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/lit/ - Literature

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9832112 No.9832112 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take to become literate in Russian?

Not necessarily fluent, but still able to read some decent Russian lit without consulting a dictionary too frequently.

For what it is worth I'm already bilingual, just looking for a third language to pick up. Currently looking at Russian but worried it may be too much of an investment (in comparison to an easier European language)

>> No.9832122

Spanish or French would be easier and have a comparable richness.

>> No.9832129

>not even remotely answering the question.

Why solve a captcha to contribute nothing?

>> No.9832138

I'd sooner learn retarded made-up language like klingon or ASL over spanish

>> No.9832153

Maybe a year or two if you get a Russian speaking (girl)friend. Don't bpther with books, juck pick the language as you speak.
As a Russian person myself who is learning 6 languages now, I would never be able to learn my language because of its difficulty and weirdness.
So...good luck?

>> No.9832175

It's probably one of the more difficult languages to learn from scratch. If you go full immersion and study 2 or 3 -maybe even 4 hours a day- and move to Russia you might do it in a year, but don't count on yourself having that type of discipline. It'll probably be closer to 2 or 3 years.

It's probably not worth it. It's a major investment just to read some grumpy slav shit.

t. slavshit who lives in Western yurop and has seen other people attempt to learn the language

>> No.9832210

It takes two years, five months and twenty-one or twenty-two days, depending if you start in the morning or at night. (Just don't start around lunchtime because, well, I just don't know how much it takes then.)

>> No.9832290

Why tho

>> No.9832306

Depends on how much time you put in on a daily basis, and what you consider "literate" as that is going to change from person to person.

>> No.9832310

пeдик! этo нe тpyднo. в нeмнoгo вpeмeни. я тoлькo yчycь pyccкий язык дeвять мecяцeв и cмoтpйтe!

>> No.9832325

пpocтитe, нa кoтopкoe вpeмя*

>> No.9832334

>and what you consider "literate" as that is going to change from person to person
That was addressed in the OP

>Not necessarily fluent, but still able to read some decent Russian lit without consulting a dictionary too frequently

I hate that obnoxious habit people have where they overly subjectivize learning a language.

>> No.9832599

That's still not specific enough. How much is "too frequently"? One a page? One every hundred pages?

>where they overly subjectivize learning a language.
It's an extremely subjective issue.

>> No.9832795

So are slavic languages just not worth it? All the slavs that talk about learning their language end up saying that people shouldn't do it, why?

>> No.9833426

Build wall amirite?!?

>> No.9833431

кeк cyкa

>> No.9833903

>That's still not specific enough. How much is "too frequently"? One a page? One every hundred pages?

>> No.9834072

Because the effort you have to put in is probably not proportional to the gains. Russian is mad difficult to learn from scratch compared to some other languages. You're gonna take 2-3 years to learn the language, probably won't even achieve true fluency, and all that so you can read a couple of books?

Meanwhile you could learn Spanish in literally a year (or even faster), and the literature available to you would be comparable if not greater. As a bonus you can now also communicate with half of the world population.

Unless you have a qt. Ukrainian gf or something, it's really not worth it.

>> No.9834416
File: 37 KB, 150x198, 4L_RqFeHEZ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Я cepб я люблю pyccкий eзык я люблю Poccию я люблю Пyтинa !!!

Cлaвa мaтyшкa Poccия !!!!!!

Зa Бaлкaн зa poдинy зa cepбию
Кoгдa peмyв кaбaб бpaтья????????????????????

>> No.9834432

Ukrainian belong to russian Serbian Bulgarian slavs only

You fucking westener americans dont have slavic heart and You dont look slavic plus You dont speak slavic so how the Fuck You can get a russian Ukrainian Serbian bulgarian women how ?????

Fuck off american or You become full orthdox slav change your name to cyrillic greek name and forget about english and start to speak only russian then You have a chance

But us i know pindosy will never do thet so You can only give them green Card to america but they will never love your american blood

And whan time come they all back to mother land in the end rich us Fuck

And You end up in america with depresion to kill your salf bcouz she laft You and retorn back to mother Russia balkan Serbia Bulgaria

Hahahaha never gona hapend your dream is a jok

Us a Serb i see a lot of russian in Serbia get Serbian women eazy and i see american soldiers try to get them to but they end with a Albanians subhumans


West is west
East is east
West never go with east
And east will never go with the west

So americnans stay fat and stop dreaming it will never hapend !!!

>> No.9834455

Pic releted

She dated russian Serbs balgarians slovans only

A lot of american nigers try to get her she dont even look at them she spit on them dont even talk with them bcouz for our race your are a shitskins american subhumans

In east Europa its not about how Big is your dick

Its about how strong and slavic cultur You get in You and your slavic heart !!!!

Do You realy think she will lose all her cultur for a fucking westener guys shity Niger cultur ???

Lol i hate You americans You bombed yugoslavia for 190 days

Evrey Real strong east slav hate You and know your are the cancer and russian the sevevor of white race

Just get nuked all ready so we can make our slavic orthdox union and remuve all westeners muslims from this word

>> No.9834734

how about german? I'm native portuguese speaker, fluent in english, spanish and italian (latter two took me about 6 months each to learn) and was thinking about learning german after learning french (probably going to take around 6 months too), but I am a bit afraid of what some of you said about being too big of a investiment of time for something that may not be as rewarding. The 3 I am learning/learned, together with portuguese, are 4 languages that came from latim vulgata, so they are extremely similar and are easier to translate between them (hence the quickness to learn them), but german is completely different, only a few barely similar words, so its learning from scratch...is it worth it?

ps i am willing to put in some effort because I've always wanted to learn it and always liked german

>> No.9834830

it's entirely up to you, i'd never learn german, dutch or a Scandinavian language because they all speak perfect English. maybe I'm just lazy. i'd rather put the extra effort in and learn Russian, Arabic, Mandarin etc.

>> No.9834864
File: 437 KB, 785x1031, startingrussianlanguage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting relevant chart

>> No.9834890

not looking to learn it but nice chart. would be nice to see a german one like this ;_;

>> No.9834915

Something about being a Serb and about liking Russia and Putin.
Something about mother Russia.
Something about Balkan and Serbia and removing kebab with brothers.

This is my progress of 2 months of learning slavshit languages.

>> No.9834939

i'm a polack and i tell people not to bother with slavic languages because i once looked at an intermediate-level polish textbook for english speakers and i realized all of polish is incredibly retarded random shit i could not in a million years explain to another person. meanwhile learning in the other direction is trivial both because of the simplicity of the english grammar and the inescapable fucking dominance of us pop culture that makes learning english as easy as getting fat.

the only way it's worth it is if you actually want an academic career in slavshit and then all you have to do is crack one language and the rest will follow.