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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22600041 [View]

Proof physics and calculus was stolen from the black man

>> No.22508905 [View]

I didn't know Tescos was closing on Wednesdays. Well, goodness, if your friends in their jeans and bomber jackets aren't there for you to stand around with drinking beer perhaps you could take a merry skip down to the local shelter and make some more friends?

when I'm alone I usually eat my kibble, tear open the kibble bag and eat until i'm sick, and trash the house and bark at my reflection until Sir and Madame returns.

i would highly recommend this as a pasttime

>> No.22508894 [View]
File: 117 KB, 488x497, cest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what the bigger lawl is; you insisting that that the Greeks were Sogdian Camel Merchants or that you yourself desire to be a Sogdian Camel Merchant.

>> No.22508877 [View]

keep repeating this mantra, chadwick, you're on the road to convincing yourself.

>> No.22506152 [View]

>(poster uses the word COPE)
>(posting dumb christian stuff)

why am i not surprised

>> No.22503598 [View]

It's me - Hi! I'm the problem - it's me.

>> No.22503045 [View]

I'm gay.

>> No.22503039 [View]

I don't understand how this website works please be patient

>> No.22503037 [View]

ha wow, only took you 3 months to realize you could copy my username - real geniuses on the 1488 team

but for reals neils, nigga jigga shigga, refute this:>>22503027 cos i'm going to sleep ;D

>> No.22503034 [DELETED]  [View]

I'm trans btw

>> No.22503031 [View]

did they call you over from/pol/? that would explain the gap in the stream of spam

>> No.22503030 [View]

I have schizophrenia... sorry for shitting up this thread... I get mad when people call me retarded

>> No.22503027 [View]

>(list of non-sequiturs which would take an essay to pick apart)
honestly this is getting boring again, nice job showing your high IQ tho

LSS: refute this and I'll believe you: >>22502975 >>22502965

epic weeeen! kek

>> No.22503025 [View]

I'm a gay homosexual who forgot to take his medication today
sorry guys

>> No.22503015 [View]

>(is broken and worn out, can't respond directly to arguments or questions, utters last death cry of "COPE!")

"hitlers germany had more free speech than america!"

>> No.22502992 [View]


back to last on-topic thing said
>disagree with none this except that the theme of the totalitarianism is portrayed as coming from "a leader" which is the hallmark of western propaganda; 84 is far from an accurate portrayal of the chaos and genocide perpetuated by leaderless anarchic democracies - and the psych going on in their peer conformity.
>this was the only point i was trying to raise in this thread. BNW comes a bit closer in that the genocide and chaos goes on in the background rather than so overtly under martial dictatorship, but fails to portray the reality by comparison to an earlier work, see img.

>> No.22502990 [View]

oh well, whatever no response trolls, i don't mind periodically riding down on my little horse and kicking in your filthy shacks. it's a fact of life to have to thin the herd now and again.

SIR knight, at your service

>> No.22502979 [View]

how so? are you using this as a buzzword? i've been very clear in what i've been saying throughout this, in spite of having to argue against multiple masked 'anons'

>> No.22502975 [View]

is this... >>22502841
>If a minority of tarded american 'ethno-fascists' are telling me to "kill myself" for asking them to "stay on topic" why should I not go after them? they're harming 'my' ability to have fun conversations with smarter people by creating a toxic environment.
...really so hard to believe is 100% of my motivation?

threads being derailed by rando /pol/ trolls interrupting to do do the same old verbal abuse is 'fucking' dull to me.

>> No.22502965 [View]

"bring this on myself" - i'm not upset by this, anon, i grew up doing this kind of thing as a kid, it's like trolling .2 to me lol

Look, I simply say "stay on topic" "argue the subject" "don't resort to ad hom, stay on topic", and all of this abuse comes my way from the same old actors. Doesn't matter if it's me or someone else, I guess most other people can't be bothered to challenge you guys on this.

>> No.22502951 [View]

trying to shame me into not replying? you must be getting tired or running out of canned responses, anon, what's up? you can just repeat the non-sequiturs you've been using, nobody will notice.

>> No.22502946 [View]

>reddit spacing
o yeah i forgot that one: you go online, find people writing in complete sentences and you try to shame them for doing that.

what's that all about?

>> No.22502940 [View]

again, you're using the words all wrong and projectin' your own actions, so this obviously means nothing to me.

i dont know what simple problem you have about being called out for making off-topic posts..? you're the ones doing this 24/7 and everyone knows this already.

taking away your ability to be 'anon' would solve the problem entirely, then it'd be veyr obvious that 90% of the mindless abuse on this place was coming from the same 5 or so people.

>> No.22502932 [View]

>(can do this in AMERUIKA)
actually no, bullying and stalking people online or offline with repeated harassment "encouraging" suicide is still an offense under US Federal and plenty of county Law(s).

but way to go championing free speech while being the biggest threat to it, dingus, only in america with the corn syrup is the brain that rotted out.

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