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9896164 No.9896164 [Reply] [Original]

I can't help but notice that there's a lot of hate for Jordan Peterson on /lit. Why is that? Peterson has helped me and many other young guys in trying to get a grasp on our lives, has spiked interest in some of the most intriguing modern philosophers and stimulates every person in critical thinking and subsequently not blindly following an ideology. Is the hate fed by false accusations in the media or is there something I'm not getting?

>> No.9896176

There would probably be a lot less hate if he stopped having three threads about him every day.
And this is coming from someone who doesn't mind him.

>> No.9896180

A mix of the the perceived need to keep one's head above the fads of the "common folk," and the tendency for young men to make their devotion to or fascination with new concepts quite annoying and loud, even if the concepts are valuable

>> No.9896195

He has some useful practical wisdom as you mention and that is it.

His 'philosophy' is pitiful, as are his critiques.

>> No.9896196

Peterson has actually warned multiple times against the "ego of the intellect" and he also said that being more intelligent makes you by no means a better human being. He doesn't talk in terminology like "common folk".

>> No.9896204

Pretty much this. Peterson is popular so smug pseuds who genuinely don't get why he's called Kermit shit on him to be edgy contrarians.

>> No.9896219

Because it's not literature, but half of this board isn't literature desu.

>> No.9896229

He's a meme propagated by people too lazy to do their own research. the cult of personality surrounding him, feeding him, is as bad as any other with an annoying twinge of feigned moral superiority. His fans are gay, but he's alright, though I haven't read any of his books.

>> No.9896230

His fanbase. I like the guy but his fanbase is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9896232

I was referring to the thought process of those hellbent on dismissing him

>> No.9896256

/lit/ wants him to learn what postmodernism means and to call them SJWs like everyone else since postmodernism is a different thing with a large impact on literature and philosophy and is mostly about being afraid of actual robots not being afraid of /r9k/.

admitted, actual robots might be less likely to kill us than /r9k/ but that still doesn't mean we need to change the definition of postmodernism.

his followers take legitimate correction poorly, and it's likely because most of their exposure to education has been SJWs, bad definitions, and unabashedly nihilistic overarrogant rhetoric, so they think it's okay to use those same processes in argument against those things.

unfortunately for /lit/, all postmodernism readers have weapons grade autism and the endurance of a blind man running at the special olympics when it comes to infinitely regressing notations, cross references, and narrative deceptions, and some of them read books where the footnotes have endnotes, so the likelihood of anons not responding with intricate semantic arguments and responding with the SJW shit Peterson fags want to hear and argue with is so slim it'll be long past September before it dies off /lit/, and even then he'll be showing up as an oblique reference in sci-fi novels about Jungian robot love and death cults well into 2078 .

>> No.9896436

His adherents are obnoxious. They come to /lit/ to shit on things that JP told them are bad, even though they've never read these things. They are filled with resentment against a world which hasn't delivered on it's promises. JP has given them the SJW bogeyman as a scapegoat for this disappointment.

JP fans are no better than SJWs. They're virtue signalling autists that structure their life around a philosophy they barely understand. It's group-think. It's exactly what JP warns against, but somehow his fans don't realize they are becoming what they despise.

TLDR: It'd be really nice if I could make a thread about Baudrillard with out people virtue signalling that they are better than postmodernism.

>> No.9896463

he's sam harris tier

read anything, ANYTHING, anything else that's touted here (Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, James Joyce, etc,, etc ) and you will see why Peterson is utter shit

what you aren't getting is that he knows a few key terms enough to be intelligent and full "young guys who are trying to get a grasp on their lives" like you instead of actually going out and Being Lit for yourself

>> No.9896469

Part of it is that youre making this thread and not just posting in the already existing jbp thread.

>> No.9896477


>> No.9896490
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He is a spooked bitch, his followers are also spooked holier than thu bitches

>> No.9896500

Because it's embarrassing that we apparently still "need" people like him to encourage people to use their brains.

Also, and this is most important, he should be discussed exclusively on >>>/his/ and not /lit/ because everyone talks about his "philosophy", not his books.

>> No.9896505

Hes a really decent starting point for bitter nihilistic manbabies who genuinely want to better themselves and break their commie conditioning, but good god his philosophy is nothing if not vastly incomplete

>> No.9896517

I appreciate the irony.

>> No.9896525

What irks me about Peterson is

>his categorical dismissal of certain political positions right off the bat without honest intellectual exploration

>his black and white thinking

>his capitalisation on this whole skeptic community bullshit

>his pathetic self-help lectures which are thinly veiled indoctrinations for impressionable young men (like yourself)

>his cult of pseuds

>> No.9896619

You think he helped you, and now you are following his teaching, which are amateurish philosoophical posturing that you will one day recognize as bullshit (and that day you'll revert to your original situation).

To answer your question: he is intellectually dishonest everytime he talks about philosophy, literature and history. His insights are pathetic for anyone with an undergrad education. He is another Harris, a pseudo-intellectual who has concocted a series of statements that pander to a certain audience, and he won't EVER justify them. So you think that people complaining about his anti-pomo nonsense are a new thing? These critics have been there since day 1, and since day 1 he has not even once proved his competence and knowledge.
This is, by the way, the trick of public pseudo-intellectuals: talk about your theories as if you are summarizing them, and never EVER work them out concretely, and never EVER debate with actual academics that may disagree with you. This is also why you see them only debating with youtube talking heads and random protesters/youtube users.

>> No.9896632

>>his pathetic self-help lectures which are thinly veiled indoctrinations for impressionable young men (like yourself)
This. Whenever I see people calling them "lectures" I immediatly shiver. It immediatly becomes evident to me that they have never either attended an actual uni course or picked a book that was worth reading. You don't even need an education to spot his bullshits, you just have to listen to him and think for a second about what he is saying, and more i portantly, what he is doing and what has he selected for his lectures.
It is absolutely obvious that they are meant to be motivational sessions for students and nothing more.

I wonder how many people studied his youtube videos in the same way I've studied Kant. What a tragedy.

>> No.9896640

because memes are fucking annoying

>> No.9896643

Because his main target audience doesn't understand half the shit he says and he either doesn't notice or doesn't care.

He has some interesting stuff to say. But he seems determined to almost exclusively argue with impressionable college students. When engaging in conversations with people who know what the fuck he is talking about and point out issues or weaknesses in his reasoning, he literally dismisses all of that with "it works for me, so it's fine".
So in short, this:

>> No.9896644

Yes, you are a fool.

>> No.9896672
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Because the amount of quasi intellectual vermin he attracts to /lit/ is unparalleled. Almost can't have Pynchon thread without some sperg going DONT YOU KNOW THATS POMO AND THATS LITERALLY COMMULISM AND ITS DEGENERATE CLEAN YOUR ROOM. Fucking annoying.

>> No.9896689

>But he seems determined to almost exclusively argue with impressionable college students
He's not arguing at a undergraduate level, his cintents are directed to people with absolutely no formal education. If you know the first thing about Nietzsche or Dostoevsky, then Peterson's contents are useless.

