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/lit/ - Literature

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9672413 No.9672413 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ study?
me mathematics

>> No.9672419

I dropped out years ago and never returned. I studied anthropology.

>> No.9672430

Philosophy with a minor in maths.

>> No.9672431

OP is not a faggot. Math is the real alpha male degree.

>> No.9672436


>> No.9672445

Will end up studying either computer science or a joint degree of maths and French when I get my results

>> No.9672449

Math too.
>lit is all math majors
No wonder the inarticulate autism

>> No.9672450

History. Bored of it, considering switching to Spanish. I live in Spain.

>> No.9672456


>> No.9672464

Is this why Nick Land is so popular on this board?

>> No.9672475

Has pensado en hacer una doble filología, idiomas modernos o traducción? La carrera de filología hispánica es un auténtico meme, sobre todo si quieres quedarte en España

>> No.9672498

english with a focus in creative writing + molecular bio double major

>> No.9672500


did Computer Science and English. both were compromises since I would have prefered something like film or theater but at least I got to take shakespeare and drama classes kinda sorta.

inb4 this thread turns into wanking over how expensive and well ranked your pieces of paper were

>> No.9672525

Economcs + Philosophy double major. I've only met two other people with this combo. I graduated four years ago and now I'm a WageCuck™.

>> No.9672532

Physical therapy and Medicine. I just do postgraduate studies now, paid by the United States goverment.

>> No.9672533

Math. I dropped college at some point. Then got a philosophy degree. Now I'm 25 and back to math, but taking basic courses (I only took topology this semester)

>> No.9672534

Chemical Engineering.
Gonan take a break next semester and go explore.
I am scared I will become like many others who never return but I can't take this inusfferable climate anymore.

>> No.9672604

Tengo en mi ciudad el grado de Lenguas Modernas y sus Literaturas, pero se me antoja más superficial y aún más inútil laboralmente que el de Español (que también incluye un minor en alemán, italiano, francés, portugués o -kek- asturiano), la verdad. Igual me equivoco. El resto de carreras que comentas están fuera y soy pobre.
No me importaría mucho marcharme al extranjero, creo. Tampoco me importaría resignarme a vivir más bien miserablemente aquí pa los restos. El rollo es que me he dado cuenta a mis 20 (casi 21) años de que lo único que me gusta es escribir y leer, de que la historia solo me interesa esporádicamente y de ningún modo para dedicarme a ella, de que con el poco interés que tengo en la carrera de Historia me va a ser imposible usarla para defenderme de un mercado laboral que no nos necesita ni para tomar por culo, de que el esfuerzo inútil produce melancolía y de que, ya que con título estoy mejor que sin él, quizás sea mejor acogerme a uno que me deje tiempo y paz mental para leer y escribir a mi aire y que guarde una relación más armónica con mis inclinaciones o capacidades, que ya no sé si el problema está en unas o en otras.
Tú estudiaste alguna de las carreras que me dices? A qué te refieres con que la filología hispánica es un meme?

>> No.9672608

computer science

>> No.9672613

Y perdón por el rollazo, dormí poco

>> No.9672617

no this is why Pynchon is so popular on this board

>> No.9672681

English, with TeFL certification and an Arabic Minor. I'm hoping to teach abroad cuz i'm a fag who likes the sound of travel and it pays the highest in the middle east - there's a good amount of benefits to the work and other small perks like no income tax. Getting to see firsthand the metric fuckton of dumb money in Abu Dhabi would be cool.

I just want to save up some money, get some teaching experience / focus on reading and writing and then come back and maybe go to law school or just post grad at a better university than I'm going to now.

>> No.9672716

I'll be studying math, physics, chemistry and computer science next year (french classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles, une MPSI)

>> No.9672745

University is for brainlets

>> No.9672765
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Medicine...please help me.

>> No.9672769

Mechanical engineering

>all these mathematics brainlets

holy lel.

>> No.9672775

Which were the last 5 books you read and when did you read them?

>> No.9672776

Can you do me a favour and when you're a doctor don't assume you have the #1 Hottest Medical Opinion ever on shit?

I swear every doctor I encounter is just a fucking pharmacist who hasn't read anything in 20 years. The amount of times I've been told, with absolute confidence, to do some horrible shit that would have fucked me up and that three other doctors later contradict is staggering. Every doctor thinks "I am doctor, therefore everything I say is Doctor Things!"

>> No.9672782

Category theory you stupid mechanical dildocuckotron 4.0

>> No.9672784

Psychology/Philosophy dual bachelor's with grad school in Psychology planned. Tell me how naive I am because I switched out of comsci for this.

>> No.9672786


>> No.9672788

Political Science

>> No.9672792

>look ma i can do a basic integration!

>> No.9672793

American history, I wish I didn't have a concentration, but picked a minor instead. But, I have semester left, and I'm not going to make a change now

>> No.9672794

Doctors are slaves to the pharmaceutical companies and are only taught to diagnose the most common illnesses. They're all retards. Teach yourself organic chemistry, anatomy, and some microbiology and never bother going to a doctor again unless it is for surgery.

>> No.9672798

The Iliad
Moby Dick
Watership Down

all within the last 6 months

>> No.9672806

Mathematics and a minor in cs

>> No.9672810

I study math

>> No.9672811

Applied Principles in Puss

>> No.9672812

against tha fukin day READ IT

>> No.9672813

Library and information science

>> No.9672814


>> No.9672815

I have a minor in math and it's all autistic proof wanking and theory past differentials and linear. Do something practical you worthless cuck.

>> No.9672825

I'm thinking about going for that after my bachelor. Are you glad you made the decision? I've read that LIS could be used in business, or government jobs too, have you seen that to be accurate?

>> No.9672827

biomedical engineering

>> No.9672831

google it for motheraping christ's sake

>> No.9672840

no thanks, I don't have autism

>> No.9672845

I'm not in the US, and both public and research libraries are having a bad time finance wise here. So both private sector and public administrator jobs are very common among LIS grads here.

Librarianship is a dead profession, but it is not dying off at the same pace everywhere. So it could be a good choice for you. Depends on the school.

>> No.9672856

He's a mechanical engineer, he's incapable of learning outside of his discipline.

