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>> No.4055820 [View]

23 standard drinks

>> No.4055793 [View]

Lukacs on the social function of art. And why would I criticise LoTR for racism, instead of being shit?

ps: LoTR's anti worker attitude and little Englandism is far more disturbing than Aryan Elf syndrome

>> No.4055488 [View]

Oh good, so it is only reactionary.

>> No.4055482 [View]

Do you even exchange labour power for wage?

I know I do.

I'm dependent upon it for my subsistence.

Because I'm alienated from control over the productive forces.

>> No.4055467 [View]

Substitutionalism is a continuous theme throughout Lenin's work, and the argument for why is that the working class cannot achieve more than an "in-itself" trade union consciousness. Even in periods when Lenin vacillated from this line, such as between 1913 and 1918, his movement was minute; in terms of the need to incorporate more workers into the party. There's no way in which the party acts as the vanguard _of_ the class. It acts as an intellectual vanguard _for_ the class in Lenin's work. From 1918 onwards, the relationship of the Bolshevik party to the factory councils was one of mobilisation and deceit, rather than, for example, the CCP's relationships of embedment and learning from in Yan'an. The climax of this can be seen in the end of War Communism and the declaration of the NEP which came directly from the Party, and did not involve consultation with the organs of actual class power in the factory councils. The excuse that "the cream of the class had been dissipated in struggle" is hollow, there is no substitute comprised of intelligentsia, former state bureaucrats and former capitalists that can act as the class in power for itself.

>> No.4055464 [View]

I would appreciate it if you talk about the Yan'an period, and the relationship of the Party and the Class in Maoism. In particular, the unique findings Maoism brings to the problems of organising the class when in the minority socially.

>> No.4055453 [View]

Trotsky was just as brutal in his disciplining of oppositionalists in the Bolshevik party; until he became one. And suddenly in opposition he had no allies... strange that given that he purged his potential allies...

>> No.4055452 [View]

>I actually never heard of workism up until today. Sound a little like De Leonism
A bit. De Leon when he was most syndicalist started to touch on the centrality of workers experience... As interpreted by De Leon himself.

Workerists generally view the class itself as the repository of knowledge, and view themselves as fish amongst a school of fish. They're very big on the actual micro-structure of work, as if Capital I is a manual of how to fuck things up for the boss.

Many workerists came out of Leninisms in Italy, Trotskyisms in the US, Syndicalisms / Councilisms in the UK, and (afaik) the Australian thing comes out of Stalinism and Anarchism; with a bit of respect for Australian Maoism thrown in.

The fastest way for a post-Bolshevik communist to get their head around Workerism/Autonomism is to read "Lenin in England" (marxists.org). It has the distinctive "taste" of workerism.

>> No.4055446 [View]

>Very nice. Is it possible to give a tl;dr on the Stalinist/Trotskyite solution to

By 1921 the Party had repeatedly demonstrated that fractions of the party would align with the proletariat in crisis. Not only the Workerist Communists, Left SRs, urban Anarchists, Makhnovists, Left Communists and Workers Opposition, but also local branches as at Kronstadt.

This was deeply problematic. At the same time a number of power blocs faced off within the Party over control over the state. A "rightist" bloc around Bukharin who favoured expansion of capitalism. A left-opportunist bloc around Trotsky. A centrist-opportunist bloc. And then a just plain opportunist bloc around Stalin.

While each took different positions on the line, the most important factor was power struggles for control over the state and society. Which meant to control and discipline the party itself.

Lenin substituted the Party for the Proletariat.
Stalin and Trotsky substituted the Party Centre for the Party.

(One crime Mao himself did not replicate, could not actually.)

>> No.4055438 [View]

I left out Anarchism. Anarchism mostly needs to be considered as the abused wife of Marxism.

Anarcho-Syndicalism & Sorel
IWWism (not an anarchism, not a Marxism, def revolutionary)

Also, I folded a fair number of groups in under "Workerism" some of whom might resent that. Castoriadas probably would have. Solidarity UK might have.

>> No.4055431 [View]

Also, I was calling out the nature of the academic workforce; not fully specifying the nature of the proletariat.

>> No.4055429 [View]

Reformism views Marxism as a scientific theory, requiring the productive forces to increase until the classes' own consciousness reflects this reality, and parliament is dominated by a workers party who then modifies capitalism.

Kautsky, AustroMarxism, Hilferding.