>> No.9896700

It's endlessly annoying but it's a necessary phase. Most of the people who seem most in need of his message of responsibility and structure are young men, and young men tend to become exceedingly obnoxious when they fancy themselves as knowing something that others don't. I think it's analogous to the essential phase of nihilism most youths go through and hopefully find a way to move past

>> No.9896732

Crossboarders from /leftypol/ that raid this place. Easiest way to deal with them is to respond to their criticisms by asking for them to explain their position. Use pointed questions, they'll collapse pretty easily. They are too stupid to actually defend their positions and use a bunch of empty statements and non arguments.. Here are some examples:

>He is intellectually dishonest everytime he talks about philosophy, literature and history
This guy doesn't actually go on to explain how it is he is intellectually dishonest. He doesn't provide examples either.
>His insights are pathetic for anyone with an undergrad education
Doesn't explain what he means by "pathetic" or offer reasoning as to why it is "pathetic" this is a classic non argument.
>He is another Harris, a pseudo-intellectual who has concocted a series of statements that pander to a certain audience, and he won't EVER justify them.
The "pseudo-intellectual" leftypol tell. Not an argument, and literally not even true considering he's a published academic at the UoT which is ranked number 2 in the world at his own program. Accuses him of pandering but doesn't specify which statements are pandering, and who they are pandering to, or why those statements are factually incorrect.
>So you think that people complaining about his anti-pomo nonsense are a new thing? These critics have been there since day 1, and since day 1 he has not even once proved his competence and knowledge.
Claims he hasn't proved his competence, of course this is an unfalsifiable claim. To him proving his competence can mean basically anything, even just outright advocating Marxism.
>talk about your theories as if you are summarizing them, and never EVER work them out concretely, and never EVER debate with actual academics that may disagree with you. This is also why you see them only debating with youtube talking heads and random protesters/youtube users
Here he makes another baseless claim, coupled with a claim that is actually falsifiable, you can actually try to argue against this. You can example point out the times that Peterson has challenged leftist academics to debates and received no response, and post the videos where he has debated other academics.

All in all a post with a bunch of words, but no real content, just a bunch of non arguments and baseless claims. Also, did you notice how the guy posting this seems to actually accuse Peterson of a lot of the things he does himself? Remember, leftists ALWAYS project.

>> No.9896762

>implying I'll make an effort to further explain simple points to someone should have understood them by now and is not willing to do so anyway

>> No.9896767

I hope you suffer a non-lethal bullet wound and recover at a decent pace

>> No.9896771

Petersonfags of today ar the Harrisonfags of yesterday.

>> No.9896779


>> No.9896795

>Further explain
You didn't explain at all. You rattled off a bunch of buzzwords like "intellectually dishonest" and "pseudo intellectual" without actually offering any arguments. You made a grand total of one argument at the very end of your post, but the evidence that supported your claim was false. I never expected you to of course, but you're a fine example of the kind of person that OP should look out for. Of course if he's asking these questions he probably can't critically analyze posts anyway but maybe this will serve as a lesson.

In my experience, most of the leftists on this board fall into this sort of pattern, you just can't be intimidated by their long posts written in an aggressive confident tone. Realize that it's all bluster and you can dismantle their posts without ever actually having to make an argument yourself.

>> No.9896817

you need to turn on your brain while listening to him talking. you'll probably understand

>> No.9896825


>> No.9896828

Not an argument.

>> No.9896834

no other way

>> No.9896878
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Have you ever listened to the episode of the Sam Harris podcast where Jordan Peterson is the guest. It is absolutely unbearable.

Jordan keeps going on and on about his godforsaken archives even when the question does not call for it.

Sam being the edgy fedora lord that he is, asks Jordan a few simple questions about his belief in God, and every time he responds with pure babble and he can't even stay on topic.

When he speaks publicly he often casually asserts various facts and datapoints that no one can source, he uses terms like "postmodernism" in really nebulous and nonstandard ways that make it difficult to pin down what it is he is saying.

I have no clue about his writing but, his ideas seem poorly formulated.

On a personal note I find the way he puts emphasis on his words when speaking really annoying.

>> No.9896883

archetypes not archives

>> No.9896884

How does Peterson trigger /lit/ so much?

Peterson has said he'll accept any debate request that's offered. You guys, can probably even as a collective, make a video essay against one of his thesis/arguments or suggest your own and he will reply to it if it can be put on Youtube.

Why don't you guys do that if you want to BTFO of him? Wouldn't be hard to organize.

>> No.9896906

Jordan was making brilliant points in that podcast, albeit not perfectly clearly because he clearly hadn't had much experience entertaining those thoughts outloud. It wasn't really until I learned about IQ and the process by which it was designed that I realized just how useful his notion of pragmatism as a useful tool in epistemology is. He isn't asking what truth is, he's asking what would be most useful to collectively define truth as.

>> No.9896922

I think most of us have no problem with Peterson, he can do his thing, give his lectures, have his opinions, w/e. I really don't care.

The problem is board culture and his obnoxious fans. You can't make a thread about anyone french or remotely 'post-modern' without it turning into a shit show of virtue signalling trolls inspired by peterson and other frog-twitter celebrities.

>> No.9896954

What are you on about? His obnoxious fans? Board culture? 99% of the time I see anything JP in /lit/, it is a thread started by OP shitting on him and rest following.

>t it turning into a shit show of virtue signalling trolls inspired by peterson and other frog-twitter celebrities.
and when they didn't do that, they "virtue signaled" about democrats and liberals led by another (modern) thinker or about religion, it's the same phenomenon that has always been about.

but still a reply/debate against Peterson would be nice so these threads could stfu forever.

>> No.9896970

I'm pretty sure that's never happened.

>> No.9897003

Sure, the anti-peterson threads are also annoying. For all of /pol/'s faults, I actually like it's rule about 'no low effort/low quality threads'. A thread that is started just to shit on Stephen King or Jordan Peterson or Derrida or Hitler or Chinua Achebe or whoever- these threads aren't increasing the quality of /lit/. They're bait, and generally the OP has never read the author in question.

Maybe you haven't noticed the obnoxious JP fans because they don't often cite JP directly. They'll show up in a thread about some continental philosophy and start spewing nonsense about 'neo-marxism' and SJWs and how all french philosophers are communists and other such nonsense. It clogs up threads, it discourages people from talking about thing they're interested in.

>> No.9897019

Don't fall for the /pol/ boogeyman, it's /lit/ posters making the threads majority of the time. /pol/ has very few Peterson threads in comparison.

You can bitch about cultural marxism and SJWs, it's a real phenomena.

>> No.9897023

Yeah, this poster is spot on. I've never read Pynchon, but this exact same thing happens in every Baudrillard thread. Amazingly, it never happens in threads about lesser known continental philosophers, since JP doesn't name drop them.

>> No.9897025

>cultural marxism
that dont exist, get it in your thick skull

>> No.9897037

>Don't fall for the /pol/ boogeyman, it's /lit/ posters making the threads majority of the time. /pol/ has very few Peterson threads in comparison.
Wasn't saying that JP is popular on /pol/, I don't have a good idea of what's popular on /pol/. I just like the spirit of the stickied post about 'no low quality threads'. I don't even know if it's followed or not, but it's a good rule.

>You can bitch about cultural marxism and SJWs, it's a real phenomena.
Yeah, and people can go do that on /pol/ or /soc/ or in Jordan Peterson threads, whatever. Keep it out of my Baudrillard, Lyotard, Debord and Nick Land threads. It's off-topic, it's irrelevant. Further, its always the same refrain. None of the JP fan boys have ever actually read the author's im listing, they have nothing SPECIFIC to say about them. They just have JP's opinion of 'Neo-Marxism' and somehow feel they need to repeat him everywhere they go.