>> No.9672872

Animal Science with a minor in Endocrinology

>> No.9672879

Nothing to be proud of desu

>> No.9672893

Also math.

>> No.9672907

what's your university?

>those books
>all within the last 6 months

>> No.9672908
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So much STEM. I guess the people in liberal art colleges don't need to go to anonymous image baords to find others to talk about literature with.

Everyone is pretty much the same here....

>> No.9672911

That's okay, I was just answering a question. What was the point of your post, lad?

>> No.9672925
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>> No.9672932

Hahaha do it faggot

>> No.9672936

English and Finance. After that: grad school for literature--academia.

>> No.9672946

I study English.

>> No.9672947

Is anyone else here planning to teach? I'm wondering if it's a bad idea. I'm not pursuing an education degree, but my career goal is certainly academia.

>> No.9672951

I'm doing a Genetics PhD at Duke. My experience is mostly bench research but I'm trying to get more into math side of things. Can you recommend some good algorithm books OP?

>> No.9672958

Philosophy and Film

Great subjects. Zero prospects.

>> No.9672963 [DELETED] 

Fucking Medicine

>> No.9672966


Land doesn't know shit about maths.

>> No.9672970

This is a board about literature, not about comparing cocks and degrees. I know that you were only replying to just another literature unrelated thread, and that your smugness wasn't really a thing, but you will understand how sterile it is for this board to discuss on which science degree is the most demanding or difficult instead of comparing cocks with the books you've readen and shit.

>> No.9672975

this is actually a thread about college and university courses

>> No.9672976

Fucking medicine

How is it? Is it worth it? I study medicine and I want to pursue that instead of choosing a normie-tier specialty. Pls respond.

>> No.9672988

I originally intended to be a pre-med bio major but I had a rough time so I switched to computer science.

>> No.9672992

M.Sc. Civil Engineering
It's ok.

>> No.9672996

>majoring in music
Why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.9672998

What instruments do you play?

>> No.9673006

Because hurrdurr I'm stupid lol, such a fucking idiot haha I should fucking kill myself kek, absolute waste of human space lmao no job ever omfg I can't breath because I'm laughing xDDD
Piano, focus on composition

>> No.9673011

In a board about literature, u digg?
Damn, engineers reading comprehension

>> No.9673017

Philosophy and History

>> No.9673027

>Because hurrdurr I'm stupid lol, such a fucking idiot haha I should fucking kill myself kek, absolute waste of human space lmao no job ever omfg I can't breath because I'm laughing xDDD
At least you're aware of it.

>> No.9673028


If you do it with pre-med and/or a real intention of going to graduate school, it's not a bad choice. The curriculum is so broad and the focus (medicine) so narrow that it's nearly useless if you want to get an actual engineering job, even at medical device companies. Just do mechanical/electrical if that's the case.

Arguably one of the best majors for aspiring doctors; probably the worst for anyone who wants to become an engineer.

>> No.9673045

I'd argue it's a bad choice for pre-med just because it's very difficult to get through ANY engineering discipline with a solid GPA. Med schools will be looking at raw GPA and comparing you with meme majors like biology and biochemistry, so you will be at a disadvantage.

>> No.9673048

you study a fun word game?

>> No.9673059
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Law as well. My undergrad was in Public Relations, minored in Sociology.

What area of law to you hope to practice in?

>> No.9673061

do "biomedical engineering", it lets u claim to have majored in engineering but anyone who's flipped through a course catalog from a tech school while taking a shit knows it's weak as fuck barely requires any math and is mostly electives

>> No.9673065


Lol maths isn't a word yet here are people claims to be math majors that use it

>> No.9673072


>> No.9673094

PhD Economics/Public Policy. I mostly work with regional authorities to try and figure out how to get their regions out of economic decline.

>> No.9673106

Yeah whatever Wittgenstein not everyone has the privilege of being born into wealth fuck you

>> No.9673107

>He doesn't know that everything is JUST a word game

>> No.9673120

fine arts

>all these practical stem and business majors
I was expecting a bunch of "creative writing" and "education" but am pleasantly surprised

>> No.9673127

I'm a dual history and English major.
>tfw I was called a polisci major yesterday for my last five books

>> No.9673131

>any job

You gotta fund your own publishing house nowadays

>> No.9673143

Linguistics in undergrad, about to start a master's in Computational Linguistics.

r8 me?

>> No.9673159
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get over yourself

>> No.9673172

English and Linguistics.

Meh. Thinking I could've swapped linguistics with classics but oh well

>> No.9673187

Por que es que los españoles hablan tan gracioso?

>> No.9673198

well, i hope to find something that will make me happy to work with.
i'd think to do another course, directed to linguistics, literature or history of art.

but of course, if nothing of it works, i think i'd be divided between labour, administrative or constitutional law.

what about you?

>> No.9673209

Ah? Si el posteo de Anon podría pasar por el de cualquier hispanohablante.

>> No.9673224

¿Te ves más de Academia? ¿Qué lees y qué escribes? ¿No hay forma de trabajar en algo a la par que te dedicas a lo que te gusta, o quizá algún estudio técnico por el estilo?

>> No.9673227


I encourage you to stick with Linguistics. Classics is great but with your Lit skills you can basically just give yourself a Classics education after you graduate. Whereas Ling benefits more from a classroom environment, and learning the underpinnings of language will heighten your enjoy of the literature you read.

>> No.9673234

Then blame the OP, not respectful Mechanon.

>> No.9673240
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>went for engineering
>dropped out
>tried history
>dropped out again
who else here /nofuture/?

>> No.9673248

how could u drop out from history? u just read books and write papers about the shit you read, it's fucking simple

>> No.9673259

y the fk do u write liek this u fukn fggot

>> No.9673264

i speak in abbreviations because real life conversation moves too slow

>> No.9673283

>Not doing Conservatory
You deserve it.