Maybe the working class as they are now is important after all:


But they're too stupid, the Party has to do it for them.
(What is to be done, Left-wing communism..., State and Revolution)

But the party is too dumb too...
Bukharin's various works, Trotsky's own works, Stalin's Short Course and On Linguistics.

Actually, you know, you're fucking wrong about almost everything Stalin; because you don't understand the dialectic. This understanding would fill your form with substance.
Mao On Contradictions
En Lai's Yellow Book

Stalinist Reformism
Nagy New Course

IVeme Internationale splitters
Schachmanites: Off into the bourgesoisie
Cliffites: Maybe if we critique the state hard enough we can reinvigorate Lenin (quite popular)
Cannonites (rare): Maybe if we kill enough microsects around us we might get big like Lenin
Johnson-Forrest: actually... about that class.

Left-Wing Communists / Councilists / Bordigists:

Generally the theme here is a return to constituent elements of class consciousness as revolutionary praxis.

Post-Maoists 1 (3rd worldists)
First world workers are fucked, we'd better do it ourselves.

Post-Maoists 2
Actually we might need to apply that theory on contradictions and from-to-from to the immediate working class at work around us.

Post-Maoists 3
Foquista Bullshit Time. (Brigado Rossi)

>> No.4055424 [View]

It is a matter of relations of production, as always, with class.

Junior Academics, in particular precariously employed staff, but also the junior half of "tenured" staff have almost no job control. Senior members of staff have immense job control over their own exertion. This has changed over time, and is further changing, as the job control of senior staff is eroded. But such change is generational in nature; as recent Junior staff become more senior, they still lack effective job control

>> No.4055408 [View]

Workerism as in the early Italian Autonomists, or Johnson-Forrest. Factory floor class studies, anti-substitutionalist, ignores parliament, pro council. Why don't you give a summary of the major theoretical works of Maoism and the general bent of Maoist theory?

I identify As workerist because only the class itself can compose its consciousness in struggle. (Leninist parties composed of the class can obviously transfer learning internally, but only if the party is within and of the class; not separate to the class.)

>> No.4055399 [View]

Keep this thread alive and I'll provide some potted summaries in a couple of hours.

>> No.4054738 [View]

>And Bourdieu.

I see what you did there. Bourdieu is an answer to a question that only appears for Weberrians or Marxists who have slumped off the path towards Bethlehem and gotten drunk at Weber's road side stand of intersectional determinations.

>> No.4054732 [View]

In Wind in the Willows, "God" in the form of the spirit of the forest enforces racial hierarchies through a system of universal "care." (If Badger just tore your weasel heart out screaming bloody fucking murder, well, you're unlike to see God's care in this, but be fucked to you.)

Does Redwall have god? Because if it doesn't then it shifts immanently from merely reactionary to fascistic.

>> No.4053065 [View]

How much of a dumb cunt do you think I am, mate?

>> No.4053050 [View]


Buying a book on Historiography from a guy who was kicked around town for fundamental failings in reading and interpretation by the entire Australian historiographical community.

Yeah sure.

Go back to >>>/pol/ Windschuttle.

>> No.4053039 [View]

oh fuck it, have some pre-Marx (from a cartoonist):
And did those feet in ancient time.
Walk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land
--"Would to God that all the Lord's people were Prophets"

>> No.4053032 [View]

Check the name field. Central and Eastern european political poetry are underrated by Western lyricism obsessed pretards.

>> No.4052999 [View]

I like Wazyk's poem for adults
I like Mayakovsky
I like Plath's poems

>> No.4052993 [View]


Old Kazza still has the baby juice in him.

>> No.4052982 [View]

Your interpretation wasn't bad, but the arguments you used were.
Exactly, the desire to read _all_ available sources to come to a conclusion is a good one. Until you start learning that the context of one document is _every_ document. So then you need a plan to control contexts, and that's where hermeneutics comes in.

Then it gets messy. You realise that you need an argument to _pre-read_ the contexts to determine what contexts are relevant, because a non-argumentative reading plan will result in a waste of time, and worse, inappropriate contexts.

If I want to talk about the history of cats in New Zealand I don't start by reading on Vladivostok prostitution. But what _argument_ supports me in that?

Why should class be a useful account of the experience of the mass of people in capitalism?


You can't even _start reading_ without a bias. Even before you start reading biased documents.

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