>> No.9897042


>> No.9897045

He's pandering to people who haven't read a lick of the thinkers he talks about. He does a good job of dumbing down their ideas into something retard frogposters can understand. He's good at it, and making bank doing so, and I respect him for that, but he's spammed so often it gets grating.

>> No.9897058
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It describes perfectly the phenomenon happening in the West and among it's own people.

Most of the "JP spam" in /lit/ is literally, threads shitting on him (from the past 3 months that I can recall). There is not even spam about him in /pol/ my man. This is a weird construct here.

>> No.9897060

proof that it exist? protip: charts made my autists are not proof

>> No.9897066


>lol show me where the last unicorn was killed
>lol thought so fagt

>> No.9897068

>buhuhuh a statue that no one gives a fuck is a proof of a international conspiracy and not just mob mentality

>> No.9897069

The common folk are actually terrible. The superior man keeps aloof from them because he knows this instinctually.

>> No.9897071

deliver any evidence or at least arguments for your claims

>> No.9897078

>No one gives a fuck about.
Yet, angry mob is there to get it down, spitting on it, taking pride in destroying historical artefact.

>Mob mentality
Oh yes, now we are getting somewhere. It's nationwide, it's funded by based George Soros (he funds and hires protestors at political rallies, he FUNDED people in Charlesville).

>> No.9897088

you are the one saying that it exist, the burden of proof is on you mongoloid

>> No.9897092

I didn't say it exists, I asked for arguments for its proclaimed nonexistence

>> No.9897094

>Most of the "JP spam" in /lit/ is literally, threads shitting on him (from the past 3 months that I can recall). There is not even spam about him in /pol/ my man. This is a weird construct here.

I think this might be a matter of perspective. Most JP threads could very well be anti-JP threads. I tend to ignore threads that his picture in the OP.

But within other threads, specifically about Continental Philosophy (or Pynchon as another poster mentioned) are often spammed with JP mimicry.

Now, I don't read the Pynchon threads (never read him), so I wasn't aware that this was a problem in the Pynchon threads. Do you read threads about continental philosophy? There might be a similar problem of perspective.

Regardless, the amount is irrelevant. We could generate some statistics, but it doesn't change the feelings. People are annoyed by JP fans shitting up their threads. JP fans are annoyed by threads attacking him. Neither are helpful.

Like, I don't like JP. I don't like Harry Potter either. But I don't make threads about these things, and ignore threads made about them.

The reason I'm posting in this thread is because OP wants to understand why people dislike JP and where the animosity is coming from.

>> No.9897103

What more proof do you need than entire nations such as Germoney and France endangering their own peoples and cultures by destroying them (Macron: There is no France culture & State: flooding the country with non-assimiliating, diametrically opposed individuals of same hostile collective)

but what you describe is not hating JP but hating, shitposters.

>> No.9897110

the thing is, unlike Harry Potter JP is relevant beyond teenage fan culture. in fact, he is quite dangerous

>> No.9897124

JP is just harry potter for numales, its what pol is to tumblr

>> No.9897126

>but what you describe is not hating JP but hating, shitposters.
sure. I think there is a lot of false equivalence between JP and his fans.

I'm not trying to justify any of this, just provide a schema for where the emotions come from. I think if the JP posters stopped shitting up other threads, and the anti-jp posters stopped making threads (and shitting up JP threads? I haven't looked in many of them), then we'd all be in a better spot.

Same logic applies to other writers. the anti-Stephen King threads are just baffling to me. Why would anyone hate him enough to shitpost about him? And yet these low quality threads are made on a daily basis.

>> No.9897135

high quality shitpost. I like the format.

Nick Land is just The Avengers for jews. It's what Donald Trump is to McDonalds.

>> No.9897144

that is ontological correct, thought

>> No.9897164

>is there something I'm not getting
He became famous by disrespecting students and, I don't know why,didn't lose his job. Some people loved that so they eat up anything he shits out.

>> No.9897210

Them being 'self help' doesn't preclude them being lectures. Arguably philosophy SHOULD be about how to most optimally function, and abstracting to a degree where that purpose is lost sight of is frivolous.

>> No.9897214

critique peterson's reading list.

1. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
2. 1984 – George Orwell
3. Road To Wigan Pier – George Orwell
4. Crime And Punishment – Fyodor Dostoevsky
5. Demons – Fyodor Dostoevsky
6. Beyond Good And Evil – Friedrich Nietzsche
7. Ordinary Men – Christopher Browning
8. The Painted Bird – Jerzy Kosinski
9. The Rape of Nanking – Iris Chang
10. Gulag Archipelago (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, & Vol. 3) – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
11. Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl
12. Modern Man in Search of A Soul – Carl Jung
13. Maps Of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief – Jordan B. Peterson
14. A History of Religious Ideas (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3) – Mircea Eliade
15. Affective Neuroscience – Jaak Panksepp

>> No.9897249

>rape of Nanking
Literally didn't happen, so the whole list is compromised by the request to indulge in Western propaganda.

>> No.9897270

Stop posting about this person

>> No.9897291


>> No.9897307


this is bigger

>> No.9897338
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>Them being 'self help' doesn't preclude them being lectures. Arguably philosophy SHOULD be about how to most optimally function, and abstracting to a degree where that purpose is lost sight of is frivolous.

That's certainly an argument that can be made, but its a limited definition. Nothing wrong with being frivolous either!

Not all philosophy is aimed at the individual, or even 'the social body'. Some of it is purely historical, and has no bearing on 'the today'.Philosophy can be purely speculative, about futures that may or may never come to pass. Philosophy can be purely passive observation, with no 'plan' to be implemented. The idea that philosophy must be 'useful' is just a utilitarian demand.

Now, Psychology does have such demands. It has to serve the mental health of the individual. Peterson is a psychologist primarily, so I doesn't surprise me that he'd take a utilitarian view of things.

Here's some nice philosophy from Baudrillard. Nothing you can 'do' with it. It isn't useful

>> No.9897395

>Don't fall for the /pol/ boogeyman
>cultural marxism is real
too obvious, you can't put both in the same post, spread it around a little
goddammit, have you learned nothing from goebbels

>> No.9897417

>cultural marxism and SJWs, it's a real phenomena.

>I didn't say it exists

When you need to spend 5 or 6 posts just to prove to them that they actually said something it's clear talking to frogposters is a futile effort.

>> No.9897418

Except it describes the SJW, PC and anti-White, anti-West movements within West itself perfectly anon.

but whatever, it's dishonest and anti-intellectual to flat out deny something without arguments as you do. Hope you don't take pride in it.

>> No.9897441

>anti-White, anti-West movements
are you even trying to prove you're not a frogkike?

>> No.9897442

There are more than 1 poster ITT, you fucking dumbshit redditor.

>> No.9897453

This is better, the whole "I'm a reasonable person, let's debate using arguments" shtick is a good fit for /lit/.
I don't read literature though, only genre fiction so where the brainiacs may feel compelled to engage in an intellectual exchange with you I'm of the belief that it's ultimately useless since folks like you are natural faultlines in tolerance and democracy (the paradox of tolerance - tolerating the intolerant eventually leads to the victory of intolerance, democracy - an antidemocratic group can win democratic elections and realize antidemocratic measures).