>> No.9673285

Law, and I very much dislike it, mainly for three reasons:

1) it takes away time from literature. The worse thing is that it not only takes time by forcing me to study, but also by making me so worried about my grades (it's hard to get good ones when you hate your subject) and therefore unable to read and write even when I actually do have some free time;

2) I do not actually believe in most of our legal system. I live in Brazil, where the constituition could very well be retitled as 'A Treatise on the Virtues of Social Democracy' and, obviously, I find it intellectually humiliating to submit myself to the study of such a document, as well as of our other legal codes. I can't stand the idea that I will have to spend the rest of my life defending those laws;

and 3) the people I study with are mostly a bunch of elite kids who only care about money. The smart ones only care about politics, so everything they say is fake. The few people who seem to have actual human substance to them are the poor ones who got there by affirmative action, and those are nice people but utimately not very interesting to talk to, and also the hippies, whom I dislike.

In the end, I seriously consider the option of going to lit after I finish Law school. I think I will translate the complete works of this or that random Italian poet and publish it as master's degree thesis on Italian literature, which would allow myself to become a lit professor. That could be hard, since I don't know anyone in the lit department (it's in another part of the town), but still... If the translations are good, why would they refuse it? And they will be good. I am a decent translator of poetry.

>> No.9673298

>within the last 6 months

How often does /lit/ finish a book? I try to read one a week. Two + if they're less than 500 or so pages.

>> No.9673304

In America, Rising 2L. I'll go wherever they'll have me lol.

For summer work I'm investigating cases involving abused children. Through this job, I've networked with a non-profit that works to curtail Int'l Human Trafficking (we're a state with a significant port city that has a lot of shipping containers of Chinese origin). It'd be cool if I could leverage this relationship and get some type of gig working on policy. But that's a few years down the road so we'll see.

I also do some other stuff with my state bar's disciplinary counsel, an area I'd really not wanna make a career.

So i'm assuming UK?

>> No.9673327

Comp sci with a math minor. Thinking of trying for a double major then going back for something philosophy based, but hard to tell at this point in time. I haven't read Landis or whatever for the record, and he seems boring.

>> No.9673331

A consistent one book a week. I finished school recently so I'll be able to go up to three a week depending on the book.

>> No.9673333

keep striving, makes it all the sweeter when you get to where you wanna be. at least that's what the poor inner city kids say when they get that 10+ mil straight outta college. have you tried being black?

>> No.9673342


I want to switch to comsci, since i have a natural talent for computers, but i don't want to be a code monkey for the rest of my life.

Help me /lit/

>> No.9673343
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don't think I'd trade this hopelessness and depression for being black desu

>> No.9673347

How do you like physics?
Im planning on doing it, too.

>> No.9673351

I can read 15 a month during uni vacations (usually four months every year), but I don't necessarily try to read as much as possible. It makes little sense to me. I prefer setting myself writing goals (ex: I'll be on vacations this July, and I intend to translate the whole of the Divina Commedia in prose so that I can learn to write with precision and richness of description, as well as improve my Italian, although using Dante for that is a little tricky, since his Italian is very different from contemporary speech).

As I said here >>9673285, however, uni can make me very stressed, so I usually read very little when I'm not on vacations. This month, for instance, I had a lot of exams to take, so I've read zero books. I obviously read a few poems everyday, but I haven't actually read any book from cover to cover. Oh, and I did read at least some 500 pages of Law stuff, but that doesn't count, because I read it not to elevate myself, but just to get nice grades.

>> No.9673355

Have a similar plan. I'll end up doing some sort of mathematics based degree in college and will hopefully find a good enough of a well paying job so I can go back to do philosophy and English literature

>> No.9673370

>¿Te ves más de Academia?
No lo sé, la verdad. En historia, tengo claro que no. La historia me interesa, pero solo superficialmente, para qué engañarnos. Cuando tengo ganas de leer sobre historia es porque algún periodo o ámbito en concreto me interesan. La perspectiva de la investigación me aburre. Quizás fuera distinto si intentara una carrera académica en la facultad de Lengua y Literatura, y ese es, aunque no el principal, uno de los motivos que me hacen pensar en cambiarme de carrera.
Por otra parte, me diría bastante voluble en mis intereses, aunque todos se circunscriban al ámbito de lo que en la universidad se llama estudios de humanidades. La mayor parte de lo que leo es literatura (ficción y poesía), pero también me interesan a ratos la filosofía, los idiomas, las artes plásticas o la historia. Estos días casi no leo, únicamente de vez en cuando la Biblia y algún soneto de Shakespeare u otros poemas sueltos. En marzo o por ahí abandoné "En busca del tiempo perdido" (probablemente, lo mejor que he leído en mi vida) por su tercer tomo por una crisis depresiva (le voy a dar ese nombre aunque no tenga ni puta idea de si un diagnóstico profesional haría lo mismo) que no me impedía concentrarme como la lectura requería. Llevo desde entonces sin leer ni escribir nada en serio.
Aquello que me importa de lo que escribo, en lo que pongo dedicación y en lo que no puedo conseguir concentrarme desde marzo (en parte por el trastorno que me supone la carrera) es, más que nada, relatos cortos. No termino casi nada de lo que empiezo, aunque me gustaría mucho tener la paz mental, la voluntad y las garantías materiales necesarias para hacerlo. Escribo poesía alguna vez, pero casi siempre para entretenerme o jugar. No aspiraría a poder enseñar a nadie nada de lo que escribo en verso, pero sí que escribo prosa pensando en hacer una obra terminada y presentable.
Aparte, también he empezado a sacarme un dinerillo como redactor negro freelance escribiendo textos vendehumos por encargo para blogs y empresas de Internet, a euro las cien palabras. Lo hago porque es una forma más entretenida y cómoda de conseguir un dinerillo que servir copas.

>> No.9673376

(2/2) Lo que me gusta es, hablando en plata, tocarme los cojones, y esto no deja de ser así por el hecho de que lo que me sirva de entretenimiento sean "las letras" en lugar de otras cosas. Ya digo que, a estas alturas (y, al mismo tiempo, dicho a los 20 años y sin haber pasado nunca hambra), creo que me conformaría con un trabajo tan poco exigente y cómodo que me dejara espacio anímico y económico para dedicarme a la diletancia que tanto me gusta. Creo que me sería más fácil encontrar un trabajo que me fuera cómodo como graduado en "Letras Hispánicas" que como graduado en Historia, más que nada porque lo primero está más cerca de mis intereses y (creo que) mis capacidades que lo segundo. Igual hasta sonaba la flauta y encontraba un camino en esa parte de la academia (yo que sé, teoría literaria, historia de la literatura) que me motivase lo suficiente.
Una vez más, disculpa toda la chapa. Hasta me ha salido el límite de caracteres.

