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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1658401 [View]

my indescribably thick skull won't understand how any group of people can be called a race. where is the racing track?

>> No.1658381 [View]

this is patented nonsense. please leave.

>> No.1658354 [View]

Formula 1 is a race. The Hebrews are ancient east-mediterranean people

>> No.1658352 [View]

he also talks to himself a lot which means he is a rather lonely and sad person. And with a vague definition of colonialism that he employs he could just as well be battering the negroes of zimbabwe in his missionary fervour - "stop bantu colonialism!" this could be a wonderful white power slogan. do you support anticolonialism or are you a negro-loving communist pig?
spoken seriously now, one of the things the historical decolonisation had acchieved was keeping all the subjugated peoples from gaining voting rights in england, portugal or france. compare Reunion, which is still French, with Madagascar and tell me again how anticolonialism is supposed to be noble.

>> No.1658313 [View]

no, you are thinking about nascar.

>> No.1658309 [View]

>An apartheid policy is not allowing people to become citizens
hence 100% of all legal systems should be seen as an apartheid?

>> No.1658300 [View]

>and notice you used "we." it's so internalized.
of course. And you should internalise it as well. There are the Jews - a group singled out in nazi, tsarist and israeli law - and there are the Israelis, citizens of Israel. Unless your aim is to annoy strangers on the internets you, too, should internalise the difference.

>> No.1658285 [View]

are you some kind of a hippie that you have pipe dreams? either you are into politics or you smoke your peace pipes and whatnot.

even as a small anon you can do agitation and propaganda against religious and national prejudice in your immediate friend circle. it does wonders. raise the right issues. it's little-to-nothing but is still better than apathy.

but first, of course, you will have to understand the quid pro quo a little better than what was already told in paul mccarthy lyrics.

>> No.1658270 [View]

>please. no one said anything about reversing colonialism. we can't very well kick everyone out of north america, can we?
take a tripcode. i could have sworn that you claimed to "oppose" something that you understand under "colonialism".
so it includes the us americans? what about the romance speakers in romania? also "colonialism in action"? do you oppose their existence as well? what about mohammed's "imperialism"? by the sound of it, it is still fun to you to wallow in semantics. have you just discovered schopenhauer's eristics? or maybe other silly little manual on rhetoric?

>> No.1658220 [View]

>I oppose colonialism in all forms all throughout history
very noble. good luck purging the anglosaxons from britain.

>> No.1658213 [View]

>jews on the otherhand have the idea that they are a distinct race.
yes, tell us more about ourselves. ideas appear and go whenever they're needed. during the bartholomy night pogroms in paris even protestantism was claimed to spoil the blood for generations.

>> No.1658201 [View]

nobody asked the jews. there were a few crazies like the stern gang in israel and when the brits saw how their empire is crumbling they used the jewish refugees as cannon fodder between the arabs. germany, on the other hand, needed israel to buy an indulgence. america needed germany to buy one so it could rearm to fend the commies away.

A plenty of people weren't fine with that. ben gurion, for instance. some other person even sent a bomb to konrad adenauer.

>> No.1658168 [View]

again, how many divisions do you have?
nobody questions your noble notions. it's just that ideologies that are depend on powers that be.
What's wrong about the Apartheid? or: how is it any more wrong that all the other extant borders?

>> No.1658134 [View]

to quote Stalin, how many divisions does this benedict have?
>the jewish right of return. that is the crux of the issue isn't it? whether or not these "people" (if they can be defined as a unified people) have the right to settle in a land generations removed from them.
the crux of the issue is much more complicated. israel is not their land because there once was a judea - there is no way you could proove the Chinese, Ethiopian and Polish Jews have more to do with folks involved in events described by Josephus than, say, the average citizen of modern Syria. - the original zionists, under herzl, just wanted to run away somewhere (africa, south america) before it is too late. after it already was too late the world suddenly turnt generous and allowed the zionists to build a nation if they did it in israel pissing off the arabs and keeping a republic of 300 millions from appearing on our oil.
Germany bought it's indulgence from Israel and everyone involved in Siemens, BMW or any other German corporation was now bound to support Jewish Zionist Nationalism in it's most radical forms
paying kikes and gyppos or even slavs would have driven germany bancrupt. since they paid a national abstraction they need the jewish nation state to exist as such; hence the right of return.
now, in soviet tradition western leftists tend to get pissy with this exact national state over all the other. they support arab nationalists and not, say, a universal jus solis or common property or whatnot. why?
nobody cares about the people who die trying to get into spain or into the usa. how is it different from the people who die trying to get israel go away?
by supporting palestinian nationalists we just support a different jus sanguis.