>> No.9897462

>taking seriously some random fag that talks like a puppet frog
yeah, no

>> No.9897470
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>leads to the victory of intolerance.


>> No.9897472

Doesn't matter retard, in that case you inserted yourself into an existing conversation and want to treat your point of insertion as the beginning when it is obviously a continuation of the previous convo - which began with the claim I quoted.

Besides, you prove positive, not negative, claims.

>> No.9897477

Yes, it matters, as none the less you kept putting words into peoples mouths and that is rude.
>Besides, you prove positive, not negative, claims.

Doesn't work with God though :v)

>> No.9897488

Wow, 5-10% muslim population tops (besides Bulgaria which already has a noted muslim population), what a true invasion

>> No.9897504

Indeed that is a huge invasion. It has already created no go zones for natives in their country.

>> No.9897506

>Doesn't work with God though :v)
What? Yes it does, believers have to prove God exists?

>> No.9897540

its not direct hate. trans people hate him out of the bat because they actually need his philosophy the most and he represents their father that shames them for cutting their dicks off. mostly though its disgust from people who see how retarded pop culture education is and having him be heralded as a savior is evident of how far gone people are.

>> No.9897637

Assuming you mean Harris, that's a big upgrade, desu.

>> No.9897651

Actually, youtube celebs are pop culture.

>> No.9897682

exactly my point, he is on youtube. first time the meme people ever identified with an old philosopher guy who they usually ignore at uni.

>> No.9897717

>quite annoying and loud

How do you register volume over a messageboard?

>> No.9897858

>his categorical dismissal of certain political positions
postmodern social justice commits itself to ideologies and assertions without any intellectual explorations in the first place - not to mention outright refuses to have them through moralistic branding of "isms"
>We need more women in tech
>you're asking why? you sexist!
is an example of the usual dialogue

>black and white thinking
examine his ideas better

>his capitalisation on this whole skeptic community bullshit
he didn't expect himself to blow up, he originally was trying to make a minor point and when he saw his academic position becoming threatened he decided to attract attention to secure himself.

>his pathetic self-help lectures which are thinly veiled indoctrinations
not every opinion you disagree with is an indoctrination

>cult of pseuds
name one well known intellectual figure without a cult of pseuds

>> No.9897885

like peterson himself you're building straw men and knocking them down

he's criticizing teenagers on deviantart and tumblr but admitting that would make him look like a fool (a college professor fighting against a blue haired teen on the internet lol) so he's cloaking that in a bigger movement (postmodernism) which he also doesn't know shit about

>> No.9897899

I don't hate Peterson I just don't think he's doing much beyond stating the obvious, with bias, in most cases.

There's definitely something to the father issues thing though. I was just watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2 out of boredom and it happens to be about an absent father. You know what else is popular? Rick & Morty. You know what was popular before that? Adventure Time. What are the father figures like in these?

>> No.9897902

xplain how he doesn't understand post modernism

>> No.9897919


>> No.9897925

so you have no argument ?

>> No.9897935

not the guy you're replying too, but what would you say is the best source for Peterson's opinions on post-modernism? Is there a particular book or lecture where he talks about it?

Most of what I've heard are soundbites, and not very convincing. To me, post-modernism isn't a coherent movement. It's a plethora of different philosophical/artistic practices, that can be deemed after-modernism in the sense they reject the grand narratives of humanism or christianity. So Baudrillard isn't at all on the same page as Donna Haraway, who holds views extremely different from Foucault, who has nothing to do with William Burroughs, who has nothing to do with Zizek, etc.

Post-modernism isn't a monolith, it's just a category. Just like a term like Modernism contains things like Capitalism, Humanism, Socialism, etc. These things are just part of the modern, post-feudal era.

So I'd be really surprised if anyone can BTFO of all of Post-Modernism (or Modernism for that matter). You'd need dozens of different critiques.

>> No.9897936

He's the New Atheists of this decade. Appeals to meaningless teenagers or young adults who need an intellectual base to justify their edgy beliefs. Keep his shit to /pol/ or /his/.

>> No.9897945

People take Harris seriously?

>> No.9897946

>Keep his shit to /pol/ or /his/.
to defend /his/ a bit, things on that board are supposed to be at least 10 years old I believe, but realistically they prefer things before 1980, ie things none of us are old enough to remember first hand.

>> No.9897949

>debate me! DEBATE MEEEEEEEE!!!!
make me

>> No.9897954

Peterson is author of a book, he is /lit

>> No.9897960

>postmodern social justice
If you mean the current ones, not the ones that are about to hit their sixties at the youngest, then don't say postmodern.

If you're really worried about postmodern social justice, to be honest, I don't think Algeria even wants the pre-deGaulle deal, and I don't think France is giving up divorce either. We can't unfry Ethel Rosenberg and Warhol's still going to put the chair into screened panels, and I'm pretty sure the Tate will kick up no end of shit if we try to retcon it now. I'd stop worrying about social movements that died out likely before you (or maybe even your parents) were born if it is postmodern social justice you're worried about, or start saying SJW when you mean SJW.

>> No.9897974

>Not blinding following an ideology

That's his entire philosophy behind religion, same as Nietzsche

>> No.9897989

he is an ok lecturer. there are hundreds as good or better than him out there. i am not hating, but thinking of it he got some interesting insights but it seems he use some sophistry here and there to finalize his shaky points. like in his lecture on the bible he asks why those stories are still around and say because they resonate deeply within the human experience or something but how about this simple idea that nobody brought up: these stories are still around because they were useful for those in power: emperor constantine was the first to make the christian religion a state religion because it was useful in many ways to consolidate and legitimate his position of power etc and that became institutionalized, a thing to do because it works and it's been like that j

anyway, peterson is still ok in my book i guess but i do find it funny when everybody in the class clap their hand every time he finish commenting on something. they are either naive or starstruck or something. its kind of cringe

>> No.9898120
File: 13 KB, 393x613, pomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenagers on deviant art and tumblr are writing canadian legislation into law
easy there buckaroo

Peterson cites pic related as the book to read, so I assume he agrees with at least some of the views written here. He actively talks about derrida and foucault specifically. I think he also fundamentally rejects the relativistic elements found in postmodernism thanks to his psych/jung background

SJWs uncritically draw their ideologies from a plethora of professors who read postmodern thinkers, so how could their views be anything else

>> No.9898126

sorry, writing their views into canadian legislation lmao**

>> No.9898189

>ask for Peterson's arguments against post-modernism
>get recommended someone else's book

So all of the Peterson fanboys are reading Stephen R.C. Hicks? I kind of doubt it. Where do they receive the argument, first hand, from Peterson?

Maybe I'll check out his youtube channel, see what has a lot of views.

>> No.9898201

can this please be stickied

>> No.9898203



>> No.9898213

Is it because it's a social construct?

>> No.9898230

Genocides have happened by tearing down a statue one should be more careful when such instances occur. Moreover, what makes you believe that these sorts of people have the intellectual and moral capacity to make sound judgements on what statues can and cannot be torn down?

>inb4 muh slippery slope
I never fucking understood why slippery slope it's a fallacy, sure you can't ipso facto discern future events from a single occurrence but it is factual historically that events happen in stages.

>> No.9898235

indeed, they are all lies by the ((((Chinese))))

>> No.9898244

sam harris for contrarians

>> No.9898249

listening now. This is maybe the 5th thread I've asked for a primary source, glad someone finally gave me a link.