>> No.9673382


I'm a guy by the way. Yes I'm delusional and probably won't make it. Yes I'm a disappointment to the family.
No I'm not gay

At least there are cute girls

>> No.9673389

I recently dropped out of engineering, was thinking about history, or literature. Will I hate it? Should I just quit college and get a job now?

>> No.9673394

I like it tbhqwprtz, but it's fucking hard and it requires me a lot of studying. That's why i was thinking of switching to something easier.

>> No.9673408
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>it's fucking hard
Thats what I thought.
Im a bit scared desu.

>> No.9673413

mistaken assumption

english and classics

>> No.9673419

People always say to go for your goals but when I share my goals they say "WOW FAGGOT YOU'LL NEVER ACHIEVE IT LMAO KILL URSELF"

>> No.9673424

True. If one wants to be a writer (not necessarily your case, obviously), one shouldn't do STEM.

This is why I chose Law, which I hate, despite having also been admited into a computer science major - I just knew it would just take too much of my time.

>> No.9673427

Engineering physics
I come here because my faculty is full of plebs that play LoL and watch x men movies.

>> No.9673434

How's being an English major, should I try it or just drop out now? I'm over the STEM meme.

>> No.9673435

You are probably not much better than them. Do not try to adulate us.

>> No.9673473

English to native translation and vice versa.

Practically 3 guys and 30 pretentious girls during classes.

>> No.9673488

>all within the last 6 months


>> No.9673546

It's great most of the time, but it really depends on your university's program. I only have any interest in 20% or so of the classes my department offers, the rest being very specific to whatever cultural studies major you want to complain about and/or completely unrigorous. The easy solution for me was to also study the Classics and learn Greek and Latin so that I have that be my more serious and difficult course of study while my English classes are almost just recreation. I plan to go into academia, so if you do not want to do that or law school or something, that will probably change your plans. Even though it's a meme, you still have to take into account how much it narrows your options compared to some STEM degree. It was just a natural choice for me because I never learned math correctly in high school and would've failed out of STEM. It's not going to be impossible to survive, but you are likely sacrificing a measure of future material prosperity if you're capable enough to get a good STEM job. Just take an extensive look at your bulletin and talk with a representative from the department before you make a change.

>> No.9673549

seems like you are really engaged and enjoying all of it. the international human trafficking sounds cool to work with.

>> No.9673559

mechanical engineering

>> No.9673561

>all these math and science majors

Jesus, didn't think /lit/ had this many STEM students. I studied journalism.

>> No.9673611

Working at it, I have just really lucky meeting that right people who have been willing to take a chance on me.

Good luck with yours.

>> No.9673669

Dude that's tight. Life should be about taking risks, travailing against the crests of improbability and doubt to get what you want.

>> No.9673679

if you become a technical designer you can make as much money as top programmer. a lot of people fail in fashion because they quite frankly they just arent that smart and would fail at anything. if you're intelligent enough, there is just as much opportunity as in tech or pharma

>> No.9673703

music education + english double major

>> No.9673706

Working on an A.S in Emergency Medical Services then continue into nursing and maybe a masters after. I am in paramedic school right now.

>> No.9673728

Does gastronomy count? because that's what I'm going to.

>> No.9673764

Same m8. What university?

>> No.9673772

another linguistics students reporting in
This is the most of us that I've ever seen congregated in one place.

>> No.9673776

There's no major and minor system here (Mexico), as far as I know

I honestly didn't find fulfilling the options related with Literature, which were either Hispanic Literature or Languages. I love my books but I don't want to become a teacher and stay stagnant here

I'm going to Med school and want to then focus on Psychiatry, but I definetely don't want to give up my interest on Art

>> No.9673781

Im planning on studying this, is it worth it?

>> No.9673790

Chemical engineering, but I graduated some years ago.

>> No.9673813

polsci is weird, if you plan on having a career in a related field you should be careful and talk to people about what polsci actually is and what you can do with it

i know people who jumped ship from polsci to history or philosophy while still doing the same kinds of things, because it has different academic avenues and prospects, but i also know people in history who thought hard about doing polsci because it's better for getting into thinktanks after postgrad or some shit

really it's just about knowing what you want to do with it, and then asking people in the know about how to get there

>> No.9673824
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Any other architecture students here? My family has been involved in real estate and building forever so I'm planning on getting licensed and begin building and investing with my family until I have enough savings to start my own firm. Fuck working for some guy doing toilet placement for 8 hours a day

>> No.9673839

I really want to study philosophy but I don't see what I can do with it aside from academia or law school.

>> No.9673848


People in academia and law school will realize that you are right and they are wrong for the most part morally, which, if you remove the rest of the trivialities of life, most people find to be THE definitive human characteristic: our morals.

>> No.9673850

>I'm going to Med school and want to then focus on Psychiatry, but I definetely don't want to give up my interest on Art
¿Te das cuenta de lo bobo que es tu plan?

>> No.9673866
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MY NIGGA!!!! Im about to reach my senior year senpai. But honestly I am hating the subject. Its too autistic. But hey its what pays.

>> No.9673882
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Modern languages, may choose translation or international organization as a main subject, any advice from someone in the field?

>> No.9673884

should I major in architecture if I'm the first of my family to do so and am also poor? Stuck between that and comsci/linguistics.

>> No.9673889

Enviromental Studies with a Classics and Eastern European Studies minor. I honestly have no clear idea on what I will do with any of this.

>> No.9673902

Classics at trinity college Oxford

This is the key to gaining power

>> No.9673903

Can you reword that please, I'm having trouble parsing what you mean.

>> No.9673916



>> No.9673928

Si estudias medicina no tendrás tiempo para nada más. Lo siento, pero es verdad. A menos de que comprometas tu desempeño.
Es algo que debes de tomarte muy en serio.
Elige una de las dos.

>> No.9673932


>> No.9673938

Business administration with a concentration in a marketing and a minor in political science.

