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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.3763690 [View]

Because the final sacrifice for sins (Christ) has taken place and God will not allow himself to be mocked in this manner.

>> No.3763633 [View]

God is one in being and three in person. He is one in being, not divided.

>> No.3763623 [View]

"God is one in the Trinity."

"No he isn't."

We just end up back where I pointed out at the beginning >>3763554

This is a matter that is spiritually discerned.

>> No.3763603 [View]

>The entire Torah, each word is true.

Perhaps this context-less approach is what caused your misunderstandings.

>Even if a man claims to be G-d, that is not possible. By definition a man is limited, and G-d cannot be limited Himself.

The second person of the Trinity was not limited by becoming man as still possessed his divine nature. He remained fully God.

>If you believe in the trinity then it does.

In what way? God is one. There is one divine nature.

>> No.3763586 [View]

>"The L-rd He is G-d; there is none else besides Him,"

Also this does not contradict Christ's Godhood. There is only one God.

>> No.3763582 [View]

>"G-d is not a man," (Bamidbar 23:19).

Leaving sentences incomplete are we? "God is not a man, that he should lie." God does not possess the sinful propensities of fallen man.

>> No.3763569 [View]

>You're not reasoning though. Tell me by what right did Jesus have to claim that we can abandon G-d's law?

1. The law did not pass away. Mt. 5:18

2. His authority as God.

>> No.3763554 [View]

The lost cannot be reasoned with.

1 Cor. 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

>> No.3763540 [View]

>Chazal has more authority than Jesus will ever have.

Hell awaits, Jewish dog, and you will be without excuse.

>> No.3763528 [View]

Your father the devil abode not in truth, neither do his emissaries which guide you.

>> No.3763523 [View]

Is that what nonsense Satan teaches his children to blather?

>> No.3763502 [View]


I'll pray for your soul.

>> No.3763477 [View]

>...and your point is?

That the Bible is not merely a work of literature. I would disagree that most people are familiar with it on any meaningful level.

>> No.3763460 [View]

Then said Great-heart to Mr. Valiant-for-truth, Thou hast worthily behaved thyself; let me see thy sword; so he shewed it him.

When he had taken it in his hand, and looked thereon a while, he said, Ha! It is a right Jerusalem blade.

Valiant: It is so. Let a man have one of these blades, with a hand to wield it, and skill to use it, and he may venture upon an Angel with it. He need not fear its holdings, if he can but tell how to lay on. Its edges will never blunt. It will cut flesh, and bones, and soul, and spirit and all.

>> No.3763398 [View]
File: 19 KB, 300x225, $(KGrHqVHJE!FCdTTHToHBQp7Efd2-Q~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of a recent reprinting of it to give you some idea of the size.

>> No.3763373 [View]

If you have the stomach for it I'd suggest to you Joseph Caryl's 12 volume work "Practical Observations on Job."

>> No.3763368 [View]

What makes you think that I have not read the Bible in its entirety?

>> No.3763324 [View]

The Bible of course.

If I had to choose something else it would be probably be Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion but I'm not sure. There are other dogmatic works that would be similarly edifying.

>> No.3763197 [View]

>there's an eternity beyond

This acknowledgement is all that is necessary to understand why the sentiment in question is not Christian, as far as I see it. The statement implies a finality of death and pointlessness of life which I think is clear to most people who use it.

>> No.3763167 [View]

Also it is a pessimistic, which is not Christian. Christianity is a religion of hope.

>> No.3763162 [View]

The sentiment of, "Life's a bitch and then you die." is not Christian. It's acknowledgment of suffering and death is not counterbalanced with the joy experienced by the redeemed and eternal bliss or torment of those in the afterlife. Our temporary stay on this Earth is often painful, and it will come to an end, but there is yet eternity beyond it.

>> No.3763136 [View]

It's deplorable that nonsense like this has become so widely believed in this age.

>> No.3763083 [View]

It's not surprising that you feel compelled to self-murder. You are living in rebellion against your Creator, defying the guidance set forth to lead you in right paths. The wages of sin are death, and it is interesting how those who wallow in their sinfulness often feel inclined to bring this punishment upon themselves, perhaps as some subconscious acknowledgement of their wrongdoing. Your life will not be right unless you repent of your sinfulness and turn for forgiveness towards Jesus Christ, and bow down in obedience to God. Accept your intended position in life and your problems will be set right by the divine comfort only the Holy Spirit may bring to your troubled soul. Such is the only path to fulfillment in this wretched world. Tarry not in your vanity and humbly accept the Truth which calls out to you, to the emptiness in your heart and life.

>> No.3762929 [View]

If you ever want to know anything on the subject, ask I'll try to answer it if I can.

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