>> No.9898258

>So all of the Peterson fanboys are reading Stephen R.C. Hicks?
nah, they're reading the wiki summary of the gulag archipelago

>> No.9898270

Best post I've seen on this board in months. Thanks for writing it.

>> No.9898287


Its like all of the MLP dudes transplanted.

>> No.9898288

>SJWs uncritically draw their ideologies from a plethora of professors who read postmodern thinkers, so how could their views be anything else
Anon, most of those professors didn't read. That's the hilarious thing about Beauvoir's adaptation as a mascot by a lot of them- they were told about her by someone who heard about her, and neither ever read her or considered maybe they should take her first refusal of the title of feminist as a No. I don't think I should call them postmodernist because someone they once were "taught" by once heard about a French chick who wrote about a German gnome. The story that they're wolfkin is frankly more credible than the story that makes them postmodernists.

If they'd read Beauvoir, they wouldn't be so hung up about pedos. Beauvoir writes some great true accounts of deflowering loli and signed her name to revoking the age of consent and got fired by the fucking Nazis for being too much of a perve to be left teach 14 year old girls. Do you think they read her, but somehow missed those parts, while also understanding her heavy use of Heideggereanesque terminology in translation? I really think it's more likely that SJWs are really a made up fifth sex than they managed to understand even the most basic outline of what postmodernism is.
Talking to one at all should tell you they don't know what the fuck they're trying to say or saying, and reading anything they recommend will show you they haven't read it at all because they would comprehend the graphic pedophilia sections at least.

FFS the SCUM Manifesto lady shot the king of postmodernism's high point in visual arts. SJWs are the type of shit postmodernists have been warning about for decades.

>> No.9898294

that actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.9898305
File: 540 KB, 1524x872, AFTER THE ORGY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SJWs are the type of shit postmodernists have been warning about for decades.
Totally this. Pic related, Baudrillard's introduction to The Transparency of Evil. Also, more Baudrillard:

"Plural identities, double lives, objective chance or variable-geometry destinies - all this seems very much like the invention of artificial, substitute fates. Sex, genes, networks, desires and partners-everything now falls within the ambit of change and exchange. Destiny, pain - everything is becoming optional. Death itself is an option. The very sign of birth, your astrological sign, will one day be optionally available in a future Zodiacal Surgery Institute, where, under certain conditions, you will be able to change your birth sign the way you can change your face today. "

>> No.9898306

>leftists ALWAYS project
How is that?

>> No.9898318

So I'm 30 minutes into this. So far he's agreed with Derrida and thinks Death of the Author was a great insight. He doesn't like Phallogocentrism.

He's spent maybe 3 minutes talking about post-modern literature, and now is just ranting about governmental policies and business practices.

I really fail to see how this at all addresses post-modernism, despite the fact that he keeps using the word over and over it. "Bloody Post-Modernists".

>> No.9898335

holy shit I've never seen leftists summed up so succinctly and effortlessly.

>> No.9898341


like this poster >>9897935 pointed out, Postmodern ideas vary enough to have those ideas be a branch that can trace itself to a trunk of particular pomo thinkers, even if other pomo thinkers disagree

>> No.9898357

Huh. Well, if he ever writes a book or makes a youtube about Lyotard, Virilio, Baudrillard, or anyone else I find interesting, maybe I'll give him a listen. Otherwise, I think I'm convinced, he isn't a philosopher. Just a political pundit.

>> No.9898377

ah, that was kind of snarky. The bible myth interpretation stuff, I listened to some of that before. He seems to know his stuff there. If I ever wanted to dive into theology and wanted a jungian interpretation, maybe I'd check out his lecture series.

But as a critic of post-modernism? He's a critic of leftist political platforms. I wouldn't consider this philosophical criticisms.

>> No.9898385

>critical thinking is good
nice meme

>> No.9898389


he talks about the "real" ways in which pomo ideas are impacting canadian society

who claimed he was a philosopher?

>> No.9898402

The problem is that his use of it coheres around a group of people who aren't postmodernist by any standard, unless you buy calling something postmodernist enough times makes it postmodernist. Things that are actually recognised as postmodernism more broadly, like Jung or Baudrillard, Peterson shares many points of agreement with, or even specializes in, which makes his criticism of "postmodernists" even more bizarre.

He seems to have a very idiosyncratic definition of the term which applies largely to a group of people which postmodernism usually makes fun of and calls vapid and basically soulless libraries of signals.

I think the funniest part is though that he knows he means SJW but doesn't feel comfortable with the acronym coming out of his mouth, because he thinks that might signal he spends too much time on the internet. Postmodernism has a clear enough definition and delineation that you can't call people who demand their narrative be adhered to by everybody a postmodernist. Peterson's basically willing to sound wrong to everyone who read postmodernism so he doesn't have to embrace the ego hit of saying "Fucking SJWs" every time he says "Bloody postmodernists". He's willing to sacrifice sense for not saying those letters when the movement he means to describe is best described by those three letters. And I think this rather bizarre show has gone on long enough he can't actually stop now and go for accuracy. It's like he's trying to outlast common use of terms in philosophy and literature, which can take hundreds or even thousands of years to change if they do at all.

>> No.9898404

he finds leftist political problems to be rooted in postmodernism, so he rejects them at that level. I think his criticisms are only shallow in the sense that the more radical leftist politics are themselves engaged by people who only get postmodernist thinkers in a shallow way

>> No.9898410
File: 151 KB, 551x346, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who claimed he was a philosopher?
I guess if he is going to BTFO continental philosophy, I'd expect that he'd have to do so as a philosopher.

Canadian Identity Politics aren't too interesting to me. Pic related, actual, post-modern philosophy by Baudrillard. I fail to see how things like this are at all related to canadian legislation on transgenderism or other identity politics issues. Or how it at all is related to crimes of marxist political regimes.

It seems to me that JP means one thing by Post-modern Philosophy and actual post-modern philosophers mean the term to mean something entirely different.

>> No.9898422

>Peterson's basically willing to sound wrong to everyone who read postmodernism so he doesn't have to embrace the ego hit of saying "Fucking SJWs" every time he says "Bloody postmodernists"
that's all it is
he's embarassed to reveal his archenemies are princessdaisy from tumblr and MLPenises from deviantart

>> No.9898439

mlpenises is fucking genius domain name real estate. you should get on that dubsman

>> No.9898450

Its not even just the SJW. I'd say his actual enemy is in the form of Leftist Political parties. In the videos above, he spends a lot of time bashing governmental and business practices of race and gender quotes, of enforced equity and diversity. None of this is post-modern philosophy, which takes the forms of books and films and art objects. He's railing against a political opponent, but has decided that the actual source of his political opponent is some murky cabal of dead french philosophers.

Like, wouldn't the more obvious scapegoat be political figures like Martin Luther King Jr, or JFK, or pop culture phenomenons The Spice Girls or Disney?

You can't blame Derrida and Lyotard for diversity legislation.

