the hell of It. I never got my hands on the third book after that.

>> No.961395
File: 197 KB, 521x471, SamNeill_SmugBastardMacro02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone remember pizzahut's bookit program?

Fuck yes. I read books just to get pizza. Shit was so cash.

>> No.962229

Scar Night by Alan Campbell

Loved every moment of it, even the holes and slow times it was just awesome

>> No.962247

Same series as OP. I wanted some book(can't remember) in the Scholastic book orders that you would get in elementary school. The book I wanted came with another book for free, The Long Patrol. It took me about a year to start reading it but once I did, I was reading the Redwall series for the next two years

>> No.962663

I bought Deathbird Stories because I liked the cover.