>> No.9673944

Philosophy major, a concurrent diploma in German, and a smattering of electives in ancient history and literature. All in all it is pretty good and I enjoy most of my classes.

It is obviously not particularly employable, but I'm planning on doing law afterwards, so I guess it is okay.

>> No.9673994

Direito é um belo dum meme, meu caro anão. Além de ter pensado que nem eu pensei na época do vestibular ("letras e passo fome, direito e pelo menos posso ganhar 900 contos por mês numa firma qualquer"), dê-me um bom motivo pra continuar nessa merda de direito.

P. S.

Tais na USP?

>> No.9673997

Aerospace Engineering

I fell for a meme, but not that bad of a meme desu

>> No.9674009

University is for plebs. I clean buses.

>> No.9674019

Is Economics secretly the most 4chan approved major?
>doesn't have the meme status of CS
>doesn't have the autism status of math/physics and engineering
>doesn't have the "you will work at mcdonalds" stigma of philosophy/english/arts majors
>can't be torn down with the "do something practical"
>neither an autism degree like math/physics nor an easy/brainlet degree

>> No.9674023
File: 55 KB, 420x420, college not university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cringe every time i hear otherfags say, "i go to/ I am in University".

It's called college, just one of the many reasons we dominate this world

>> No.9674053

>nor an easy/brainlet degree

>> No.9674059

What's the pay like out there?

>> No.9674066

Same here. Linguistics is good.

>> No.9674068
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im a computer science faggot

>> No.9674228

What is creative writing at university generally like? I have the opportunity to do a creative writing elective, and I'm thinking of taking it.

I imagine it depends a lot on your faculty and staff, but do you get much out of it? I don't want to do it because I want to get published. Rather, I would like to engage more with the art form and perhaps get the skills to write something I am satisfied with.

>> No.9674233
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>> No.9674235

graduated from welding school.

>> No.9674243

cognitive science FTW

>> No.9674244

Architecture also applies to this, the only problems with it is architects are usually hit hard in recessions(but is a steady career otherwise) and you enter need to do a 5 year program or get your masters to be licenced. It also perfectly fits into the practicality aspect and has a 'you are actually contributing to the society' bonus. Also fits nearly into the 'arts' category. Architects can work all through their life and the best only become better with age, is a respectable pursuit, and can actually see the results of their labour(in the form of an awesome building) that sometimes stand beyond your own lifetime.

make me doubt my major of choice please

>> No.9674271

Electrical Engineering.

>> No.9674305

>quantitative methods in economics

>> No.9674325

I started as a math major but changed to linguistics with a minor in Russian, I'm having a lot more fun with it than I was with math.

>> No.9674379

had a friend of mine who was in chemical/petroleum engineering commit sudoku a couple years ago. He had a job lined up and was set to graduate on time.

Is the field really that fucking bad?

>> No.9674389

Law and English/Politics lol

>> No.9674405

It's allright i guess, biggest issue for me is that there are quite a few useless courses.

>> No.9674408

No him.
It is horrible. Not only are you raping the earth while also being the general asswipe of a tool that an engineer has to be, but you're surrounded with more asswipe tools. This is especially awful when you're pushed into a leadership position, because the people under you are the archetypical Chad's complained about on r9gay, Indian guys that absolutely suck at communication, and young women that just suck at their job and dislike taking orders (not that the others don't, they just seem especially defensive when you say they're doing something wrong -- two that I've worked with closely have nearly killed me a few times.)

>> No.9674410

>caring about morality

>> No.9674411

I got a double major in theater and English, myself.

>> No.9674422

i year a good year on what you plebs would call 'integration' so fuck right off. pynchon will pull off coherent fourier analysis metaphors that none of the plebs on this band will be able to understand past being able to posture "uh muh mathy banana man"

>> No.9674425

Finished economics; thinking of going back to study law, but i'm starting to reconsider since I honestly don't want to put up with three more years of extremely intensive studying that would take away from more fulfilling things.

What about an economics phd?

I never realised how hard it would be to figure out what I wanted to do. I loved economics and finance, but I don't know what job/field would be most fulfilling now that I have finished.

>> No.9674436


>> No.9674438

Fucking Americans. Nice system you got there

>> No.9674442
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OP here .Dont forget the banach tarsky paradox and a whole bunch of topology that is thrown at you on the last part of Against the Day.

>> No.9674452

It is both autistic and easy and a meme. It's the Poo in the Loo of degrees. I don't know an Indian that isn't an economics major. It's like abbo girls and Business degrees.

>> No.9674479

I was too much of a rural suburban white tarsh retard to pass the examination tests to Uni.

So now I'm NEET for 7 years in a row.

>> No.9674561

Political Science and Public Administration

>> No.9674612

Logic and psychology. Dunno anyone else with this combo

>> No.9674623

>american universities don't have colleges
>americans don't realise college is used to refer to high school elsewhere
>americans don't realise everyone's been excusing their post-graduate retardation as having only passed high school at 22
it's fine, anon, we'll keep excusing the cringes as tics of your neurological dysfunction ur dum, dum dum

>> No.9674636


>> No.9674651


>> No.9674652

It's not their native language, that's why.

>> No.9674752


>> No.9674774


>> No.9674792


>> No.9674802

chemistry but ive fantasied about dropping out and just doing a really abstract apprenticeship just because although i have the brains for it i dont have the concentration for studying

>> No.9674825


what have you been doing since then?

>> No.9674842

>everyone on /lit/ is a STEMtard

Well, that explains the abysmal quality of this board.

>> No.9674850

Double major
>mechanical engineering

>> No.9674855

I thought it would be different because of my interest in history, and lit in general, so I'd have a bigger drive to succeed and do well, but ultimately it was still a lot of the "same" garbage as in engineering. It was just draining for me, I felt like utter shit. I had a friend who was really good at all that kind of humanities stuff, but when he went to university for lit he ended up dropping out before first semester ended, got a job instead, and when the time came for it reapplied for some other shit at the end which was completely different from lit. I don't know if you'll hate it or not, but the way I feel about university now, and have since I left history, is that I wouldn't want to go back. The problem is what kind of fucking work can you get with just a high school diploma? Everywhere always has some weird shit. Working in a bookstore must be great, even if it would have to be filled with trash so people would come and buy.