>> No.9898465

>You can't blame Derrida and Lyotard for diversity legislation.
if he starts blaming actual poltiical entities (politicians, parties etc.) then it will be obvious that he's a rightwinger cause guess who's he gonna blame
and he doesn't like being called right wing, he thinks of himself as some kind of centrist probaly
or a "classical liberal"

>> No.9898480

>He's railing against a political opponent, but has decided that the actual source of his political opponent is some murky cabal of dead french philosophers.
It is a bit of a David Icke side-step alright. Most of what he hates is modernist in some respects (quotas, quasi scientific divisions as immutable facts, progressivism, mechanization of the human body into abstract and discrete parts without regard for environment or interplay), which would fit with being a Jungian, but then spazzing out about postmodernism makes no sense.

He really could have chosen so many other words; my best guess is an ex once told him he should read Beauvoir right before they broke up. Maybe he needs the dream she left him to become a feminist and not a serial lesbian childrapist

>> No.9898532

But all the threads are hate.

>> No.9898538

Watch his class lectures, pseud

>> No.9898585

ZzzZ the little mouse did and was snoring lightly in pleasant ways for the world. But when the little mouse ran it was into downtown and order some pizza. And go into arcades and play Dance Dance Revolution.What the mother said when the mouse told that he had beaten it's own high score and was now the best, the second, best the third best the fourth best the fith best and the sixth best and the sth best and 8th best and ninth best and 10th best in Dance Dance Revoluition, so exactly like before but now the average scoreof those 10 positions has risen but mamasaid: Junior Mouseboy why don't you read and write like our little brother but Junior Mouseboy was not to be messed with and deducted from that expression that his mother was threatening him with withdrawal of intimite affection so he showed her the could shoulder and walked on treetrunks floating in the river, always taing care to not fall into the stream filled with shiny fish wh's mouth made funny movements and stones and little insects who were killed often by big fish but many survived and also frogs perhaps but surely not baby frog poliwags. He felt: This is meditating, while balancing across the trunks on the stream and nothinking about anything but that and he said to the air which was tickling hisears:Wind perhaps i can utilize dance dance revolution as a...." he stopped thinking about it and laid down on the trunks which had now assembled into a ship with a woman at the front but she was made of wood which the mouse didn not understand but the sun was shining now and voices of people who lived as fisherman and fisherwoman reached Junior Mouseboys ears like music of babylon. In the water tehere was also oxgen.

There was a storm brewing. Junior Mouseboy had returneed home after these significant events and started nothing but rather decided that boredom was bliss and started doing jumping jacks on his bed. But then the mousehole was filled with poisonous gas by humans and they all died quickly and their corpses had rotten away quickly, more quickly than one would imagine. Little mouse skeletons were crumbling day for day in the hidden worlds behind the walls of various apartments. The dead mouses souls wandered into the abyyss named Nietzsche and there they danced.

The mice were stinking ut the water cleansed them.

This ritual is poetry.

Piano Music is for the souls the demon said and laughed uncontrollabl.

Jim Mpoisenpy had actually escaped the fire unlike the other mice and was now living inside a cornflake boxhe wrote on his walls "I don't want to die now or maybe not yesterday either." and prayed to the gods and that was that. The mouse lived his life as a responsible and methodical worker, earning serious amounts of money and doing the things people generally did.Honestly who could judge Junior Mouseboy for picking this path? Isn't it just wonderful that one can always find refugee in work? ii I don't ttrust people people said and Mouseboy Junior sang along, repeating th

>> No.9898596

>that awkward moment when the modernist shows up
tight, old chap?

>> No.9898683



>> No.9898828

really makes him think

>> No.9898857

/pol/ critique: He's a low test beta plugging the pharmaceutical Jew and shilling against based Dugin

/lit/ critique: Derridean deconstruction =/= postmodernism

>> No.9898868

>/lit/ critique: Derridean deconstruction =/= postmodernism[1]
[1] Except in cases where it does which are not relevant here.*
*Though the first element in itself is not relevant here either and so all cases are null [figure 7, p. 36].

>> No.9898916
File: 326 KB, 1024x1253, 1498345125512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i must post this picture whenever dugin is mentioned

>> No.9898941

Every single thing ever posted on this entire website is a god damned lie

>> No.9899061

This is quite interesting; widened my perspective.

I've read/am reading philosophy for the purposes of gaining ethical and moral perspective, maturing 'spiritually'. It's neat to think of philosophy for philosophy's sake.

"I don't see the point"
"There isn't one"

It's very silly and equally profound. It exists to exist.

>> No.9899114

That's Jordan Peterson in a fucking nutshell though. He whines on and on about postmodernism, but doesn't address any actual postmodern texts or authors except by vaguely namedropping Derrida once in a while. He has no actual argument against him. That's why his dipshit followers come here and complain about postmodernism even though they haven't read any postmodern texts.

The only reason why he is famous at all is because he's perceived as an authority figure who whined about gender pronouns.

>> No.9899230

Yeah, don't fall for utilitarianism. Philosophy can be more than a self-help book.

Also, to be intellectually open and honest, you have to hold out the possibility of pessimism. It could be that philosophy has nothing 'good' to offer. It could all be delusion. It could all be brainwashing. It might just lead to the destruction of all fixed morality (like JP fears).

And just because a philosophy is 'bad', doesn't mean it isn't a philosophy. It's also perfectly fine to study and investigate dangerous, evil, or 'wrong' philosophies. The act of studying philosophy can be purely intellectual. You don't need to approach philosophy from the perspective of deciding which are the 'right philosophies' and which are the 'wrong philosophies'.

JP does this, he (supposedly) knows all about post-modernism and the dangers of communism. He must have actually read the primary documents of these people. Right? Well, that'd be ideal anyway.

>> No.9899337

>It might just lead to the destruction of all fixed morality (like JP fears)
You're a retard

JP believes in archtypal morality and fawns over Nietzche, the scourge of fixed dogmatists

>> No.9899357

>whined about gender pronouns
He really didn't, he just didn't want to be forced to say something he didn't want to.

>> No.9899372

>defending JP
>calling other people pseuds

>> No.9899403

>don't fall for utilitarianism
Well, i'm still largely interested in the practical aspect. I can recognize the ''''value'''' of frivolous philosophy in the same way I can appreciate a poem or a sunset.

Frankly, i'm not so interested in the purely intellectual pursuit of philosophy. I won't disparage it, but I intend to mold my existence into an optimal one, to seize the reigns of my own destiny, to establish a legacy. I don't see any reason to start moving in a different direction now.

>> No.9899500

Sure, he believes in morality, but he also ascribes a lot of power to 'bad' philosophies. He thinks post-modern philosophy can destroy western culture and democracy. If philosophy can have negative outcomes, we should be cognizant of it.

I just wouldn't ask too much of philosophy. People who try to 'live philosophy' tend to be extremist terrorists, insurrectionary revolutionaries, or dull pragmatists, and generally obnoxious.

I have a friend who is utterly convinced of darwinian social theory and the objectivity of science, to the point where he claims he has zero regrets and wouldn't change any of his past actions, since he feels he lives objectively through pure logic. To me, it's just sociopathic. This dude regularly hurts the feelings of his brothers and his wife, through his inflexible, obnoxious, superiority complex. Things that should be group decisions, he'll decide unilaterally, since he believes his logic is infallible. Still a nice dude sometimes though.

My advice? When it comes to 'how to live life', just go with the flow and avoid upsetting people. Let philosophy be like tennis or painting. A diversion, a sport, an art. To make it solve all of your problems is probably an unreasonable demand.