>> No.1658100 [View]

>be raise as a blood thirsty bolshevik
>meeting a cutesy blonde well-to-do boy
>parents forbid me to see him because he's a baptist and might draw me in

>> No.1658090 [View]

>The problem with /new/ wasn't what was being discussed, it was the act that it was impossible to have a conversation without it turning into a white power thread.
israel has a mostly white flag. it would fit.
>so tell me, is the "right to return" justifiable in any way shape or form?
whose "right of return"? do you have the patience to listen? perhaps you are trolling?

>> No.1658085 [View]

out of pure curiosity, your "country" is what? i can't understand a "country" is supposed to be. there is a government and you can be it's subject or it's citizen. I am for intance a citizen of austria. by nuremberg racial laws i am also a jew. would israel now be "my country"?

>> No.1658072 [View]

>I suspect this is the kind of thread that popped up there all the time
and it's not just the topic. lit, all of the sudden, lost all manners.

>> No.1658065 [View]

>And strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up a crowd full of people who had nothing to do with anything isn't brutal or savage at all.
Now that we agree that killing people is wrong we must also find a compromise that would make both sides disarm.
I agree with Khaddafi and Ben Gurion - it must be a united secular state where the uniting enemy is prejudice, religious and national. Have all the fancy rockets hit both shas and hamas.

>> No.1658033 [View]

>Sincerely, Israel.
the Israelis are not responsible for the amount of prejudice they have amassed during all the years of sectarian warfare. If I'd have a word with someone it would be the nations responsible for the holocaust. Today they play gandhi and try to chide both sides. I say the pope must be moved from the Vatican to settle down both displaced Jews and Arabs.
The first state to recognize nazi Germany was the Holy See. The first Agreement ever met with Hitler was the Reichskonkordat and that is just one example. Why should the Arabs suffer? Here i agree with antizionists.
The Palestinians claim the property they still have owned before the first Arabo-Israeli war. The israelis just got dealt that rag of desert dealt to by the British and the other Western States to keep the Arabs from uniting.
Even as a zionist you cannot appeal to what supposedly happened 2000 years ago. If land claims could be made on basis of ancient maps we would indeed be in state of a perpetual warre.
The Israelis just do not have another dreg of land they could call home. It's not about the holiness at all or else why would we keep the cave of patriarchs to the PA? There is no other place they could go. They were used and abused but it's better than nothing.
Nothing is what the gyppos have today.

>> No.1658006 [View]

>I would expect them to realise that two wrong don't make a right.
Write that to shimon peres perhaps the wrongs will cease.
>I.E- the situation is entirely fucked up. But completely reversing everything for the sake of a population half the size of the one being displaced is not a viable option.
If you are the squatter the rule of law is not "viable", of course. But I don't think you are actually israeli. You seem a lot more like an American Jew to me because bigotry and national prejudice is still rampant in the USA. What difference does it make to you if the brutal savages who throw stones at women they perceive as whores wear big black hats and kippot or the kuffiyeh?

>> No.1657978 [View]

>France has always followed the jus soli doctrine, not jus sanguini like the Germans;
Everybody did in the middle ages.
Now no one does except perhaps the Islamic Republic of Iran.
by the sound of it you must be American. Along with Brazil and New Zeal your country kept the Jus Solis for the by far the longest time. Time to revert?

>> No.1657962 [View]

>If the Canadian government took my house and gave it to you
how would you react? how do you expect a disinherited refugee to react?

>> No.1657943 [View]

>That land that was given to them by the Romans, after the Romans crucified and kicked out the Jews from their homeland?
Or that land that was taken away from Kanaanites after killing them all. ^^

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