Is anyone else having retarded captchas? I think I have to do at least 5 every time.

>> No.9674859

Don't you dare make any more ugly "modern" buildings you fat cunt.

>> No.9674884

for a masters you may switch to cogsci with that combo

>> No.9674907

How do I know you know absolutely nothing about architecture, let alone what the classification of 'modern' even means you basement dwelling cunt that gets his artistic opinions from internet forums and delusions of actually understanding anything about it

>> No.9674923

Do a favor to everyone and kill yourself before you make some disgusting glass-hexagon puke shit.

>> No.9674963

you might as well get your aesthetic opinions from the internet if your aesthetics are ""'"modern""""

>> No.9674976

sup bro I'm >>9674389
Do you enjoy law? I was gonna do law/science or law/economics or something '''useful'''' but then I was told I would probably end up suicidal because I hate maths and was told I'd need to do something enjoyable alongside law to make it bearable. However, I actually enjoy law a lot better than my arts courses, and I do better academically as well (somehow???)

probably a good thing I didn't do eco though I would have probably killed myself

my favourite book's Moby-Dick or Dubliners btw

>> No.9674978


>> No.9674981


>> No.9674983

lmao wtf u a roman or something

>> No.9674990

Currently doing a Master in IR and slacking hard on my dissertation. I was planning to go straight into PhD, but this past year has burned me out. I'm thinking of taking a long vacation. I dunno, maybe go to Asia or something and get to fucking.

>> No.9674996

>too insecure to sell myself as a great actor
>will end up as a plumber

>> No.9675005

Italian fagotto doing a Masters in International Relations + Japanese. Did English and Japanese during my BA.

Japanese is extremely fun, IR is extremely easy and full of fluff and bullshit. And it's hard to deal with all those centro sociale fake commies.

Hopefully I'll win the bursary for a year of study in Tokyo. Afterwards I'll probably work as a pizza guy.

Hey there friendo.

>> No.9675008
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what's good

>> No.9675012
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>all of that and it ends with "Afterwards I'll probably work as a pizza guy."
Why can't you start that right away?

>> No.9675035

Right now traveling to the city I study in. It's so fucking hot, almost 40 degrees. Stupid summer exam session.

Because studying is easier than doing pizzas and I enjoy coasting while fucking pseudointellectual sluts. And then I'll do pizzas in Japan where they will pay me more and I'll have an army of gook signorinas lusting at my salsiccia.

>> No.9675045

become the Jiro of pizza, please, forget the sluts, become a pizza master

>> No.9675049

Luckily, all my exams were done early last month. That said, I've done pretty much nothing as far as dissertation research goes so far, so next month is going to be fun.

>> No.9675078

Fine arts (painting and graphics)

>> No.9675091

Just graduated in Classics from Oxford University. Was absolutely great.

>> No.9675095

OP here
Man i feel you ,studing mathematics in Greece fucking mediterenian cities on summer is like stuffing your your head inside a molten potato.

>> No.9675110

>Just graduated in Classics from Oxford University
Was it necessary to add where you graduated from when no one else on the thread did?

>> No.9675113

>studies mathematics
>not archeology

britbongs think they're worth something if they add it

>> No.9675121

Oxbridge fags be faggin

>> No.9675122

Yeah I know. I don't even know who he is or what he does, yet he already let me know he's got a elite piece of paper.

Lucky you. But I don't envy you at all about that dissertation. I'm postponing it as much as I can.

>become the Jiro of pizza, please, forget the sluts, become a pizza master
Luckily I live in the city where pizza was invented.

>> No.9675127

Being an archeologist in Greece is just one more job that drunk greek graduates can fuck up.
Believe me we dont want to leave our precious heritage at the hands of the average Uni student.
The fewer archeologists the better

>> No.9675131

I guess that's a solid point.

I have a question for you, and any other Greeks ITT: how come Greeks are still very Christian Orthodox, religious, etc. when you know your history as a people? Christianity was just as foreign to Greeks of the past as Islam was when the Ottoman Empire came, yet somehow Greeks seem very adamant about their Christianity. Why? How?

>> No.9675164
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>> No.9675165
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information management.

basically administration/business + IT + information science

>> No.9675177
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I think it has to do with the fact that the Byzantine empire's religion was Christian Orthodoxy.
As the Empire fell and the Ottomans conquered the greek core (mainly today's Greece) religion became the only characteristic which kept the Greek population pure for 400 years.
Also religion played a central role in the revolution of 1821 and it was through the religious establishment that the first Greek goverment was constituted.

>> No.9675198

I guess I fell for it too. Im starting september any advice?

>> No.9675219

Spanish people don't speak funny, these guys speak spanish funny. I swear it makes sense

>> No.9675245

well its also partly because they know Ancient Greeks were as foreign to you as was the Christianity of the East (even though the new testament is mainly in Greek).

Thinking spatial difference is more of a -difference- than temporal difference is a retarded problem worldwide.

>> No.9675257

But the Ancient Greeks' religion was theirs, Christianity was never Greek or European. That's the thing. I'm not advocating for people to start believing in old European religions as if that would be any better, only that it makes no sense to think Christianity is ours.

>> No.9675258


>> No.9675270

I'm double majoring in philosophy and Management Information Systems -- philosophy because I enjoy it and MIS so I can get a job after graduating.

>> No.9675272

Which guys you say are speaking spanish funny? As a spaniard, every post in spanish in this thread seems perfectly normal to me.

>> No.9675274

And to add: the reason I think mainly of the Greeks in the matter of this question is that their ancient identity is so well formed and the fact that so much of their culture, work, everything, has influenced all of Europe in such a positive way. It seems strange to me not to see that if you're Greek, because the ancient Greeks are so prominent, and then turn around and think Christianity to not only be "yours" but somehow better too.

>> No.9675276

History, originally had plans to go into academia but that was a shit idea (quit my job in academia a few days ago), now I'm just trying to finish it so I didn't waste my time completely

>> No.9675283

what job?

>> No.9675288

What do you do for a living now? Been considering this combo.

>> No.9675290

Research assistant at the Chair for contemporary history

>> No.9675305

Why so many bitter remarks about academia?