>> No.9899603

>thinks postmodernism is fearing robots
This is the problem with people who criticize him for not understanding postmodernism. J pete is talking about the ideological movement, not pinecone and dfw.

>> No.9899738

Not really a /pol/ v /leftypol/ thing.
You're getting annoyed that people are making claims without immediately arguing their legitimacy, which is understandable, but I think you're off the mark blaming a leftist political mentality. It's simply imageboard culture. Most replies to the OP are not going to be fleshed out. You will see this on any thread on /lit/ and on any board - particularly /pol/.

t. rightist, don't accuse me of being a neomarxist or something

>> No.9899747

5-10% is pretty big anon. I think you just went full retard after letting yourself get triggered by the /pol/ poster.

>> No.9900300

>the ideological movement
the ideological movement had its peak around about the time your parents would have been virgins.
the problem with JP fags is that they really think that people who were fighting against the mechanization of society and knowledge have time travelled forward to the internet age to dye their hair blue and give up on robots and all the other features of postmodernism and focus mostly on canada. now, of course, maybe they are time travelling turncoats who abandoned the central core of the philosophical reaction to modernism, but i think there's a much bigger chance you're talking out of your ass and hoping that calling SJWs will make them postmodernists.

if that's the way you think it works, wanna eat some chocolate icecream from my ass? i promise it's really called chocolate icecream (*might be slightly different to all formulations of chocolate icecream ever accepted by the FDA, but then all the people you want to call post modernists don't fit that word's definition either)

think about this: postmodernism's biggest moment in the past 50 years or so happened in France when JP was an eight year old or so in Canada. what he's afraid of is like a someone who saw the moon landing as a kid being worried that NASA has now in 2017 gone too far with space exploration and should stop manned missions. it's a bit late to kill the already dead beast. like he's late by the stretch of your lifetime and then some.

>> No.9900477

I am aware that my model of how to handle myself and interact with others is a model.The goal of the model is to be as accurate as possible while also being as adaptable as possible. Acknowledging the model is a model and the world is too complex to fully comprehend is central (making it adaptable), followed by certain core ethics. (Honesty! Integrity!)

Philosophy, then, is to diversify thought and increase the complexity of the model.

>> No.9900493

And I don't think "avoid upsetting people" or "go with the flow" is good advice at all! Especially in today's climate, where people use "getting offended" to control dialogue and by extension, to be tyrannical.

This is /lit/, it's generally accepted here that the average person is an idiot. I won't let idiots dictate my behavior. Rather, I think that by modeling a better way I can hopefully inspire those around me to be better, and if they choose to heed the call to greatness they can, in turn, help to raise me up closer to my own ideals.

>> No.9900925

>And I don't think "avoid upsetting people" or "go with the flow" is good advice at all! Especially in today's climate, where people use "getting offended" to control dialogue and by extension, to be tyrannical.

Yeah, forget 'the dialogue' and don't get freaked out about how others believe stupid things. It's this kind of righteous indignation that is dangerous. You can get so swept up in your own beliefs, that a sense of superiority can develop.

Just pay your rent, eat some food, chill out, read some philosophy. Approaching literature from the perspective of changing yourself, or inspiring/changing others, will eventually just lead to disenchantment with literature and a devolution into petty grievance politics.

>> No.9900964


You do realize that Pragmatism has been around since before Peterson's parents were born, right? Just read Dewey and you'll see how paltry Peterson's "pragmatism" is.

>> No.9900994

Why is he called kermit?

>> No.9901007

He thinks that it's some kind of Marxist conspiracy to destroy his precious Western ~meaning~ traditions.

>> No.9901008

Lit is full of postmodernist disinfo agents

>> No.9901069

Do you fucking people even know what postmodernism is? IT'S A MODE OF CRITIQUE NOT A FUCKING POLITICAL MOVEMENT. Jesus fucking christ, JP himself uses postmodern techniques by critiquing/deconstructing the progress narrative that the mainstream left has internalized, but he doesn't really understand what he's trying to do because he has triple-enriched weapons-grade aspergers.

>> No.9901132

Too defeatist for me.

I don't think attempting to better yourself/the world necessitates a superiority complex. I acknowledge that I am deeply flawed, it's only by accepting my flaws in the first place that I've been able to come this far; before I was willing to admit it to myself I couldn't work on fixing them. And I'll tell you h'wat, I had a superiority complex before, when I was pathetic and shameful and full of self-loathing.

>> No.9901418

>he uses terms like "postmodernism" in really nebulous and nonstandard ways that make it difficult to pin down what it is he is saying.

Thats because Post-Modernism, by its nature, cannot be clearly defined and is a deliberately subversive philosophy

>> No.9901424

Rate my Traits

Openness - 75
Conscientiousness - 13
Extraversion - 1
Agreeableness - 63
Neuroticism - 99 (fucking lol)

IQ - 125 (approx)
Verbal intelligence 94th percentile

I'm a massively underachieving, suicidal basket case who still lives with his mother and completely fucking unsorted

>> No.9901465
File: 48 KB, 899x350, b5 14617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do i get more concientious?
It's my greatest flaw, apart from overthinking everything

>> No.9901480

being extremely disagreeable is common to values as well senpai.

>> No.9901507

>being extremely disagreeable is common to values as well senpai
I'm pretty tired anon but i can't understand

>> No.9901776
File: 42 KB, 374x490, 1500428989048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cites the summary instead of the actual pomo text

>> No.9902817

>Post-Modernism, by its nature, cannot be clearly defined
You know you just admitted you're missing all of philosophy from Heidegger to Derrida, and proved nothing else right? Postmodernism isn't up for grabs, and I don't know why you think you'll change that when Derrida didn't get to mumble his way out of title despite being a god-tier mumbler. Postmodernism can be and is clearly defined and if you want to sound like you at least read the wikipedia page on it, I'd suggest starting there.

>> No.9903450

Seriously, this book is awful, it tries to cover so much ground so it looks exhaustive but only manages to offer interpretative cliches. Avoid.

>> No.9903517
File: 1.58 MB, 1693x2461, Peterson comments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vicarious embarrassment

>> No.9903523

No, all the threads are "what's with all the Peterson hate?"

>> No.9903561

Didn't you read the post? Leftists always project. They also use other defense mechanisms--always. Thus, this is a left/right issue.

>> No.9903589

>Leftists always project

>> No.9903597

He's the conservative Alain de Botton

>> No.9903991
File: 40 KB, 587x316, jordan b peterson is a moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it's the fact that /pol/sheviks are transparently shilling his shit here 24/7 while making it painfully obvious that they never read a single fucking book he talks about. It doesn't help that he's a pseudo-intellectual that regurgitates Philosophy 101 without adding anything of his own, and since rightwingers never read a book since they dropped out of high school, they think he's the new Socrates dispensing unheard-of wisdom and they're his zealous pupils. Making idiots feel smart is a guaranteed way to success, as shown by his Patreon putting to shame those of all clownhaired SJW tarts combined.

>> No.9903994

hi alt left

>> No.9904001 [DELETED] 

>the alt left

dude, this is the rebranding communists have always been to stupid to figure out for themselves, you can't go around in america claiming to be a god damn communist and get any traction, but if you say you are "alt-left" then you have a chance, they should thank trump, suddenly the narrow centrist political discourse in america just a got a little wider

>> No.9904005

Back to Weird Twitter with you.