What's so bad about doing what you love for the rest of your life and getting paid for it while inspiring others?

>> No.9675307

t. someone who hasn't dealt with academia

>> No.9675317

Because academia, unlike what people think on the outside, is actually a lot more structured and orderly than the outside world, and you have to play their game to get anywhere.

And usually "their game" is a form of pedagogy that was invented in the 17th century.

>> No.9675322

English with a focus on linguistics

>> No.9675355

Business Administration (One Semester)
Arts (One Semester)
Drop out.
Marketing (Two year Diploma)
Philosophy/Political Science (Three Semesters)
Drop out.
Culinary Arts (Two years, one course shy of completion)
Online degree that I'm going to drop because I just wanted a degree to say I have a degree.

Basically I learned sophistry, and that I'm dyslexic. I'm thinking about giving electronic tech a go if I can save the funds. I like problem solving. But am oblivious to my own I guess.

At this point in life, I think I may have to take up creative writing just figure out what the fuck went wrong. Or else achieve a higher level of sophistry and sell self-help books. But I'd really like to make movies for a living, too. Or be a musician. Or a writer might be cool. Or how about I become a travel writer. Or lucky. Very lucky to be able to be occasionally oblivious to having wasted my youth.

Can I write my Whatever yet? Or is that not feasible? Maybe I'll just be a shity cook with a bad attitude until I can lie my way to meagre success with some stupid fucking art project.

I also paint.

>> No.9675362

>Online degree that I'm going to drop because I just wanted a degree to say I have a degree.
Sounds like you've already been doing that for years.

>> No.9675370
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women's studies.

yes i get laid all the time

i'm a lesbian

>> No.9675374

Sounds like you desperately want to avoid actually doing something productive, senpai.

>> No.9675376

>having sex
also how exactly are you going to find a rich guy or someone with becoming-rich potential at women's studies? you fucked up

>> No.9675380

Environmental Science

Allegedly I have job security, but I'm not seeing very much evidence of that.

>> No.9675383

I have a bsc in physics and am now in my second semester of philosophy. Many more dumbdumbs here in phil because it is easier to bullshit your way through but I vastly prefer the people on a personal level. As a plus I've already been approached by a professor that tried talking me into academia, which is sweet.

>> No.9675389

No. Maths is.

understanding of mathematical ideas are the closest you will get to the understanding of the Forms.

>> No.9675392

You're an idiot.

>> No.9675395

Why would you possibly take philosophy after taking physics?

Are you trying to resurrect the autism that is logical positivism?

>> No.9675407
File: 513 KB, 665x749, reallySweetGirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks male penetration is the only way to have sex!
> he's a hopeless servant of the patriarchy!

also have you been paying attention to the news? women's studies is the new compsci. every company is going to be begging for people like me in the coming years of lawsuits/ethical branding

>> No.9675414

You've wasted your time I'm afraid. You'd have been better off locking yourself in your room and attempting to understand the Greeks with your lesbo-brain than what you're doing now.

>> No.9675419

The definition of insanity, right? Yet I get convinced by well meaning people to pretend I'm capable at becoming productive in the manner that society currently requires. I can be critical of their persuasion while agreeing with their optimism. It's usually a nice experience for a while, but obviously I should have dealt with the underlying problems years ago and then made choices. Unfortunately, that wouldn't have been seen as being very productive at the time. So now it's a matter of making do with what is left, trying to repair some of the damage, and attempting to work towards meaning or at least structured obliviousness, maybe duty...?

>> No.9675427

Nihilism that produces destruction is itself a divided perspective that fails to see what has been created in the process.

Or some shit, my 19 year old self would credit to my self undoing.

So, yes.

>> No.9675439

Why would you study a field that has very few, if any job prospects, and essentially brainwashes you to become a cult member?

Are you that masochistic?

>> No.9675485

>my dad gave me a small loan of one million dollars

>> No.9675580

Also I would dispute the fact that Christianity is a foreign religion to Greece. Christ may have been a Jewish preacher from Palestine but the first Christians were small enclaves scattered through Greek cities. Look at the epistles: Galatians, Thessalonians: who do you think those people were?

>> No.9675606

Because I like reading and writing and pure mathematical formalisms bore me to death. I can still engage with physics as much as I want now but when I was studying physics I had a hard time focussing on anything else. There is also a more open culture of thinking in philosophy than in physics. "Shut up and calculate" is rather widely accepted and I really don't want to do that.

I do have a huge affinity towards the more autistic branches of philosophy though, ya got me.

>> No.9675659

Now that we are sort of on the topic, and i'm too lazy to make a thread about it do you think studying psychology would help being a better writer? At least in the sense of writing more complex and real characters? How many psychologists/writers are there?

>> No.9675668

>I do have a huge affinity towards the more autistic branches of philosophy though, ya got me.

Not surprising. I used to too, especially early Wittgenstein, but I realized it was just a trap.

>> No.9675671


Reading good literature will make you a better writer. A Chekhov short story can elucidate what it would take an entire textbook or research paper, full of wordy jargon, to explain.

>> No.9675686

For me its more along the lines of eliminatve materialism, causality and action theory currently. I'm kinda spooked by Ludwig because I read the TLP and the PU and didn't really get that much from them but everybody (inculding most professors) heralds this guy as one of the biggest geniusses ever.

>> No.9675695

Here to offer a different opinion. I think that it very well can make you a better writer. Many writers that wrote great characters engaged in pseudo-psychological observations of real-life people that exhibited the traits they were looking to write about.

>> No.9675802

>but the first Christians were small enclaves scattered through Greek cities
The first Christians were Jews.

>> No.9675809

>For me its more along the lines of eliminatve materialism, causality and action theory currently


How does that pit of nihilism feel?

>> No.9675826


Russian Language with a minor in history

>> No.9675840

I don't know what you are talking about :)))))))))))

*repeatedly stabs self with rusty screwdriver*

>> No.9675853 [SPOILER] 
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bro do you even lynch?

>> No.9675882

Computer Science here.
Which is effectively just a subdomain of math.