>> No.9904006 [DELETED] 

>dude, this is the rebranding communists have always been too stupid to figure out for themselves, you can't go around in america claiming to be a god damn communist and get any traction, but if you say you are "alt-left" then you have a chance, they should thank trump, suddenly the narrow centrist political discourse in america just a got a little wider

(reposted to fix typo, can't call leftists stupid and have a poorly typed text)

>> No.9904013

I see more obnoxious hate here than support. His detractors even go so far as to tell blatant lies and attempt to lump him in with white supremacists.

Most people here hate him because he's more intelligent than them and doesn't happen to be a leftist clown..

>> No.9904021

>hi alt left
dude, this is the rebranding communists have always been too stupid to figure out for themselves, you can't go around in america claiming to be a god damn communist and get any traction, but if you say you are "alt-left" then you have a chance, they should thank trump, suddenly the narrow centrist political discourse in america just a got a little wider

>> No.9904032

It's in the post.

>> No.9904039

don't be so sure

>> No.9904234

There is no longer hope for you. You have sealed your fate. You will forever be trapped in a vaguely humanist mindset. You could have read Nick Land, but nooooooo.

>> No.9904248

Funny how Baudrillard was probably the most socially conservative out of famous postmodernists.

>> No.9904256

David "Kegan stage 5.1" Chapman is better for that.

>> No.9904425

"Cultural Marxism" is a fairly useful term. Worldviews that amount to Marxism with workers replaced with women, ethnic minorities, or some other group definitely exist, and calling them <modifier> Marxism is fair. Unfortunately, most people who use the term "Cultural Marxism" are dolts, so using it signals dullness by association. This means that it is a liability to use in a context where you have no established positive reputation, like on an anonymous imageboard, unless you are willing to put extra effort in your posts for little expected gain.

>> No.9904437

what statue is this

the statue would have to be hitler himself for this kind of behavior to not be disgusting

>> No.9904440

>This dude regularly hurts the feelings of ... his wife
Probably good for his marriage.

>> No.9904455

>the statue would have to be hitler himself for this kind of behavior to not be disgusting
hitler is a huge part of history, there should be a statue of him in every european country and the US
heritage not hate

>> No.9904474

If you aren't already, have you considered becoming a girl (male)? You have the OCEAN traits for it.

>> No.9904497

similar big 5 traits to me man. thats incredibly low extraversion though i must say.

>> No.9905038

For anyone interested, and in particular if he wants a Marxist take on the pomo matter, there's a shorter piece by Fredric Jameson, 'Postmodernism and Consumer Society' (like in Don Delillo's books), published in Modernism/Postmodernism by Longman (1992). So that you won't think his Marxism bars him from sound thinking, consider a bit lie
>A Generation ago there was still a technical discourse of professional philosophy [...] alongside which one could still distinguish that quite different discourse of the other academic disciplines [...]. Today, increasingly, we have a kind of writing simply called theory [which], generally associated with France and so-called French theory, is becoming widespread and marks the end of philosophy as such. Is the work of [Foucault], for example, to be called philosophy, history, social theory or political science? It's undecidable [...]; and I would suggest that such 'theoretical discourse' is also to be numbered among the manifestations of postmodernism.
In other words, the postmodernism he explores is not monolithic, and I'd say his essay is a good read even if his attitude towards it and what he perceives as its prime literary manifestation, pastiche, is rather pessimistic all the way through.

>> No.9905042

a bit like*

>> No.9905183

>It'd be really nice if I could make a thread about Baudrillard with out people virtue signalling that they are better than postmodernism.
archive link or you're a lying faggot

>> No.9905201

do you think that the population will just freeze at that level? are you really that stupid?

>> No.9905205

>emperor constantine was the first to make the christian religion a state religion because it was useful in many ways to consolidate and legitimate his position of power
but why was christianity in that position and not any of the other foreign cults that Romans followed?

>> No.9905215

you should watch this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07Ys4tQPRis

>> No.9905243

>what a true invasion

I genuinely hope you or your family members will experience the full majesty of their diversity in the future.

>> No.9905251

i've not read derrida but according to wikipedia he's a deconstructivist, post-structuralist who probably endorses reader-response criticism. some sort of extreme product of nominalism.

that philosophy does seem to underpin a lot of the arguments for stuff like diversity quotas by denying the validity of merit as a concept.

>> No.9905252

This, the comments on his videos are so cringey I cant take it.

>> No.9905257

>tfw 2% agreeableness
at least now i know why i have no friends

>> No.9905259

nah cuz then normies think you're the evil counterpart to the alt right

>> No.9905310 [DELETED] 

One reason, I think, is that actually intelligent people never fell, in the first place, into the traps that Peterson tries to help people out of. Actually intelligent people were never intellectually damaged by SJWs in the first place. All that stuff ran off them like water off a duck's back. It was irrelevant - there were more important things to do and think about. And the alt-right clowns were always viewed as beyond contempt.
Peterson tries to guide people through obstacles that intelligent people never had any difficulty with to begin with.
I've never read a single word of Peterson or watched a single one of his videos. However, my second-hand acquaintance with his work is enough for me to put forward this theory.

>> No.9905334

>Peterson tries to guide people through obstacles that intelligent people never had any difficulty with to begin with.
Don't even listen to Peterson but those are some big implications, my man.

>> No.9905338

He's a third-rate psychologist LARPing as a philosopher and he's fucking awful at it.

He says the most retarded nonsense, for example:

>Proof itself, of any sort, is impossible, without an axiom (as Godel proved). Thus faith in God is a prerequisite for all proof

>> No.9905344

Coz he sounds like Kermit.
Also, you're full of shit. I hate Beterson out of spite for his poor analysis of postmodernism and Marxism, as well as the fact that he conflates the two, using Soldierschnitzel as his only argument when he was a fascist who lied about the Soviet Union.

>> No.9905348

Peterson utterly destroyed Foucault the Fag

>> No.9905404

Peterson is an emotional cripple, an intellectually dishonest blowhard. He's like a broken-brained clock that's right twice a day (about the gender pronouns), but otherwise has nothing to add to any debate. Peterson's mytho-salad Joseph Campbellian douchebaggery is legendary, and the fact that /lit/ can't see through this charlatan speaks volumes. Go peddle your "rescue your Daddy" men's rights bullshit pseudo-intellectual crap elsewhere, "bucko". We don't misunderstand our religious traditions, we fucking reject them. Ask this sexist fuck how his relationships with women are going.... oh, wait, he doesn't have any, because he's alienated them all.

>> No.9905405

Hate? There are more threads like yours than there are actual hate threads. Most people are simply annoyed of hearing about him. He might be a fine professor and psychologist, but his work isn't remarkable enough to warrant such frequent discussion. If it weren't for the political controversy that put him in the spotlight, none of us would know of him.

>> No.9905410

Jordan Peterson is a hack who launched his career off of lying about a bill and normalizing Nazi-propaganda terms like "cultural Marxism."

>> No.9905456

>Like, I don't like JP. I don't like Harry Potter either.

cringe...ohh that is bad. reddit spacing too. nice

>> No.9905519
File: 1.01 MB, 501x529, 1493440317576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't misunderstand our religious traditions, we fucking reject them.
>Ask this sexist fuck how his relationships with women are going.... oh, wait, he doesn't have any, because he's alienated them all.
is this pasta?

>> No.9905524

i dont think ive heard him use the term. link?