>> No.9675896

>people are surprised avid book readers pick good programs

Me: Civil Engineering

>> No.9675913

This really isn't true. CS (as in actual computer science, not programming) is studied sort of like maths, but it's connections to maths at large are tenuous at best.

Not to say that CS is somehow worse off because of it, it's still very interesting in its own right.

>> No.9675924

Environmental science and chemistry minor so I can get into water quality management.

>> No.9675939

Now this the OP hybrid class. No weaknesses, smart boy.

>> No.9675942

What are you on about? You didn't say anything to imply it's not math

>> No.9675968

Poor wording. It could be considered maths (I don't know enough about the philosophy of mathematics to say what does and does not qualify). What I meant is that it's not heavily connected to the mathematics that most mathematicians are studying. It's its own entity.

>> No.9675979

Different person here but CS can be largely considered applied logics and logics very much are a branch of mathematics that mathematicians study.
Not sure about that. He/She should consider adding some physics/chemistry to the mix.

>> No.9675983


>> No.9675992

It's 98% filled with rich kids who just needed a plausibly prestigious job to keep up appearances. People are surprisingly pathetic about their careerism and self-importance. Passionate people who see all other passionate people as colleagues are the exception. It's a social club first and foremost.

>> No.9675993

>I'm not advocating for people to start believing in old European religions

Well you should be. A western equivalent to something like Hinduism would be perfect, and possibly be the anecdote to semitophilia(sp?)

>> No.9675995

Accounting and finance. Feels like the wagecuck life is waiting for me after graduation. Should i change for economics etc?

>> No.9676029

i study urban planning at architecture... Architects are mostly illiterate

>> No.9676042

>comp lit
feels good :)

>> No.9676156
File: 161 KB, 1098x934, Näyttökuva (77).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to get into linguistics, but it seems I'm going to study physics instead
>tfw too stupid for linguistic

>> No.9676157

Economics is a lot more "academic" field. If you're at a target school and know people then go for it. It's very interesting and econ does not get enough credit for how interesting it can be. I'm personally not a quant so it's not as easy for me as it would be for you if you're comfortable with mathematics.

>> No.9676173

This was in GR, what does it mean? Why was it funny to the mathematicians?

>> No.9676179

you ask me to explain to you basic integration ?

>> No.9676183

I didn't go to high school

>> No.9676196

Economics and International Affairs. Supposedly where I go a decent portion of IA majors also double major in Econ as well, but currently not seeing that.

International Affairs a nice degree for a liberal arts degree, but works better when its paired with something vaguely quanty, Might add a minor in statistics as well.

>> No.9676265

I'm literally telling the poster that a 'modern' architect doesn't even fucking exist anymore, and that 99% of people that hate on modernism know absolutely nothing about it and don't even understand what makes the 'traditional' architecture great. Like a dumb faggot says he hates all 'modern' art but can't tell you why the art before the late 19th century so revered. Theses dumbasses haven't even read their poster boy scruton and still believe anyone gives a fuck about their opinions

>> No.9676276

>haha you are going into a business you enjoy and your family actually has connections to? Around here we major in English literature, doing nothing otherwise while in school and then complain about our minimum wage job online

>> No.9676281

I graduated with a B.A. in History in May.

Currently unemployed and loving it.

>> No.9676340

How poor are you? Seriously? I'm only upper middle class, and my family has land out of their ass. It was all accumulated in the last 50 years other than a small plantation we've had since we left Jamestown. This architect guy is simply doing what he can with what he has and that's great for him. You just sound bitter.

>> No.9676355

>My parents are rich, and doing stuff you like because you don't have to work is great! If your parents aren't rich, and think this lottery is stupid, you're bitter. I worked hard to slide out of a bourgeois trophy wife.

You are exactly why the upper classes are pathetic dead weight.

>> No.9676447

You better like everything related to fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and, clearly, expect to land some mechanical engineer's job in the beginning. Also, know your calculus, keep your grades high and try for a decent internship.

Good luck, fellow.

>> No.9676454

Working for a corporation 10hours a day in accounting or finance doesnt sound appealing. Economics+philosophy would seem interesting and maybe eventually getting a phd degree.

>> No.9676476

The indefinite integral of dx/x is log(x) + c. In the joke the answer is "log(cabin) + c", i. e., a log cabin plus "sea". Thus, got ya a houseboat.

>> No.9676494

Econ major here. You can switch if you want. Aside from the mathematics, you learn a lot of things you'd pick up in financing and marketing. imo stick with accounting if you want a higher chance of getting a job after graduating right away

>> No.9676576

well you just met your third person with this combo

graduated 2 years ago and have been an unemployed NEET ever since

>> No.9676602

Why that combo? Should've just done polisci, stats or financing/marketing with econ

>> No.9676630

Not op, but algorithms design by kleinberg and tardos is godtier.
starts intuitive and useful, such as stable matching and maxflow, and touches topic like computability and complexity.

>> No.9676634

Thinking about doing linguistics because it seems interesting. Thoughts?

>> No.9676750

yet with all your superiority, you are still less than him. maybe get your life together and make some good choices that will lead your life being a little bit similar to his, you know, the person whose family made good life decisions unlike yours

>> No.9676792

Politics and French. I'm doing an exchange semester in Paris this fall--feels comfy.

>> No.9676796

It's really fun, but too theoretical to my taste so I chose German instead.

>> No.9676892
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I think I'm going to study Philosophy and English in school because it is what I am truly interested in and love studying it.
That said, I also like math and sciences, just not as much. My school has a good program in them, but I just don't like the classes as much.

Would it be irresponsible of me to not study any math and science in school? I feel like I should and want to take some Math, Physics, Chem, and Ecology and stuff, but everytime I think about signing up for a class, I feel like I am wasting a valuable spot and sign up for a humanities class.

Also please no shitting on humanities or sciences, I just want to know how people feel about being more well-rounded and such.

>> No.9676898

I'll start Agroecology on august. Anyone agricultural sector here?

>> No.9676920

pure mathematics

>> No.9677380

Hmm, I'm surprised that there are no Comparative Literature majors here.

I'm majoring in both English and Comparative Literature and minoring in Philosophy.

>> No.9677495


>> No.9677854

you're just wrong. The study of the theory of complexity is heavily math based.